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Thema: Small Small Ninja
22.09.2010, 10:56 #1RikuValentine
Small Small Ninja
A brand new Naruto and Bleach game coming out. It’s not by TOMY, Namco Bandai, Sega, or Sony. It’s actually not even an official game, it’s fan made! What’s this game called? Small Small Ninja! The game features some of your favorite characters from both the world of Naruto and the world of Bleach, but in chibi-fashion.
Created by a Chinese company called DREAM², Small Small Ninja is an online game for the PC and seems like an action/fighter. It seems very exciting and something that has definitley caught our interest! In large font, the official web site of the game has 9/25 plastered on it. We would guess this is when Small Small Ninja is supposed to open to the public.
While it is owned by a Chinese company, the web site is in Japanese. If you can get access or have access to this game, let us know what it’s really about and how it is!
Anyways, without further ado, the trailer!
NOTE While this seems like it will be a playable fan-made game for the PC, take this news with a grain of salt. It might just end up being a series of uniquely-crafted flash videos. We will keep you updated.
Saiyan Island » Naruto x Bleach Game: Small Small Ninja
22.09.2010, 11:22 #2iRonix
AW: Small Small Ninja
Ich habe mir zwar keine Bleach Folgen angesehen, aber ich finde das Spiel sieht sehr witzig und interessant aus
Scheint im Moment aber nur auf Japanisch zu sein.
22.09.2010, 11:41 #3Portgas D. Ace
AW: Small Small Ninja
22.09.2010, 11:53 #4bahador
AW: Small Small Ninja
naruto und onepiece währ 10000x besser gewesen bleach ist doch scheisse ^^
22.09.2010, 15:21 #5Rayza
AW: Small Small Ninja
Süß wie die sich da mit kleinen Armen und Beinen bekämpfen
22.09.2010, 15:29 #6iRonix
22.09.2010, 17:06 #7Rayza
AW: Small Small Ninja
jo kann man sehen
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