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Thema: Horizon: Zero Dawn
07.11.2017, 16:34 #1001s.dizioli
Horizon: Zero Dawn
07.11.2017, 17:06 #1002vieraeugigerZyklop
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Ist ja schon heute raus. Dachte am 17.11.? Verdammt. ^^
09.11.2017, 08:33 #1003Sturmgeweihter
Horizon: Zero Dawn
VORSICHT: Kann Spoiler zu Neuerungen in der Spielwelt enthalten (aber nicht zur Story).
So, da ich zwei Tage krank geschrieben war, hatte ich die Gelegenheit, das DLC ordentlich zu zocken. Mehr als rumliegen konnte ich ja eh nicht.
Ich bin ja wirklich kein Fan von DLCs. Neben dem DLC von Dying Light ist Frozen Wild auch erst das zweite DLC, das ich mir gekauft habe. Ich mag das Prinzip von DLCs einfach nicht.
Aber Frozen Wild hat sich allemal gelohnt! Die 20€ sind extrem gut investiert. Die Entwickler haben an den Mechaniken des Spiels wenig bis nichts geändert. Wieso auch? Horizon war ja schon unglaublich gelungen.
Es gibt ein paar neue Waffen, der Speer kann nun modifiziert werden und es gibt einen neuen Skill-Bereich. Allerdings hätte man sich den mMn sparen können, aber nun gut. Die Levelgrenze wurde auf 60 angehoben und es gibt ein paar neue Maschinen.
Diese sind übrigens gerade beim Einstieg ins DLC extrem fies.
Die große Änderung an der Welt ist das zusätzliche Gebiet, wo man sich mit den Banuk tiefer beschäftigen kann. Es gibt neue Nebenquests, neue Aufträge, einen neuen Langhals, ein neues Jagdgebiet... und eine richtig toll designte Schneelandschaft. Ernsthaft... ich habe noch nie so eine tolle, lebendige Schneelandschaft gesehen. Der Schnee wirkt so unglaublich plastisch. Wenn man auf der Jagd nach Tieren ist, dann kann man tatsächlich den Schneisen im Schnee folgen. Die Tiere ziehen welche hinter sich her. Es gibt Schneestürme und sogar Polarlichter. Dazu extrem hohe Berge, was bedeutet, dass man viel klettern muss. Ich bin im Hauptspiel so gut wie nie durchs Runterfallen von Klippen oder Abhängen gestorben... in Frozen Wild ist mir das (leider) häufiger passiert. Aber dafür habe ich einen Screenshot, wo ich auf einem der höchsten Berge stehe.
Es ist einfach extrem atmosphärisch, wenn man nachts durch den Schnee zieht. Über einem die Polarlichter. Dann zieht ein Sturm auf, die Flocken hauen einem nur so um die Ohren, man sieht eigentlich nichts mehr und steht plötzlich vor einer Frostklaue. Panik bricht aus... aber es ist eine schöne Panik. Da haben sich die Entwickler wirklich alle Mühe mit gegeben. Das Questniveau ist auch solide. Für mich jetzt nicht der herausragendste Storystrang, aber man erfährt ein paar mehr Hintergründe. Die Aufgaben, die es zu lösen gilt, sind natürlich dem Hauptspiel gleich. Hier ein Maschinenüberfall, da ein bisschen klettern, hier was sammeln... aber es macht Spaß. Vor allem haben mich tatsächlich die Sammelaufgaben motiviert, weil ich dann die Welt erkunden konnte.
Ich habe generell einen Faible für Schnee in Videospielen (und auch allgemein ), aber wie gesagt habe ich selten so tollen Schnee erlebt.
Ich kann das Ding jedem wirklich nur empfehlen. Die 20€ sind gut investiert und erweitern Horizon um ein extrem spektakuläres wie interessantes Gebiet.
09.11.2017, 13:36 #1004Exodus
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Erstmal danke für das Feedback und dann kannst du mir mit Sicherheit 2 Fragen beantworten, die mich brennend interessieren.
Der DLC startet ja quasi kurz vorm Ende des Hauptspiels, daher interessiert mich, wie sich das ganze verhält wenn man das Hauptspiel inkl. DLC neu beginnt. Kann ich z.B.: den Speer direkt von Beginn an upgraden und auch die neuen Fähigkeiten direkt erwerben, oder sind diese neuen Features an einen gewissen Rang/Fortschritt im Spiel gekoppelt.
