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14.07.2009, 12:21 #141Texas
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Ich denke, Suda meint, dass er NMH3 auf dem Nachfolger der Wii entwickelt. Glaube nicht, dass er die Trilogie die bei Nintendo angefangen und weitergeführt wurde, nicht auch bei Nintendo beendet. Was Travis danach macht, sehen wir dann.
Aber ein Port heißt auch nicht großer Erfolg, siehe killer7 auf GC und PS2, trotzdem hat es sich da nicht besser verkauft.
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
14.07.2009, 14:47 #142Blackwolf
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Wenn Suda Teil 3 macht, ist eventuell sogar der Wiinachfolger bekannt. Eventuell würde es Suda reizen dort zu entwickeln. Eine andere Vorstellung wäre ein Multiplatformtitel.
Natürlich kann es einfach sein, dass er sich bei der Xbox mehr Verkaufszahlen erhofft.
18.07.2009, 11:06 #143Linkforever
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Hier was zu Release Klick
18.07.2009, 11:42 #144des
05.08.2009, 16:37 #145des
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Von Gamefaqs:
I just got this month's EDGE, the one with the NMH2 article, and here is the new info summarized:
1. What makes Travis' Schpeletiger new is that it is now twice as long (in addition to the better controls).
2. This has already been verified, but there have been doubts and concerns as to how Grasshopper is going to have 50 unique bosses, from their appearance to actual fighting capabilities. Suda explains to EDGE that basically there is nothing to worry about as they incorporated both the original NMH development team and the NMH2 team (many members being of both teams including the character creator) to brainstorm and according to Suda they had no problems shooting out several ideas and characters from that.
3. The name of the "schoolgirl assassin" we all know about is Kimmy. How appropriate. Suda also mentions that Kimmy wants to keep Travis "all to her self." Possible Misery references?
4. At the end of every boss fight, a 2D image of Travis will walk from one end of the screen to the other to hop onto the Schpeletiger and drive off, accompanied by some new piece of midi music.
5. The idea of Travis using other weapons, even projectiles, was considered by Suda, but ultimately canned as Suda says that the sword/beam katana is what Travis should always use. Suda calls Travis the "modern samurai."
6. It was implied that Bishop actually does not die or get killed off, as the article explains that Bishop will have a bigger role to play in the game. At the same time, Suda says that "Travis is fighting for himself" not for anyone else. Travis is fighting for revenge, but perhaps for someone else other than Bishop?
7. Speaking more specifically on the city, Suda explains that Travis had actually left Santa Destroy for those three years, and it wasn't until he came back that he had seen how much it had changed. Where Travis had gone is not said. Only a portion of the original city will be traveled, based on fan responses on the first game. The streets and sidewalks will be much more busier and cars will "get out of the way" of Travis' bike. There are construction signs and lights everywhere. One of the fighting grounds will be a "new school", "construction yard", and a graveyard. Not sure if the school is new in the sense that it is an additional one to the Santa Destroy High School or if it is just a remodeled SDHS.
8. There are still side jobs such as coconut collecting and a new one involving plumbing. Suda explains that he still wants the player to feel like he has to work hard to play the game as that is what it means to be a punk. Otherwise, he says, there is a disconnect between the videogame world and reality. Still, the side jobs are still improved and provide humor as well as entertainment.
9. It is confirmed that Destroyman comes back as a cyborg as wanting revenge against, who else, Travis.
10. Finally, the bosses themselves: it will not be as difficult, time consuming, and at times boring to collect enough money to advance to the next boss fight. In fact, Suda purposely wanted to mix things up to keep it from getting repetitive by having Shinobu and Henry as playable characters and, at times, fighting more than one boss fight, sometimes one right after the other, and sometimes simultaneously.
10.08.2009, 16:33 #146Ryumaou
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Jede Menge Bildmaterial: KLICK
Quelle: (via
11.08.2009, 14:50 #147Zelda 14
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
11.08.2009, 15:24 #148dubmonk
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
tolle News
04.09.2009, 12:01 #149des
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
04.09.2009, 12:41 #150Zelda 14
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
04.09.2009, 15:09 #151dubmonk
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
der Trailer is ja mal geil =D
vorallem das mit den Minispielen in 2D find ich geil^^
04.09.2009, 17:02 #152Blackwolf
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Genial! Die Minispiele in 2D umzulegen ist eine sehr gute Idee. Das wird sicher wesentlich entspannter und witziger. Ich bin echt gespannt auf das Spiel.
05.09.2009, 12:04 #153dubmonk
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Hier ganz neues Gameplay
YouTube - No More Heroes 2 [PAX 2009 Gameplay]
also ich kanns kaum noch abwarten
05.09.2009, 23:53 #154Blackwolf
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Cool. Es ist noch perverser, abgedrehter und brutaler als der erste Teil.
Oder um das ganze lieber im "No More Heroes"-Style auszudrücken: Wenn der erste Teil der Sex ist, dann ist die Fortsetzung ganz sicher der Orgasmus dazu.
; )
18.09.2009, 10:49 #155Digger21
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Laut den Entwicklern wird das Spiel kein Wii Motion + unterstützen
Es soll aber alternativ der CC eingesetzt werden können.
18.09.2009, 15:06 #156AnoN!m
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
18.09.2009, 16:11 #157Digger21
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Ja mich hat das Ganze auch ziemlich verwirrt o.O
18.09.2009, 16:37 #158Wiiman
18.09.2009, 21:28 #159AnoN!m
19.09.2009, 09:03 #160air
AW: No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Naja, wenn man sich am ersten Teil orientiert, was das Kämpfen ja hauptsächlich über die Knöpfe. Nur die Finisher lagen auf Bewegungen. Ist aber trotzdem schade, dass es hier nicht verwendet wird.
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