Ergebnis 121 bis 140 von 4523
Thema: Final Fantasy XV
30.08.2008, 17:34 #121Riku_93
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
30.08.2008, 17:40 #122Daxter
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
So welchen Seiten kann man nicht immer trauen,
auch wenn sie sehr zuversichtlich sind.
30.08.2008, 17:43 #123Riku_93
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
ja da habt ihr wohl recht
01.09.2008, 18:37 #124Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Und wieder ein Interview, was übersetzt wurde. Diesmal aus der Dengeki.
Die beiden letzten Punkte ganz besonders durchlesen.^^
There is a scene whereby the female lead (Skirt girl) looks at the painting. Is the painting important?
Nomura: The painting is something I wanted to include in the game. The scene is actually longer. After this scene, the 2 characters (Prince and Skirtgirl) will start their conversation. And they will disclose their names.
Will there be voices in the new trailer at TGS?
Nomura: We havent decide on the voice actor, therefore we will subtitle it instead. IF possible, we will use this way to screen the trailer at TGS.
Skirtgirl is the main female character? Is she the one who fought with the prince previously?
Nomura: Yes she is the main female character. If people have seen my work before, they will know that there is few description on the female characters. She is the first female character that will stand out from all previous Final Fantasy's.
Does that mean she is a rebel from the enemy side? Is she a very capable lady?
Nomura: I cant answer this in detail yet. But she is a very ladylike character. Not the humble type, more of a character that moves according to her beliefs.
The male characters that were disclosed previously, are they friends of prince?
Nomura: Yes. They are the side characters that move along with the prince. Always together type.
Will they appear right from the start of the game?
Nomura: Yes. They are the side characters that appear right at the start.
What sparked the co-operation with Roen?
Nomura: I notice that the western suit is not easy to design because of all the meticulous details. It is time consuming. We dont have so much time since we are developing both FF13 and FFv13 at the same time. As FFv13 design is based on reality, I decides to find a Fashion design company to do the outfit design.
Will there be many outfits for FFv13?
Nomura: The design of the outfit is still ongoing. The outfit disclosed in the new screenshots are already available from Roen.
Since this game is base on reality. What does it feel like to play?
Nomura: The characters live in a world based on Shinjuku (A district in Tokyo) But the appearance of the world is based on Italy. There will also be a lot of natural scenary in this game. FFv13 will have the usual feel of a Final Fantasy game. It feels like I am creating the FF7. The team im working with includes many members from the KH, FF7 and FF8 teams.
The fighting gameplay will be similar to KH?
Nomura: Even though it is base on KH, there will still be a different fighting system. And since this is a final fantasy game, the side characters are playable too.
[Playstation 3 Only World wide] appears at the end of the trailer
Nomura: As the director of FFv13, i have already stated that this game is [Playstation 3 Only World wide].
Hier noch was^^:
Nomura has told Dengeki though that the Final Fantasy XIII demo may be sold separately some time after Advent Children: Complete's release. Square-Enix know they can make a huge amount of revenue by including the Final Fantasy XIII demo with AC:C but is selling the demo separately possibly taking it too far? The demo is supposed to be 90 minutes long, so the file size could make it unfeasible to host on the Playstation Network but if they sell it for an extortionate price, would people still buy it? I can pretty much answer my own question and say yes but that doesn't make it right.
01.09.2008, 18:40 #125Daxter
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Das ist doch mal eine der bessten Nachrichten seit langen.
Gameplay in die Richtung von Kingdom Hearts ^^
Besser gehts doch nicht.
01.09.2008, 18:43 #126Hunter93
01.09.2008, 18:49 #127Gravius Zodiac
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Bäh KH Fightingstil stinkt....aber "basiert" ja nur drauf und wird net 1 zu 1 übernommen.
01.09.2008, 19:01 #128El_Bosnaqi
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Jup diese kingdom hearts steurung bei teil 1 war ehrlich grottig......trotzdem war es eines der geilsten games was mich überraschte aber das lag hauptsächlich an der story
Square hat story technisch immer was seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr gutes auf Lager
Ich hoffe FF13 versus agtio dingenskirchen wird ne geile Story ( was es sowieso haben wird) UND ein geiles Kampfsystem haben
achja brutalität wär nich schlecht
01.09.2008, 19:36 #129Tidus 08
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
hoffentlich kann man bei versus springen und von hochhäsern und sowas runterlaufen das wäre echt actionlastig find ich^^
01.09.2008, 19:41 #130Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
01.09.2008, 19:57 #131Gravius Zodiac
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Jop. Obwohl man bei KH auch springen konnte.
btw: Thx für die News Bahamut05.
01.09.2008, 20:33 #132Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Bitte bitte^^
Tue mein bestes, auch wenn ichs nich auf deutsch übersetzt hab. xD
08.09.2008, 17:26 #133Hunter93
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Nach wie vor hoffe ich auf ein action-orientieres Drama mit vielen Rollenspielelementen in feinster Grafik.
Ob dieses Spiel vielleicht sogar FF XIII grafisch übertreffen kann, wegen der exclusiven und somit besserer Entwicklung?
Würde mich freuen und könnte durchaus ein Must-Have-Titel werden!
"FF meets Kingdoom Hearts" klingt nicht schlecht.
Ps:Erschießt mich, wenns schon gepostet wurde, aber hier wäre ein nettes "Preview" zu FF Versus XIII!
Enthält einige Informationen!
08.09.2008, 18:12 #134GangSlawik20
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Square enix hat sein Line up für TGS 2008 vorgestellt...unter anderem neuer trailer zu FF 13 und FF vs. 13!
Wer wissen will welche Spiele noch einen neuen Trailer spendiert bekommen oder welchen man sogar anspielen kann,besucht die Quelle!
Quelle: - Final Fantasy XII & Final Fantasy XIII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen - Home
LG ,Slawik
16.09.2008, 15:30 #135Bablit
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
hallo erstmal
bin ein zukünftiger ps3 besitzer
ich wollte fragen wann das game denn rauskommt?
16.09.2008, 15:33 #136Falling Angel
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Irgendwann 2009 frühestens.
16.09.2008, 15:51 #137Bablit
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
man das ist schade.
dieses game ist grund genug für ne ps3 ^^
16.09.2008, 17:44 #138GangSlawik20
16.09.2008, 18:08 #139Zephonas
16.09.2008, 18:41 #140Gravius Zodiac
AW: Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Bestätigen kann hier sowieso schonma keiner irgendwas
Gibt ja null Infos zum Release.
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