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  1. #3121
    frrucknut frrucknut ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Sofort ? Release = 10.11.
    jo mittlerweiler aber weniger als 1 Monat

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #3122
    TechnoRocker TechnoRocker ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat frrucknut Beitrag anzeigen
    jo mittlerweiler weniger als 1 Monat
    ich kann's auch kaum mehr abwarten.

  4. #3123
    Sir Onkl Happy

    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Lolo607 Beitrag anzeigen
    gibt es hier denn eigentlich jemand der sich die prestige edition gekauft hat?
    Ich hatte sie vorbestellt, bin aber zwischenzeitlich auf die "Normale" umgestiegen.

    Wollte als potenzieller "Killer" nicht noch als Spanner (KLICK) abgestempelt werden

  5. #3124
    TechnoRocker TechnoRocker ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hatte sie vorbestellt, bin aber zwischenzeitlich auf die "Normale" umgestiegen.

    Wollte als potenzieller "Killer" nicht noch als Spanner (KLICK) abgestempelt werden
    LoL..geiler Bericht.

  6. #3125
    frrucknut frrucknut ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    lol, hab ich auch gelsen

    vorallem bei einer Sichtweite von 5 Meter

  7. #3126
    TechnoRocker TechnoRocker ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat frrucknut Beitrag anzeigen
    lol, hab ich auch gelsen

    vorallem bei einer Sichtweite von 5 Meter
    was nur 5 ernst oder?dann ist das ding ja voll der Beschiss.

  8. #3127
    frrucknut frrucknut ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    na ja Restlichtverstärker halt... also Army Niveau wirds bei dem Preis nicht sein können... also ein Nachtsichtgerät ist das ned

  9. #3128
    TechnoRocker TechnoRocker ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat frrucknut Beitrag anzeigen
    na ja Restlichtverstärker halt... also Army Niveau wirds bei dem Preis nicht sein können... also ein Nachtsichtgerät ist das ned
    habe ich mir schon gedacht,dass das ding nicht so gut wird aber mal sehen.

  10. #3129
    Lolo607 Lolo607 ist offline
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    Reden AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Ich hatte sie vorbestellt, bin aber zwischenzeitlich auf die "Normale" umgestiegen.

    Wollte als potenzieller "Killer" nicht noch als Spanner (KLICK) abgestempelt werden
    jo ich habs auch erst in erwägung gezogen ^^
    habs dann aber lieber sein lassen weil ichs einfach nich glauben kann das das ding einwandfrei funktioniert

  11. #3130
    Sir Onkl Happy

    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Lolo607 Beitrag anzeigen
    jo ich habs auch erst in erwägung gezogen ^^
    habs dann aber lieber sein lassen weil ichs einfach nich glauben kann das das ding einwandfrei funktioniert
    Stimmt, stell dir mal die Frustration vor wenn du versuchst deine Nachbarin zu beobachten und es klappt nicht

  12. #3131
    Lolo607 Lolo607 ist offline
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    Reden AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

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    Stimmt, stell dir mal die Frustration vor wenn du versuchst deine Nachbarin zu beobachten und es klappt nicht
    oh gott das wär gar nich auszuhalten
    dann lieber doch das gute alte fernglas
    hähä Scherz natürlich

  13. #3132
    frrucknut frrucknut ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Stimmt, stell dir mal die Frustration vor wenn du versuchst deine Nachbarin zu beobachten und es klappt nicht

  14. #3133
    Booomber Booomber ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Weiß einer wie lange die auktion bei gamestop noch geht? also da, wo man wenn man das game vorbestellt, 30% mehr geld für seine alten spiele bekommt? sonst gehe ich morgen bzw samstag!!!

  15. #3134
    Morpheus Hope Morpheus Hope ist offline

    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Sofort ? Release = 10.11.
    hab bei einer seite gelesen, dass die es ab dem 4.11 liefern

    Zitat Lolo607 Beitrag anzeigen

    gibt es hier denn eigentlich jemand der sich die prestige edition bestellt hat?
    ne ich nicht, brauch sowas nicht

    Zitat Happy Beitrag anzeigen
    Stimmt, stell dir mal die Frustration vor wenn du versuchst deine Nachbarin zu beobachten und es klappt nicht

  16. #3135
    Tool Tool ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Für die, die es noch nicht gesehen haben:
    Leaked Modern Warfare 2 Night Vision Goggle Pictures

    War doch aber von Anfang an klar, oder?

  17. #3136
    PS3isthebest PS3isthebest ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    So ziemlich, war auf jeden Fall klar das die Dinger nicht viel taugen werden. Zum Anschauen vielleicht ganz schön, aber sonst nicht wirklich zu gebrauchen.

  18. #3137
    Sir Onkl Happy

    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    So, die "täglichen" MW 2 News ...... und guten Morgen zusammen

    Hier mal wieder einige Infos rund um den Spec-Ops-Mode: Quelle und Interview

    New Specops Information

    Today IGN published a big article with their hands-on Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops.

    Sorry for the "late" article (yes, we've seen @fourzerotwo's tweet too!) but we were preparing/planning "something". But here you go, we've read the full article » had on Modern Warfare two's third game mode "Special Ops" and picked the most interesting parts like we always do.

    There are other interviews that we will make sure you won't miss in the coming days though!

