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Thema: ".detuned" Trophies
17.09.2009, 17:23 #1Dirk Diggler
".detuned" Trophies
(Bronze: 4, Silber: 5, Gold: 1)
Bronze Trophies
Crank - Use the right stick to crank up an effect.
Pump - Use the pump controls to pump up and release completely an effect.
RTM - Read the... Help Screen.
Zoom - Use the camera controls to zoom in or out.
Silber Trophies
Combo - Issue any two button combo.
Demo - Watch the demo mode to the end.
Detune - Upload some music to your system, play that music while playing with detuned, and maximize one of the distortive sound effects.
Elephant Dance - Dance with four elephants around the chair.
Jarig - Look at Rob dancing.
Gold Trophies
Explorer - Use all Modes at least once in a session.
20.10.2009, 19:51 #2THE-Mega-RISK
AW: .detuned
Haha! So wie linger in Shadows 2 hab in 5 mins 100% mit einer goldenen bekommen! geil geil geil
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