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  1. #121
    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    das wird echt ein geiles game
    danke für die neuen infos
    ich hoffe es wird nochwas auf der tgs gezeigt

  2. Anzeige

    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #122
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    BBS Gameplay Videos!

    Saturday, 26 September 2009
    Howdy folks!

    IGN has posted a few gameplay videos from TGS, which feature portions from the Ven demo in Castle of Dreams. Check them out! JeuxVideo has also posted some new gameplay--click here to see it!

    A video featuring the Aqua demo in Dwarf Woodlands has been uploaded on the Famitsu YouTube account, and can be viewed below:

    YouTube - ????? ??? ??? ?? ????????

    Quelle : Home*-*Kingdom Hearts Insider

  4. #123
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    New Jump Magazine Scan!

    Monday, 28 September 2009
    Hello, folks.

    A new scan from Jump Magazine has surfaced that shows off the new "Dimension-Link" feature. Ven can now call on Stitch to help him in battle. Take a look:

    ImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

    Übersetzung in englisch :

    A dream attack that has crossed over from another dimension!

    Dimension Link System!!

    The battle system has been confirmed!! Companions left in other worlds will be able to lend their powers across dimensions to our traveling heroes.

    Link with your companions! Here, the link is ON!!
    Linking with Experiment 626 in Deep Space. This way, no matter where the MC is 626 can lend him his powers.

    Immensely powerful and fun to use Finish moves!

    Even though your companions are far away, you can still use their powers by using the Dimension Link system! Just by linking to them you will get more powerful, and be able to use unique Finish moves!

    Finish moves will have two power up levels!!

    Start the Dimension Link! The prize boxes left from defeated enemies will fill up your D-LINK gauge. Once the gauge is filled you will be able to activate the Dimension Link!!

    Once you’ve activated it, the face of the companion you’ve linked to will show up on the bottom right of the screen!! On the first and second levels of Finish moves the face of your companion will change.

    The first level Finish move: Reflect Beam [? guessing here] Collect the symbols that drop from defeated enemies while you’re in Dimension Link mode. When you have 0~1 symbols, you will shoot the beam.

    Number of symbols: You can only collect up to two symbols that the enemies drop!!

    The second level Finish move: Flower Beat
    When you’ve collected two symbols, you’ll be able to perform a stronger Finish move. He’ll play the ukelele and attack enemies with sound waves!!

    Quelle : Kingdom Hearts Insider

  5. #124
    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    hoffentlich bisschen wir nicht alzu lange warten,dass es nach deutschland nach dem erscheinen in japan

  6. #125
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    Birth by Sleep - Dwarf Woodlands Gameplay

    Thursday, 01 October 2009
    Hey everyone, a special surprise today. Below is a video from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, taking place in the Snow White World, otherwise known as the Dwarf Woodlands. Best of all, it's in High Definition! You can really catch a glimpse of the action!

    YouTube - Gametrailers KH BBS Dwarves Woodland Gameplay(Cam)

    Famitsu PSP+PS3 Special and Interview

    Thursday, 01 October 2009

    Hey everyone! Enjoying 358/2 Days? Well if you're like me and have already completed it, you'll be happy to know there is still more info coming in about the next title, Birth by Sleep. Blogger ReBirth Wings has posted up the latest from magazine Famitsu PSP+PS3, and I have the whole article translated here in our forums.

    New Famitsu Pictures!

    Friday, 02 October 2009

    Hello everyone!

    In correlation with the latest Nomura interview, Famitsu has updated their website with lots of new Birth by Sleep pictures, which showcase the new Dimension-Link and Style-Change abilities! Take a look:

    wƒLƒ“ƒOƒ_ƒ€ ƒn[ƒc ƒo[ƒX ƒoƒC ƒXƒŠ[ƒvx‚ŃfƒBƒYƒj[ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒNƒ^[‚È‚Ç‚Ì’‡ŠÔ‚ƃŠƒ“ƒNI - ƒtƒ@ƒ~’Ê.com

    In other news, Hot Topic is now selling even more Kingdom Hearts T-shirts and merchandise. Check 'em out!

    Quelle : Home*-*Kingdom Hearts Insider

    Geiles video und Super bilder , kanns garnich erwarten *.*

  7. #126
    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    danke sir riku für die geilen news und so

  8. #127
    Sora Sora ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Habt ihr schon die grafik des Spieles gesehen ich find die ist sogar ein bisschen besser als die von der ps2 ^^

  9. #128
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    Terra, Aqua and Ven's Master Revealed!

    Wednesday, 14 October 2009

    Today, ReBirth Wings has posted up a small photo from this month's Jump magazine of Terra, Aqua and Ven's Master:

    There will also be a new world called "Land of Departure", though we have no pictures as of yet.

    New Scan Shows off Apprentice's Master, Land of Departure, Command Board

    Wednesday, 14 October 2009
    Today's scan, discovered by our own Lissar, contains a ton of new info.

    It looks like the starting world in Birth by Sleep will be the "Land of Departure", think of it as the equivalent of Traverse Town or Twilight Town where the game's events begin. Terra, Aqua, and Ven's master is revealed, whom they train under. Their master, who also wields a very unique Keyblade, senses a grave danger in the world(s), and sends Terra, Aqua, and Ven off to go stop it.

