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  1. #261
    AnoN!m AnoN!m ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Also, die Previews die ich gelesen habe sagen alle aus:
    Es wird viel Wert auf die Mechanik gesetzt und auf Balancing,
    dementsprechend müsste dann auch im Onlinemodus Vielfalt gesichert sein.

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #262
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Naja hmm... Itachi kenn ich nur mit Clon-action und das ist nur nervig, naja vielleicht kann ka wie es weiter geht^^ meine Meinung ändern

  4. #263
    Raido Raido ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat Ichigo Kurosaki Beitrag anzeigen
    So bin auch mal wieder on ^^

    Hier mal eine Liste von einigen Charakteren mit Beschreibung:

    Gaara is a highly defensive character whose latent ninja powers accentuate his defenses. In latent ninja mode, Gaara can block any type of attack in a neutral pose; even jutsus that would normally be “unblockable.” New in Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Gaara also has a special sand coffin counter jutsu that can be activated during block stun.

    Temari’s wind abilities control the space around her on the battlefield, and account for not only her high damage output to enemies, but also for her own safety. Even when blocked, the wind that Temari expels with her giant fan pushes enemies away from her, giving her more breathing room to attack from a distance.

    Kankuro is a puppet master and utilizes this skill for his attacks. Kankuro does not throw his opponents – his puppets do. This means that the throw command can be executed even when Kankuro is airborne.

    Baki has wind-based abilities that linger on screen after they are unleashed. These are helpful in creating situations where he can sandwich an opponent between attacks, and unleash the imminent damage of the tornados he sets out.

    Itachi Uchiha makes good use of his clones in battle, as well as a healthy dose of genjutsu. One of his unique attacks is the aerial crow-kunai; it’s unique because instead of simply throwing them at the enemy, he teleports immediately to the ground below after releasing the projectiles. A similar teleportation technique – Itachi’s back and strong attack, will transport him to the backside of his opponent to work around blocking.

    Kisame Hoshigaki is very lethal when he can get in close to the opponent. Not only does he inflict a huge amount of damage but his Sharkskin sword attacks drain chakra, and he has the ability to summon a clone who will subdue an opponent with Water Prison Jutsu for a bunch of free hits. But even distance isn’t completely safe; watch out for Kisame’s Water Shark Bomb Jutsu and its tremendous range.

    Hiruko is a very slow character but the reach of his tail makes him very dangerous. He may skulk about while walking, but mid-combo the tail will swipe very quickly and can do a ton of damage. He has the passive benefit of his projectile needles not being deflectable like ordinary kunai. He can also use his back strong ability to poison his opponent which drains life and inverts their controls.

    Deidara makes use of his explosive clay creations and most Deidara players will attack from a distance. Sending out explosive spiders and birds is key as it forces his opponent to shift awareness to these bombs. In latent ninja mode, they are even more lethal – he will drop three times as many explosives, and the spiders will track the enemy. Running into these pests are dangerous enough, but if he detonates them within range, you’re toast!

    Sasori is a really cool character with a nice variety in his move set. He has strong melee attacks that utilize his mechanical “wings” to do heavy close damage, or long ranged attacks with the cord that comes out of his abdomen. He can also use forward strong attack to spout a stream of fire at the enemy, and can be held for extra damage at the cost of some chakra.

    Kurenai is a genjutsu user and a tricky opponent. Her down strong attack is useful because it creates a cloud that “crumples” the opponent, leaving them unable to block during a combo attack. Her back strong attack can also be used as an automatic teleport to the backside of the enemy. Even trickier, if she finds her opponent is expecting the teleport, Kurenai can hold the strong attack to expend extra chakra to remain hidden until strong attack is released.

    Hinata specializes in the gentle fist style much like Neji but is not as fast of a fighter. Her combo strings can become very long if Hinata can successfully combo cancel at the right moments. She also has a handy jump attack that propels her horizontally while jumping which adds an element of surprise in an aerial attack and allows her to move about the map unexpectedly.

    Kiba is an energetic character with great speed. His summersault attacks can have tremendous start up speed and vault him toward the enemy very quickly making Kiba excellent at catching an enemy off-guard. Another one of his assets is his dog Akamaru who follows him onto the battlefield. Akamaru’s attacks are very useful because they can be delayed and delivered at will. When holding a strong attack, Akamaru will take an attack stance and Kiba can continue to attack with a weak attack. Since Akamaru’s attacks lift the enemy when they strike, players will find great ways to juggle from combo to combo using careful control of Akamaru.

