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Thema: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
26.09.2009, 14:39 #4361Lycar
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
sieht beinahe so aus des mädel wie yuna im tänzerkostüm
26.09.2009, 14:40 #4362Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Hab ich auch gedacht, als ich sie gesehen hab... huh, Yuna?^^
Aber is schon FF13^^
Special PS3 und sicherlich nicht finales Cover von FF13 aus nem anderen Blickwinkel:
26.09.2009, 14:44 #4363Lycar
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
kann man aber ganz schön verwechseln O_o
oder hat yuna doch daran gedacht nachwuchs in die welt zu setzen und die in 13 auftauchen XD
26.09.2009, 15:57 #4364des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Pft Baha, schon das Bild hat schon Haare .
26.09.2009, 16:21 #4365Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Aber deins war aus ner anderen Perpektive....
Chinese Famitsu HD Scans:
Die Seite is mir zu lahm, um zu warten, bis ich alle 17 Scans hab, also schaut selber...
Vllt poste ich sie doch, aber dauert und das wird sicherlich ein BEWARE 56K Post!!!
edit (letzter, denk ich ma^^) <-- Die 17 Scans der Chinese Famitsu auf Imageshack. (Glaube nich, dass hier nen 11,4 MB Post gestattet ist...^^)
Sind eig alles schon bekannte Bilder aber auf einem wird ein neues Monster gezeigt.
26.09.2009, 17:31 #4366des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Ach Baha, noch mehr Haare xD.
26.09.2009, 17:40 #4367Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Ich poste gleich gar nix mehr.... xD
26.09.2009, 19:49 #4368des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Armer Baha: hoffe du willst nicht alles übersetzen! Hier also Infos zu den ersten Seiten!
Page 1:
- Nothing much; mostly stuff we know already.
- Except that there's one introductory line that says something along the lines of "we're going to publish the official story behind the story of the world of FFXIII", and I'm excited that this could be referring to the web novel?!
Page 2:
- Stuff about Serah! First header describe her as a strong and determined woman who doesn't give up in the face of troubles.
- Caption for first photo reads: "Serah says to Vanille that whatever difficulties she faces can be overcome. You can tell by the look in her eyes the silent but resolved determination that she possesses." Wow, looks like Serah's an optimistic but tough girl!
- In her character description below her name next to her render, it merely confirms that she's Lightning's sister, and Snow's fiance. But also talks about how she has a caring heart, and lives by her belief that "One must be independent and be able to stand on one's own two feet".
- The paragraph next to that talks about what you can expect in all 17 of these pages. Expect mroe about Serah, more about the summoning system, as well as an interview with the developers, whom I presume and Kitase and Motomu. And it also promises "new secrets", haha. Well, leave all that to my fellow translators! =)
- The paragraph at the bottom talks about Serah and Vanille's relationship. "Serah, Lightning and Snow live in a marine coastal town, and here in this picture (above), Serah and Vanille are talking in a place that Serah personally loves to frequent." It then goes on to talk about how it is evident that they are both good friends, especially since they're of the same age, but as trailers (I presume TGS) have shown of Vanille grabbing Serah and apologizing profusely while sobbing, it is unsure of how their relationship develops or is affected.
Page 3:
- Ooh, the topmost paragraph reveals a lot about Snow and Lightnings relationship! Firstly, the headlines talk about how they have similar good feelings and concern for Serah, but are opposed and have different ways of thinking. The paragraph proper then talks about how Snow and Serah are engaged, but Lightning disapproves of their engagement. In fact, she hates it when Snow tries to call her "Big Sis" (i.e. nee-san)! (Haha, looks as if Snow is purposely trying to rub it in!) Then, the paragraph goes on to reveal why Lightning opposes their marriage so strongly! "It's because Lightning was once part of the military of Sanctum, and was once involved in dealing with the resistance group Nora, of which Snow is the leader." AHA! (But still, doesn't really explain much except that they were once at odds...)
