Ergebnis 401 bis 420 von 509
Thema: Rocket League
23.02.2017, 09:04 #401Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
23.02.2017, 11:13 #402Herveaux
Rocket League
Ich habe nur noch 5 Schlüssel (hatte mir mal 20 gekauft) und wenn ich alle verbraucht habe, dann kaufe ich sicher auch nichts mehr. Meistens habe ich doppelte Decals bekommen, von Autos die ich gar nicht fahre. Und diese sind meist gar nichts wert und man müsste noch ein oder zwei Schlüssel dazulegen um gegen etwas besseres zu tauschen. Also falls ich nach den 5 Schlüsseln noch eine Kiste bekomme, tausche ich diese einfach gegen etwas, was ich haben möchte (bzw. manche tauschen Kisten auch gegen Schlüssel).
23.02.2017, 11:51 #403Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
Dass man sachen in vielen spielen mehrfach ziehen kann, ist eh die kroenung.
23.02.2017, 13:06 #404Herveaux
Rocket League
Ich habe gerade aus der neuen "Player Choice Series 1" Kiste diesen Funny Book Decal für den Breakout Type-S bekommen. Ich besitze dieses Auto aber nicht. Das finde ich dann auch noch so super.
23.02.2017, 20:40 #405David007
Rocket League
Ich habe auch noch 3-4 Kisten, die ich gerne eintausche, falls jemand daran Interesse hat. Ich muss aber dazu sagen, dass ich Null Plan habe, wie man überhaupt etwas tauscht.
Der Tipp mit den Ranglistenspielen hat übrigens geholfen. Dort treffe ich doch auf deutlich ausgeglichenere Gegner und es macht wieder mehr Spaß.
23.02.2017, 21:13 #406MenocidiX
23.02.2017, 21:37 #407Herveaux
Rocket League
Die kannst du sicher gegen keys tauschen und diese dann wiederum öffnen.
24.02.2017, 20:27 #408r0b
Rocket League
Today's update addresses several issues that came with our v1.29 Hot Wheels update earlier this week. This update is being deployed on all platforms (PS4, PS4, Pro, Steam, and Xbox One).
- Fixed an issue with the ball collision code, changing it back to pre-v1.29 (Hot Wheels update) conditions in all Offline matches, and Free Play
- This update has already been pushed out to our servers for Online matches
- Toppers (Cavalier, Mohawk, Pixelated Shades) now correctly display on all Battle-Cars
- Fixed an issue with Twin Mill III engine audio not following the Battle-Car
- Fixed an issue with the ball collision code, changing it back to pre-v1.29 (Hot Wheels update) conditions in all Offline matches, and Free Play
24.02.2017, 20:41 #409Disaster II
25.02.2017, 17:48 #410r0b
AW: Rocket League
25.02.2017, 23:51 #411David007
Rocket League
Glück gehört dazu, aber ich finde schon, dass die eigenen Fähigkeiten eine viel größere Rolle spielen. Ich bin mittlerweile wieder einigermaßen drin, habe aber immer noch extreme Probleme, was die hohen Bälle angeht. Sobald ich gegen Spieler spiele, welche in der Luft stark sind, wird es für mich schon relativ schwer. Das Fliegen bekomme ich einfach noch nicht ganz so gut kontrolliert.
Heute wieder eine Kiste bekommen. Mal schauen, vielleicht investiere ich doch mal ein paar Euro in Schlüssel. ^^
01.03.2017, 19:15 #412Disaster II
Rocket League
Glaub mir, ohne Glück gewinnst du kein einziges Spiel. Da kann man noch so toll spielen. Ich hab tausende Spiele auf dem Konto und kann das mit absoluter Sicherheit sagen. Ich kann zu gut 90% meiner Spiele den Ausgang vorhersagen. Und das teilweise schon nach wenigen Sekunden. Wäre das am Tablet nicht so anstrengend könnte ich das noch ausführlich erläutern ^^
Vielleicht demnächst mal.
