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07.03.2009, 20:37 #1TheDarkness
Call of Duty 5: Multiplayer Problem
Wenn ich den Multiplayer starte , stürzt er auch manchmal ab nachdem da "Kontodaten werden geladen..." steht .
Und wenn ich im Singleplayer ein Online-Profil auswählen will kommt diese Fehlermeldung :
Code:----- Initializing Renderer ---- execing ragdoll.cfg from disk ----- Client Initialization ----- ----- Client Initialization Complete ----- Trying SMP acceleration... ...succeeded. ----- R_Init ----- Getting Direct3D 9 interface... Pixel shader version is 3.0 Vertex shader version is 3.0 Shader model 2.0 code path is available. Shader model 3.0 code path is available. Using Shader model 3.0 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware. Attempting 1024 x 768 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz Game window successfully created. Creating Direct3D device... Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0 Loading fastfile code_post_gfx Loading fastfile ui Loading fastfile common Initializing render targets... Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha Initializing static model cache... Initializing dynamic buffers... Initializing particle cloud buffer... Creating Direct3D queries... Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx' used 1.13 MB memory in DB alloc Setting initial state... Loading fastfile 'ui' used 39.49 MB memory in DB alloc DirectX reports 1024 MB of video memory and 1197 MB of available texture memory. Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 1008 MB. Texture detail is set automatically. Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps Error: Could not load material "water_droplet". Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray". ------- sound system initialization ------- ------- sound system successfully initialized ------- -------------- GamerProfile_UpdateProfileFromDvars(0): "mis_01" = "2". "mis_difficulty" = "11000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000". "cheat_points" = "0". "cheat_items_set1" = "0". "cheat_items_set2" = "0". "takeCoverWarnings" = "10". "r_gamma" = "1". "snd_volume" = "". "ps3_voiceSpeakerGain" = "". Hostname: gamerpc PC IP: end $init 1439 ms --- Common Initialization Complete --- Waited 672 msec for asset 'loadscreen_mak' of type 'material'. Waited 37 msec for asset 'loadscreen_pel1' of type 'material'. Waited 21 msec for asset 'loadscreen_pel2' of type 'material'. Waited 6 msec for asset 'loadscreen_see1' of type 'material'. Waited 23 msec for asset 'loadscreen_see2' of type 'material'. Waited 30 msec for asset 'loadscreen_nazi_zombie_prototype' of type 'material'. Waited 37 msec for asset 'playlist_sp_recr' of type 'material'. Waited 1 msec for asset 'playlist_sp_reg' of type 'material'. Waited 2 msec for asset 'playlist_sp_hard' of type 'material'. Working directory: I:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War PunkBuster Client: Warning: Corrupted Interface PunkBuster Client: Attempting to resolve PunkBuster Client: Resolved to [] (14) PunkBuster Client: PunkBuster Client (v2.080 | A0) Enabled Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 359458 (0 to 999999) Server: pb_sv_LogNext = 38 (1 to 999999) Server: PB Log File I:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\pb\svlogs\00000038.log Opened for WAW (w) Server: 0 Power Players loaded from I:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\pb\pbpower.dat Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from I:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\pb\pbrcon.dat Server: 0 Map lines loaded from I:\Programme\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg Server: No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for MASTER6.EVENBALANCE.COM Server: Attempting to resolve Server: Resolved to [] Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.680 | A1402 C2.080) Enabled Huffman Took 2 Milliseconds PunkBuster Client: Game Version [Call of Duty COD_WaW build 1.0.872 CL(0) JADAMS2 Fri Oct 10 18:27:00 2008 win-x86] PunkBuster Client: Master Query Sent to (MASTER8.EVENBALANCE.COM) Connecting to Demonware... Controller #0 signed in locally Loading fastfile 'common' used 41.46 MB memory in DB alloc PunkBuster Client: PB Services socket initialized DW_DNS_RESOLVING DW_DNS_RESOLVING . .. ... ... DW_GETUSERNAMES(34 msecs) Retrieving usernames Retrieving usernames. Retrieving usernames.. Retrieving usernames... Retrieving usernames.... Retrieving usernames..... Retrieving usernames...... Retrieving usernames....... Retrieving usernames........ Retrieving usernames......... Retrieving usernames.......... Retrieving usernames.......... PunkBuster Client: Received Master Security Information . .. ... .... ..... ...... ....... ........ ......... .......... ........... ............ ............. .............. ............... ................ ................. .................. ................... .................... ..................... ...................... ....................... ........................ ......................... .......................... ........................... ............................ ............................. .............................. ............................... ................................ ................................. .................................. ................................... .................................... ..................................... ...................................... ....................................... ........................................ ......................................... .......................................... ........................................... ............................................ ............................................. .............................................. ............................................... ................................................ ................................................. .................................................. ................................................... .................................................... ..................................................... ...................................................... ....................................................... ........................................................ ......................................................... .......................................................... ........................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................. ............................................................. '6' is not a valid value for dvar 'dw_numaccounts' Domain is any integer from -1 to 5 Populated dw_user dvars with 6 accounts annizaizai Kedin XitArS djcsp3 FearBloodz ramboonur Attempting to login with username $$$, but username doesn't match list from Demonware. Hax? Save Message First Frame Shown: 7551 Profile 'annizaizai' already exists Profile 'Kedin' already exists Profile 'XitArS' already exists Profile 'djcsp3' already exists Profile 'FearBloodz' already exists Unhandled exception caught
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