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Thema: Sniper Elite 4
06.03.2017, 17:34 #21Der Schmied von Kochel
Sniper Elite 4
06.03.2017, 18:31 #22Gilligan
11.03.2017, 08:24 #23r0b
Sniper Elite 4
Dieser Content wird März, April und Mai auf uns zukommen
Bewares the Snipes of March
- Towards the end of March we’ll be releasing not one but TWO big add-ons for the game!
- The first is Deathstorm Part 1: Inception, the opening chapter and mission in our BRAND NEW three-part mini-campaign with a completely new storyline for 1-2 players. Look out for more info soon and a first-look trailer!
- The second is the Night Fighter Expansion Pack, a value-stuffed content drop featuring three new weapons, night-time camouflage rifle skins for eight weapons, and two new characters.
- BUT we also have tons of FREE content arriving around the same time! This month’s freebies include a brand new multiplayer mode called Elimination, in which two teams try to whittle down their opponent’s numbers. If you’re killed you’re forced to sit on the sidelines - but not permanently! If your team kills an opponent player, they get to tag back in one of their sidelined teammates. All may seem lost in Elimination, but all it takes is one kill to turn the tide!
- We’ll also introduce a brand new multiplayer map called Night Woods – check out the debut screenshot to whet your appetites!
- Deathstorm Part 2: Infiltration campaign mission
- Urban Assault Expansion Pack featuring new male and female character, 8 camo rifle skins and 3 new weapons
- FREE new multiplayer map: “Urban”
- FREE new multiplayer mode
- FREE new Survival mission (playable solo or in 2-4 player co-op)
- Deathstorm Part 3: Obliteration campaign mission
- Cold Warfare Expansion Pack featuring new male and female character, 8 camo rifle skins and 3 new weapons
- Lock and Load Weapons Pack featuring 3 new weapons.
- 2 x FREE new multiplayer maps: “Fortress” and “Bunker”
- FREE new Survival mission (playable solo or in 2-4 player co-op)
11.03.2017, 09:29 #24Audionymous
13.03.2017, 08:35 #25ccommander81
Sniper Elite 4
Online hab ich es auch 2-3 mal probiert. Aber ich glaueb 3rd Person ist im Multiplayer nix für mich. Ihc komme da nicht darauf klar, dass alle so viel sehen, über Mauern schauen können etc. Aber dei Kampagne fetzt udn auch die Koop-Geschichten haben Spaß gemacht, obwohl ich normalerweise nicht viel mit Coop anfangen kann.
23.06.2017, 01:03 #26MenocidiX
Sniper Elite 4
Na bitte, 4 Monate später. Aktuell im Store "Angebot der Woche", 45€ statt 100€ für die Deluxe Edition inkl. aller 12(?) DLCs. Zugeschlagen und auf geht's.
27.06.2017, 08:25 #27Mickie
Sniper Elite 4
28.05.2019, 11:26 #28Der Schmied von Kochel
Sniper Elite 4
Spiele es nun endlich seit ein paar Tagen und muss sagen, als passionierter Single Player ist dieses Spiel allein vom Umfang her schon eine Offenbahrung. Auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden auch nicht von schlechten Eltern.
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