Ergebnis 501 bis 520 von 631
Thema: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
25.12.2020, 21:16 #501
28.12.2020, 23:05 #502Silent Bob
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Hallo, sammelt jemand hier Trophäen/Erfolge? Ist Altmodische Schatzsuche verpassbar? Man muss ja karte finden und dann den schatz damit es zählt, was ist wenn ich den schatz vorher finde, oder spawnt der erst wenn ich die karte aufsammel?
29.12.2020, 08:59 #503Riley
29.12.2020, 14:59 #504Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Spielt ihr im Performance oder quality mode? Sieht man da grafisch einen deutliche Unterschied?
Leider muss man das Game immer nach umstellen neu starten und das macht es unmöglich einen Vergleich zu machen.
02.01.2021, 15:59 #505Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Geht bei euch Quick resume auf der Series x?
Wenn ich so die Spiele durch wechsle geht es aber sobald ich die Xbox ausschalte, starte ich wieder von vorne.
02.01.2021, 17:11 #506Yieva
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Ich mag das Spiel ja wirklich sehr, aber seit diesem Julfest sind die Bugs und Glitches kaum noch auszuhalten. Bei mir ist Eivor nach jedem Laden und Sterben besoffen, was besonders „geil“ ist, wenn man gerade gegen einen etwas schwereren Endgegner verloren hat. Da dieser Bug wohl allgemein bekannt ist, verstehe ich nicht, warum man das nicht mal patcht. Es nervt halt schon kolossal. Seit kurzem passiert es mir auch immer wieder, dass Eivor sich völlig ausweglos festbuggt und nicht mehr bewegen lässt bis sie dann tot umfällt.
Heute hatte ich zudem 3x den Vorfall, dass sie nicht mehr aufsteht, wenn sie getroffen wurde und sich ebenfalls nicht mehr bewegen lässt bis sich dann einer erbarmt, sie zu töten.
Am allermeisten nervt mich aber, dass ich wichtige Quests nicht abschließen kann, weil Questgegenstände nicht aufnehmbar sind. Hinzu kommen die exorbitanten Ladezeiten, die eine echte Zumutung sind.
Ich finde es sehr schade, dass man ein eigentlich sehr gutes Game mit diesen Kinderkrankheiten versaut und ein ziemliches Armutszeugnis gegenüber den Kunden.
02.01.2021, 18:35 #507Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Ich hab nur den besoffen bug aber den kann man beheben in dem man meditiert. Alles andere hab ich nicht.
Auch die Ladezeiten sind wahnsinnig kurz auf der xbox.
02.01.2021, 19:28 #508PLAYBACON
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Das hat mich eine Zeit lang ebenfalls abgenervt, Yieva, aber bisher kam für mich noch keine so bekloppte Situation mit einem Boss zustande. Spätestens zum Julfest-Ende kommt da sicher der Patch, zum Rausnehmen der Schneelamdschaft und Buden, dann wird der Mist mitbereinigt.
02.01.2021, 19:49 #509Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Hab mich jetzt so an die 60fps gewöhnt das ich es lasse, schön flüssig.
07.01.2021, 17:59 #510PLAYBACON
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
07.01.2021, 18:25 #511Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Na endlich
14.01.2021, 14:01 #512r0b
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Assassin's Creed® Valhalla - Title Update 1.1.1
We will be deploying Title Update 1.1.1 on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Ubisoft Connect, Epic Games Store, Stadia, and Amazon Luna tomorrow: January 14, 2021 .
Patch Sizes and Deployment Timing:
- Xbox Series X|S: ~7.5 GB
- Xbox One: ~6.6 GB
- PlayStation®5: ~2 GB
- PlayStation®4: 2-3 GB (depending on region)
- PC: ~6.45 GB
Deployment timing for all platforms: 1 pm CET | 7 am ET | 4 am PT | 11 pm AEDT
Please note that these times are estimates and subject to change.
