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Thema: R.o.s.e. Online (evelution)
20.03.2008, 20:22 #1Superman94
R.o.s.e. Online (evelution)
Ich hab 1 tag lang gezockt und war lvl 21 und hate 550,340 zilom (geld)
Finds sehr einfach zu verstehn^^ binn regelrecht SÜCHTIG danach^^
MFG Superman94
20.03.2008, 23:52 #2thedesx
AW: R.o.s.e. Online (evelution)
das kostet ._.
21.03.2008, 09:31 #3Superman94
AW: R.o.s.e. Online (evelution)
15.07.2008, 06:52 #4ButterBrot
AW: R.o.s.e. Online (evelution)
Hier mal ein paar sehr interessante News:
Rose Online has been a part of the Gravity family suite of game titles for several years now. We are going to update ROSE's subscription model to attract more users than ever before.
On July 29 we will be turning the servers over to Free to Play where all accounts in good standing may log in.
On July 15 we will be removing the subscription page from the Website. That one week from the 22-> 29 no one will be able to make a subscription; if you have a subscription that will expire during that week and you want to make sure you do not have any gap in game accessibility please make a subscription prior to the 22nd.
Re-occurring subscriptions will automatically be cancelled (to not re-occur), on the 22nd.
Any left over Subscription time will be creditted 40 Mileage points per day (1200/month) that is left of the current subscription starting at 12:01am July 28th.
If you have friends that want to play ROSE but were concerned with the subscription cost now is a great time to invite them to join you on your adventure!
We hope that this is a new greater beginning for ROSE online!
Für die, die kein Englisch können:
Am 29 Juli wechselt Rose Online in den Free-to-play-Status
Also wird es Kostenlos spielbar sein..
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