    Special Ops

    Special Ops mode is no pushover either. Rivaling the size of the single player campaign - "If not longer" as stated by the IW crew – Special Ops shares concepts and assets with the other modes in the game, but there are also specific scenarios and set pieces built specifically for that mode as well. The Juggernaught, a new "heavy" unit that comes out to the sound of a beating drum much like Left 4 Dead's tank unit, is exclusive to just Spec Ops mode. In addition a second player can jump into the game at any time, but there are also two player exclusive levels as well, which will require a second player. We asked about how that'll work (boost-up areas, door puzzles, and the like, but IW wouldn't elaborate further).

    As for the structure, Special Operations mode is built on four levels of play – Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta – with tiers similar to how Guitar Hero works. Beak the Alpha levels, and you'll unlock Bravo and so on. In addition each mission has three stars based on what difficulty level you play with, and the actual parameters change based on what difficulty you use a well.

    And finally, the big one: Difficulty can be changed for each player individually, meaning that if you want to tackle one on veteran and your buddy wants to play on normal, you can do it. What that means for earning achievements and stars, however, is still up in the air.

    O Christo Redentor & Akimbo

    For my money, akimbo just isn't something that's worth the time unless you're really close. The recoil is upped, you can't look down sights, and while you can reload and fire weapons independently (good for staggering your reload) it's just not as effective. Great news for those of us worried that akimbo would break the game's balance, but bad news for all you dual wielding freaks out there that can't wait to run around with a gun in each hand. [..] As a nice addition to it though, you can switch to your other weapon (in my case, the AK-47) without dropping that second gun, so you're effectively holding three weapons at a time. Nice.

    Snowmobile Time Trial

    Based on the snowmobile chase sequence we've seen dozens of times during demos and trailers (during Cliffhanger), [..]. You start off with 15 seconds, and each group of gates you drive through award you with four extra seconds, making the race as much about hitting slalom gates as it is speed. You'll get a chance to catch some serious air though, and there look to be multiple routes to take as you move through the level.

    Unfortunately IW mentioned that there's no leaderboard setup for each Special Ops mission, so it looks like you won't be able to compare your drive times with friends online.

    Breach and Clear

    The second playable level, Breach and Clear, feels like it was ripped right out of The Rock. In this reimagining of the "shower room" scene, players jump into a back room of a brick facility, have plenty of weapons to choose from, and then literally "breach and clear" through the level in a timed extraction challenge. [..] As you progress through the level – which is essentially two rooms – dozens of enemies pour in, complete with lazer sights from above levels.

    I made use of the G18 (which is a three round burst only weapon) with an extended mag, and it rocked. The Vector SMG could also be found – another awesome weapon, with an iron sights similar to the Skorpion from COD4 [..].
    After pushing through a few rooms filled with complete chaos (Mile High Club was nothing) you jump through a busted hole in the ground and find your extraction point. Simple, if not for the insane opposition that stands in your way to the finish line.

    Estate Takedown

    In hands-down the most impressive of the Special Ops modes, Estate Takedown takes place in an outdoors level that has a distinct forest look mixed with the Overgrown style found in COD4. [..] This is where the Juggernauts come into play as well, generating at what IW says is a random iteration [..]. Juggernauts are enemies covered head to toe in armor with a boonie hat guarding their face. [..] and when one pops up while you're fighting a half dozen baddies he'll be a real pain in the ass.


    First off, the thermal sight. Mounted to what looked to be any automatic weapon, the thermal actually zooms in like a sniper scope and blacks out all over peripheral view. The scope is black and white, works fine in the daytime, and has all enemies glowing white to pick them up better within the world. It works extremely well, but it also has a small amount of tracking blur; a nice touch for added realism. The Barrett, by the way, uses the same scope as the first game, though the amount of bobbing was toned down – at least in Spec Ops and single player mode – from what I'm used to in multiplayer. The glare if lights behind you can now creep into the scope as well, which is interesting but not obtrusive, and it seems a lot easier to set up shots with less overall scope movement. The holographic sight is also a really nice option for players, giving what is basically an improved red dot experience to weapons. The scope is wide, doesn't block much of your peripheral, and has a nice clear dot in the center.

    As for the ACOG scopes; things are moving in a different direction. No longer are all scopes the same, actually fitting the right ACOG onto each gun based on how it actually would be. Some have a round steel base with a thin pin pushing up the center (The L-86 is like this), some are like a hunting rifle with a full scope (still open to peripheral sight though) and black notches, and others are more like a holographic sight. [..]

    As for the ACOG scopes; things are moving in a different direction. No longer are all scopes the same, actually fitting the right ACOG onto each gun based on how it actually would be. Some have a round steel base with a thin pin pushing up the center (The L-86 is like this), some are like a hunting rifle with a full scope (still open to peripheral sight though) and black notches, and others are more like a holographic sight. Again there's less movement though, having actually no bob in the scope as you look through it, making it far more manageable. Those that play multiplayer all the time know the annoyances of both the ACOG's "diamond" reticule and the bobbing of the scope, and at least for single player and Spec Ops mode that has been completely fixed.

  19. #3138
    coolman1008 coolman1008 ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    würde anstatt die prestige lieber die veteran nehemn mit einer 30,5 centimer großen soap Mc Tavish figur die sieht richtig geil aus

  20. #3139
    Wardogleader Wardogleader ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Und warum machst dus dann nicht?
    Wobei ich die Szene geiler finde wo er den mit dem Pickel vom Skidoo holt .

  21. #3140
    monsterhunter3 monsterhunter3 ist offline
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    AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

    Ich habe die Prestige Edition vorbestellt...Habe eigentlich auch nicht vor es tatsächlich zum Spannen zu benutzen, sondern eher zu dekorativen Zwecken. Es reizt mich einfach ne Sonderedition zu bekommen, die schon vor Release überall ausverkauft ist. Hat was exklusives

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