Ergebnis 1.501 bis 1.520 von 6397
13.03.2008, 14:28 #1501Priost
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
13.03.2008, 14:30 #1502megaquest
13.03.2008, 16:06 #1503Custer85
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Ja, die Viecher find ich auch bescheiden. Habe sogar in einem Video gesehen, dass die vor einem Einsatz zunächst Ausscheidungen fallen lassen und sie muhen, wie Kühe.
Finde ich echt albern! Warum nicht einfach verkleinerte Metal Gears? Die sind mir da etwas zu organisch geraten!
13.03.2008, 17:18 #1504megaquest
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Was ist eigentlich genau der Unterschied zwischen Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance und Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, bzw. Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance und Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater ?
Was ist daran abgespeckt ?
13.03.2008, 17:37 #1505rEEplay
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Naja abgespeckt ist wohl das falsche Wort. Sagen wir mal Substance und Subsistence bieten mehr. Sind ja auch erst später erschienen. Sie bieten halt mehr Bonusinhalt.
13.03.2008, 19:18 #1506Shakki
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
obs von MGS4 ne art Substance geben wird??
13.03.2008, 19:23 #1507DerMitDemBärTanzt
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Nur so könnte doch sein,dass der Typ im Trailer deer Sohn von Snake und Meryl ist.Vom Alter könnte es ja hinkommen^^
BIsschen weit hergeholt aber vielleicht.
13.03.2008, 19:29 #1508Kestyyxs
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Von Snake und Meryl? Nee...das war nichts weiter als ein Versuch um uns zu verwirren...
13.03.2008, 19:30 #1509Busch
13.03.2008, 19:33 #1510Schwens85
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Sry 4 Offtopic.
Btw, finde die Viecher jetzt nicht so gravierend schlimm. Die werden schon ihre Daseinsberechtigung haben, außerdem hat man das zuvor auch schon bei anderen Dingen in der MGS-Saga behauptet. Wieso sieht Mantis so kacke aus, warum ist Vulcan Raven so groß, wie kann The End so uralt sein...wieso, weshalb, warum...
MfG Schwens
13.03.2008, 19:43 #1511Busch
13.03.2008, 19:48 #1512Siemis.
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
ist das weigentlich schlimmw enn ich die ersten teile nicht gespielt habe? xD
13.03.2008, 19:52 #1513david2580
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
jaa ^^
so versteht man sonst nicht wirklich die handlung. ist ja auch bissle dämlich, matrix 3 zu gucken, bevor man überhaupt die anderen gesehen hat
13.03.2008, 19:53 #1514Siemis.
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
hjm okay dann kann ich das spiel an den nagel hängen
xD kann leider ekien ps2 titel mehr zockn .. naja machste nix
13.03.2008, 19:55 #1515Schwens85
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Wer die Spiele gespielt hat, weiß ungefähr noch, wann sie angesiedelt waren.
Es wird in MGS2 doch extra noch groß angesagt, dass die Ereignisse 2 Jahre nach Shadow Moses stattfinden. Das hat überhaupt nichts mit den Erscheinungsterminen zu tun. Denn MGS2 kam weit mehr als 2 Jahre nach MGS1.
Von daher gehe ich davon aus, dass ich ungefähr richtig lag, wenn ich das noch richtig im Hinterkopf habe...
MfG Schwens
13.03.2008, 20:16 #1516Busch
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
nene also MGS 1 spielt auf jeden fall in den 2000ern dann vll 2005 und MGS 2 2007 oder 8 na auf jedenfall so was in dem dreh aber nich 98/99^^
13.03.2008, 20:18 #1517Busch
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Hier mal die komplette timeline zwar auf englisch aber da siehste das ich recht hatte^^:
Beginning of the 20th century:
Reunion of the "Wisemen's Committee". Foundation of a group called "the Philosophers".
July 26th: Creation of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), which would later be known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
August 12th: Major Zero is born.
July 28th: Beginning of the First World War.
November 11th: End of the First World War.
Date unknown: Founding of GRU by Vladimir Lenin.
Date unknown: John Edgar Hoover is appointed as Director of the BOI.
Date unknown: The Bureau of Investigation (BOI) is renamed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
May 15th: Tanya is born.