- The bottom part of the page is an interview with Nomura! The questions and answers are below:
Q1: What's the concept design for Serah?
Nomura: I can't reveal too much because the concept that the developers gave me had a lot of underlying secrets. However, I can tell you that what was most important was that she had to be cute. And that she had to fit her role of being Lightning's sister and Snow's fiance.
Q2: For Serah, what main design points did you focus on?
Nomura: I guess that would have to be her hair.I got my inspiration for Serah's side ponytail from an action actress I saw with a similar hairstyle. The impression stuck in my mind, and I knew I wanted to give one character a similar hairstyle. Otherwise, I wanted Serah's silhouette to be similar to Lightning's, so I added curls to her ponytail. The same goes for her accessories, which are similar to Lightning's.
Q3: How about the concept for Hope's character?
Nomura: If I had to summarize, I'd say that he's a well-brought up, refined, and passionate boy. At first, I had given him a more ruffian look, but after considering the appearances of the rest of the characters, I decided to give him a more "pretty boy" kind of style.
Q4: Just like Q2 earlier; what main design points did you focus on for Hope?
Nomura: At first the developers and I sat down and decided if we wanted the main character to be blond, but since we decided on strawberry blond for Lightning, we decided that Hope's character would fit being blond best. Also, perhaps one focal point of Hope's design is the use of patterns, and one good example is his scarf.
Page 4:
- The paragraph on top talks about how this page is going to be about the scene where Snow and Serah are in the sky on a hovercraft with the fireworks as a backdrop!
- The first photo and caption just talk about how both of them are enjoying the time spent together.
- The paragraph on the side reveals nothing much, except about how the two of them are deeply in love, and questions how long their happiness will last. Seems to foreshadow future strife...
- Then below that there's an explanation of their engagement necklaces, which was a gift from Snow to Serah.
- The bottom most teaser is the most interesting on this page! Motomu or Kitase (one of them) reveals more about Serah and Lightning's daily life! As mentioned earlier, they live together in a house in same marine coastal town. Everyday, Lightning leaves for work in the Sanctum military, though it's not really an army military kind of job, but can be more likened to police work! (Direct translation: Area Police, whatever that means...) As for Serah, she's having a "gap year"; having a vacation period before her university starts! And when questioned if Serah will join your party, Motomu replies that "It's... A Secret." =D Finally, it's also revealed that Snow and Serah have been dating for less than two years. (Perhaps that's a reason for Lightning's disapproval!)
Page 5:
- First picture has an interesting caption... Snow says to Serah; "Let's come and see the fireworks again tomorrow, OK?", to which Serah is left speechless for a while, tears brimming in her eyes, and finally replies, "Thank you."
- In the "Report 1" at the right, is just an update about the trailer that was seen at the Premiere Party. Which included the revealing of Sazh's summon, the mysterious Sanctum L'cie, and.... HOPE'S FATHER. So that's who the guy revealed in that screenshot was!
- The paragraph in the middle reveals more about the fireworks festival that is the backdrop for the scene. Apparently, it's an annual festival held in their marine coastal town, where they light fireworks. There's a romantic legend behidn the fireworks; that whoever sees them and makes a wish will have their wish come true, and that is the reason why many people come to see the fireworks each year. Serah clearly is seen making a wish in the trailer, but what wish could it be?
- The paragraph also describes the picture to the right; clearly Serah is not wearing her necklace yet, so Snow must have given it to her sometime after this event takes place.
-The caption for the bottom photo is most shocking! It says; "Using a resolved tone, Serah proposes a break-up to Snow. This is a major blow to Snow, and his heart must be severly hurt. What reasons could Serah have?"
- And the teaser at the bottom of the page talks more about the link between the FFXIII logo and the engagement necklaces. Famitsu asks if there's any link between their similar designs, and Motomu replies; "The logo has a link with the mythology, just keep that in mind for now." Urgh; still keeping things a secret!
