Ergebnis 341 bis 360 von 5017
Thema: *Spoiler-Thread*
12.01.2008, 21:49 #341Tanks
AW: *spoiler-thread*
das zweite sieht sehr echt aus. Aus dem grund weil Sonic in Mario bros 3. Stage auftaucht
Nur die Vorstellung, so viele Maps
12.01.2008, 21:51 #342Sylph
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Das würde ich zu gerne glauben vor allem das Isaac als spielbarer Charakter kommen würde. Der hätte gute Chancen mein Main (Hauptcharakter) zu werden.^^ Aber ich hab ja gesagt: Bis ich SSBB nicht selber in den Händen halte oder Bilder und Videos sehe von der japanischen version glaube ich nichts.
12.01.2008, 21:53 #343Invader Shine
12.01.2008, 21:53 #344ShaKaLaKa
AW: *spoiler-thread*
ich denke mal wir sollten jetzt alle niemandem mehr trauen...noch ein paar tage das wissen wir wen es geben soll da brauchen wir jetzt keinen aufstand zu machen
12.01.2008, 21:53 #345MarioO
AW: *spoiler-thread*
100 pro ein fake, die bilder sind alle sdojo bilder, ausser die mit den stages und der game and watch^^ wobei game and watch extrem einfach zu faken ist, und die stages auch ziemlich unecht aussehen...
wa ssoll das eigentlich sein, das erste bild? ein moveset für sonic oder wie oO?
12.01.2008, 21:59 #346ekooo
AW: *spoiler-thread*
wieso zeigen sie manchmal nur eine attacke bei den updates???(b unten oder so)
ps: kann jemand die bilder reinposten man muss vielleicht registriert sein um sie zu sehen aber ich seh sie nicht ??
12.01.2008, 22:00 #347ShaKaLaKa
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Es wurden nur Links angegeben du must auf den Link klicken...
12.01.2008, 22:05 #348
12.01.2008, 22:06 #349ShadoX
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Hat sich wohl schon wieder erledigt. Einfach das Bild aufrufen, Rechtsklick, Bildeigenschaften (bei Opera):
Benutzte Software: Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 Windows
Außerdem hat Mr. Game&Watch keinen Schatten.
12.01.2008, 22:08 #350ShaKaLaKa
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Ist doch egal das ist ehe nur ein fake...
12.01.2008, 22:13 #351
12.01.2008, 22:19 #352Waknight
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Ich sagte doch,dass du ihn nicht mit den magikoopa verwechseln sollst!!!!!!!!!!!
Kamek ist derr erzfeind von Yosji.Man muss zwar am ende immer gegen babybowser kämpfen,doch kamek ist der wahre übeltäter.(das wär so als ob bowser peach entführt,man aber nur gegen bowser Jr.kämpfen muss).
Kamek entführt in den yoshispielen immer babyluigi,Er ist einer von vielen magikoopa.Die normalen gegner,die zaubern können sind nur normale magikoopa,aber nicht kamek.Das problem ist nur,das kamek wie ein gewöhnlicher magikoopa aussieht,weswegen es ständig zu verwechslungen kommt.Kamek hat außerdem einen enorm hohen rang in bowseers truppen und hat bowser großgezogen.Meistens lässt er andere für sich kämpfen,doch er hat auch schon 2mal selbst gekämpft.
Das spiel von sukapon,war das 1.Nintendo Prügelspiel.Da haben 2 wissenschaftler ihre roboter gegeneinander antreten lassen.Am anfang hatte man nur sukapon,aber mit jedem kampf,hat man einen neuen roboter freigespielt.Sukapon,Balloonfighter und machrider sind wohl die top 3 der potentiellen retrocharas
12.01.2008, 22:23 #353ekooo
AW: *spoiler-thread*
bei mir gehts wirklich nicht
12.01.2008, 22:28 #354
12.01.2008, 23:01 #355Shorai
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Hmmm und wieder was neus...ich galube das Englisch ist verständlich,daher werds ich net übersetzen:
My source finally got in touch with me on the Brawl info in the CoroCoro Magazine. Here are the revealed details:
# King Dedede's Neutral Special is called "Suck Up"
# Kirby's neutral Special is listed as the same thing.
# Wario's Up Special is called "Corkscrew".
# The hidden charcters are unlocked on one of three ways: By clearing the special modes, clocking in game time, and by playing matches.