Außerdem soll es ja auch neue Tiere geben. Sind diese neuen Tiere (sowie auch die neuen Maschinen) nur im neuen Gebiet anzutreffen (das man glaube ich ja erst ab einem gewissen Rang betreten kann) oder in der gesamten Spielwelt.
09.11.2017, 19:38 #1005s.dizioli
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Hmm, meinst du als New Game +, oder komplett neues Spiel, bzw. gekauft neu? ^^ Nach meinen Infos handelt es sich beim DLC um Endgame Content wo man mindestens Level 30 haben sollte, da erledigt sich die Upgrade Geschichte usw. iwie von selbst. Ausserdem muss man aus dem Startgebiet raus sein, also "Eine Sucherin vor den Toren" absolviert haben um überhaupt Zugang zur offenen Welt zu haben. Was aber auch nur Thema ist wenn man NG+ macht.
Danke für dein kleines Review.
Wenn ein DLC dem ursprünglichen AddOn Gedanken entspricht, also eine grössere Erweiterung ist, die nach dem Hauptspiel produziert wird und einige Stunden Spielspass bringt, dann spricht im Prinzip nix dagegen, auch wenn Story DLCs halt immer ein wenig aufgesetzt zum Hauptspiel wirken. Aber geht halt bei nachträglichen Inhalten fast nicht anders. Guerilla hat sich in dem Bezug glücklicherweise anscheinend auch von Witcher3 inspirieren lassen. ^^ Dessen DLCs sind ja geradezu ein Paradebeispiel wie mans richtig macht und ich habe beide mit den physischen Kartensets gekauft. Jo, natürlich keine Disc drin, aber immerhin hab ich noch was davon, wenn es einmal keinen Strom mehr gibt.
Was ich hasse wie die Pest, sind die ganzen Kleinkram DLCs, aber wenn ich darüber anfange zu wettern, sitze ich noch morgen früh an dem Beitrag...
10.11.2017, 07:28 #1006Sturmgeweihter
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Jupp, es handelt sich um Endgame-Content. Bzw. kann man da jederzeit hin, sobald man die Welt "geöffnet" hat. Also das Startgebiet verlassen hat. Ich habe es jedoch mit meinem alten Spielstand gespielt, genau kann ich es also nicht sagen.
Jedenfalls macht es aber erst im fortgeschrittenen Spiel Sinn, in den Schnitt zu gehen, da selbst leichte Monster wie Plünderer aufgrund des Daemons etwas stärker sind. Gegner wie Frostklauen braucht man eigentlich auch erst versuchen, wenn man Donnerkiefer platt kriegt. Die Quest-Levelempfehlungen sind auch zwischen 30 und 50.
Jupp, sehe ich auch so. Story-DLCs, wenn sie gut gemacht sind, kaufe ich auch. Für Witcher habe ich mir die Game of the Year Edition gekauft, da war das DLC schon dabei. The Following für Dying Light taugte auch was und Frozen Wilds jetzt sowieso. DLCs anderer Art können mir gestohlen bleiben...
10.11.2017, 09:15 #1007r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.41 Patch Notes
We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.41 for Horizon Zero Dawn has gone live! This patch fixes various issues players may encounter in The Frozen Wilds, and introduces a number of tweaks and improvements. Please note that the list below may contain spoilers.
- Added balancing tweaks to several encounters in The Frozen Wilds.
- Progression issues fixes for The Frozen Wilds.
- Performance and Streaming fixes for The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed various crash issues.
- Added various general improvements.
- Fixed an issue with capitalization in the Patch 1.40 Update History.
- Added the Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds logo to the loading screens.
Please download patch 1.41 for Horizon Zero Dawn and let us know what you think. We will continue to add fixes and enhancements to the expansion based on your feedback. Feel free to send me a DM if you’d like to discuss in person. In the meantime, keep an eye on this space and on our Facebook and Twitter accounts for the latest Horizon Zero Dawn news and updates!
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.42 Patch Notes
We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.42 for Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds will be released today! This patch provides general fixes for ‘The Frozen Wilds’ expansion.
- Fixed combat balance issues for some players in the quest storyline of ‘The Frozen Wilds’ expansion.
- General improvements for ‘The Frozen Wilds’ expansion.
