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12.09.2010, 08:02 #1Dirk Diggler
"DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue" Trophies (inkl. Add-On)
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
x 7 x 4 x 1 - Addon: x 1
Orque Imposter - Convince an Orque Guard you are an Orque.
Death of a Penguin - Kill the Evil Nun.
Primp V.I.P. - See all 20 of Madame Primp's Outfits.
Well Educated - Get an Engineering Degree.
Raise Your Mast - Go Sailing in a Pirate Ship.
Konichiwa - Learn to Speak Japanese.
Mystic Transport - Discover all 44 Teleporting Outhouses.
Dispenser of Justice - Kill 3000 enemies.
To Serve Men - Kill Wortten.
Ruin Christmas - Kill Santa Claus.
A Tale of Two Endings - Watch Both Game Endings.
A True Hero - Reacl Level 20.
Add-On: "The Snowy Mountain Dungeon"
Frozen Justice - Kill the Talking Tree.
"DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue" Trophies (inkl. Add-On)
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