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Thema: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
26.02.2014, 17:35 #1ssub-zzero
Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Zu aller erst in dieser Woche gibt es Thief auf PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4. Schlüpft in die leisen Schuhe von Garrett, ein dunkler einsamer Dieb mit einem spektakulären Repertoire an Skills. Bewegt euch im Schutze der Schatten vorwärts und wählt die Art und Weiße, wie ihr Wachen ausschaltet. Die herausfordernsten Raubzüge, die unerreichbarsten Schätze, das best gehütetsten Geheimnisse – nichts ist ausserhalb eurer Reichweite.
Diese Woche ebenfalls mit einem dunklen Setting ist Basement Crawl. Betretet den Keller, erforscht die Dunkelheit, unheimliche Areale und finde dich mit dem Irrsinn ab. Kämpfe mit oder gegen deine Freunde in aufregenden, actiongeladenen online und offline Game-Modi.
Der PlayStation Store heißt Adol willkommen, der liebenswürdige, rothaarige Typ, der in seinen Spielen immer dann aufkreuzt, wenn man es am wenigsten erwartet. Ys: Memories of Celceta für PS Vita ist Falcoms eigene Wiedererzählung des japanischen Exklusivtitels Ys IV. Es ist Zeit, Adol durch die weitläufigen Regionen Celcetas zu führen und vielleicht für ein paar Frauen, seinem Mut und seiner Tapferkeit zu verfallen.
Ausserdem diese Woche im Store – haltet nach Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 und Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Ausschau und einer Handvoll neuer Angebote und Rabatte.
Und zu guter Letzt, eine Erinnerung: für all jene, die ausgewählte digitale PS3-Titel auf (Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, NBA 2K14 und Injustice: Götter unter uns Ultimate Edition, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag ) die PS4-Version upgraden wollen. Bitte erinnert euch, dass das Upgrade Programm mit Ende März endet.
Neue PlayStation Network Inhalte
Inhalte können hinzugefügt, entfernt oder verschoben worden – bitte haltet euch an unsere wöchentlichen Store-Updates für den aktuellsten Stand. Gelistete Preisnachlässe sind nur ungefähre Angaben, je nach Land unterschiedlich, beinhalten nicht spezielle Angebote und sollten daher nur als ungefähre Orientierung dienen.
PlayStation 4
Basement Crawl
Price: €9.99
PEGI: 12
Thief (PS4) (erhältlich ab dem 28. Februar)
Price: €69.99
PEGI: 18
The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS4)
Price: €59.99
(erhältlich ab dem 27. Februar in der Schweiz und Luxenburg)
PlayStation 3
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 (erhältlich ab dem 27. Februar)
Price: €49.99
PEGI: 18
Invizimals: Das verlorene Königreich
Price: €34.99
Pac-Man Museum (Testversion erhältlich)
Price: €19.99
Thief (PS3) (erhältlich ab dem 28. Februar)
Price: €59.99
PEGI: 18
The LEGO Movie Videogame (PS3)
Price: €49.99
(erhältlich ab dem 27. Februar in der Schweiz und Luxenburg)
Tales Of Symphonia Chronicles (erhältlich ab 28. Februar)
Price: €34.99
PEGI: 12
Tales Of Symphonia (erhältlich ab 28. Februar)
Price: €19.99
PEGI: 12
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn Of The New World (erhältlich ab 28. Februar)
Price: €19.99
PEGI: 12
PlayStation Vita
Invizimals: Das Bündnis
Price: €24.99
The LEGO Movie Videogame (Vita)
Price: €39.99
(erhältlich ab dem 27. Februar in der Schweiz und Luxenburg)
Ys: Memories Of Celceta
Price: €39.99
PEGI: 12
PlayStation Mobile
Trolly Bird (€1.99)
FL Scientific Calculator (€1.99)
Pixel Colors (€1.29)
The Cube (€4.79)
Battlefield 4
Granaten-Shortcut-Kit (Kostenlos)
Schrotflinten-Shortcut-Kit (nur für Premium)
Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Onslaught (€14.49) (erhältlich ab 27. Februar)
Need For Speed Rivals
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini – Cops (€3.99)
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini – Racers (€3.99)
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini – Complete (€5.99)
Battlefield 4
Granaten-Shortcut-Kit (Kostenlos)
Schrotflinten-Shortcut-Kit (nur für Premium)