- Rebalanced the encounter with the three Frostclaws during the quest ‘For The Werak’ on Story, Easy and Normal difficulty. The damage done by the Frostclaws depends on how many Frostclaws are left during the encounter.
- Rebalanced the encounter with the Fireclaw during the quest ‘The Forge of Winter’ on Story, Easy and Normal difficulty.
Please download Horizon Zero Dawn patch 1.42 and share your thoughts with us. We will continue to work on further fixes and enhancements to the game based on your feedback. In the meantime, keep an eye out on this space for the latest Horizon Zero Dawn news and updates!
16.11.2017, 18:17 #1008r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.43 Patch notes
We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.43 is released today! This patch provides progression fixes and general improvements for ‘The Frozen Wilds’ expansion.
- General fixes in ‘The Frozen Wilds’ quest storyline.
- General improvements for ‘The Frozen Wilds’.
- Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would experience not being able to jump onto the safety handhold under the helipad by jumping onto it from under it.
- Fixed an issue where some players would experience losing the DLC license during their playthrough and receive negative XP.
- Fixed a progression issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would not be able to enter Ourea’s retreat because they were blocked by an invisible wall and get the ‘Can’t Enter This Location’ message near the Helipad after solving the first power puzzle and saving the game.
- Fixed a progression issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would experience the objective not being changed after fast-traveling immediately after solving the second power puzzle.
- Fixed a progression issue in “The Forge of Winter” where some players experienced that your allies would not follow you after moving quickly through the area before the ‘Recycling Area’.
Please download Horizon Zero Dawn patch 1.43 and share your thoughts with us. We will continue to work on further fixes and enhancements to the game based on the feedback and reports we collected from you. In the meantime, keep an eye out on this space for the latest Horizon Zero Dawn news and updates!
18.11.2017, 14:19 #1009DBZ
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Fixed a progression issue in “The Forge of Winter” where some players experienced that your allies would not follow you after moving quickly through the area before the ‘Recycling Area’.
Gott sei Dank gefixt, war schon am austrasten deswegen, weiterprügeln ließen die sich auch nicht Frozen Wilds is wirklich nur zu empfehlen
18.11.2017, 14:30 #1010Nevixx
Horizon: Zero Dawn
18.11.2017, 15:34 #1011s.dizioli
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Das Spiel ist stellenweise schon recht knackig, aber die Level Empfehlungen gelten für die Quests selber. Auf den Wegen zwischen den Quests kannst du natürlich auch auf Maschinen treffen, für die ein höherer Level und stärkere Waffen erforderlich sind. Die solltest du möglichst umgehen, oder dich vorbeischleichen. Ich bin genau deswegen meist mit dem "Stille Nora Jägerin" Outfit herumgelaufen, damit die mich nicht so schnell entdeckt haben. ^^
18.11.2017, 22:35 #1012Banx
26.11.2017, 11:55 #1013r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
[4K HDR] Horizon: The Frozen Wilds PS4 Pro - Tech Breakdown and Engine Analysis
28.11.2017, 17:15 #1014r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.45 Patch notes
Hi everyone! The team has been working on a patch that addresses several issues in The Frozen Wilds, which you can download later today. Please be aware that there might be spoilers in these notes if you have not finished The Frozen Wilds yet.
- Fixed an issue where players could not create a New Game+ loadout from the pause menu.
- Fixed an issue where Bluegleam resources would carry over to New Game+.
- Fixed an issue where the Insulated Outfit Weave could not be obtained.
- Fixed an issue where the campfires in The Frozen Wilds would not stay lit after reloading.
- Added a ‘Dismount Strike’ counter to the progression page and fixed an issue where it would not allow the user to get 100% completion.
- Fixed an issue where The Frozen Wilds hints would appear to users that did not own the DLC.
- Fixed an issue where two datapoints from The Frozen Wilds could become unobtainable.
- Fixed several issues with icons not showing up for collectables, and icons displaying the wrong locations for enemies or quest points of interests for "The Frozen Wilds".
- Fixed an issue where the ‘First Bluegleam Trade’ trophy would not unlock when buying certain items.
- Fixed several geometry issues in the world where Aloy could get stuck in The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed several issues where the user could skip areas of the world and cause progression issues.
- Fixed an issue where the Icerail tutorial would not progress when using the Adept version of the weapon.
