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Thema: Reborn - Action RPG
03.10.2013, 10:29 #1KUV1977
Reborn - Action RPG
Reborn is an interesting mix of old and new, folklore and sci-fi. It pulls from the history of Japanese swordsman Musahi Miyamoto and works the famed tale into a bit of a futuristic retelling. They've set this story in Neo-Tokyo, a world where huge corporations rule, and body augmentation is a regular thing.
03.10.2013, 11:02 #2Aidan
AW: Reborn - Action RPG
Kommt aber auch für PS3. Und irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass das Spiel nie erscheinen wird.
What they really need to get Reborn going is to hit their $150,000 Kickstarter goal. If you like what you see here, keep an eye out for that.
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