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25.02.2007, 10:11 #1Smrtnik
Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
I would like to ask, if anyone know how could I change language from german to english. I bought Acer notebook in Austria with preinstalled Vista Home Premium, but it's in german. Is there any way to change language or get somewhere english version that will work with KEY on notebook?
I don't have option in Regional settings to change interface language.
Thanx for any help or advice.
Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
25.02.2007, 10:14 #2Monster
AW: Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
I am not sure if that is possible. You can change the keyboard language if you click on the symbol on the right of your taskbar.
You can set it to english but that is just for keyboard etc.
If you have installed the german version of vista ... as I know you cannot switch it into english version.
25.02.2007, 15:01 #3warlaan
AW: Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
The option to change the interface language is advertized as a feature unique to the ultimate edition.
26.02.2007, 13:09 #4Smrtnik
AW: Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
Thanx for your help, I called Microsoft, and they told me that's not posible, because Vista has german code and it cannot be changed unless it's vista ultimate, multilicense.
Perhaps I 'll be able to change notebook for one with english version of OS.
13.09.2009, 12:53 #5Unregistriert
AW: Vista Home Premiun deutsch sprache-->englisch sprache
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