Scan 6 :
And sorry, it's my job to translate page 6 but I can't control myself! xD Page 6 reveals that the reason for Serah proposing a break-up is because she discovered that she became a L'Cie! A Pulse one at that, and actually the first as mentioned in previous sources. So she believes that as an "enemy" to Cocoon, she cannot be with Snow. Specifically, this breakup scene happens before the fireworks scene. That means that Snow still insisted on taking her to the fireworks festival, despite knowing that she had become a Pulse L'Cie, and chose to be engaged by giving her her necklace! Oh my, there _is_ love in FFXIII! =D
1) And so the happy days come to an end! With Serah being chosen as a Pulse l’Cie, she initiates a breakup with Snow, telling him that she has become the enemy of every human being in Cocoon. Snow tries to make her stay, and gets them engaged despite the truth that he already knows.
2) A fal’Cie is a special existence that utilizes Crystal as its main form of power,with the capability to crystallize water and fire. They too have a mission to achieve, and the l’Cie chosen are their tools to complete their task.
Scan 7 :
3) *compare Serah’s mark with Snow’s; hers has a ‘red eye ball’ at the centre* An l’Cie’s mark will change/evolve as time passes.. When the ‘red eye ball’ starts to open its eye, it means that the l’Cie has already fallen to the state of a Cie Corpse.
Scan 8 :
4) Serah and Snow head out together to search for Pulse’s faI’Cie for a cure.Pulse’s faI’Cie attacks and tries to absorb Serah into itself. Afterwhich, the fal’Cie gets hauled off to Hanged Edge which eventually leads to Snow & co. being exiled off to Pulse.
Scan 9 :
5) To Cocoon, Crystal is an important source of fuel for their flying ships and machinery. The Sanctum & PSICOM use it to strengthen their monsters.
6) All I’Cie are doomed to a pitiful end. Regardless of the fact whether you comprehend the vision that depicts your Focus, as long as the time limit is up; the failed ones will end up as Cie Corpse while those who succeeded will become crystals. According to the myth that Snow narrates, it seems that becoming a crystal runs parallel with the meaning of “eternity”.. and it was supposed to be something that humans look forward to very much.. Either way, it is impossible for them to remain as “human beings”.
7) Snow & co. ends up chasing after Serah all the way into the body of the fal’Cie, but were unable to stop her transformation into a crystal. Snow speaks softly to her that he believes she had completed her Focus and that’s why she turning into a crystal. There was no happiness reflected in his eyes, only helplessness and grief.
Page 12
Basically about Gestalt/Driving Mode.
-Even enemies who are usually difficult to deal with become fodder when you use Gestalt mode.
-Drive gauge(The number at the bottom left of the screen during Gestalt Mode) gets higher as you spend more time in normal mode so it becomes important to decide when you should switch to Gestalt mode.
-Auto-drive:Attacks are chosen automatically base on the circumstances. Cost will not be reflected on screen.
-Checkbox: I think I need to look at the earlier pages to figure out what gauge this box is talking about...Too many gauges/bars...
-Bottom page tidbit about Sazh's summon:Wears red armour and carries a huge sword. Fire element. Changes into a car. Was based on the cars in an old anime named Mahha GoGoGo. Has attacks that are more action-oriented.
(Didn't do anything about Odin's attacks since the names have been translated before and they sound silly in English when translated directly.)
Page 13
-Since Shiva Bike's attacks have never been translated I'll try(At least I haven't seen any).
Wheel Rush, Supu Rush(Not sure what this is), Icicle Turn, Air Edge, Diamond Dust. (Note that Katakana translated are usually effy at best when it comes to names.)
-Shiva Bike rushes towards enemies at top speed or uses turning to create ice storms. This rough and powerful way of combat fits Snow's passionate character. From what has been seen in the TGS demo, Shiva Bike's attacks are good for area attacks and for larger gropus of enemies. Good also when being surrounded.
-Final Specials like Odin Horse's Zantentsuken(Might be spelling it wrongly) and Shiva Bike's Diamond Dust have levels.