23.03.2017, 18:29 #413r0b
Rocket League
- Dropshot game mode is now available in the unranked playlists
- Neo Tokyo has been removed from Casual and Competitive playlists
- Turbo Crate has been added
- Painted Endo bodies and Tachyon Rocket Trails can be found in the Turbo Crate
- Seasonal Easter Items can be acquired March 22 to April 17
- Season 3 of Competitive play is ending and Season 4 begins. Titles and items will be awarded for the highest rank achieved during the season
- “Core 707” is now available when playing Dropshot
- “Mannfield (Night)” is now available in all playlists
- “Neo Tokyo” has been removed from Casual and Competitive playlists
- The map will remain playable in offline and private matches
- In a future update, Neo Tokyo will return to online play with a standard layout
- Turbo Crate has been added
- Painted versions of the “Endo” Battle-Car are available from this crate.
- Painted versions of the “Tachyon” Rocket Trail are available from this crate.
- Seasonal Easter Items can be acquired March 22 through April 17
- Easter Egg Antenna
- Bunny Ears Hat
- Easter Basket Hat
- Registered Voter
- Head to 'Arena Preferences' and use all of your votes
- Metaverse
- Equip the Halo Topper and win a match on Starbase ARC
- Brave the Elements
- Complete a match on wasted land, under the sea, and in outer space
- Damage Control
- Win a Dropshot match via shutout
- Full Course
- Score a total of 18 Goals in Dropshot
- Buckminster
- x10 Damage a total of 320 panels in Dropshot
- Dropshot
- The new Dropshot game mode is now available in the unranked playlists
- The goal of the mode is to break the floor with the ball on the opponent's side, and knock the ball through the hole
- AquaDome has undergone further performance optimization and its overall color saturation has been reduced
- “Spell (Sando Remix)” by Hollywood Principle has been added to the soundtrack
- In-game code redemption has been added
- In the future, Players can go to the “Extras” menu, select “Redeem Code,” and enter codes to unlock in-game items
- Arena Preferences
- Preference weighting has been updated to be simpler. A map’s odds are now changed based on the net percentage of the lobby who like or dislike a map
- If all players in a lobby Dislike a map, it will now never appear
- If half of the players in a lobby Like a map, it will appear 50% more often
- If one player Likes a map and another player Dislikes it, it will appear as often as normal
- Time Played is now tracked as a statistic
- Time played before this update will not be included in tracking
- Trading Updates
- The Trade interface has been updated. All trade offerings will appear on screen without players needing to scroll the list.
- The trade timer now runs for five seconds, up from three seconds.
- Key Selection
- A new “Key Selection” setting has been added to the Options Menu (Use Oldest, Use Newest, or Ask Me)
- If the user chooses “Ask Me” a new UI modal will appear when opening a crate that allows players to pick which key to use.
- Free Play Training
- You can now select which map to train on after choosing “Free Play” from the Training Menu.
- You can now exit directly to “Free Play” from the end of match menu.
- Custom Training
- Custom Training sequences can now be discovered and played cross-platform.
- The Custom Training feature can now be accessed while offline
- A new “Featured” tab has been added that spotlights selected Training Sequences chosen by the Psyonix team
- Forfeiting a 1v1 match now requires confirmation.
- Loading Screens now reflect the arena being loaded into as well as the game mode
- Game Tips are now included on the new Loading Screen
- Painted Items now show a colored border in the UI
- PS4 and Xbox One players can now bind “Air Roll Left” and “Air Roll Right” from the Controls menu
- PS4 and Xbox One players can now disable Light Shafts in the Video options menu
- The default binding for Create Party and Invite Players has been changed to “X” on Xbox controllers, and “Square” on PS4.
