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Thema: Desktop problem
11.08.2010, 02:31 #1kalebaha
Desktop problem
i know a little bit but this is just beyond me i dont know if its a hardware problem software problem or what.
But i reformatted and reinstalled Windows xp Home SP2 due to virus problem, sumhow got a virus and it $#@^#@ over my computer and i wasnt able to access internet, download nearly anything, or even system restore... so i reinstalled the windows and thought that i will just start all over again,
but wen i tried to set up internet nothing would work...still... i went to device manager and said that everything was working except: Ethernet Controller, Multimedia Audio Controller, RAID Controller, RAID Controller.
They all show yellow bubble with exclamation mark in them and i try update, reinstall and watever but i cant cause no internet... i have no othr CDs other than the windows xp home SP2 disk.
i know my computer works with my internet cause it was working... before the virus.
i dont know much about the desktop because my dad is the person who gave it to me and always messed with it.
Novak Vera
gia sư
11.08.2010, 13:10 #2Dreami
AW: Desktop problem
This is a german board, but we will try to help you.
A device marked with a yellow buble means, that the device is recognized but your computer doesn't have any drivers for this device. This means, it is a software problem. Can you tell me, what motherboard you have in your computer?
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