Check out the most notable changes with 1.1.1 below.
Ubisoft Connect Achievements are here!
Added in-game support for Ubisoft Connect achievements to the game.
- Unlock conditions for Quest-related or not-repeatable achievements:
- Achievements where unlock conditions have been met will pop when the player completes a new quest.
- Unlock conditions for Countable/repeatable achievements:
- Achievements will pop whenever the player performs an achievement-related action past the unlock condition.
- The Animus Pulse will now highlight dead bodies for necessary situations only.
- Enemies can no longer be auto looted using the Throw Weapons perk.
- Tweaked AI detection when using disguise while dodging or while being in-air.
- Added a reward to the Death Stranding homage.
- Quivers and rations will now refill when upgrading them while they are depleted.
- White dots hinting at rations/adrenaline/arrow loot beyond interaction range will no longer be displayed when the player has max quantity already.
- Players will now be able to use "Wake up" at any time while in Asgard. Previously you had to complete the first quest.
- Daily quests will now reset whenever the game detects that it's not possible to continue or restart the quest. The quest may then be reactivated at the informer.
- Added Text-to-speech to letters found in-game.
- Added previews to color-blind and subtitle options.
- Tweaked damage dealt and received values for the Lost Wolf boss encounter to reduce friction when playing on Drengr difficulty.
- Rebalanced initial damage dealt with Harpoon Impalement Lvl 1 / 2.
Game Improvements
Performance and Stability
- Improved performance and stability.
Graphics, Audio, Animation
- Addressed various graphics issues.
- Addressed various clipping issues.
- Addressed various NPC animation issues.
- Addressed an issue that caused dummies to jitter when hit with a poison arrow. shake it off
- (SPOILERS) Added some electricity to Mjolnir before picking it up.
- Addressed an issue where war cries would repeat or loop oddly.
- Addressed an issue where blowing the horn and starting to move with left foot forward could sometimes makes Eivor's feet glide.
- (Photo Mode) Addressed an issue where zooming in on children with the Photo Mode camera would distort their face.
- Addressed an issue where some Raven skins could be low res.
- (PS4) Optimized some textures on PS4.
- Addressed a texture issue near the Cicestre Abbey that caused players to desync when walking over the texture.
Quests, World Events, Side Activities
- Addressed an issue in Legend of Beowulf where the clue marker would remain after it was investigated.
- Addressed an issue in A Sticky Situation where the NPC would sometimes not spawn.
- Addressed an issue where the player could get stuck fishing in The Baker's Plaint.
- Addressed an issue in Fishing Lesson that under certain circumstances prevented players from completing the world event.
- Addressed an issue where players are stuck after pledging to Lincolnscire after returning from Vinland.
- Addressed an issue where players could get stuck in a boss fight during A Cruel Destiny. *Ah yes, A Cruel Destiny, indeed. *
- Addressed an issue where some treasures wouldn't be at their location or couldn't be looted. (Grandbridgescire, Hamptunscire, Oxenefordscire, Eurvicscire)
- Addressed an issue where players could receive an Online Service Error when trying to save.
- Addressed an issue where players got blackscreen after building the blacksmith.
- Addressed an issue where players didn't receive Storming the Walls after completing Severing the Lines.
- Addressed an issue in To Serve the Light where Hytham would get stuck on the boat when randomly shooting arrows into the water.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with Settlement NPCs.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing Clues and Riddles.
- Addressed an issue in the Absence of an Ealdorman that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where the quest objective marker was pointing to a wrong destination in The Devil Has All the Best Tunes.
- Addressed an issue in War Weary that prevented players from completing the quest when Ceolbert was accidentally killed.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from starting the Daughters of Lerion encounter. (Goneril, Cordelia)
- Addressed an issue in Binding Fate that caused the boss to be stuck on a rock.
- Addressed an issue where Estrid could get stuck in Taken.
- Addressed an issue in Pluck the Quill where players would sometimes be unable to interact with Aelwyn.