June 22nd: Para-Medic is born.
August: Albert Einstein writes a letter to President Roosevelt and requests the atomic bomb to be made.
September 1st: Beginning of the Second World War.
November 11th: Sigint is born.
November 30th: The Soviet army invades Finland, beginning the Winter War.
June 22nd: The "Great Patriotic War" begins with surprise attacks from German panzer armies, as the German army begins invading the Soviet Union.
July: The SAS ( Special Air Service ) of the British army is formed ("Who Dares, Wins").
December 7th: The Imperial Japanese Navy attacks Pearl Harbor.
August: The Manhattan Project is started. Otacon's grandfather is assigned to working on the project.
August 21st: The Germans besiege the city of Stalingrad.
December 2nd: Physicist Enrico Fermi splits an atom in a nuclear reactor for the very first time.
Date unknown: The Boss sets up the Cobra unit.
February 2nd: The Battle of Stalingrad is over. The Soviet army defeats the Germans.
June 6th (D-Day): The Boss gives birth in Normandy. Ocelot is born.
May 8th: End of the Second World War; beginning of the Cold War.
July 16th: The first nuclear test, code-named "Trinity", is conducted.
August 6th: Hiroshima is bombed. Otacon's father is born.
August 9th: Nagasaki is bombed.
September 2nd: Vietnam declares independence.
February 14th: ENIAC, the world's first computer, is unveiled.
September: The CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency ) is created.
October 14th: Pilot Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier in the Bell X1.
Date unknown: The Boss disbands the Cobra Unit.
April 4th: NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ) is formed.
May: Germany is split up in East and West.
June 8th: George Orwell publishes the book 1984.
August 29th: The USSR tests their first nuclear bomb in Semipalatinsk, Kazachstan, and becomes the world's second nuclear force.
October 1st: The People's Republic of China is formed.
June 25th: Beginning of the Korean War.
Date unknown: Jack becomes a student of The Boss.
November 1st: The "Buster-Jangle Dog" nuclear test is conducted in Area 7 in Nevada, with U.S Army troops cooperating.
June: The NSA ( National Security Agency ) is formed.
Date unknown: Invention of the hydrogen bomb.
April 25th: Watson and Crick discover the double helix structure of DNA.
June 27th: End of the Korean War.
September 7th: Nikita Krushchev becomes the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
January: Secretary of State John Foster Dulles announces the New Look policy ( the so-called "massive retaliation strategy" ).
January 21st: The USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine, is launched.
March 1st: The hydrogen bomb is tested in Bikini Atoll.
March 13th: The KGB ( Committee for State Security ) is formed.
March 13th until May 7th: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu.
November 3rd: The first Godzilla film is released in Japan.
April 18th: Albert Einstein dies, begging for the end of nuclear weapons.
August: The Soviet Union successfully launches the first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), named R-7 Semyorka.
October 4th: USSR launch of Sputnik I.
February 1st: America launches its first sattelite, the Explorer I.
July 29th: The NASA is established. Work doesn't begin until October 1st.
January 1st: The Cuban Revolution.
October: Mordecai Roshwald publishes his book Level 7; a book about World War III.
October 6th: The Luna 3 takes pictures of the dark side of the moon.
December 17th: The American film "On The Beach" is released.
Date unknown: The Boss abandons Snake on a mission without any explanation.
May: The Southern Vietnamese NLF ( National Liberation Front ) is established.
May 1st: A Lockheed U-2 aircraft enters Soviet airspace. It is shot down and crashes near Sverdlovsk.
September: ADAM and EVA defect to the Soviet Union.
Date unknown: The Boss becomes the first person in space.
January 20th: John F. Kennedy becomes the President of the United States.
February: America conducts the first tests with the Minutemen ICBMs.
April 12th: The Vostok 1 is launched into space, making Yuri Gagarin the first human to officially travel into space.
April 15th until April 19th: Bay of Pigs Invasion.
May 5th: Alan Shepard becomes the first American astronaut.
June 22nd: The movie "The Guns of Navarone" is released.
August 10th: The Japanese film "The Last War" ( "Sekai daisenso" ) is released.
