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Thema: Rocket League
23.05.2017, 09:23 #421Volchok
25.05.2017, 04:22 #422MenocidiX
Rocket League
Astrein zwei Tage zu spät. Muss jetzt erstmal wieder sammeln.
05.06.2017, 10:02 #423r0b
Rocket League
Today's update addresses stability issues on Xbox One, our new loading screens, and the invisible ball on Neo Tokyo.
- Fixed an issue where the new loading screen format was causing players to crash out of game
- Neo Tokyo (Private Matches) no longer has an invisible ball
- Added protections to prevent Microsoft's new Xbox Live text filters from crashing Rocket League
- These protections address game crashes largely related to use of in-game chat, Leaderboards, and Custom Training
- In the future, In-game messaging will be added to notify players of when Xbox and PlayStation text filters are causing issues in Rocket League
- When this messaging is visible, Match play will be unaffected, while in-game chat, Leaderboards, and Custom Training will have limited functionality
- “Neo Tokyo” has been updated with a Standard Arena layout, and is now available in all Playlists
- The Nitro Crate with new items has been added
- “Neo Tokyo” has been updated with a Standard Arena layout, and is now available in all Playlists
- The original “Neo Tokyo” has been renamed “Tokyo Underpass,” and is available to play in offline and private matches
- Nitro Crate has been added
- When received, the Nitro Crate will display as “Crate - Nitro” in your inventory
- The Loot Crate Community Flag has been added
- Select Pull-Back Racers will come with one code redeemable for a set of two exclusive in-game items
- Original Minis Pull-Back Racers will be on sale later this Spring, and then codes can be redeemed via the Redeem Code button in the Extras menu
- Exclusive Rocket Trail: Cold Fusion
- Exclusive Wheels: ZT-17
- [Steam] Fixed an issue where toggling Motion Blur on and off would cause a game crash
- [Console] Light Shafts will no longer automatically re-enable if disabled in Video section of the Options Menu
- [Steam] Vertical Sync will no longer automatically re-enable if disabled in Video section of the Options Menu
- Rocket Trails viewed in the Garage when playing Splitscreen no longer display diagonally
- Fixed Rocket Trails include: Alpha (Gold Rush), Bubbles, Cold Fusion, Datastream, Flamethrower, Frostbite, Helios, Hexphase, Hydro, Ink, Netherworld, Plasma, Slime, Snowflakes, Standard (All Colors), Treasure
- Fixed an issue causing some glowing wheels to look incorrect when Painted. This fix affects the following wheels: Photon, Septem, Troika, and Voltaic
- Side Boost locations on DFH Stormy, Urban Central, Urban Central (Dawn), and Urban Central (Night) now match those found in other standard arenas
- Bunny Ears now flop in the correct direction
- The “CCCXL” Decal for Ice Charger is now correctly named “CDXL”
- Earned Assists now correctly display in the Leaderboards
- The Ball Indicator now correctly displays on “Mannfield (Night)”
- [Xbox One] The “Registered Voter” achievement has been fixed
Just revealed on stage at the RLCS Season Three World Championship, we’re proud to announce that our next update will arrive early next month!
Rocket League was originally released on July 7, 2015, so next month’s Anniversary Update, as we’re calling it, will celebrate TWO years of boost-fueled, rocket-powered Soccar action!
How are we celebrating our Biennial? Watch the trailer below!
We’re starting this party right by bringing a new standard arena to Rocket League. 'Champions Field' celebrates the pure competition found in Rocket League, complete with a massive statue featuring our shield logo, triple-decker seating (a must in any modern sports entertainment complex), and enough stadium lighting to make your match visible from outer space!
This new, FREE, standard arena will be found in all Competitive and Online Playlists, and will be available in Private Matches as well.
Our Anniversary Update also marks the end of Competitive Season 4, and the beginning of Season 5. We will have a full breakdown of what’s coming in Season 5 closer to the update, but in the meantime, you should know that the timing of this seasonal changeover marks how we plan to approach new seasons going forward (in other words, no more long, drawn-out Competitive Seasons)!
The end of Competitive Season 4 also means that a new wave of Season Rewards are coming! Each Rank (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Champion) will have their own reward, while Grand Champion gets the Champion Reward plus an in-game title. As for the rewards themselves, we're doing some much different this time around with new Trails as the rewards. Trails, as they will be called after the Anniversary Update is live, are activated when you achieve Supersonic speeds. That white-purple-blue Trail you see behind your Battle-Car now can be replaced with your Season Reward Trail, or with other custom trails we will be rolling out in future updates and Crates.
Speaking of Crates, the Anniversary Update will also include the new Overdrive Crate! Along with an awesome assortment of new Wheels, Decals, and Black Market items, the Overdrive Crate has TWO new Battle-Cars: Animus GP, and Centio V17. Overdrive Crates will be available as limited drops after Online matches. for the rest of the Anniversary Update? We have a ton of additional content coming next month, including an updated engine audio system, new soundtrack options, new achievements and trophies, Goal Explosions, and more! We will have more updates (and patch notes) as we draw closer to the anniversary.
24.08.2017, 11:45 #424Noz
Rocket League
Kann mir jemand erklären wie man sachen tauschen kann, bzw. Wo und mit wem? Ich hab schon unzählige kisten aber ich will eigentlich nur den totenkopf tor effekt, gibt es da eine möglichkeit das ich kisten gegen den effekt tausche oder so?