- Addressed an issue in Binding Fate that caused the boss to be stuck underground when using Dive of Valkyrie.
- Addressed an issue in Price of Wisdom that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue in The Boar with the Golden Nose where the boar would sometimes disappear under certain circumstances.
- Addressed an issue in Bleeding the Leech where Erke would be at the wrong location.
- Addressed an issue in Of Blood and Bonds where the players couldn't complete the quest or couldn't report back to Randvi.
- Addressed an issue in The Prodigal Prince that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing the Old Cellar mystery.
- Addressed an issue in A Rivalry for the Ages that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where the Mari Lwyd disguise would not disappear after finishing the Glowecestrescire Arc. *everyone liked that dot jpg *
- Addressed an issue in Road to Harmatia that prevented players from completing the quest.
- Addressed an issue where Knud could become stuck in A Little Problem.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with Ubba in Sons of Ragnar.
- Addressed an issue where Basim was in a fight with NPCs before the start of Puppets and Prisoners.
- Addressed an issue in Brewing Rebellion that prevented players from force-opening the door to the longhouse in Buckingham.
- Addressed an issue in Bridges of Oppression that prevented players from completing the quest.
- (Spoiler) Addressed an issue in King Killer that prevented Ivarr to reach the door to Rhodri's Room.
- Addressed an issue in A Fiend out of Hell that prevented players from examining one of the cows.
- Addressed various misplaced textures or objects.
- Addressed several instances where the player could become stuck.
- Grounded a floating boat in Vinland.
Gameplay, Combat, AI
- Addressed various NPC behavior issues.
- Addressed an issue where NPCs would sometimes return to a location they fled from that is still being raided.
- Addressed an issue where whales would sometimes start their fleeing behavior mid-air.
- Addressed an issue where Archery was blocked with M and K holding the SHIFT key.
- Addressed an issue that caused players' line of sight to be blocked using incendiary or Poison traps with the predator bow.
- Addressed an issue where guards would sometimes not react with hostility to watching Eivor burn members of their faction with oil jars. *I- uh nevermind. Moving on. *
- Addressed an issue where NPCs could be killed by throwing corpses at them in Vinland.
- Addressed an issue that removed Bjorn from the ship crew.
- Addressed an issue with the Mentor's Set where the gear perk sometimes didn't activate even though 2-4 set pieces were equipped.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from controlling the raven when Q or E buttons were assigned to one of the move actions.
Abilities, Perks, Skills
- Addressed an issue where some ranged special abilities could incorrectly be used with guided arrows.
- Addressed an issue where one NPC would not leave Eivor's side when Feign Death was used.
- Addressed an issue where several abilities wouldn't work against hostile dogs.
- Addressed an issue where Man's Best Friend would not unlock after completing the quest A Little Problem.
- Addressed an issue with the Mentor's Set where the gear perk sometimes didn't activate even though 2-4 pieces of the set were equipped.
User Interface / HUD
- Addressed various UI/HUD issues.
- Addressed an issue where the arrow quantity could remain stuck at 12.
- Addressed an issue where UI language changes weren't applied during combat.
- The camera will now be closer to the character when browsing tattoos in the Animus Store.
- Addressed an issue where color-blind previews would sometimes not be displayed in the menu.
- Addressed an issue where color-blind values weren't applied to the Order of Ancient menu.
- Addressed an issue where a blank box would appear in the Completed Quests list.
- Addressed an issue where fall damage could be negated by opening the menu right before hitting the ground.
- Addressed an issue where Auto Loot didn't work when an enemy was stun finished.
- Addressed an issue where the Raculf Monastery couldn't be raided.
- Addressed an issue where some icons were missing for newly acquired God Favors.
- Addressed an issue where In-Game news sometimes wouldn't load correctly.
- Addressed an issue that caused players to receive incorrect items when purchasing Vegvisir (Front) or Muninn (Front) schemes.