-Bottom page Tidbit: Jihl and Yaag are both part of PSICOM but do they know Lightning (who are a prisoner of the Sanctum)? Toriyama says that PSICOM is a special unit so they probably don't know her. However, Sazh and Jihl seems to share some connection.
26.09.2009, 20:02 #4369Morpheus Hope
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
baha übersetzte es?
26.09.2009, 20:23 #4370des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
man sieht bissel was vom TGS trailer
Noch mehr vom Interview:
The Prologue That Lasts 13 Days
F: Serah, who was only mentioned before, has finally been revealed officially. What sort of character is she?
T: She is the first person in Cocoon to become a Pulse Fal'cie l'cie. It is this that brought about the later chain of events.
F: Does the story begin at the point where she tells Snow about being marked (by a Pulse's Fal'cie)?
T: No. Firstly, 13 days before the start of the game, Cocoon's society experienced many troubling events. These events happened in various places in Cocoon. Some of these events are known while some remained unknown even though incomplete parts have been shown (This sounds weird because I'm not sure whether he means it is known to players or to the people of Cocoon. Keep in mind that the magazine contains mistakes since they had to translate Japanese to Mandarin Chinese in the first place). We will release web novels that will depict some of these events before the game's release date. The first one should be up during TGS if we're quick enough.
F: Serah and Vanille look close, did they know each other from before?
T: They don't go way back and they just got to know each other. But due to being close in age, they can get along with each other. The town (Bo-Dam) that Serah stays in is a vacation spot so all sorts of people visit the place. Snow and the NORA have a beach house here. It's very common for the town's residents to become chummy with the tourists. The fireworks party is the town's largest festival.
F: That would be the one where Snow was looking at fireworks and said "Is this the legendary fireworks that can grant wishes?" ?
T: The legend is has the same meaning as the one we have for shooting stars.
After this, Snow gives Serah the engagement necklace. Even though it was Snow who chose the necklaces, he only bought them after Serah mentioned them. We have plans to release this part of the story on our website.
F: Lightning seems to oppose Serah and Snow's relationship. Why is it so?
T: Having lost their parents since young, Serah is more like a daughter (to Lightning) than a sister. If my sister's boyfriend looks like someone who is not dependable, I'll probably object too lol. Also, Snow is a member of NORA, a group that does not want to obey the Sanctum's rule. This also affects Lightning's opinion on him. The web novel will also touch on Lightning and Snow's relationship.
What It Means To Be Crystalised
F: In the trailer we see Serah being caught by this liquid. What's happening there?
T: This is the moment where she gets pulled into the body of Pulse's Fal'cie.
After this, the Fal'cie gets send to Hanged Edge while Snow and company gets exiled. However, Lightning and co chase after the Fal'ice and hence arrive at Hanged Edge like we see in the ACC demo.
F: Did Lightning witness Serah being absorbed into the Pulse Fal'cie?
T: No she didn't but she heard it from Snow. Because he doesn't know how to ease his words, he tells everything as it is to Lightning lol.
F: So that's what happened. So Lightning's departure from Sanctum happens after this?
T: That's right. She left after making her mind to protect Serah. Even though we can say that Lightning is a strong woman, she can go overboard when it comes to prtecting Serah and she can over tax herself. We can also say that Serah is Lightning's spiritual pillar/support.
F: A l'cie becomes "an inmortalised crystal after completing his or her Focus?
T: We have people saying that the act of being crystalised equates to becoming an inmortal but to Lightning and the people of Cocoon in general, the process is no different from death. Only someone like Snow, who is a romantic who likes fantasy, would see it in that positive light. (Now on page 15)
F: Since Serah is now a crystal, does that mean the she has completed her Focus?
T: Serah herself is not sure whether she has done her Focus so the people around wouldn't know either. Everyone has their own explanation as to why she became a crystal and they often argue over their own ideas.
F: In the latest trailer, we almost see a scene of Dajh(Sazh's son) being turned into a crystal.