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Onslaught (€14.49) (erhältlich ab 27. Februar)
Dust 514
Amarr-Kampfpaket (€9.99)
Gallente-Kampfpaket (€9.99)
Minmatar-Kampfpaket (€9.99)
Earth Defense Force 2025
Additional Mission Pack 2 (€8.99)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (Cross Buy)
Tearaway Minipack For Littlebigplanet 2 (€1.99)
Tearaway Minipack For LittleBigPlanet Vita (€1.99)
Tearaway Minipack For LittleBigPlanet Karting (€1.99)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Divine Wear (€3.99)
Moogle Lover (€3.99)
Ultimate Savior (€3.99)
Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns – The Premium Collection (€9.99)
Need For Speed Rivals
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini Cops (€3.99)
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini Racers (€3.99)
NFS Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack (€5.99)
Pac-Man Museum
Ms.Pac-Man (Kostenlos)
Rocksmith 2014
Acidman – Shinsekai (€2.99)
The Doors – Light My Fire (€2.99)
The Doors – Riders On The Storm (€2.99)
The Doors – Roadhouse Blues (€2.99)
The Doors Song Pack (€7.99)
LittleBigPlanet Vita (Cross Buy)
Tearaway Minipack für LittleBigPlanet Vita (€1.99)
Muramasa Rebirth
Genroku Legends – A Cause to Daikon For (€3.99)
Das LittleBigPaper-Paket (€1.99)
Neu im PlayStation Store: Thief, Ys: Memories of Celceta und mehr - Der deutschsprachige PlayStation BlogDer deutschsprachige PlayStation Blog
26.02.2014, 18:33 #2MiZassaro
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Bin am Überlegen, ob ich mir Onslaught hole. Nicht unbedingt wegen der neuen Maps, sondern wegen der Features für den Extinction-Mode. Mal schauen, bin mir da aber noch nicht sicher. 50€ als Season-Pass ist mir das eigentlich nicht wert.
Und etwas verwundert bin ich wegen dem Lego Movie-Game. Warum ist das Spiel schon jetzt im Store, wenn die Disc-Version erst im April kommt?
26.02.2014, 19:44 #3RikuValentine
17.04.2014, 01:43 #4OranjeX
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
EU & US Store Update (16. bzw. 15.04.2014)!
Pure Chess Complete Bundle (PS4) – 20% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Battalion Chess Set (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Easter Island Chess Set (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Halloween Chess Set (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Forest Game Pack (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Park Game Pack (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Pure Chess Temple Game Pack (PS4) – 10% Rabatt endet 30. April
Trials Fusion Rhino Pack (PS4) – 100% Rabatt, endet 30. Apri
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition
Preis: £44.99/€49.99/$69.95
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Standard Edition
Preis: £29.99/€34.99/$47.95
Pure Chess
Preis: £6.79/€7.99/$11.55
Pure Chess Complete Bundle
Preis: £10.25/€11.99/$17.25
Trials Fusion
Preis: £15.99/€19.99/$24.95
Trials Fusion
- Season Pass (£16.99/€19.99/$28.95)
- Warframe®: Playstation®Plus Starter Pack (Free, PS Plus only)
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
- Base Theme 1 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- Base Theme 2 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- Base Theme 3 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- Base Theme 4 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- Base Theme 5 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- BGM Pack 1 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- BGM Pack 2 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- BGM Pack 3 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
- BGM Pack 4 (£1.59/€1.99/$2.95) (Cross-Buy PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
17.04.2014, 14:29 #5OranjeX
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Battlefield 4
Was €69.99 / $99.95 / £54.99 Now €49.99 / $69.95 / £39.99
Need For
Was €69.99 / $99.95 / £54.99 Now €49.99 / $69.95 / £39.99
23.04.2014, 08:32 #6OranjeX
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
US Update (22.04.2014)!