- Fixed several graphics issues in The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed several dialog and subtitle issues in The Frozen Wilds. Several animations and cutscenes improvements in The Frozen Wilds.
- Several balancing tweaks to outfits and weapons.
- Several balancing tweaks to encounters in The Frozen Wilds.
- Several fixes to the buddies and enemy A.I. in The Frozen Wilds.
- Several progression and crash fixes.
- Performance improvements.
- General improvements.
- Fixed an issue where players were not able to create a New Game+ loadout after completing the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Insulated Outfit Weave would not be present at its set location.
- Fixed an issue where Skill Points would still be visible when the player had all skills unlocked.
- Fixed an issue at the Charger site near Song’s Edge, where there was a chance that Chargers would not spawn at the site when visiting the area.
- Fixed an issue at the Scorcher site, where there was a chance that only Scrappers would spawn at the site when visiting the area.
- Fixed an issue where fast traveling to the Longnotch icon would put Aloy on top of a tent.
- Fixed an issue where the campfires in The Frozen Wilds would not stay lit after being activated and reloading.
- Fixed an issue in the loadings screens, where hints for The Frozen Wilds would be displayed even without the DLC installed.
- Fixed an issue with the Banuk Icerail tutorial where the tutorial would not progress when a player used the Adept version the Banuk Icerail.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to carry over Bluegleam to a New Game+ save, after creating a New Game+ loadout when they had Treasure Boxes with Bluegleam in their inventory.
- Fixed an issue in the Machine Catalogue in Aloy’s Notebook where the ‘Sources’ lists for loot would not be updated with the new machines from The Frozen Wilds.
- Added a counter for ‘Dismount Strikes’ in the Combat Statistics in Aloy’s Notebook.
- Fixed an issue where Ikrie’s Challenge would count towards the percentage of game completion of the base game.
- Fixed an issue that some players experienced where their Ghost Level experience value was displayed as a negative number after reaching level 60.
- Various visual improvements in The Frozen Wilds.
- Various improvements to geometry in The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed various issues in cinematics in The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed an issue that players experienced where Aloy would talk about Bluegleam too often. These callouts have been reduced and will not occur when Aloy is inside any buildings.
- Fixed various issues with other callouts in The Frozen Wilds.
- Updates to the credits of The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed various issues with in-game text, subtitles and localization.
- QUESTS: The Shaman’s Path
Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where the Frostclaw would not get stunned after overriding the Control Tower.
Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where sections of Ourea’s Retreat had extended periods without background music.
Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where the waypoint finder would lead the player a long way around when falling down the jump under the helipad. - QUESTS: For the Werak
Fixed an issue in “For The Werak” where in certain the of one of the damaged Frostclaws would swap. - QUESTS: Firebreak
Fixed an issue in “Firebreak” that some players experienced where the Frostclaw would jump through the door when taking Aratak’s Path.
Fixed an issue in “Firebreak” where the datapoint icons would not show up on the compass until the player used their Focus at least once. - QUESTS: The Forge of Winter
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” where Aloy will be blasted off the floating crates if her idle hanging animation plays when passing over the broken vent.
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” where Aratak and Ourea would not follow you past the bridge of the Recycling Area after the player backtracked within the Cauldron.
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” where Aratak and Ourea would remain stationary after the second Control Tower is destroyed when battling the daemonic Fireclaw.
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” with the animations of the Fireclaw while fighting it near the Cauldron Core.
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” in Ourea’s Retreat, where two icons of CYAN could be seen on the user’s compass. - QUESTS: Waterlogged
Fixed various issues in “Waterlogged” with the water in the Greycatch.
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” where Aloy would pry open the door with Sylens’ spear, even when the player doesn’t have this spear yet.
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” with Gildun’s positioning to close the first sluice gate. - QUESTS: Ikrie’s Challenge
Fixed an issue in “Ikrie’s Challenge” where the rolling logs would not respawn when attempting the trial again. - ACTIVITIES: Hunting Grounds
Fixed an issue in “Weapons for the Lodge” where players would experience the quest log not being updated correctly after clearing one of the trials in the Snowchants Hunting Ground in The Frozen Wilds. - COLLECTABLES
Fixed an issue where Animal Figurine icons were missing from the interior maps in The Frozen Wilds.
