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Thema: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
14.11.2009, 14:28 #4821Zephonas
14.11.2009, 14:29 #4822AndiP88_S_Snake
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Und dazu noch nen Iro!
14.11.2009, 22:21 #4823Ingrim123
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
ich hoffe doch wirklich das sie das mit dem titelsong ändern
die kann garnicht singen
bin für japische synchro und alle sind glücklich^^
14.11.2009, 22:34 #4824Ati
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
ja den song finde ich auch mal ziemlich schlecht und unpassend...
will old school FF lieder haben!!!! kult bleibt kult und sollte weiter geführt werden
14.11.2009, 22:57 #4825GangSlawik20
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
ach scheiss drauf wer das opening singt -.- hauptsache endlich das spielfreue mich auch frühjahr 2010 ^^ white knight chronichles,tales of vesperia,ff 13,god of war 3 ....wird teuer aber geillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
15.11.2009, 00:35 #4826AndiP88_S_Snake
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
15.11.2009, 12:35 #4827Lycar
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
immer diese schwarz seher XD
ich bin mir sicher irgendwan kommt noch wieder oldschool
hauptsache die ingame musik stimmt und is nicht irgend ein gequietsche XD
im übrigen frühjahr 2009 is bereits vorbei xD
15.11.2009, 12:55 #4828
15.11.2009, 17:22 #4829Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Wurde glaube ich noch nicht gepostet..
4 - (Ist noch nicht sicher, da Wörter zu klein: Bronze Beam)
4 - Earthquake (A-sukueiku)
4 - (Ist noch nicht sicher, da Wörter zu klein: Violent Entrapment)
5 - Heavenly Punishment
ALL - Holy Judgment Lv. 1
Chinese Scans übersetzt (nein, das mach ich nich ins deutsche....)
Page 1: Introduction Page
- Just an introduction on this issue: In this issue, we will be revealing Hope's eidolon Alexander, the only recently revealed Crystallium character growth system, as well as reveal something interesting about getting a code for FFXIV by buying FFXIII that you won't want to miss!
Page 2: Alexander (I)
- Top left corner paragraph (Another introductory paragraph): In the following pages, look forward to reading more about Hope's eidolon Alexander, the Crystallium growth system, chocobos, and new areas in Cocoon. Also, we will be featuring snippets of our interview with Motomu Toriyama interspersed within the pages.
*Black box below that is just standard information we already know about Pulse and Cocoon.
- Paragraph below picture of Hope and his crystal: The crystal that is produced from the mark that L'Cies have is what allows them to call forth their eidolons. Here, Hope is seen using his star-shaped crystal to summon his eidolon Alexander. Being young and inexperienced in battle, Alexander is certainly a summon that Hope can rely on.
*Black box below that is just standard information we already know about L'Cies and Fal'cies.
Page 3: Alexander (II)
- Blue box on top left corner: Alexander does not battle with a weapon, and instead uses his mighty fists to decimate foes. Despite his reliance on his fists, his battle style can be said to be very variant; not only can he use his fists to punch near-ranged enemies, he seems to be able to attack enemies from afar. Additionally, of all the eidolons Alexander can be considered to be one of the largest. You can tell just by judging the difference in height between Hope and Alexander in the image to the left.
- Bit next to the picture inset: Alexander's fists seem to have different variations of attack. Here in this image, Alexander seemingly transforms his fist into some kind of cannon to attack aerial enemies.
Page 4: Alexander (III)
- Paragraph at top left corner: All eidolons will transform when they enter their Gestahlt mode, and it is then that they realise their full powers. In Alexander's case, he transforms into a giant fortress that encircles the enemies.
- Blue bit in middle of page: Alexander's abilities seem to include the one shown in the image above, where the multiple cannons attached to Alexander can shoot beams of holy light. Also, it seems that different abilities should be chosen strategically in battle, depending on the number of enemies and their positions in battle, for maximum damage effect. Alexander's final attack, Holy Judgment, involves him using beams of holy light to reduce foes into ashes.
*Black box on the left is just standard information we already know about the eidolons and their Gestahlt Modes.
Page 5: Alexander (IV)
- Blue bit at top of page: Let's now focus on Alexander's transformation into his Gestahlt Mode. In an interview with Toriyama, he has stated that during Alexander's transformation, various additional parts will fall from the sky to assemble with Alexander to form a fortress. These parts seem to be of a large number. Coupled with the already large Alexander, one can imagine the immense size of Alexander as a fortress in his Gestahlt Mode.