    Shino can be a tricky opponent because of the bugs under his control and their varying speed and duration of delivery. Shino can unleash his crawling bugs, strafe around opponents and combo them to fall into the bugs, which will continue combo strings. Other bugs will deploy from under the opponent and grab their feet to keep them from moving. For Shino, it’s important to control the movement of his opponents by keeping them on their toes to avoid the bugs.

    Asuma is a melee-oriented fighter who predominately uses chakra blades that can be extended in uppercut attacks for vertical control. One of his special abilities is teleporting, allowing him to surprise opponents with strong attacks, followed up with an intense drop kick.

    Shikamaru is just as careful and tricky a character in the Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 fighting game as he is in the animated series. He utilizes a special thinking pose, which proves to be a valuable asset. Players enter the pose with the option of using strong or weak attacks on their opponents. Both strong and weak attacks transport Shikamaru behind his rival.

    Choji is a bit more tentative in his attacks, but deals a heavy blow to opponents, tossing his enemies to the opposite side of the fighting arena. Rolling attacks are also a signature move, allowing him to take up a lot of horizontal space in the match. Choji’s moves are a bit trickier to execute, requiring him to get up close and punish the enemy with a few devastating attacks.

    Chiyo is one of the most unique characters in the game, and a completely new addition to the Clash of Ninja roster. All of her attacks are done through the use of her two puppets. The strong attacks control one puppet, while the weak attacks control the other. She also has a chakra shield which allows her to block any type of attack in exchange for draining her chakra gauge.

    Rock Lee is a melee-focused fighter who has a lot of space controlling attacks. He can kick upwards to control vertical space and use his Leaf Whirlwind attack to control quite a bit of horizontal space. Rock Lee also has one of, if not, the most damaging jutsu in the game.

    Neji is a fast and clever fighter who has many ways to control the pace of battle. A lot of Neji’s combos are versatile in the way they can either drain the opponent’s chakra, move in-and-out of 3D space around the enemy, or can be canceled out of.

    Tenten has an extremely unique fighting style attributed to her ability to summon weapons from the giant scroll on her back. Players can cycle through her weapons with back strong attack, or use strong attack in different situations. Some of her weapons are heavy, slow, and powerful like the giant sword, while others are quick like the dual one-handed blades.

    Might Guy is another melee combatant who has good control over space, with upward kicks and the horizontal Leaf Whirlwind attack. After opening a gate, Guy’s normal attacks become brutal and do quite a bit more damage.
    Man könnte ruhig mal darauf verweisen woher man das hat: ~::Clash Of Ninja::~

    Itachi's Schattendoppelgänger-Angriffe kosten jetzt ein wenig Chakra, somit wird man damit wohl nicht mehr so sehr spammen können!

  5. #264
    Ichigo Kurosaki Ichigo Kurosaki ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat Raido Beitrag anzeigen
    Man könnte ruhig mal darauf verweisen woher man das hat: ~::Clash Of Ninja::~

    Itachi's Schattendoppelgänger-Angriffe kosten jetzt ein wenig Chakra, somit wird man damit wohl nicht mehr so sehr spammen können!
    Ja, mach ich das nächste Mal.
    Aber ist habe schon auf der 8. Seite geschrieben, dass ich die Infos von da ~::Clash Of Ninja::~hole

  6. #265
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Weiß einer was die im Awakeing Modus oder wie der heißt als Bonus kriegen??
    Ich finde nichts dazu.

  7. #266
    AnoN!m AnoN!m ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Also, bei Garaa ist es so das seine Sandabwehr sogar unblockbare und sogar Jutsus blocken kann.
    Naruto kann dann in den Fuchsmodus wechseln.
    Nehme an Sasuke kann dann sein Mal aktivieren.