- The naming scheme for Crates has been adjusted
- Ex: Instead of “Player’s Choice Crate,” it is “Crate - Player’s Choice”
- Season 3 has ended. Titles and items will be awarded for your highest rank achieved during the season
- Season 3 Prospect Wheel
- Season 3 Challenger Wheel
- Season 3 Star Wheel
- Season 3 Champion Wheel
- Season 3 Grand Champion Title
- Season 4 brings a new set of Skill Rankings to provide more clear divisions between skill levels
- You are now classified into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion, and Grand Champion ranks
- The new Grand Champion rank will be harder to attain than in Season 3
- There are now only four divisions per skill tier (e.g. Gold II, Division IV) due to each tier covering a smaller range of skills
- Skill Reset
- After placement matches, you will be assigned a skill rating influenced by your Season 3 ranking
- This ranking will be lower than where you finished Season 3 and you will have to climb back to the highest rank you can reach
- We are not doing a full reset like Season 3 due to the lengthy period of matchmaking disturbance it created. This “soft reset” means players start separated by skill to keep things balanced but can still climb back to top ranks
- Matchmaking Abuse
- In the interest of enforcing fair competition, a small number of accounts have been identified as abusing the matchmaking system, and will receive a hard skill reset. These accounts will not receive Competitive Season 3 item rewards
- Placement Match Updates
- The placement match system has been revised to allow players to climb faster if they win the majority of their placement games
- When rejoining a Ranked Match, the default option is now “OK” instead of “Cancel”
- An “Esports” button has been added to the top of the main menu
- The Esports button will take you directly to live, official Rocket League tournaments on Twitch, including live RLCS streams
- This button will only be visible during associated live events
- Spectators can now see a player’s Boost Meter and Rumble Power-up when in Player View
- The Boost Meter now rounds down when you have a fractional amount of boost.
- Party Members can now rejoin Private Matches after exiting to the Main Menu.
- Fixed a rare issue where items would disappear after a completed trade
- The achievement “Rocket Genocider” has been fixed
- Xbox One: Removing a split screen user from a party no longer ends the party
- An issue with the Dominus GT tail lights not working properly has been fixed
- Turning on/off Color Blind Mode no longer causes the field to change colors in Free Play
- Players can no longer pass through the Arena wall on Double Goal (Rocket Labs)
- Trading with one player in your party no longer prevents you from trading with other party members afterwards
- Painted Items are now displayed correctly in the Trade-In menu
- Lobos Wheels now have glowing eyes on both sides of your Battle-Car
- The gun turrets behind the arena in Starbase ARC no longer shoot indefinitely
- Fixed an issue causing Motion Blur to be incorrectly disabled on PS4 and Xbox One
- Optimized the performance of the majority of the Rocket Trails in the game
23.03.2017, 19:49 #414Herveaux
Rocket League
Ich hab die Season 3 Prospect Wheel bekommen. Und der neue Spielmodus macht echt sehr viel Spaß!!!
26.03.2017, 14:02 #415Kallisto
Rocket League
Und schaut hier jemand die RLCS ?
26.03.2017, 21:41 #416Disaster II
Rocket League
Ich hab die Räder bis Rising Star, ist gar nicht schlecht der Blaue. Der neue Modus wollte bei mir irgendwie nicht, konnte kein Spiel finden. Rangliste ging normal.
31.03.2017, 22:27 #417StoOrmX
Rocket League
Schenkt mir wer seine Kisten ?
01.04.2017, 02:09 #418Freddie Vorhees
Rocket League
Ich hab gelbe raeder, 11 2v2 matches mal am stueck gemacht, hatte ich ganz vergessen. Wundert mich ja, dass es nicht prospect wurde, ich spiele wie ein rookie
01.04.2017, 09:23 #419Herveaux
Rocket League
01.04.2017, 13:38 #420r0b
Rocket League
Passend dazu hier der aktuelle Changelog für Patch 1.32
Today's hotfix addresses several issues that came with our v1.31 Dropshot update earlier this week. This update is being deployed on all platforms (PS4, PS4 Pro, Steam, and Xbox One).
- Fixed the double Boost spawn on Beckwith Park (Night)
- The ball height indicator/decal will now correctly appear on the Blue team’s half of Arena Core 707
- Optimized Dropshot dedicated server performance to reduce problems reported since our last update. This benefits all game modes as any server sharing resources with a Dropshot match was affected
- Fixed an issue with player spawn position in Steam Workshop maps
- Players who enter Training directly from the end game screen will no longer prevent their party leader from searching for another match.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Party Leaders to search for a new match while already in a lobby if a new player joined the party.
- Map-specific Loading Screens have temporarily been disabled while we investigate game stability issues introduced in the Dropshot update.
- Additional performance improvements to Aquadome
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