- Caption for photo at the bottom: Alexander seems to be standing in the way of Hope and the rest of his comrades. What could have made him do this, when he should be on Hope's side, aiding him in battle? The answer will be revealed in the interview with Toriyama above!
- Interview with Toriyama at top right corner:
Q: Can you tell us what the concept for Alexander is about?
A: It's "Tactical Commander". Since Alexander is unable to move around the battle field in as mobile a fashion as the other eidolons, there will be a need to assess the current battle conditions in order to battle optimally. Of course, all his abilities will be very large scale still!
Q: Alexander transforms into a fortress in his Gestahlt Mode, can you tell us how you arrived at such a concept?
A: In order to portray Alexander's immense size, we thought that it would be cool to have an eidolon that would surround the entire battle field like a wall. Also, we thought that it would actually be interesting if there was an eidolon that wouldn't move in his Gestahlt Mode!
Q: Can you explain to us why Alexander seems to be standing in opposition to Hope in the image that was released?
A: In order for the L'Cies to obtain their eidolons, the eidolon has to first approve of their power and abilities through battle. However, if one were to battle them in a basic manner, you will be unable to attain their approval. Instead, one would have to carry out actions that would obtain the eidolon's approval. No matter which eidolon it is, the difficulty of their battles are all beyond average, and will definitely cause a number of players to face a large difficulty in overcoming them.
Page 6: Crystallium (I)
- Paragraph at the top left corner: Finally, we will be revealing FFXIII's character growth system in this issue! In each installment, Final Fantasy games have always astounded players, and FFXIII is no exception. Doing away with the traditional "EXP", FFXIII reinvents itself by instead using a system where "the team's power will increase and evolve according to the player's choices". And this system is called the Crystallium system!
- Blue bit below that: The in-game menu is finally revealed officially, as shown on the image on the right. From this main menu, one can select the option "Crystallium". This will bring you to a screen as shown on the following page (Page 7), with a crystal corresponding to the selected character. Also, the second last option on the main menu reveals a new option called O-tokurippu (Auto-Clip?), and seems to allow players to look through topics that are important in the game. (?) On another note, one might notice that in the image shown on the right, only 5 of the 6 revealed characters are shown on screen, with no space for any additional character. However, do not worry, for when Fang is also in the party, space will be made for her by decreasing the widths of each individual character's portraits.
- Bottom part of blue bit: The Crystallium has levels? On the bottom of the menu screen, one can see not only the current Paradigm of the battling team on the left and the Tactical Points gauge on the right, but also the Crystallium Level in the centre. This level is representative of the current upper limit on character growth, which will be raised as the story progresses and the cap on character growth is slowly removed.
- Blue bit below the menu image: A 6th role 'Saboteur' (Jammer) is revealed! In the Crystallium, one must advance each role's individual abilities and power. Here a new role that you can also advance is revealed; the 'Saboteur' role. Specifically, it is an important role concerned with reducing the power of foes, hindering their battle with negative status effects, as well as removing their positive status effects. Here in the image inset and image below, Vanille as a Saboteur can be seen casting Bio, which inflicts the Poison status which slowly drains the enemy's HP.
Page 7: Crystallium (II)
- Paragraph below the top image: With the reveal of the Saboteur role, all 6 roles have been completely revealed. (Didn't they say there were a lot? O_o) Whilst we will explain the Crystallium in-depth on the next page (Page 8), here we will give a basic explanation first. If a player wants to develop his roles, one must use the CP obtained through battles. Depending on a player's desire, one can choose to either have the characters specialize in certain roles, or develop their roles equally such that the character is equally adept at each role. It is entirely up to the player's choice.
*Bit on the 6 roles are just summaries of what we already know about them.
*Black box on the right is just standard information we already know about Roles and Paradigms.
Page 8: Crystallium (III)
- Paragraph at top left corner: Now we will go through an in-depth analysis of the mechanics of the Crystallium system. The basis of the entire system is the "crystal", and the system will allow players the freedom to choose whichever roles they want to develop, and whatever abilities they wish to unlock. Clearly, if one wishes to enjoy FFXIII, one will have to understand first how the Crystallium works.