PS4 Games
Octodad: Dadliest Catch ($14.99)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a game about destruction, deception, and fatherhood. The player controls Octodad, a dapper octopus masquerading as a human, as he goes about his life. Octodad’s existence is a constant struggle, as he must master mundane tasks with his unwieldy boneless tentacles while simultaneously keeping his cephalopodan nature a secret from his human family.
Putty Squad ($24.99)
The unlikeliest of heroes, Putty has unique powers that make gameplay incredibly addictive, yet accessible for the casual gamer, with power ups and special objects to find and use, Putty Squad will keep you hooked for hours and hours of game play fun.
Cel Damage HD (3 Way Cross Buy) ($9.99)
Take control of the world’s nuttiest cartoon drivers to demolish your friends with insane weapons and wacky arena hazards! Cel Damage HD is the definitive local multiplayer game, so just add a couch and have a blast with your friends and family. Master the single-player mode to get a leg up on the competition! Purchasing this content entitles you to the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita versions!
App Updates
Amazon Instant Video (PS3/PS4)
This week on Amazon Instant Video, get ready to become a world traveler with “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.” Ben Stiller and Kristen Wiig star in this drama where a day-dreamer escapes his anonymous life by disappearing into a world of fantasies filled with heroism, romance and action. Also, if you have Amazon Prime, you can see the entire first season of “Defiance,” which takes place in St. Louis during the year 2046 after various alien races have arrived on Earth.
Crackle (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
To get you ready for the May 2nd premiere of Amazing Spider-Man 2, Crackle has an exclusive, in-depth documentary “Heroes & Villains: The Amazing World of Spider-Man”. This Crackle exclusive gives fans an in-depth look into these interesting yet often overlooked evildoers, and challenges them to consider the story from the villain’s point of view. And of course, it also teases which super-villains might appear in future Spider-Man adventures. Watch “Heroes & Villains: The Amazing World of Spider-Man” now only on Crackle.
Crunchyroll (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
It’s the start of a new anime season, and we launched a ton of great new anime titles entering our service, including the eagerly-awaited season 2 of “Fairy Tail”, as well as the juggernaut Shounen Jump favorite, “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”! And let’s not forget new titles like “Black Bullet”, based on the popular light novel of the same name, and Nanana’s Buried Treasure, from the same studio that produced hits like Sword Art Online!
Hey Time Warner Cable (TWC) users, you can now authenticate the EPIX app on your PS3 or PS4. TWC Digital Basic and Preferred TV subscribers can access the EPIX app now for complimentary access to all of the network’s big movies, music events, comedy specials and originals thru June 18! Visit Premium TV Channels | Time Warner Cable for more information.
Check out the IGN App to get up-to-the-minute news updates on everything gaming, watch expert reviews for upcoming new games, and increase your gaming prowess with strategy and walkthrough content for PlayStation games.
MLB.TV Premium (PS3/PS4)
The MLB season is underway. You can watch live baseball games on your PS4 with a subscription to MLB.TV Premium. Watch HD Quality broadcasts of every out-of-market game live or on demand on your PS4. Choose Home or Away feeds, pause and rewind live game action with DVR capabilities. Sign up here.
Qello Concerts (PS3/PS Vita)
This week we feature the Beach Boys’ patented California sound, in Phoenix in 2012, as well as their 50th anniversary concert, “50: Live in Concert.” We surf over to Sofia, Bulgaria for “The Big Four: Live From Bulgaria”, a five-hour metal-thon with Anthrax, Megadeth, Slayer, and Metallica. Then we head over to Nashville to celebrate Ringo Starr’s birthday along with some of his closest musical pals with “Ringo at the Ryman.”
This week on VUDU, we have some great movies for you to enjoy. First off, we have the intense crime movie, “Bad Country”, featuring William Dafoe, Tom Berenger and Matt Dillon. Next up, we have animated feature “Son of Batman”, where Batman discovers that he has a teenage son, secretly raised by the League of Assassins. Lastly, we have season 2 of the sci-fi show “Orphan Black”, which continues where season 1 ended, with Sarah in a desperate race to find her missing daughter and a head-to-head confrontation with a ruthless pro-clone, Rachel.