T: The awaken of the Pulse Fal'cie means that the number of Pulse l'ice increases. Dajh becoming a l'cie is also one of those events. There are no special reasons for one to be chosen; the Fal'cie merely choose those who are near. So we have cases of children becoming l'cie also. But then again those who are unsuitable becomes Cie Corpses immediately. Because Dajh is young, he has no idea what has happened. This is why he doesn't turn immediately. Those who know bits and pieces become Cie Corpses quickly because of their fear. The speed at which one becomes a Cie corpse is related to one's psychological state.
26.09.2009, 20:39 #4371Mertie
AW: Final Fantasy XIII
26.09.2009, 20:47 #4372Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Ich übersetz mal die Storyspoiler...
Seite 6 verrät den Grund, warum Serah vorschlägt, sich von Snow zu trennen:
Immer noch Scan 6 mit Infos zu den fal'Cie:
Scan 7 befasst sich mit Serahs Zeichen:
Wie geht es weiter??? Scan 8:
Scan 9 - Wozu sind die Kristalle gut, schreckliches Ende für l'Cie egal, ob Mission erfüllt oder nicht und kann Sow Serah retten?:
Ja, ich weiß, der 1. Satz von 6) klingt seltsam, mir fällt aber grad nix besseres ein.^^
26.09.2009, 20:57 #4373Mertie
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
es ist ja auch schon FF XIV geplant und es soll noch vor FF XIII kommen
alber mal schauen ob es stimmt
26.09.2009, 21:01 #4374Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Hier das Interview:
Der Prolog, der 13 Tage andauert
F: Serah, die erst vor kurzem erwähnt wurde, wurde nun endlich offiziell bestätigt. Was ist sie für ein Charakter?
F: Beginnt die Story an dem Punkt, wo sie Snow über ihr Zeichen berichtet?
F: Serah und Vanille scheinen eng befreundet zu sein. Kennen sie sich von früher?
F: Das wäre dann das, wo sich Snow das Feuerwerk ansieht und sagt: "Ist das das legendäre Feuerwerk, welches Wünsche erfüllen kann?" ?
F: Lightning scheint gegen Snows und Serahs Beziehung zu sein. Weshalb?
Was es bedeutet, kristallisiert zu sein
F: Im Trailer sehen wir, wie Serah von der Flüssigkeit gefangen wird. Was passiert hier?
F: Hat Lightning gesehen, wie Serah in Pulse Fal'cie gezogen wurde?
F: Das ist also passiert. Lightnings Abreise folgt also danch?
F: Ein L'Cie wird zu einem "ewigen Kristall", wenn er/sie seinen Focus erfüllt?
Die Frage beinhaltet auch nen Spoiler^^
F: Im neuesten Trailer sehen wir eine Szene in der Dahj (Sazh Sohn) beinahe in einen Kristall verwandelt wird.
26.09.2009, 21:19 #4375TrueValue
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
habe seit langem nicht mehr hier reingeschaut.
Wäre toll wenn jemand die neuen Trailer ( seit der Demo) auflisten könnte!
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Achja: Ich hoffe das Spiel wird nicht von der Story zu komplex, sieht nämlich langsam irgendwie so aus^^.
26.09.2009, 21:23 #4376des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Eh wie wäre es mit der offiziellen Homepage? FINAL FANTASY XIII
26.09.2009, 21:45 #4377TrueValue
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Wusste gar nicht, dass es schon eine gibt^^.
Danke für den Link!
Jedoch wenn ich im Menü auf etwas klicke ändert sich nichts auf der Seite!
26.09.2009, 21:49 #4378des
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Eh dann stimmt was mit deinem Flashplugin nicht oder deine Leitung zickt rum .
26.09.2009, 22:41 #4379Bahamut
AW: Final Fantasy XIII / FF13
Seite 3 - Warum Lightning so sehr gegen die Beziehung der beiden ist:
Seite 4 - Serahs und Lightnigs tägliches Leben und ob Serah sich der Party anschließt:
27.09.2009, 00:55 #4380@XL
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