- Blue bit below that (Top portion): Inside the crystal, each role will a set path within. When the player wants to develop a character's roles, he would have to ask himself "Which role(s) do I want to develop?" From the image on the right, we can see that Lightning seemingly has access to developing the Commando (Attacker) and Ravager (Blaster) roles. The other roles such as Medic and Saboteur are missing from the screen, and clearly it is because Lightning does not have access to developing these roles at this point in time.
- Blue bit below that (Bottom portion): When the player hovers over the option "Ravager Lv. 1", a summary of the available crystals to unlock is provided for that respective level. These crystals are sorted into 4 categories: Abilities, HP, Attack Power, Magic Power. In this case, only 2 of the 3 Ability crystals are unlocked so far, with the rest of the 2 HP, 2 Attack Power, and 2 Magic Power crystals still locked.
- Blue bit next to second image: The crystals assume a variety of different shapes, and the layout of the board will change according to the level of the role. In the image on the left, you can see the various crystals on the board linked by what is termed "Power Lines". As you unlock these crystals, the corresponding ability or parameter upgrade (HP/Attack Power/Magic Power) is obtained by the character. Whilst the crystals are arranged on a set Power Line, one would find that for certain crystals, there will be a branch out to another area. Additionally, as the player navigates from the outer disc and reaches the crystal located in the centre, the role will level up, and a new layer board is added above the current board; a literal level up. Interestingly, roles will differ slightly between characters. That is, the crystals and layout for various roles in the Crystallium will differ for different characters.
- Portion at the bottom left corner: The 4 types of crystals found in the Crystallium can be divided into 2 groups; the Ability and the Parameter crystals. The Ability group comprises just the one type of Ability crystals, whilst the Parameter group comprises the other 3; HP, Attack Power and Magic Power crystals. The difference between the two groups of crystals is this: Ability crystals unlocked are specific to the character and the role, but Parameter crystals apply to the character in general and not the role specifically. In other words, any Parameter crystals unlocked within any of a character's roles all contribute similarly to the character in general. Therefore, a player can choose between the two groups of crystals to concentrate on unlocking, which will have a crucial impact on a character in battle.
- Tiny bit at very bottom of page: In Alexander's Gestahlt Mode, he doesn't seem to be able to move...? Toriyama explains, "Alexander will be unable to move, and will instead be so huge that he will surround the entire battle field. In this case, as a "Tactical Commander", the player will have to rely on assessing the location and number of enemies to strategically choose commands in battle." It looks like Alexander's Gestahlt Mode will be very different from the other eidolons'.
Page 9: Crystallium (IV)
- Blue bit at the top (Top portion): In order to unlock crystals on the board, one must travel along the Power Lines linking the various crystals. And to move along the Power Lines, one must press and hold the 'O' button, and press the direction pad in the direction that you want to proceed in. However, to do this, Crystal Points (CP) must be used. Without CP, players cannot move along Power Lines. Only when a crystal is reached by moving along a Power Line, can the crystal be unlocked, and new available Power Lines be shown. If CP is used completely, the player will not be able to move along a Power Line to reach other crystals. Players are free to move along Power Lines that have already been unlocked with CP. This means that if players wish to backtrack to a point where there was a branch, no additional CP will be consumed. (!)
- Blue bit at the top (Bottom portion): The steps for developing the roles can be outlined in the flowchart on the right: Obtain CP Through Battles --> Choose The Role To Develop --> Use CP To Travel Along Power Lines --> Unlock Crystals When You Reach Them. On another note, one should note that the CP obtained in battle is dependent on the type and number of enemies defeated, and in this respect is similar to EXP from previous FFs. The rank obtained after the battle has no implication on the amount of CP obtained. Instead, the rank will affect the equipment/items obtained.
- Tiny bit at very bottom of page: Toriyama explains, "The other eidolons can be said to be more "action", whereas Alexander can be considered to be more "strategic". For the other eidolons' Gestahlt modes, the summoner can be seen riding them in some way, but what about Hope? Toriyama explains, " For Hope he will stand/hold on to Alexander's head portion, and issue orders to him." Try searching for him on Page 4!
