Ergebnis 641 bis 660 von 959
14.11.2017, 22:27 #641Swok
15.11.2017, 00:43 #642Fred Stiller
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Ich bin jetzt nach knapp 40 Stunden (!) Auf Level 30. Ich nehme viele Fragezeichen und Nebenquests mit - in der Hauptstory bin ich jetzt in Memphis.
Ich finde 40 Stunden sind ne Marke und dass Ubisoft schon in Runde zwei geht es die Bossbattles angeht, die ja nun mal Gen Endgame gehen (Lvl 40) - find ich n bisschen zu heftig.
Es gibt auch nicht Menschen die nebenher noch essen, schlafen und Leben @Ubisoft
So finde ich es einfach nur schade, weil ich denke etwas zu verpassen... Und das obwohl ich für meine Verhältnisse schon zocke wie ein Bekloppter.
15.11.2017, 08:03 #643Miya
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Genau in diese Denkweise darfst du dich nicht hineinziehen lassen.
Das ist wahrscheinlich (leider) das, was Ubisoft erreichen will - dass die Leute echtes Geld für Skillpunkte, Ressourcen etc. ausgeben um schneller voranzukommen und diese Events mitnehmen zu können.
Man wird sich langfristig von dem Gedanken verabschieden müssen, alles in so einem Spiel zu sehen. Man macht sich ja auch selbst Stress, wenn man ständig dem Spiel erste Priorität gibt, um nur keine zeitbeschränkten Quests zu verpassen. Und ein Spiel soll keinen Stress machen, es soll Spaß machen. Stress haben wir im echten Leben schon genug.
15.11.2017, 08:23 #644vieraeugigerZyklop
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Ach... Denke hier kann man damit rechnen das es noch mal wieder kommt. Deswegen mach ich mirnda keinen Stress.
15.11.2017, 09:04 #645Sugginator
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Ich habe jetzt auch 15 Stunden gespielt. Bin gestern dann in Level 20 angekommen. Ich bin jetzt bei der Hyäne. Kann mir jemand sagen ob das noch viel kommt ? :O Das Spiel ist ja echt wahnsinnig groß.
15.11.2017, 09:05 #646
15.11.2017, 09:09 #647Swok
15.11.2017, 09:11 #648Sugginator
15.11.2017, 12:49 #649Zwicki
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
In Summe sollten es mit den nebenmissionen 125 Stk an der Zahl sein
15.11.2017, 14:40 #650jimcarry
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
- Nebenquests -
- Hauptquests -
15.11.2017, 14:45 #651Riri
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Leute, könnt ihr bitte etwas mehr auf Spoiler achten? Ich würde schon noch gerne hier mitdiskutieren, ohne jedes Mal hektisch die Seite herunterscrollen zu müssen
16.11.2017, 13:16 #652Unregistriert
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
also ich hatte als Fata Morgana bis jetzt den brennenden Busch und eine Person.
Sobald man der Person näher kam hat sie sich wieder weiter weg teleportiert.
Irgendwann habe ich Sie aber verloren ....
Ich finde es hoch interessant
16.11.2017, 18:27 #653r0b
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Assassin's Creed Origins: Patch 1.0.5
[Hinweis:] Eine deutsche Übersetzung dieser Patchnotes wird nachgereicht.
Hey everyone,
This is to let you know that the 1.0.5 patch will be deployed on PS4 tomorrow, Nov 16. The Xbox One update is currently scheduled for deployment on Nov 20.
We will be sharing more information on the PC update when available.
Patch Size:
Xbox One: 1.3GB
PS4: 1.3GB
Uplay PC/Steam: TBC
Please find the latest changes below.
Patch Highlights
- Ambush at Sea – The issue that caused for some save games to be corrupted was fixed and the mission is now available to players again
- Note: The mission should reappear on the map after a reboot of your system. Be sure to be connected to the online services while starting the game.
- Difficulty – Enemies of a lower leven than the playable character are now more challenging in Hard Mode.
