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    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2

    Konami is working on a sequel to Fairy Tail: Portable Guild and this time you are the main character. Fairy Tail: Portable Guild 2 lets players create an avatar by selecting features like gender, hair style, and face type.

    Instead of giving players their own set of moves, avatars use the same techniques as the Fairy Tail characters. So, it’s possible to make a custom character who uses Natsu’s skill set. Avatar characters will partner with actual characters from the Fairy Tail universe like Lucy and Elza.

    Like the previous game, Fairy Tail: Portable Guild 2 sticks to the Monster Hunter formula and design.

    Quelle: PSPISO - Play Station Portable Games

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    Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2

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    NarutoYuki007 NarutoYuki007 ist offline
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    AW: Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2

    Offizielle Webseite:
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    Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2 Trailer

    Release: 10.März 2011 (Japan)

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