August 13th: The construction of the Berlin Wall is started.
September 21st: The American 5th Special Forces Group, the "Green Berets", is activated.
October 30th: The most powerful nuclear explosive, codenamed Ivan (and called "Tsar Bomba" (emperor of bombs) by the Western world), is detonated in Novaya Zemlya.
January: SEAL Team 1 is commissioned in the Pacific fleet and SEAL Team 2 is commissioned in the Atlantic fleet.
February 20th: The Mercury Atlas 6 ( Friendship 7 ) is launched, sending John Glenn into space. This is the first time an American travels in space.
October 5th: James Bond has his first role in "Dr. No".
October 14th until November 20th: Cuban Missile Crisis.
December 14th: The Mariner 2 approaches Venus and starts scanning the planet, revealing it has cool clouds and an extremely hot surface.
Date unknown: The Boss has a mission at Tselinoyarsk, being forced to kill The Sorrow, her former lover.
Date unknown: The United States begins production of the Davy Crockett nuclear missiles.
Date unknown: The SS-1C "Scud B" missiles, designed by Alexandr Granin, are deployed.
February: The United States and the Soviet Union sign the Hotline Agreement; A direct telephone connection is set up between the American and Soviet leaders.
July 4th: The film The Great Escape is released.
August 5th: The United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union sign the Partial Test Ban Treaty ( PTBT ) in the Kremlin.
October 10th: The James Bond film "From Russia With Love" is released.
November 22nd: President Kennedy's assassination. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes the President of the United States.
Date unknown: John Le Carr publishes the book "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold".
July 2nd: President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act.
August 2nd: The Gulf of Tonkin incident.
August 24th: Virtuous Mission. Naked Snake infiltrates Tselinoyarsk to rescue Sokolov. The Boss takes Sokolov and defects to the Soviet Union. The Virtuous Mission is a failure.
August 30th: Operation Snake Eater. Naked Snake infiltrates Tselinoyarsk yet again to rescue Sokolov, destroy the Shagohod, and eliminate the Cobra Unit, Colonel Volgin and The Boss.
September 2nd: Operation Snake Eater is a success. The Shagohod has been destroyed, the members of the Cobra Unit are dead. Colonel Volgin is fried by a bolt of lightning, and Naked Snake kills The Boss.
September: Naked Snake earns the title "Big Boss".
September 21st: The first test flight of the XB-70, a heavy bombing airplane which can fly at Mach 3 speeds.
October 12th: Three cosmonauts are sent into space aboard the Voskhod 1.
October 15th: Premier Kruschev leaves his position. Leonid Brezhnev becomes Party First Secretary.
October 16th: China successfully concludes its first tests of nuclear weaponry.
Date unknown: Sigint joins ARPA. He takes part in the development of ARPAnet, which would go online in 1969.
Date unknown: The U.S government conducts a study on emergency medical treatment. The Department of Transportation lays the groundwork for the creation of the EMT system.
Date unknown: Agent EVA disappears in Hanoi.
January 20th: President Nixon begins his term of office.
Date unknown: Para-Medic establishes the nation's first paramedic system in Seattle, Washington.
Date unknown: Major Zero disbands the FOX unit.
Date unknown: The United States receives the missing half of the Philosophers' Legacy. The American branch of the Philosophers is renamed to the "Patriots".
Date unknown: Big Boss establishes the FOX-HOUND unit.
June 17th: Beginning of the Watergate Scandal.
Date unknown: The Les Enfants Terribles project. Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake are born.
August 9: President Nixon resigns.
Date unknown: Big Boss battles in various African civil wars and becomes a hero.
Date unknown (Late 80's): Start of the first Liberian Civil War. Solidus kills Raiden's parents and takes in Raiden to use him to fight in said war as a child-soldier.
19th August: Formation of Vympel, a secretive Russian counter-terrorism unit. Raven later joins this group.
April: The Chernobyl accident showers the Romanenko family with radiation. Nastasha Romanenko vows the world to be free from nuclear weapons.
Date unknown: After losing her parents, Nastasha moves to the USA.
Date unknown: Liquid Snake, working for the SAS at the time, is sent into Iraq to destroy mobile SCUD missile launchers. During the mission he becomes a POW, and is declared MIA.