# Zelda's Final Smash is the "Light Arrow" It delivers massive damage to whoever is line up with the shot horizonatally.
# Zelda's Down Special is not shown on her CoroCoro Card. All specials are listed for every other character, except Zelda. Her previously known three specials are confirmed. I think this pretty much confirms Shiek anyway.
# Charizard's Up Special is "Fly". Aeris and I were very sure on this, but didn't want to post it because we wanted to wait for a 100% confirmation.
Quelle: Brawl Central - The Most Knowledgeable Brawl Source on the Web!
12.01.2008, 23:04 #356ShaKaLaKa
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Cool danke fürs Posten...
Zeldas US ist also zeihmlich Stark....Cool...aber ich denke das sie nur 1 Pfeil schießt...
12.01.2008, 23:10 #357Shorai
AW: *spoiler-thread*
Achja hier die Movs die CoroCoro veröffentlicht hat:
1. (mario) Mario
FS: (mario fainaru) mario final
Description: A fireball so huge that it swallows up the entire screen. Difficult to avoid.
Point: It shoots from the left to the right side of the screen so it engulfs everyone.
Neutral: (faia booru) fire ball
Up: (suupaa jyanpu panchi) super jump punch
Side: (suupaa manto) super cape
Down: (ponpu) pump
2. (kaabi) Kirby
FS: (cokku) cook
Description: An attack that dumps all your opponents in a pressure cooker. When the stew is ready everyone comes flying out. Collect your KO’s.
Point: Items also come flying out of the pot. Dig in!
Neutral: (suikomu) inhale
Up: (fainnaru katta) final cutter
Side: (hanmaa) hammer
Down: (sutoon) stone
3. (pikachuu) Pikachu
FS: (borutekkaa) volt tackle
Description: Pikachu becomes a large ball of light. Go crash in to your enemies. It is possible to freely control the movement of the ball for a limited time.
Point: Be careful not to fall off the stage when then the effect wears off.
Neutral: (dengeki) lightning attack
Up: (denkou sekka) greased lightning
Side: (roketto zutsuki) rocket charge
Down: (kaminari) thunder
4. (donkii kongu) Donkey Kong
FS: (taru kongo biito) barrel congo beat
Description: The barrel congo’s destructive sound can deliver damage to all your opponents.
Point: Match the button pushing to the music and the power goes up.
Neutral: (jyaianto punchi) giant punch
Up: (supiningu kongu) spinning kong
Side: (donkii heddo batto) donkey head butt
Down: (hando surappu) hand slap
5. (pitto) Pit
FS: (parutena shineitai) palutena’s guard
Description: The goddess Palutena sends in an Icarus army. They close in on opponents throughout the screen.
Point: If you use it when everyone is weak you will rack up KOs.
Neutral: (parutena aroo) palutena arrow
Up: (ikarasu no tsubasa) icarus wing
Side: (enjeru ringu) angel ring
Down: (kagami no tate) mirror shield
6. (fokkusu) Fox
FS: (randomastaa) landmaster
Description: The landmaster, a flying tank, blows away your opponents! The main shot has the power to instantly KO opponents. Aim well and fire!
Point: While hovering you can roll why pressing down on the control stick.
Neutral: (burastaa) blaster
Up: (faia fokkusu) fire fox
Side: (fokkusu iryuujon) fox illusion
Down: (rifurakuto) refract
7. (pokemon toreenaa) Pokemon Trainer
FS: (sanmiittai) triple finish
Description: Combine the abilities of all three pokemon and deliver a blow, an original ability.
