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05.07.2010, 21:14 #1Shushu
Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
Laut bzw. einem Mitarbeiter von Mm, werden die Coolen Seiten bald gefixt Zumindest arbeiten Mm schon an einer Lösung für das Problem, das uns an den Coolen Levels - Seiten stört. Anbei das Original-Zitat in englischer Sprache
As you know the Cool Level Pages section of LittleBigPlanet are far from what they are supposed to be. Some sad people have decided block most spots on the first few pages with their levels (or rather copies of other people's levels), thus not giving anyone else the chance to get some plays and to play some good levels. Well, the times they are a-changin'. Spaff_Molecule just posted this statement on the Workshop:
Hey all,
I just wanted to pop along to say that we are aware of the issue with Cool Levels at the moment, and are working to fix it!
Hold on to your hats, it might take a little while longer, but we think we've worked out the best way of addressing it now.
Good news! Unless you are one of those sad peeps who like to rile people by ruining their experience of a game.
05.07.2010, 22:38 #2SurviveX
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
Ich war schon lange nicht mehr in LBP online. Was genau hat das mit denn Coole Levels -Seiten auf sich?
05.07.2010, 23:23 #3Shushu
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
06.07.2010, 18:48 #4Neo_-_95
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
Es sind auch Clay_the_21.november und clay_big_guns
06.07.2010, 21:27 #5Kedenix
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
wir gründen eine alianz, finden heraus wo diese 4 viecher wohnen, fesseln sie löschen ihre levels, zerschlagen iohre ps3 mit einem hammer und brechen ihnen noch jeden finger einzelnd damit sie nie wieder levels kopieren können, wer schließt sich mir an ^^
08.12.2011, 18:09 #6denim
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
Es sind auch Clay_the_21.november und clay_big_guns
"Most people think video games are all about a child staring at a TV with a joystick in his hands. I don't. They should belong to the entire family. I want families to play video games together."
10.12.2011, 17:14 #7denim
AW: Coole Levels - Seiten werden gefixt
"You know what's really exciting about video games is you don't just interact with the game physically -- you're not just moving your hand on a joystick, but you're asked to interact with the game psychologically and emotionally as well. You're not just watching the characters on screen; you're becoming those characters"
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