PS4 Add-ons
Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Call of Duty Ghosts: Devastation Pre-order – $14.99
Just Dance 2014
- Beauty and a Beat – Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj – Solo ($2.99)
- Moves Like Jagger – Maroon 5 Ft. Christina Aguilera – Solo ($2.99)
- One Thing – One Direction – Duo ($2.99)
- Wake Me Up – Avicii – Solo ($2.99)
- Waking Up In Vegas – Katy Perry – Solo ($2.99)
- We R Who We R – Ke$Ha – Solo ($2.99)
Pinball Arcade
- Pinball Arcade Pro Table Pack 21: Fish Tales ($7.99)
- Pinball Arcade Pro Table Pack 22: Black Rose ($7.99)
- Pinball Arcade Table Pack 21 Pro Upgrade: Fish Tales ($3.99)
- Pinball Arcade Table Pack 21: Fish Tales ($4.99)
- Pinball Arcade Table Pack 22 Pro Upgrade: Black Rose ($3.99)
- Pinball Arcade Table Pack 22: Black Rose ($4.99)
30.04.2014, 12:51 #7OranjeX
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
US Update (29.04.2014)!
PS4 Pre-Orders
EA Sports UFC ($59.99)
The creators of the critically-acclaimed Fight Night franchise bring you into the next-generation of fighting. Step into the Octagon with EA SPORTS UFC and make your opponent feel every strike, takedown and submission.
Watch Dogs ($59.99)
Hacking is your weapon. Control the city of Chicago. Become Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker but also a former thug, whose criminal past lead to a violent family tragedy. While on the hunt for those responsible, you will be able to tap into the city’s omnipresent security cameras, download personal information to locate a target, control systems such as traffic lights and the electrical grid to stop a chase, and more. Now the city of Chicago has become your ultimate weapon to exact your own style of revenge.
Watch Dogs Gold Edition ($79.99)
Get Watch_Dogs plus Season Pass. Control the city of Chicago. Become Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker whose criminal past lead to a violent family tragedy. While on the hunt for those responsible, you will be able to tap into the city’s omnipresent security cameras, download personal information to locate a target, control systems such as traffic lights and the electrical grid to stop a chase, and more. Now the city of Chicago has become your ultimate weapon to exact your own style of revenge.
Wolfenstein: The New Order ($59.99)
Europe, 1960. The tide of World War II has been turned using a new kind of mysterious, advanced technology. Using unrelenting force and intimidation, a ruthless world power has brought even the most powerful of nations to their knees. The regime now dominates the globe with an iron fist. You are the only man capable of rewriting history. In Wolfenstein: The New Order, assume the role of super soldier B.J. Blazkowicz as he uses elite combat tactics and an arsenal of uber advanced weaponry to take down the most powerful empire the world has ever known.
PS4 Games
Child of Light ($14.99)
Set in the magical world of Lemuria, Child of Light takes us on the coming-of-age journey of Aurora, a young girl struggling to save a lost kingdom and her ailing father. The daughter of the Duke of Carniola is transported to Lemuria, a mysterious world that needs her help. Identified as the Child of Light and granted the power of flight, she takes on the minions of Lemuria’s Dark Queen in her quest to recover the sun, the moon and the stars to return home. Along the way she’ll discover that her destiny may be far greater than she ever dreamed.
Daylight ($14.99)
Experience Daylight, a procedurally generated psychological thriller for your PlayStation 4 system. The all-new Unreal Engine 4 enhances the visuals of your escape to freedom like never before, heightening every bone-chilling detail of your surroundings. Get lost in a maze that changes with every playthrough, allowing for limitless replayability and the tension of unpredictability every time you start the game. Navigate to safety while avoiding what lurks in darkness. What will be waiting for you down the next corridor?
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ($59.99)
BONUS! Purchase The Amazing Spider-Man 2 from the PlayStation Network and receive the electrifying Electro-Proof Suit for free!
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes place outside the events of the 2nd film in a unique story where Spider-Man discovers a larger threat to NYC that has turned the underworld upside down.