Point: The trainer gives out move commands, an important role.
Neutral: (nashi) n/a
Up: (nashi) n/a
Side: (nashi) n/a
Down: (pokemon chenji) pokemon change
8. (rizaadon) Charizard
FS: (sanmiittai) triple finish
Description: The “triple finish” flame specialist. It burns everything in a big way.
Point: If an opponent is close they take severe damage.
Neutral: (kaenhousha) flamethrower
Up: (sora wo tobu) fly through the sky
Side: ( iwa kudaki) rock smash
Down: (pokemon chenji) pokemon change
9. (fushigisou) Ivysaur
FS: (sanmiittai) triple finish
Description: It doesnt matter which pokemon get’s the smash ball, you can soon use the ability.
Point: While using the ability you are invincible. Watch your opponents fly through the air.
Neutral: (tane mashin gan) seed machine gun
Up: (tsuru no muchi) vine whip
Side: (happa kattaa) leaf cutter
10. (zenigame) Squirttle
FS: (sanmiittai) triple finish
Description: Squirrtle enters the final smash with a hydro pump. It sends your opponents flying.
Point: Regardless of your opponents the caption reads (”souka wa batsugun da”) “outstanding”.
Neutral: (mizu deppou) water gun
Up: (taki nobori) waterfall climb
Side: (kara ni komoru) withdrawl in to shell
Down: (pokemon chenji) pokemon change
11. (aiku) Ike
FS: (daitenkuu) great heaven
Description: An invincible Ike slices up opponents with a flaming sword. After the last of the slices, Ike’s final blow sends opponents flying towards the ground.
Point: The final blow can effectively hit several characters.
Neutral: (funka) eruption
Up: (tenkuu) heaven
Side: (iaikiri) drawn cut
Down: (kauntaa) counter
12. (samasu) Samus
FS: (zero reezaa) zero lazer
Description: A very thick lazer fires from Samus’ right arm. It extends across the screen.
Point: After executing the move Samus changes in to Zero Suit Samus.
Neutral: (chaaji shotto) charge shot
Up: (sukryuu atakku) screw attack
Side: (misairu) missle
Down: (bomu) bomb
13. (kuppa) Bowser
FS: (giga kuppa henshin) giga bowser transformation
Description: Size, power, everything goes up. Giga Bowser sends opponents flying.
Point: Giga Bowser is invincible. Rampage away to your heart’s content.
Neutral: (kuppa buresu) bowser breath
Up: (supiningu sheru) spinning shell
Side: (daibingu puresu) diving press
Down: (kuppa doroppu) bowser drop
14. (dedede) Dedede
FS: (wadorudi gundan) waddle dee army
Description: A ton of waddle dees attack your opponents. The waddle dee’s movement is faster than normal.
Point: At times Gordo is also mixed in to the army.
Neutral: (suikomu) inhale
Up: (suupaa dedede jyanpu) super dedede jump
Side: (wadorudi nage) waddle dee throw
Down: (jetto hanmaa) jet hammer
15. (rinku) Link
FS: (toraifoosu rasshu) triforce rush
Description: It locks your opponent in to the triforce’s light where they can not escape. With amazing speed you cut away at your opponent repeatedly until the final blow sends them flying.
Point: You can only hit one opponent. The damage taken in huge.
Neutral: (yuusha no yumi) hero’s bow
Up: (kaiten kiri) spinning cut
Side: (shippu no buumeran) gale boomerang
Down: (bakudan) bomb
16. (didii kongu) Diddy Kong
FS: (bareru jetto panikku) barrel jet panick
Description: While flying through the air you can shoot your peanut pop guns. When time runs out the barrels explode becoming one final attack.
Point: Missed peanut shots can be eaten. You can recover life.