Fixed an issue where a Bluegleam icon was missing from the exterior map for Bluegleam in the Drone Hangar. - ECONOMY
Fixed an issue where players reported that they would not be able to buy every outfit in the game, as there were not enough slots. You can now get all outfits with a fully upgraded Outfits Satchel and the ‘Hoarder’ skill unlocked.
Fixed a cosmetic issue in the Banuk Werak Chieftain outfit.
Fixed a UI issue where the ‘Master’ Adept versions of outfits would have the same name as the ‘Heavy’ Adept versions in New Game +.
Fixed an issue where the Banuk Ice Hunter Heavy would provide more protection than the Adept version of this outfit, while they both have the same resistance stats.
Fixed an issue with the Shield-Weaver outfit, which would not work correctly if Aloy was damaged by two damage types or explosions.
Fixed an issue where the shard value for spear mods would be inconsistent. - MACHINES
Fixed various damage issues on edge-case scenarios for the Fireclaw and Frostclaw, which could lead to more than the intended damage. - TROPHIES
Fixed an issue with the “First Bluegleam Trade” trophy. This would not unlock if a players bought an Adept version of one of the new outfits from The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed several issues that some people experienced with geometry in The Frozen Wilds. Players could leave the intended play area and get stuck, blocking progression.
- QUESTS: Firebreak
Fixed an issue in “Firebreak” that some players experienced, where Aloy could get pushed through the Cauldron door when fighting the Daemonic Scorcher.
Fixed an issue in “Firebreak” that some players experienced, where killing the Daemonic Scorcher near the Cauldron door could cause the option to open the door to be hidden by the option to search the Scorcher. - QUESTS: The Forge of Winter
Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” that some players experienced, where killing the Daemonic Fireclaw near the Cauldron Core could cause the option to override the Cauldron Core to be hidden by the option to search the Fireclaw. - QUESTS: Waterlogged
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” that some players experienced, where in certain situations Aloy could not pull up on the ladder after solving the Flow Puzzle.
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” that some players experienced, where some ladders could lose their functionality, blocking progression.
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” that some players experienced, where fast-traveling out of the Greycatch from the top of the counterweight would block progression of this quest.
Fixed an issue in “Waterlogged” that some players experienced, where Gildun would disappear after completing the optional puzzle and walking through the unlocked doorway. - QUESTS: Frontier Justice
Fixed an issue in “Frontier Justice” that some players experienced, where if the player fast traveled away after completing the first ‘Follow the tracks’ objective and before completing the second objective, there would be no quest marker. - QUESTS: Ikrie’s Challenge
Fixed an issue in “Ikrie’s Challenge” that some players experienced. If the player died on the second attempt after having received Gold the first time, the objective would be missing from the quest objective log. - QUESTS: The Claws Beneath
Fixed an issue in “The Claws Beneath” where the game would not auto save when killing the Claws Beneath before accepting the quest through Umnak. - ACTIVITIES: Bandit Camps
Fixed an issue in the Stone Yield Bandit Camp that some players experienced, where the Bandit Camp leader would already be dead without the player killing it, blocking progression. - COLLECTIBLES
Fixed an issue with datapoints ‘Induced Coma’ and ‘The Swarm’. These datapoints could not be collected after completing “The Forge of Winter” but can now be found in this location if you missed it in Cauldron Epsilon.
- Fixed various performance issues.
- Fixed various crash issues.
I want to thank you all for your continued support! We love reading your stories and experiences with Horizon Zero Dawn on here, and we will continue to work on further enhancements based on your feedback. Please download patch 1.45 and let us know what you think!
05.12.2017, 19:22 #1015RikuValentine
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Launch Trailer zur Complete Edition.
06.12.2017, 16:35 #1016RikuValentine
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Der Soundtrack kommt in einer White Vinyl Box
08.12.2017, 14:01 #1017Nakai
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Schallplatten :-) wie ....... Analog :-)
18.12.2017, 20:29 #1018r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.46 Patch notes
Patch 1.46 for Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds is live now. This patch fixes a technical issue that was introduced with Patch 1.45.
If you encounter an issue while playing Horizon Zero Dawn, please try reloading a recent manual save, quicksave or autosave from the “Load” menu option. If the issue persists, please record a video or take screenshots of the area where it occurred and your location on the map using the Share button on your controller, and forward them to us for further investigation.
