Ergebnis 2.181 bis 2.200 von 18755
Thema: CoD: Modern Warfare 2
19.08.2009, 03:35 #2181Wardogleader
19.08.2009, 06:47 #2182Linti
19.08.2009, 11:32 #2183t-playa
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
glaub ich nie das es 100 level aber dafür kein prestige geben wird. wär totaler schwachsinn- pro levelaufstieg ein perk, eine waffe oderwas? und es wird auch wieder prestige geben, warum sollten sie ein bewährtes system aus den beiden vorgängern entfernen?
19.08.2009, 13:26 #2184WuestenFuchss
19.08.2009, 20:30 #2185EvilDevil64
19.08.2009, 21:22 #2186WuestenFuchss
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Verdammt, hab jetzt über 10 E-Mails bekommen, das hier ein neuer Post gemacht wurde LOL
19.08.2009, 21:37 #2187Wardogleader
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Jetzt hab ich den Namen wieder, der Neue heisst "Roach"(Kakerlake?), wo auf einmal das mit Ghost herkommt?
Und hier noch ein erster Eindruck von der GC.
Allgemein: Modern Warfare 2: gc-Eindruck: Shooter-Perfektion -
20.08.2009, 08:25 #2188Sir Onkl Happy
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Hier ein paar Infos direkt von der GamesCom. Leider alles in Englisch aber sollte nicht so schwierig zu verstehen sein
Special Ops Clipnotes
* Singleplayer, split-screen co-op, online co-op
* No perks/loadouts in Special Ops, there are however weapons layed out in front of you when you start the mission
* Running very smoothly even at the peak of the firefight
* The blood on screen (after being hit) has been re-done
* Shields, when no weapon is drawn you will be protected but you will put it down when you need to fire your firearm. You can stun enemies by bumping into them and knock them out for good by slamming into them again.
* Short missions (demo was about 2:30 minutes)
* Rating (1 -3 stars) at the end of the scenario to unlock new higher difficulty levels.
Modern Warfare 2 Special Ops Impressions
GamesCom 2009 is officially underway here in Cologne, Germany. While the show has a heavy focus on European games, there’s still a huge presence of American titles, and few games from the States are as high-profile as Modern Warfare 2. We opened the show by checking out that game's new Special Ops mode, which expands on the format of the short, action-packed Mile High Club bonus level from Call of Duty 4 and adds some interesting new bells and whistles.
Special Ops mode now makes for a third option for players to select at the main start screen to accompany the traditional single-player campaign and competitive multiplayer featured in Call of Duty 4. It sort of connects the other two modes by allowing you to play either alone, with a friend using split-screen, or by going online for the full two-player co-op experience. Special Ops provides a series of quick scenarios for players to shoot their way through, moving from one point to another on a modestly sized map filled with enemies. You’ll unlock new levels as you collect specific numbers of stars, with more stars awarded if you play on the higher difficulty levels.
The level we got to see was called Breach & Clear. In this scenario--played single-player by an Activision rep--the player had to use a bomb to breach the wall of a Soviet gulag and shoot through dozens of Russian militia before dropping through a hole at the other end of a large, destroyed shower room. He planted the bomb on the wall, which exploded to provide a new entrance into the room and triggered a brief but dramatic slow-motion sequence that let the player get a jump on the stunned enemies inside.
Once inside, it was that familiar brand of fast-paced Call of Duty shooting through and through. Enemies flooded into the area from the front and up on balconies on the side, keeping the action quick and exciting in much the same way fans of the series have come to expect. The game looked fantastic, running very smoothly even at the peak of the firefight. Some new visual flourishes were on display like the re-done blood splattering that covers the screen as you take damage, but the one thing that really caught our eye during the quick demo was the inclusion of riot shields. Certain enemies storm into the area equipped with these transparent, bullet-proof shields and when they die you can run over and pick up their shields. The result is you holding the shield in front of your face in the traditional-first person view when your gun isn’t drawn, but putting it away when you need to start shooting again.
After leaving an impressive wake of death and destruction, the Activision rep made his way to the end of the level and jumped through a hole in the ground to trigger the ending. Altogether, he made it through the scenario in about two and a half minutes. A screen at the end showed his finishing time and total number of kills, but he could have pulled up a timer during the actual game by hitting up on the directional pad. Otherwise, the screen remains free of clutter to let you focus on the job at hand.
It’s worth noting that Special Ops won’t support perks or customized loadouts that are the hallmark of Modern Warfare’s competitive multiplayer. There was no customization screen prior to the game and no XP totals appearing above the heads of enemies as you shoot them. It was more straightforward action like you’d find in the single-player campaign. It seems like a good decision on the part of Infinity Ward, as the Special Ops mode seems geared more toward working to improve your finishing time under identical situations rather than unlocking new and better weapons to better your odds.
It may not strike you as much of a surprise considering the astounding success of Call of Duty 4, but Modern Warfare 2 is looking great, with few if any areas to nitpick. Players can safely expect another exciting shooter when the game is released on November 10.
GC 2009: Modern Warfare 2 Preview
August 19, 2009 - One of the biggest games of this holiday season, Infinity Ward's follow-up to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, was shown off in a behind-closed-doors session at Gamescom 2009 this year, with a focus on the co-op special ops mode. From the main menu of the game you get single player, multiplayer, and special ops, which for Infinity Ward indicates special ops is just as important a mode as the other two. It's a completely separate mode, meaning it doesn't link with the others for unlocks or anything like that, and in it you've got the option to play split screen locally, solo, or online with a friend.