Neutral: (piinattsu poppu gan) peanut pop gun
Up: (bareru jetto) barrel jet
Side: (monkii furippu) monkey flip
Down: (banana no kawa) banana peel
17. (piichi) Peach
FS: (piichi buraasamu) peach blossom
Description: An ability that puts opponents to sleep with Peach’s flamboyant dancing.
Point: The closer opponents are to Peach the longer they sleep.
Neutral: (kinopi gaado) toad guard
Up: (piichi parasoru) peach parasol
Side: (piichi bonbaa) peach bomber
Down: ( yasaihikko nuki) vegetable pluck
18. (aisu kuraimaa) Ice Climbers
FS: (aisubaagu) iceberg
Description: A huge iceberg appears on stage. Suddenly your footing becomes much smaller. Opponents are also frozen from the extreme cold. Its your chance to attack!
Point: While the move is in effect, opponents automatically take damage from the cold.
Neutral: (aisu shotto) ice shot
Up: (gomu jyanpu) rubber jump
Side: (toruneedo hanmaa) tornado hammer
Down: (burizaado) blizzard
19. (meta naito) Metaknight
FS: (garakushia daakunesu) galaxia darkness
Description: Metaknight throws forth his cape and nearby opponents are taken in to darkness. He slices hard at opponents who did not escape.
Point: All opponents caught in the cape are hit.
Neutral: (mahha toruneido) mach tornado
Up: (shattoru luupu) shuttle loop
Side: (doriru rasshu) drill rush
Down: (dimenshon manto) dimension cape
20. (ryuka) Lucas
FS: (PK sutaa sutoomu) PK skar storm
Description: Meteors come raining down. The smaller the stage the more it hits.
Point: When the meteors start falling down the amount increases as more time passes.
Neutral: (PK furiizu) PK freeze
Up: (PK sandaa) PK thunder
Side: (PK faiaa) PK fire
Down: (sai magunetto) psi magnet
21. (yosshii) Yoshi
FS: (suupaa doragon) super dragon
Description: Yoshi grows wings and can even spit out flames. Chase your opponents from above!
Point: Yoshi can breathe out flames or spit fire balls. Divy up their use.
Neutral: (tamago umi) egg hatch
Up: (tamago nage) egg throw
Side: (goro goro tamago) rumbling egg
Down: (hippu duroppu) hip drop
22. (wario) Wario
FS: (wario man) wario man
Description: Wario transforms! Push the buttons repeatedly so that he delivers multiple blows. His shoulder tackle can only be used after he transforms.
Point: It is better that Wario does not ride his bike while transformed.
Neutral: (wario kamitsuki) wario bite
Up: (kookusukuryuu) corkscrew
Side: (wario baiku) wario bike
Down: (warioppe) wario fart
23. (zeruda) Zelda
FS: (hikari no yumiya) light bow and arrow
Description: Fired from a side stance it penetrates any opponent directly in its line of fire delivering high damage.
Point: The penetrating force also has the ability to break through opponents’ shields.
Neutral: (neeru no ai) Nayru’s love
Up: (furoru no kaze) Farore’s wind
Side: (dein no honoo) Din’s flame
Down: **not listed**
24. (zero suutsu samasu) Zero Suit Samus
FS: (pawaado suutsu souchaku) powered suit equip
Description: Once again equip the removed power suit. It’s back to Samus.
Point: To continue fighting as Zero Suit Samus be sure not to grab the smash ball.
Neutral: (pararaizaa) paralyzer
Up: (purazuma waia) plasma wire
Side: (purazuma uippu) plasma whip
Down: (furippu jyanpu) flip jump
12.01.2008, 23:11 #358ShaKaLaKa
AW: *spoiler-thread*
jo das wurde heute schon gepostet...
12.01.2008, 23:15 #359SmokeDown
AW: *spoiler-thread*
12.01.2008, 23:18 #360
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