January 17th until February 27th: Gulf War. The American army injects their troops with a "Fight Gene", obtained when studying Big Boss. The side effects of these injections are disguised as "Gulf War Syndrome".
Date unknown: Nastasha Romanenko joins the DIA, where she meets Richard Ames, her future husband.
Date unknown: Liquid Snake is freed by the U.S government, and returns to the USA.
Date unknown: Solid Snake joins FOX-HOUND.
Date unknown: Outer Heaven crisis: Solid Snake defeats Big Boss and destroys Metal Gear TX-55.
Date unknown: FOX-HOUND second in command Roy Campbell is appointed commander-in-chief. Code name system is discarded.
Date unknown: Nastasha Romanenko leaves the DIA to become a freelance analyst, and starts writing for assorted information magazines, and US Naval magazines.
Date unknown: Nastasha attends the Canberra, the world's first nationally hosted nuclear weapon abolition proposal committee.
Date unknown: Nastasha joins NEST (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) as a military and nuclear analysist.
Date unknown: End of the first Liberian Civil War. Raiden, who at the time was interred at a relief center, is taken in by NGO's and sent to the United States where he is given a new life.
Date unknown: An uprising takes place in Central Asia and the CIS army is sent in, but is defeated repeatedly by a band of mercenaries gathered from around the world. As a result, a democratic military regime, named Zanzibar Land, declares its independence.
Date unknown: Genius Czech bio-technologist Dr. Kio Marv creats "OILIX", a micro-bio-chemical that could refine high purity crude oil and petroleum.
December 24th: Zanzibar Land crisis: Solid Snake defeats Gray Fox, kills Big Boss and destroys Metal Gear D. He vanishes and decides to live in the solitude of Alaska.
Date unknown: Liquid Snake joins FOX-HOUND as the leader of the field combat team.
Date unknown: Naomi Hunter joins the FOX-HOUND medical staff, and begins DNA therapy research and experiments on soldiers.
January 1st: Millenium Bug: The Patriots spread a "data filter" worldwide, disguised as a software fix to impede the impact of the flaw in various computer systems.
Date unknown: Dr. Clark (FOXHOUND's medical chief) dies in a lab explosion caused by Gray Fox, who manages to escape. Naomi Hunter covers the incident and takes over Dr. Clark's job.
Late February: Shadow Moses incident. FOX-HOUND is disbanded.
March: George Sears resigns as President of the United States. He is replaced by James Johnson.
Date unknown: Solid Snake and Otacon found Philanthropy.
April 30th: Jack and Rose meet each other for the first time.
August 8th: U.S.S. Discovery incident. Ocelot hi-jacks RAY.
Date unknown: Olga Gurlukovich gives birth to a child, who is kidnapped by the Patriots.
October: Dead Cell is caught in a surprise attack, losing two of its key members (Chinaman and Old Boy). Only Fatman, Fortune and Vamp survived.
April 29th: Big Shell incident. Sons of Liberty uprising. Raiden sneaks in. The deaths of Fatman, Fortune, Emma Emmerich, Olga Gurlukovich, Ames and the President of the USA.
April 30th: Arsenal Gear crashes into Federal Hall. Solidus's death. Otacon finds out that the original Wisemen Committee has been dead for almost 100 years.
13.03.2008, 20:21 #1518Votokan
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Die gesamte Story von Metal Gear ist schon ziemlich Umfangreich, also wenn du mit 4 anfängst, wirst du wahrscheinlich viele zusammenhänge nicht verstehen können, aber auch wer die die ersten Teile nicht kennt kann bedenklos zugreifen denn:
1. Es sollen viele Erinnerungen aus den früheren MGS Teilen gezeigt werden
2. Das Spiel wird einfach Grafisch und vom Umfang her ein absolutes Meisterwerk
13.03.2008, 20:21 #1519Shakki
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
13.03.2008, 20:34 #1520sYs
AW: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
muss zu meiner schande gestehen dass ich die vorgänger auch nicht gespielt habe =/ .werd mich mal über die story informieren damit die story des neuenteils bei mir nicht auf der strecke bleibt ^^
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