App Updates
Hulu Plus (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
Childhood sucks. Imaginary friends rule. Moone Boy is a quirky comedy about 12-year-old Martin Moone and his bearded, sarcastic, imaginary friend Sean. Martin’s imaginary pal plays the banjo, writes bad love poetry, and helps Martin navigate the challenges of his eccentric childhood. This semi-autobiographical series, written by and starring Chris O’Dowd (Bridesmaids), was a critical hit in the UK and is now exclusively on Hulu. Get this an more for $7.99/month with limited advertising.
MLB.TV Premium (PS3/PS4)
The MLB season is underway. You can watch live baseball games on your PS4 with a subscription to MLB.TV Premium. Watch HD Quality broadcasts of every out-of-market game live or on demand on your PS4. Choose Home or Away feeds, pause and rewind live game action with DVR capabilities. Sign up here.
Netflix (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
This week on Netflix, we have a ton of awesome content ready for you to enjoy. First off, we have just added season 7 of the always interesting TV series, Psych. We also have the movie that made Russell Crowe a household name, Gladiator. Also, we have Joseph Gordon-Levitt in his most interesting role yet as Jon Martello in Don Jon. Last, but not least, to get you ready for the reboot of Godzilla this summer, check out some of the Godzilla’s best movies across the decades.
Redbox Instant by Verizon (PS3/PS4/PS Vita)
Check out these new additions on Redbox Instant. Labor Day and The Legend of Hercules are now available to rent & buy digitally or to put on reservation at your nearest Redbox kiosk. Also, 47 Ronin, starring Keanu Reeves, is now available to reserve at the kiosk. If you want to get your Spider-Man fix in before seeing the Amazing Spider-Man 2, you can BUY The Amazing Spider-Man or any of the original trilogy. Additionally, we have added classics like Blade, Austin Powers and the horror cult classic Leprechaun (featuring a young Jennifer Aniston).
WWE Network (PS3/PS4)
When playing by the rules gets you nowhere, it’s time to get extreme! Don’t miss WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan when he defends his title against Kane in an Extreme Rules Match, John Cena battles Bray Wyatt in a Steel Cage and Evolution reunites to challenge The Shield in a Six Man Tag Match at WWE Extreme Rules, Sunday, May 4 at 8e/5p, Live on WWE Network. Don’t have WWE Network? Subscribe today!
Warframe: Warframe 370 Platinum (PS4) $14.99 $19.99 Warframe: Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Mod (PS4) $37.49 $49.99 Warframe: Warframe: 170 Platinum (PS4) $7.49 $9.99 Warframe: Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Mods (PS4) $74.99 $99.99 Warframe: Warframe: 3210 Platinum + Mods (PS4) $112.49 $149.99 Warframe: Warframe: 75 Platinum (PS4) $3.99 $4.99
Price Drops
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (PS4) $39.99 $59.99
PS4 Add-ons
Child of Light
- Dark Aurora Customization Pack ($1.99)
- Light Aurora Customization Pack ($1.99)
- Pack Of Faceted Oculi ($2.99)
- Pack Of Rough Oculi ($0.99)
- Pack Of Tumbled Occuli ($1.99)
- Stardust Pack ($2.99)
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
- New Stage & BGM Pack 10 ($2.99)
- New Stage & BGM Pack 9 ($2.99)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- Black Suit ($1.99)
- Cosmic Suit ($1.99)
- Proof Suit ($1.99)
- Ends Of The Earth Suit ($1.99)
- Noir Suit ($1.99)
Zen Pinball 2 Star Wars
- Star Wars Pinball: Heroes Within ($9.99)
30.04.2014, 13:04 #8KUV1977
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Sehr schön: Watch_Dogs US: 59,99$ EU:69,99€ - Irgendwie muss man die schwache Währung ja kompensieren. Go UBI!
28.05.2014, 19:16 #9doc_haemmer
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Hat zufällig irgendwer die Thief 4 Demo im PS4 Store gefunden oder gibt es die bei uns wieder nicht?
Ich find sie nicht
29.05.2014, 21:21 #10
30.05.2014, 06:58 #11doc_haemmer
AW: Inhalte des PS4 Stores
Wooow jetzt kommen schon ab 16 Spiele/Demos nicht mehr im deutschen Store! Gaaaanz großes Kino
@OranjeX - vielen Dank wieder mal für Deine Hilfe
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