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Thema: Favorite Use For Your PSP
01.03.2007, 15:45 #1hellomoto
WiFi On PSP Work For PS2?
Ok, I did search around to make sure this wasn't asked and didn't come up with anything, so here goes.
Is it possible to use the PSP's WiFi connection with a PS2 to get online or must I have that hard drive with LAN connection? I'm pretty sure that it's not possible but I wanted to see.
01.03.2007, 18:09 #2hellomoto
Favorite Use For Your PSP
well its obvious that psp has many many uses (included and homebrew)
but what exactly are you favorite uses
Internet is decient
01.03.2007, 19:59 #3Basti
AW: Favorite Use For Your PSP
Schreib in Deutsch oder lass es bleiben.
02.03.2007, 16:52 #4hellomoto
AW: Favorite Use For Your PSP
sorry my geman is poor
02.03.2007, 20:29 #5Basti
AW: Favorite Use For Your PSP
Display kaputte - Garantie?
welche dh
Brantneue PSP
Noch sehr gut Deutsch konntest. Daher schließe ich das Thema nun...schon etwas eigenartig!
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