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  1. #1
    humi humi ist offline

    petition: zugriff auf rsx auch über gast-systeme

    die petition:
    Open PS3's RSX for other OS Petition

    To: Sony

    We, Playstation 3 users, ask Sony to allow the use of the RSX trough Other OS.

    Right now because of the PS3 firmware limitation we can't...
    - Easily watch movies in various formats
    - Correctly use 2D applications
    - Friendly run lite 3D applications

    Useless when it comes to fight against piracy, this limitation is a trouble for honest users but not for pirates:
    it makes operating systems as Linux not interesting enough and this fabulous project of Other Os on PS3 seems to drown. A huge number of disappointed comments in many forums are proving this.

    Dear Sony, you made us dream, please now don't leave us alone with lost hopes.


    The Undersigned

    PlayStation 3: Gast-Betriebssysteme kaum sinnvoll nutzbar -

  2. Anzeige

    petition: zugriff auf rsx auch über gast-systeme

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #2
    cyberms cyberms ist offline

    AW: petition: zugriff auf rsx auch über gast-systeme


    Leute, macht da mit !!

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