- Addressed an issue that allowed players to acquire duplicates of Asgardian ship schemes.
- Added a respawn point just before the boss fight in Extended Family.
- Addressed an issue that prevented players from fast traveling after 1.0.4.
- Added force trigger feedback to bow shooting for Xbox/PlayStation controllers.
- (Stadia) Addressed an issue that caused the time on the save not to reflect local time.
16.01.2021, 14:34 #513Yieva
16.01.2021, 15:01 #514Audionymous
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
2 Minuten? Boa bin ich froh das ich schon next gen habe, da sind 10 sec nicht selten.
16.01.2021, 15:52 #515Yieva
16.01.2021, 16:21 #516Silent Bob
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Spielt jemand auf ps5? Mir kommt so vor das nach dem patch das bild insgesamt dunkler geworden ist. In höhlen oder so muss ich jetzt immer fackel benutzen vorher hab ich die nie gabraucht
16.01.2021, 16:24 #517Riley
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Bei mir lief es von Anfang an bestens, immer so zwischen 50 und 60 FPS.
Seit dem letzten Update habe ich in größeren Schlachten jetzt plötzlich massive Frame-Einbrüche und Soundausfälle. Ich kämpfe dann teilweise als Diashow. Sollten Updates nicht das Spielerlebnis besser machen?
16.01.2021, 17:01 #518PLAYBACON
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Ja, hier. Ist mir ebenfalls aufgefallen, tut der Atmosphäre sehr gut.
Bisher bin ich mit dem Patch vollends zufrieden. Mir sind jedoch zwei Geschehnisse begegnet, bei denen ich mir im Unklaren bin, ob die so sollen, dem neuesten Patch zuzuschreiben sind - zur Sicherheit mal als Spoiler.
16.01.2021, 17:53 #519TheBRS
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Neutral stehe ich aktuell noch den ganzen Schätzen die es in der Welt zu finden gibt gegenüber. Dabei nicht einmal den Schätzen im speziellen, sondern die Art und Weise wie man sie finden muss. Das empfinde ich mitunter sehr anstrengend auf der anderen Seite bin ich umso glücklicher wenn ich dann rausgefunden habe wie ich in die Katakomben/Schatzkammer/whatever komme.
Negativ empfinde ich allerdings die Leere der Welt, Odyssey liegt eine Weile zurück aber ich habe das Gefühl abseits von Markern gibt es in diesem Spiel gar nichts. Ganz selten reitet mal jemand durchs Bild oder ein Wolfsrudel streift umher aber insgesamt wirkt die Welt auf mich sehr leblos. Ebenfalls ärgerlich empfinde ich die gesetzten Schnellreisepunkte und Aussichtsposten. Ich habe das Gefühl oftmals große Strecken zurücklegen zu müssen, weil in der Gegend kein Schnellreisepunkt vorhanden ist. Dafür gibt es dann wieder Siedlungen mit Aussichtspunkt und Hafen, sodass ich gleich wieder zwei Punkte nebeneinander habe. Sehr ärgerlich.
Mein negativster Punkt sind allerdings die vielen Glitches und Bugs. Um nur einige zu nennen:
- Mal springt Eivor nicht oder in die Falsche Richtung,
- Mitten im Klettern hört sie einfach auf (klassischer AC Bug)
- Kisten oder NPCs sind im Boden versunken,
- Bei einem Kampf gegen einen legendären Gegner bin ich öfter ausgewichen und bestimmt 20 Mal an der Höhlenwand hochgeglitcht,
- Raids funktionieren nicht, trotz mehrmaliger Nutzung des Horns kommen meine Kollegen entweder gar nicht oder gucken vom Boot aus zu wie ich alles erledige,
- Gegner reagieren nicht auf Angriffe und/oder gucken stur in eine Richtung,
- ....
Dennoch macht das Spiel echt Spaß bisher
21.01.2021, 11:18 #520Swok
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