Scan 10
With regards to the Crystallium system; by using Hope’s role of Blaster as an example, he’ll be learning fire abilities, which won’t be all that powerful in the beginning but it’ll only use up little of his cost points, (you’ll be able to prepare a few more fire attacks in the attack slots in this case). The character will be able to deal more damage as he continues to level up in that role, and consequently an increased amount of cost points will be required for each casting.
There’re firaga and lightning spells that would be able to send your enemies flying into the air (by all means that doesn’t equate that you’ve reached the chain break stage). However, by attacking enemies during that spell-launched period, you be able to get your chain bar to increase more.
Scan 11 (im really not all epic familiar with the Crystallium stuff, forgive me if there’s seemingly contradicting looking info.. ><”)
As compared to FFX’s battle system, the Crystallium system expands upward and downward in a 3d manner, whereby the player will be able to adjust character skills according to personal preference.
Player’s will see the Crystal Level and the Role Level in the character stats. Level ups will not be based on individual characters EXP but on the Crytals’ Crystal Points. Crystal Points unlock new attributes and skills for battle roles while the crystals’ level essentially levels up as the story progresses (The Crystal Level will essentially follow the highest level the character has achieved in their roles).
And yes, you’ll be able to “turn back” and obtain the crystals that are on another route. It depends on how the player strategizes their character.
Scan 12 & 13
Vanille’s riding a Pulse Chocobo here and that they’re rather wild looking as compared to Cocoon’s Chocobos [the one that Sazh owns]. Riding Chocobos enhance your move speed and a yellow circle will appear for higher grounds that are reachable for them. They can sense hidden items in the ground (the Chocobo will have “!” in a speech bubble), which players will have to use them to dig out the items.
The Life bar of the Chocobo will decrease (spilt feather) when you collide with enemies, but it will recover after running around for a while.
Scan 14 & 15
There’re several weather controlling stations within Sanles Riverside; blue indicates sunny weather while orange indicates a rainy day. Once it starts raining, other various monsters will venture out into the open. Rainy day monsters tend to be stronger than sunny day ones.
[Scan 14 – middle right pic] The orangey-red monster is a Vegeta-Pudding!
[Scan 15 – top pic] That’s Lake Shela; it’s seemingly located in the centre of Sanles Riverside.
Scan 16
Nautilus Park is mainly a city for tourism, entertainment and relaxation. There’s chocobos stationed at the entrance hall to welcome visitors. The city enjoys advanced hi-technology as well.
[left] The “machine” at Sanles Riverside serves as a medium for humans to contact the weather controlling Fal’Cie. Just like in Hope’s recount in Episode Zero, there will be different monsters appearing in different weather conditions. Players will require the weather machine to avoid the more troublesome monsters.. Oh, but you wont be able to change the weather in every in-game location you go to.
Siren and Carbuncle and not playable edolons, but rather mythical fairytale-like creatures of Cocoon.
Scan 17
Another scene within Nautilus Park, complete with flying cars, a ferris wheel, hot air balloons, a landmark that resembles some sort of clock-tower-looking monument and what seems to be some kind of government building, given the guards standing around there [top left pic, bottom left corner]. This is also the location where Carbuncle pops out from one of those disks that fell from the sky..
[bottom right] FFXIII & FFXIV promotions! The 1st batch of FFXIII will have a password enclosed inside that enables players to unlock special limited items in FFXIV. LIMITED TO JAPAN ONLY.
Q&A zum Summon Alexander:
Q: Könnt ihr uns sagen, um was es sich bei dem Konzept für Alexander handelt?
A: Es ist "Tactical Commander". Da Alexander nicht in der Lage ist, sich so wie die anderen Eidolons auf dem Kampffeld zu bewegen, ist es erforderlich, die Kampfkonditionen zu verändern, um den Kampf zu gewinnen. Natürlich werden seine Fähigkeiten immer noch sehr großflächig sein!
Q: Alexander transformiert sich im Gestalt Mode in eine Festung. Könnt ihr uns sagen, wir ihr zu solch einem Konzept gekommen seid?
A: Um Alexanders immense Größe zu porträtieren, dachten wir, dass es cool sein, einen Eidolon zu haben, der dass gesamte Kampffeld wie eine Mauer umgibt. Wir dachten auch, dass es interessant wäre einen Eidolon zu haben, der sich nicht im Gestalt Mode bewegt!