The mode is broken into different groups of missions, and for the demo in the Charlie group called Breach and Clear which is meant to be a high-intensity but brief segment of gameplay in the vein of something like the mile high club in Call of Duty 4. Regular, hardened, and veteran difficulties are available, and you earn stars by completing the mission on each difficulty setting, with veteran earning you three. These stars are then used to unlock more special ops missions. The Charlie group is the third group of missions, so they're more difficult, so the Infinity Ward player set it to regular.
The objective in breach and clear is simply to survive and make it to the end point of the level. There's a section in the beginning you can choose from a few different weapons strewn about on the ground, reminiscent of Left 4 Dead. After a red dot scope assault rifle was chosen, a charge was placed on a wall and the action kicked into gear. An explosion busted apart the wall and a slow motion effect took over to give the player a better look at the initial guards. Firing grenades from the launcher mounted under the gun, the slow motion effect wore off as enemies poured into what seemed to be a shower room that looked almost identical to the one from The Rock. Enemies took cover on the ground behind walls and fired from a balcony above, with laser sights making their line of sight more obvious.
Also in the stage was a riot shield, which could be picked up and used as mobile cover to enter into crowded rooms. It could also be used as a melee weapon, bumping into enemies to stun them, and slamming into them again to knock them out for good. Stun grenade detonations and melee knife kills rounded out the fight.
Then the demo player dropped down a hole in the floor and the stage was over. A stat screen showed the total run time had been two minutes, 20 kills were made, and the demo was over. While Infinity Ward isn't yet saying how many missions are being included in the game, it seems like there'll be quite a few. Unfortunately no details were made available concerning the rest of the single-player campaign or multiplayer, so we'll have to wait for more.
Modern Warfare 2: Klartext zur öffentlichen Beta Quelle PS3 Blog
Immer wieder tauchen im Interweb Gerüchte und gefakte Bilder auf, die behaupten, dass es eine öffentliche Beta zu Modern Warfare 2 geben soll.
Robert Bowling fasst in seinem Blog alle Fakten zur Thema “Beta” zusammen. Derzeit gibt es keine öffentliche Beta und so bleibt es auch… bis man etwas anderes ankündigt:
"First, nothing has technically changed by this news. As I’ve told you many times in the past, expect no Public Beta unless we announce otherwise. That is still the case. We would never say something as definitive as “No Beta Ever!” as that’s simply not how we work. We’ll do an internal beta, if we feel a public one is needed, we’ll explore that route as well.It is true that we have not announced a Public Beta for MW2, and that remains true unless I announce otherwise.
However, while no Public Beta is currently announced we do plan on running an extensive Closed Beta among Infinity Ward, Activision, and possibly 1st party partners worldwide. The internal beta will allow us all the benefits of a public beta test without the impact it takes on the time required to prep, distribute, & manage a public beta during this crucial time in development."
20.08.2009, 19:13 #2189DonZonda
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Hab gerade auf youtube nen neues Gameplayvideo gefunden viel spass
20.08.2009, 19:27 #2190t-playa
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
21.08.2009, 01:23 #2191S04Luk
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
hey kurze frage: sollte man modern warfare 1 gespielt habe oder gibt es eine komplett neue story die überhaupt nichts mehr mit der ersten zu tun hat??
21.08.2009, 10:14 #2192Linti
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
ja das haben die live vorgespielt...
aber leider das level "cliffhanger"
das kennen wir ja schon von diversen videos
21.08.2009, 10:15 #2193ccommander81
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Es gibt zwar Zusammenhänge zu ModernWarfr1, aber mit Sicherheit ist es kein Problem, wenn man die Story aus MW1 nicht kennt.
Aber dessen mal ungeachtet: ja man sollte Modern Warfare 1 gespielt haben.
21.08.2009, 12:02 #2194WuestenFuchss
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Ich hab auch ne kurze Frage: Weiß jemand was die Teddy Bears bedeuten? Ist da irgend ein zusammenhang mit MW1 und dem 1. MW2 Trailer??
21.08.2009, 12:13 #2195EvilDevil64
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
was für teddybears?
21.08.2009, 13:19 #2196R.Nadal
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
ja im wm 2 trailer war son teddy bear ^^
21.08.2009, 13:24 #2197Sir Onkl Happy
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Ach den Teddy Bear .....
Das ist doch ganz einfach werte Forumsbesucher
Ihr kennt ja die Prestige-Edition von MW 2 mit dem Nachtsichtgerät. Tja und statt dem Nachtsichgerät wird der Teddy Bear mit ausgeliefert, wenn sich so ein blödes Ami-Psycho-Kid die Prestige - Edition bestellt.
Infinity + Activision möchte da gleich auf Nummer sicher gehen damit die USA nicht völlig im Chaos versinkt.
So, oder zumindest so ähnlich wird es sein
21.08.2009, 13:50 #2198DaywalkerX
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
ich will auch son Teddy.
21.08.2009, 14:22 #2199Sir Onkl Happy
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Im November erscheint das Sequel von Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, das schon im Vorfeld für ordentlich Furore sorgt.
Nun kündigt Infinity Ward ein Grafik-Update für den Titel an, das durch ein verbessertes Grafik-Streaming insbesondere die Charaktermodelle noch schärfer und detaillierter aussehen lässt. Weiterhin lässt sich so die Weitsicht um einiges verbessern.
Anhand des unteren Bildes seht ihr den Vergleich mit und ohne Grafik-Update. Modern Warfare 2 erscheint am 10. November 2009.
21.08.2009, 14:51 #2200t-playa
AW: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
das sieht hammer aus!!! WILL! ZOCKEN!! JETZT!!!
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