- Beard/Hair Toggle
- Selected preference of beard/hair will remain saved now
- Added support for Keyboard and mouse controls
- [Shift]+[Z] – Hair
- [Ctrl] + [Z] - Beard
- Performance and Stability improvements on all platforms
- Improved performance and stability
- Fixed some infinite loading and black screen hang
- [PC] Fixed hardware performance metrics for Radeon R9 2xx series
- [PC] Fixed several Ultra HD monitor, multi-monitor mode, and multi GPU mode issues
- [PC] Fixed infinite saving occurring in Photo Mode when anti-aliasing option is Off
Graphics & Audio
- Improved Sandstorm ending visual
- Fixed some level of detail issues in the world and for some NPCs
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the call mount whistle from playing
- Fixed an issue that could cause music tracks to overlap
- [Xbox One X][PS4] Revised the default Luminance value in the HDR settings
- [PC] Temporarily deactivated spatial sound support to resolve issues with some USB headsets
- [PC] Fixed the functionality of the Field Of View option during the Benchmark session
- Improved appearance of the water in caves
- Removed some invisible collision in Siwa
- Fixed various issues with the spawning of boats
- Fixed a lighting issue in the Sunken Temple of Sarapeion
- Fixed some floating NPCs, floating rocks, and other floating objects
- Fixed various texturing issues
- The selected cheat option for Bayek’s hair and beard will now remain saved
- Improved various animations on the playable character
- Improved the navigation of the playable character
- Improved shield stance behavior while on vehicles or mounts
- Improved NPCs and animals reactions and navigation
- Improved Raging Axe’s boss fight behavior in Arena
- Improved spawning delay on loot bags when killing NPCs
- Improved shield charge behavior
- Improved Follow Road mode
- Revised fire damage taken by the playable character
- Revised poison propagation
- Made enemies of lower level than the player more challenging in Hard Mode
- Fixed some loading issues while using Senu
- Fixed some issues preventing the playable character from interacting with loot bags
- Fixed an issue that allowed thrown torches to inflict poison or bleed effect
- Fixed spear fight animation against some enemies
- Fixed an issue with loot bag spawning in shallow water
- Fixed an issue preventing crocodiles from being damaged while in water
- Fixed an issue with the activation of slow-motion
- Fixed various issues causing the playable character to be stuck
- Fixed some camera clipping issues
- Fixed some issues preventing bows to automatically sheathe
- Fixed an issue where counterweights could remain stuck on the ceiling in the Tomb of Sneferu
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Overpower Chain Throw from being used
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Chain Attack from dealing damage when a spear is equipped
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from interacting with the entrance of “Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Poo”
- Fixed issue preventing Senu’s perception range from being taken into account when loading a save game
- [PC] Fixed movement issues in Walk mode
- Improved various cinematic transitions
- Fixed an issue that could corrupt the playable character’s inventory after completing “Ambush at Sea” quest
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from completing quests after returning to the title screen
- Fixed various issues causing Quest objectives to disappear after desynchronization
- Fixed various issues with Flavius during ‘’The Final Weighing’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where the objective would not update during ‘’The Hungry River’’ quest
- Fixed an issue with Theodoros who could stay in midair during ‘’A Rebel Alliance’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where leader’s health could be restored during ‘’Plight of the Rebels’’ quest
- Fixed various issues with Pothinus’ elephant during ‘’Battle of the Nile’’ quest
- Fixed an issue with Hotephres’ ship being sunk in gameplay and cinematic during ‘’The Crocodile’s Scales’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where the Planetarium Tunnel could remain closed after performing a save/load action
- Fixed an issue where the “Wild Ride” quest would fail when getting on a chariot or a cart
- Fixed an issue where objectives in the ‘’The Flea of Cyrene’’ quest would not properly update after performing a leap of faith from the Apollo Temple
- Fixed various issues with the fight against the war elephant Herwennefer
- Fixed issues preventing the ancient tablets to be interacted with
- Fixed an issue which allowed the playable character to keep the “The Battle of the Nile” quest spear
- Fixed issue where Apollodorus could remain stuck in a wall during ‘’Egypt’s Medjay’’ quest
- Fixed dialogues that would sometime be missing from the cinematics of “Playing with Fire” quest
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Hypatos from attacking the playable character in the quest “Homecoming”
- Fixed an issue that could make Septimus invisible during “The Final Weighing” quest
- Fixed various issues with Thutmose during “Blood in the Water” quest
- Fixed an issue preventing the player from completing the quest “Fall of an Empire, Rise of Another” because he spawned as Bayek
- Improved the spawning of enemies in the Cyrene Arena
- Fixed an issue preventing the unlockables completed as Aya from carrying over to Bayek
- Fixed various issues causing the playable character to be pushed out of the chariot while in Hippodrome races
- Fixed an issue where the playable character could remain stuck in the Arena ‘’lobby’’
User Interface
- The selected Map filter will now remain saved
- Added sound feedback when switching the editing modes during Photo Mode
- Added button mapping for petting Senu in the alternate control scheme
- mapped to specific keys
- Improved image resolution of crafting items
- Improved fire visual effects on animals
- Changed health gain visual feedback to display in green when hitting enemies
- Fixed Senu’s marked location for the Tomb of Khufu
- Fixed various issues with icons in the Map
- Fixed an issue where the Photo Mode HUD could not appear
- Fixed HUD modules that stayed hidden changing HUD Preset to ‘Show All’
- Fixed the suggested level of some quests
- for some their owners
- Fixed multiple typos in the menus
- [PS4] Fixed the Season Pass and Deluxe Pack showing up as “Coming Soon” in the Store
- [PC] Added mouse support for rotating the character in the Gear menu
- [PC] Added mouse and keyboard support to toggle Bayek’s hair and beard in Gear menu
- Hide Arena HUD while in Photo Mode
- [PC] Allowed triggering Call Mount and Animus Pulse on button Press when they are
- Ambush at Sea – The issue that caused for some save games to be corrupted was fixed and the mission is now available to players again
16.11.2017, 19:04 #654vieraeugigerZyklop
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Seit dem Update hat ein Freund das Anubis Teil nicht mehr.
16.11.2017, 19:18 #655Exodus
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Liest sich wie ein großartiges Update und wird gerade geladen. Bin gespannt was es mit meinem Anubis Zeug macht, dass ja eh nicht richtig angezeigt wird
16.11.2017, 19:42 #656
16.11.2017, 20:53 #657Exodus
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Sehe ich genauso - gerade getestet, läuft super, und auch mein Inventar wurde gefixed. Leider bin ich schon durch
17.11.2017, 07:55 #658Miya
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
Ich hatte bisher keine Probleme, hoffentlich kommen jetzt nicht welche.
17.11.2017, 11:36 #659Zwicki
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
18.11.2017, 13:46 #660Scarious D
Assassin’s Creed Origins (2017)
So nach über 40 Std auch durch
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