Q: Könnt ihr uns erklären, weshalb Alexander gegenüber von Hope, in dem Bild was veröffentlicht wurde, steht?
A: Damit L'Cies ihre Eidolons bekommen, müssen die Eidolons erst ihre Kraft und Fähigkeiten durch einen Kampf akzeptieren. Wenn man sie jedoch nur mit grundlegenden Zügen angreift, wird man nicht in der Lage sein, ihre Anerkennung zu bekommen. Stattdessen müsste man Tätigkeiten ausführen, um die Anerkennung zu erlangen. Egal, welcher Eidolon es ist, der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist höher als normal und es wird definitiv ein paar Spielern Schwierigkeiten bereiten, diese zu überwinden.
15.11.2009, 22:55 #4830GangSlawik20
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
ff 13 wird göttlich
16.11.2009, 02:03 #4831des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Baha, wieso posted to selbstgemacht sig von dem einen o.O? Hat doch nix mit der Wirklichkeit zu tun.
Das mit dem Fal'Cie ala Carbuncle ist nur ein Gedanke der Famitsu.
16.11.2009, 11:58 #4832jimcarry
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Kein DLC zum Launch von Final Fantasy 13 in Japan
Zwar meinte man noch auf der letzten GamesCom an, dass möglicherweise ein nicht Story basierender DLC erscheinen könnte, doch nun kündigte Yoshinori Kitase von Sqaure an, dass es zum Launch von Final Fantasy 13 in Japan erstmal keinen DLC geben wird.
“Unfortunately, it has been decided that no DL contents will be available for the Japanese version due out in December, while no decision has been made for the overseas versions.”
Naja. Macht ja auch nix, oder? Ein nicht Story erweiterndes AddOn könnten ja auch zum Beispiel diverse Bikinioberteile für die Hauptdarstellerinnen sein…
16.11.2009, 12:25 #4833Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Bitteschön, nu stimmt alles...
@lustiger Schauspieler
Du bist immer noch zu langsam xD
Guckst du hier (gepostet vor 2 Tagen):
18.11.2009, 09:27 #4834des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Nächste Famitsu hat wieder 19 Zeiten FF Special.
18.11.2009, 10:54 #4835Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Ui, toll toll toll.
Gibts bestimmt wieder viel neues! :3
Müsstes nich auch bald wieder die Shonen Jump geben?
18.11.2009, 11:14 #4836des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Vjump am 21.
Shounen Jump am 23.
Beide wahrscheinlich mit neuen Infos. Bester Tipp zur Zeit, Vanilles Summon ist jetzt dran XD. Wer geht mit ?
18.11.2009, 13:10 #4837Lycar
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Ich gehe mit und behaupte es wird eine komplett unbekannte Summon sein XD
würde mich ja am meisten amüsieren wenn sie die stärkste summon bekommt XD
18.11.2009, 13:51 #4838des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Nächste JUMP
Showcasing of some monsters - Giant Cactuar, Adamantaimai, Behemoth. The FFXIII Adamantaimai is supposed to be so huge it looks like a SotC fight.
The official name for Pulse is Grand Pulse. Throughout Grand Pulse there are things (NPCs? Objects? Not sure.) known as Dark Inscriptions, which provide optional missions for the player. This is the new gameplay system revealed this week.
19.11.2009, 09:06 #4839Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Auf der japanischen Seite von Amazon ist ein neuer Artikel aufgetaucht. Einige mögen den Webroman "Episode Zero", der als Vorgeschichte zum eigentlichen Spiel dient, bereits kennen und im Internet gelesen haben. Ab dem 24. Dezember soll es nun als gebundenes Werk für 1470 Yen (11 Euro) dort vertrieben werden, Vorbestellungen werden bereits angenommen. Ob es das allerdings auch in Englisch, oder sogar Deutsch geben wird, ist bisher ungewiss.
Desweiteren wartet auf noch ein neues Buch zum Thema Final Fantasy XIII, genannt "Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Master Guide", für 1155 Yen (8,71 Euro), allerdings ist der Inhalt dessen noch unbekannt. Es erscheint am 17. Dezember und somit zeitgleich mit dem Spiel selbst in Japan.
19.11.2009, 16:54 #4840Lycar
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
ok Adamantaimai is wirklich riesen biest O_o
also da muss man sicher aufpassen nicht von sonen vieh zerlatscht zu werden
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