    Lastly, this scan reveals that to upgrade and strengthen their abilities in the game, players will undertake a board game mini game, in which the goal is to accumulate Board Points (BP) to upgrade their abilities. Characters from throughout the main game will also appear in this board game to aid the players in various ways. Special panels can be landed on that will "activate events".

  10. #129
    -NieR- -NieR- ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    hey hey ^^
    der master sieht ja nicht übel aus xD

    wie ein erfahrener samurai schon

  11. #130
    Sora Sora ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    ohne samurai schwert dafür aber ein schlüsselschwert^^

  12. #131
    -NieR- -NieR- ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    ja aber die haben ziemlich gut getroffen ^^
    freue mich auf das game ^^

  13. #132
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    Birth by Sleep - Master Xehanort, Apprentice Vanitas - VJump Scans

    Saturday, 17 October 2009
    Hi everyone! Some new VJumps scans for Birth by Sleep have surfaced online, featuring images of DS (who's name roughly translates to "Apprentice Vanitas"), Master Xehanort, the command board system, and screenshots from "Land of Departure"! We'll have translations up soon, but for now, here's the scans!

    Quelle : Home*-*Kingdom Hearts Insider

  14. #133
    Overhero Overhero ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Uhh UHh Der klingt ja schwul , Vanitas ....
    Dark Soldier ist cooler

  15. #134
    -NieR- -NieR- ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    hm Vanitas kommt doch aus lateinischen (Zeichen für Vergänglichkeit)

    das kann überhauot nicht schwul sein Xd

  16. #135
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Der name an sich aber

    Vergänglichkeit errinert mich an Xemnas und somit wieder an Xehanort (vom Ansem dem weisen , der assistent) was meine theorie wieder untermauert das Vanitas dieser Xehanort ist.

  17. #136
    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    neuer trailer,einfach nur geil dieser YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (New Trailer)

  18. #137
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Englische übersetzung zum Trailer ^^

    Trailer Translations

    There is no coincidence in fate

    [Land of Departure]

    Aqua: There is a world somewhere out there that has a tree with star-shaped fruit, they say that those fruits are a promise to keep people connected. And they also say that if you have a good luck charm made from the skin of those fruits, no matter how far apart you are you’ll always come back together someday. So here’s one for all of us! It will keep us connected.

    Eraqus: Now we will begin the Master Qualifications Exam. This is a test of the heart for those who have been chosen by the keyblade. Fortunately, Master Xehanort has come to see this.


    Tinkerbell (wait, she doesn’t talk does she!?): I’m gonna kick you as hard as I can!

    Ven: Is that Mickey’s star fragment?

    Hook: Looks like something that you wouldn’t think is a shooting star has come our way [Sorry, I hate this line. This is a terrible translation of it, but I’m just not in the mood to deal with Japanese weirdness!]

    [Castle of Dreams]

    Terra: You must make your heart strong. No matter what happens, if your heart is strong you will be able to overcome it.

    Aqua: Is it alright if I try on the glass slipper?

    [Dwarf Woodlands]

    Ven: Hey, you dropped this.

    Queen: If you listen to my request, then you may ask the mirror the whereabouts of this Xehanort.

    Ven: Surely not Terra!?

    Doc: That man used a monster to attack Snow White.

    Aqua: What happened here?

    Doc: Snow White, she...

    [Deep Space]

    Aqua: Watch out!

    Ven: Do you know Terra and Aqua!?

    Stitch: Friend... bonds...

    Stitch: [???? can anyone tell what he’s saying?]

    Ven: What happened?

    [Gathering Place ?]

    Ven: What do you mean Terra will no longer be Terra!?

    Vanitas: I mean it exactly as I said it. The “existence” known as Terra will soon disappear.

    Ven: Keyblade...!

    Vanitas: Show me your strength...

    [Land of Departure]

    Terra: Master Xehanort, what should I protect?

    Xehanort: What you have been. You don’t have to rid the darkness in your heart, you should control it.

    Aqua: Terra won’t fall into darkness.

    [Radiant Garden]

    Even: I think I might have some sort of connection to you in the future....

    Dilan: What business do you have here!?

    Aeleus: You cannot enter the castle!

    [Gathering Place]

    Xehanort: Look. The ruins of many keys who took on the powers of their masters are here in the place, where there was a fight between light and darkness. The remains of the Keyblade Wars

    Neue scans
    Birth by Sleep Scans - Land of Departure, Prince Phillip, and more!

    Wednesday, 21 October 2009
    Hey, folks!

    FF-Reunion has uploaded scans of the latest issue of Famitsu magazine. They feature a closer look at Land of Depature, Enchanted Dominion, and the board-game-style leveling system. It also appears that the Master's official name is spelled 'Eraqus', and that Prince Phillip will join alongside the player in the Enchanted Dominion. Take a look:

    HQ Bilder

    Und jetzt !
    Birth By Sleep Gets Dated!

    Wednesday, 21 October 2009
    According to FF Reunion, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep has been given a release date of January 9th, 2010 in Japan for 6,090 Yen (roughly $60 US)!

    Japan ^^

    Quelle :Home*-*Kingdom Hearts Insider

  19. #138

    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

    Den letzten Teil verstehe ich nicht. Ist das Datum jetzt 21. Oktober 2009 oder 3.1.2010

  20. #139
    RikuValentine RikuValentine ist offline
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    9 Januar
    Der 21 is das datum wo das geschrieben wurde -.- ^^

  21. #140

    AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep


    Oh Mann aber wenigstens gibt es jetzt ein Releasedatum

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