Ergebnis 741 bis 760 von 1234
11.01.2010, 19:32 #741-NieR-
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
schade ....
11.01.2010, 20:23 #742Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Ending in German
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ending Teil 1
11.01.2010, 20:26 #743Nikado
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
muss...ending...angucken...darf mir...aber...vorfreude...nicht versauen ;P
11.01.2010, 21:39 #744Overhero
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Es wurden aber alte Tracks benutzt bsp. Radiant Garden musik .
Vanitas Sentiment ist übelststark eine Attacke und schon Tot .
12.01.2010, 13:25 #745Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Birth by Sleep a Fan Favorite - Selling out Across Japan
Good news fans! It looks like the hype train for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep continues to roll well after release! Birth by Sleep continues to rank number one on when it comes to sales in the Video Games Category, which is quite excellent. Even more surprising however, are the remarkable user reviews - Birth by Sleep has recieved mostly five star reviews. Compared with Square Enix' other top releases: both Dragon Quest IX and Final Fantasy XIII, which had extremely low aggregate review scores, this is outstanding. It looks like Birth by Sleep is a fan favorite!
Furthermore, information is circulating that Birth by Sleep is pretty much sold out around Japan, in fact, many people are having trouble finding copies. Let's hope another shipment is on its way to gaming stores soon!
A small side note, I am actually selling my PSP, so if you are looking to buy one in anticipation for Birth by Sleep, now's the best time! You can find the EBay listing by clicking here.
12.01.2010, 14:15 #746Nikado
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
hätte echt nicht gedacht dass es sich besser verkauft als FFXIII oder Dragon Quest ^^
12.01.2010, 15:17 #747Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Es verkauft sich nicht besser, es bekommt nur z.B. bei bessere Bewertungen.
12.01.2010, 15:20 #748Nikado
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
ok habs nur falsch verstanden ^^
aba trotzdem geil: bessere bewertungen als FFXIII
12.01.2010, 15:22 #749Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Final Fantasy XIII hat 1.500 Bewertungen, und Birth by Sleep knapp 100.
12.01.2010, 15:25 #750Nikado
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
is ja jetz auch egal brauch man sich nich drüber zu streiten
12.01.2010, 15:39 #751Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Ich streite mich ja nicht.
P.S. FFXIII hatte mit 100 B. im Schnitt drei Sterne, und mit über 1.500 immer noch.
Birth by Sleep kommt auf jeden Fall anscheinend besser an, da es die FanGemeinde nicht spaltet wie es bei FFXIII der Fall ist.
12.01.2010, 17:13 #752Sir Roxas
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
ich bin euch ein schritt voraus^^
schaut: YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (gepatcht) [bleibt hängen bei 4th screen]
ist geil lest die description^^
12.01.2010, 19:14 #753Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Gangan Nomura Interview Snippet
Hey guys! From this weeks Gangan, it looks like there will be a Nomura interview on BbS! This image only has a small section of the interview, but Lissar will have a translation soon.
Please think of this Kingdom Hearts as "Chapter 0"!
--Please give us a message for all of our readers and the fans of this series~!
Nomura: Since this game happens earliest in the KH timeline I'd like for you to think of it as "Chapter 0". With this story and game system I think this shouldn't be placed on the same level as a side-story, but as a numbered title. Also, there is a secret movie in this one. It's like a "true ending" to the game so I'd like for you to watch it. If you've seen it, you can tell just how the story of "KH" has expanded!
Beside the arrow it says "Director Nomura" and then it says "Master!! This is too much!"
12.01.2010, 19:35 #754zack
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
aber dieser secret boss ist nur für aqua oder ? ..........schade wenn so wär
12.01.2010, 19:58 #755RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
12.01.2010, 21:10 #756Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Aqua ist halt einfach die Beste. ^^
12.01.2010, 21:21 #757Nikado
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
ja und sie hat auch das neutralste gameplay nach nomura. nicht zu schwer und nicht zu leicht (wenn es das überhaupt gibt).
PS: wann spielt eigentlich coded? sora hat noch seine alten klamotten an -.-
12.01.2010, 21:22 #758Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Coded spielt nach KH2.
12.01.2010, 21:25 #759RikuValentine
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
12.01.2010, 21:59 #760Ventus
AW: Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
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