24.08.2017, 12:09 #425Swok
Rocket League
Handel selber weiß ich nicht. Aber wenn du im Inventar eins deiner Items auswählst, siehst du wieviele vom gleichen Wert du bereits besitzt. Du kannst dann fünf Items vom gleichen Wert eintauschen um ein höherwertiges Item zu erhalten.
Torexplosionen sind btw. extrem selten. Habe auch schon zig Kisten geöffnet, aber das Beste was ich erhalten habe waren diverse Autos.
24.08.2017, 13:36 #426Noz
Rocket League
Das mit dem umwandeln mach ich eh immer sobald i genug hab, aber will ma nicht extra schlüssel kaufen wenn ich doch nur das eine item will und ich das selbst dann nur durch zufall bekomm, find das mit den kisten doof, dann solln sie von mir aus für jedes item extra geld verlangen aber doch nicht per glücksprinzip obwohl ich dafür bezahle!
24.08.2017, 14:48 #427Volchok
Rocket League
Wandel bloß nicht um. Kommt nur scheisse bei raus.
Also, die Leute schreiben während der matches doch immer Trade ??
Das heisst die wollen nach der Partie mit dir tauschen.
Die laden dich in deren Gruppe und dann mit R3 zum handel ein .
Dort bietet ihr euch dann eure sachen zum tauschen an.
Mit Option s wird akzeptiert.
08.09.2017, 13:34 #428r0b
Rocket League
Alongside new features like Transparent Goalposts and the new Standard versions of Starbase ARC and Wasteland, our Autumn Update will also include the start of Rocket League’s SIXTH Competitive Season!
To kick off the new season, we are running a soft reset on all accounts that have previously placed in any Competitive Playlist. This means every player will need to complete a set of ten placement matches per Playlist, similar to when you play in a Competitive Playlist for the first time. This soft reset will help calibrate the entire player population for the new season, which will end in early 2018.
For those who placed in Competitive Playlists this season, we’re excited to announce that the Season 5 Rewards are a new player customization item we’re rolling out in the Autumn Update. Player Banners will be seen throughout Rocket League, including the main menu screen and during goal replays, and the Season 5 Rewards are unique Player Banners tied to each Competitive Tier.
The Reward Banners, seen above, will be handed out as follows:
- Bronze I or higher – Season 5 Bronze Player Banner
- Silver I or higher – Season 5 Silver Player Banner + lower Banners
- Gold I or higher – Season 5 Gold Player Banner + lower Banners
- Platinum I or higher – Season 5 Platinum Player Banner + lower Banners
- Diamond I or higher – Season 5 Diamond Player Banner + lower Banners
- Champion – Season 5 Champion Player Banner + lower Banners
- Grand Champion – 'Season 5 Grand Champion' in-game Title + Grand Champion Player Banner + lower Banners
Remember, in order to qualify for these Banners, you must earn the 12 wins for each Season Reward Level. Players who are in the Platinum Tier, for example, must earn Season Reward Level wins for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum in order to receive all four Reward Banners.
We hope you enjoy the new Banner items, and we’ll have more to share closer to the Autumn Update’s release!
(NOTE: Parallel with our efforts at the end of Seasons 3 and 4, we will deny Season 5 Rewards to any account involved with matchmaking abuse or boosting services.)
03.04.2018, 21:02 #429r0b
Rocket League
Patchnotes zu 1.43:
Rocket League® - Tournaments Update (Inside Look)
12.05.2018, 19:33 #430Disaster II
Rocket League
Fast jedes Spiel beginnt erstmal mit teils heftigen Lags. Meist nicht lang, aber trotzdem. Hat es früher nicht gegeben. Die Spielsuche dauert mal mehr mal weniger oft ungewöhnlich lang, dazu kommen dann immer mal wieder Spielabbrüche. Hat es früher auch schon gegeben, aber wirklich nur verschwindend gering.
Zudem werde ich im Ergebnisbildschirm immer als Ranglos angezeigt. Ist zwar halb so wild, aber naja, reiht sich halt noch in die Liste mit ein.
12.05.2018, 22:55 #431Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
Wie immer bei ''lootbox'' spielen ist der profit im Vordergrund. Die community ist auch trash.
16.05.2018, 19:36 #432
05.06.2018, 17:37 #433r0b
AW: Rocket League
Rocket League® - Jurassic World™ Car Pack Trailer
Die Inhalte des Jurassic World Car Packs:
- Jurassic Jeep Wrangler Battle-Car – ausgestattet mit einem Jurassic World-Decal für das Blue Team und einem Jurassic Park Decal für das Orange Team
- T. Rex Tor Explosion
- Jurassic Park Schutzhelm Topper
- Jurassic Park, Jurassic World und Mr. DNA Player Banner
- Jurassic World, Jurassic Park und InGen Flags
05.06.2018, 18:39 #434Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
Toreffekt is nice, rest eher bleh.
14.07.2018, 00:39 #435Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
Hauptsache, die Orchidee Antenne ist ne Lilie *triggered*
22.07.2020, 07:05 #436padlord
Rocket League
Rocket League wird ab Sommer Free to play werden, dabei wird es ein großes Update geben.
22.07.2020, 10:00 #437Katzenfroh
Rocket League
na endlich. gefühot seit der epic übernahme stand das im raum.
22.07.2020, 10:41 #438Volchok
Rocket League
Wow,... also wer die 8-15€ nicht zahlen will....
Dann können sie mir ja meine 15€ wieder geben oder wenigstens in Schlüssel tauschen
22.07.2020, 10:55 #439padlord
Rocket League
22.07.2020, 12:52 #440Katzenfroh
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