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Thema: Nano Diver
10.06.2011, 12:00 #1RikuValentine
Nano Diver
Dive into your patient's body in Takara Tomy's Monhan clone.
The next Monster Hunter clone hits a bit closer to home. In Takara Tomy's Nano Diver, you play as a doctor who must save his patients by diving into their body and directly taking on the offending viruses.
Over sixty virus types await as you navigate the innards of your patient. You've been shrunk down, so the microscopic viruses appear as huge beasts.
To deal with the intruders, you'll want to equip yourself beforehand, selecting from over 205 unique parts. You can also rely on other doctors, as Nano Diver has four player multiplayer support!
The human body is not a static environment. Your patient sees continuous changes even while you're inside, meaning you'll have to use some strategy.
With systems like the "Active Area System" and the "Antibody System," and the promise of a dramatic storyline centered on yourself and your staff, Nano Diver could be just what the doctor ordered (ho ho!) for Monster Hunter fans.
Actually, it's Takara Tomy, so it's probably going to suck. But lets hope we get a few no doubt hilarious videos before the game's September 1 release.
Screens und Boxart im Link
15.06.2011, 19:46 #2RikuValentine
AW: Nano Diver
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