  8. #267
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Ich kenn noch
    Sakura: Dauerheal
    Hidan: Schadenstransfer
    Sasori/Hiroku: Gift
    Neji: Hinten A brauch kein Chakra mehr
    Und Kurenai: 3ter Spezialangriff, mehr kenn ich net

  9. #268
    .Null .Null ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat AnoN!m Beitrag anzeigen
    Nehme an Sasuke kann dann sein Mal aktivieren.
    Hm, mit vielleicht SEHR viel Glück, da es ihn in keinem der Japanischen Teilen gegeben hat.
    Jedoch gilt das auch für Chiyo =D

    Hidan: Schadenstransfer
    Sicher? In Ex3 hat er einfach "nur" mit seiner Sense rumgewirbelt, das dafür extrem Fix

    Ich freue mich schon echt derb auf das Game, warte nur auf nen Europa Termin =(

  10. #269
    Ichigo Kurosaki Ichigo Kurosaki ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Ja ein Europatermin wird jetzt fällig ^^
    Aber ich bin schon froh, dass das Game überhaupt nach Europa kommt.

  11. #270
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Du musst in Ex 3 auf die Hp des anderen achten, wenn Hidan Schaden nimmt kriegt der andere auch ein bisschen Schaden. Das schnelle rumwirbeln is ne normale Attacke.

  12. #271
    excense excense ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat Kesi Beitrag anzeigen
    Du musst in Ex 3 auf die Hp des anderen achten, wenn Hidan Schaden nimmt kriegt der andere auch ein bisschen Schaden. Das schnelle rumwirbeln is ne normale Attacke.

    ist das denn nnicht auch so ähnlich wie bei lee wenn er alle tore auf hat?

  13. #272
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Kann man so ungefähr vergleichen. Der Gegner kriegt aber nur Schaden wenn Hidan vom Gegner getroffen wird.
    Ich glaub auch wenn Lee im Awakening Mod die Tore öffnet verliert der keine Hp bin mir aber nicht sicher.

  14. #273
    excense excense ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Hab gerad nachgeguckt...
    wenn lee alle tore aufhat, verliert er selber leben, bis er nur noch 1 HP hat.
    dafür kriegt er aber sofort charkra für special jutsu... voll fies O_O
    muss man richtig aufpassen xD^^

    ich glauib ich weis warum der gegner leben verliert, ist das nicht so das an der sense gift ist?

  15. #274
    AnoN!m AnoN!m ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat Kesi Beitrag anzeigen
    Kann man so ungefähr vergleichen. Der Gegner kriegt aber nur Schaden wenn Hidan vom Gegner getroffen wird.
    Ich glaub auch wenn Lee im Awakening Mod die Tore öffnet verliert der keine Hp bin mir aber nicht sicher.
    Wenn Lee Tore offn hat, dann bekommt Lee viel Schaden über Zeit (Leben geht auf 1 runter (nicht auf 0!)) und er macht dann selber mit seinen Schlägen einfach sau viel Schaden. Sein Jutsu teleportet dann direkt zum Gegner und wenn es trifft macht es ca. 3/4 eines Lebens an Schaden.

  16. #275
    ItachiUchiha ItachiUchiha ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    mal ein frage woher habt ihr eig naruto shippuuden con rev 3 geholt oder is hier von con rev 2 die rede?

  17. #276
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Das weiß ich selbst alles mit Lee wusste nur nicht Awakening Mod.
    Das mit Hidan ist glaub ich nur die Passive Form des "Blut trinkens" vom Gegner und dann eben Selbstmord, Spoilergefahr-->(wie bei Asuma eben)

  18. #277
    Kesi Kesi ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Wir spekulieren nur und vergleichen es mit Ex 3.
    Das Spiel gibts noch net in Europa.

  19. #278
    excense excense ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    Zitat ItachiUchiha Beitrag anzeigen
    mal ein frage woher habt ihr eig naruto shippuuden con rev 3 geholt oder is hier von con rev 2 die rede?

    Wir reden von Naruto Shippudden Clash of Ninja Revolution 3,

    Und nein, das Spiel ist noch nicht draussen.
    es kommt am 17 November nach Amerika.
    und wahrscheinlich im Januar zu uns

  20. #279
    ItachiUchiha ItachiUchiha ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    achsoo ok ich hätt mal ne frage zu con rev 2 ob man dort mit naruto auc zum ultimativen kyuubi verwandeln kann ohne im doppelspieler modus zu spielen

  21. #280
    AnoN!m AnoN!m ist offline
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    AW: Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

    die frage kannste im CoNR 2 Thread schreiben.
    Aber um dir ma auszuhelfen:
    Geht nicht. du kannst nur in diese erste Fuchsform gehen, aber nicht in die richtige (die es auch als neuen Character gibt).

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