- Fixed a crash that would occur for certain players when trying to load a save where the player had an opened treasure box in their inventory containing a modification and other items.
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.47 Patch notes
Hi everyone – Patch 1.47 for Horizon Zero Dawn is available later today. This patch fixes a technical issue that was introduced with Patch 1.45.
- Fixed an issue that some players experienced where they were not able to exchange the tokens for their Deluxe edition items at merchants.
If you encounter an issue while playing Horizon Zero Dawn, please try reloading a recent manual save, quicksave or autosave from the “Load” menu option. If the issue persists, please record a video or take screenshots of the area where it occurred and your location on the map using the Share button on your controller, and forward them to us for further investigation.
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.50 Patch notes
Hi everyone! We have a new patch coming out today that fixes some issues in Horizon Zero Dawn and The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed several visual issues.
- Fixed several geometry issues.
- Fixed several audio issues.
- Fixed an issue in “The Forge of Winter” where some players would have the Time of Day locked after they skipped part of a cut scene.
- Fixed an issue in “Into the Frozen Wilds” where the Time of Day would not transition to dawn while traversing through the tunnel when the player would enter between a certain time period.
- Fixed an issue in the tutorials for the Carja Rattler and the Shadow Rattler where machines from The Frozen Wilds would not count towards progression tutorials.
- Fixed an issue where the functionality of the new UI for Treasure Boxes was unclear to some players.
- Updated the inventory icons for the Master outfits.
- Fixed an issue where the Banuk Werak Chieftain Adept outfit would display the incorrect image of the outfit in the Inventory menu.
- Fixed an issue where players with the maximum amount of traps on them were unable to take any resources from treasure boxes with traps inside.
- Fixed a design issue in the Nora Silent Hunter Master outfit where the stealth stat could be modified to a value that is higher than intended.
- Introduced a retroactive fix for the issue where outfits that were obtained prior to Patch 1.40 would lose their base resistances upon loading the save after updating to Patch 1.40 or newer.
- Fixed an issue in “The Point of the Spear” where some players would have the objective ‘Meet Rost at the North Gate’ appear as failed in the quest log once completed.
The Frozen Wilds - Fixed an issue where Sekuli, the Specialty Merchant, would only appear on the map if the player was in Song’s Edge.
- Fixed an issue in “The Shaman’s Path” where some players would experience that Quest Pathfinding would not update when leaving the Icerasps through the right hand side of the exit.
- Fixed an issue in “For the Werak” where the timer would disappear when they would proceed down the mountain instead of following the mountain traversal route on the third challenge.
- Fixed an issue in “Out of the Forge” with the behavior of the Fire Claws if a player would stand in certain areas of the encounter.
- Fixed an issue in “Out of the Forge” where players could not activate the quest from the world map, as the Fire Claw sites would overlap the quest marker.
- Fixed an issue in “Weapons of the Lodge” where the objective log would be reset to ‘1/15 suns earned’ after clearing the Snowchants Hunting Ground in The Frozen Wilds.
- Increased the frequency of non-daemonic machines spawning after finishing “The Forge of Winter” in The Frozen Wilds.
- Fixed several issues with the animations of the Fire Claw.
- Fixed a progression issue in “Waterlogged” that some players experienced, where Gildun would be missing after exiting and re-entering the Greycatch.
- Fixed a progression issue in “The Forge of Winter” that some players experienced, where players could be spawned in geometry when dying in the lava at the entrance of the cauldron.
- Fixed a progression issue in “The Forge of Winter” that some players experienced, where Ourea would be stuck if the player moved quickly through the area before the Recycling Area.
- Fixed a streaming issue where some players that installed The Frozen Wilds would have the ground in front of Aloy appearing to ‘bump-up’ as it loads in ahead.
- Fixed a streaming issue where some players would experience the Metal Devil visibly streaming in when approaching it from Devil’s Grief.
- Fixed a streaming issue in “Waterlogged” where some players would have streaming issues at the entrance of the dam after running to the Greycatch.
- Fixed various crash issues.
19.12.2017, 18:21 #1019r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
21.12.2017, 18:43 #1020r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.51 Patch notes
We’re pleased to announce that Patch 1.51 for Horizon Zero Dawn is available now.
If you encounter an issue while playing Horizon Zero Dawn, please try reloading a recent manual save, quicksave or autosave from the “Load” menu option.
- Fixed a crash caused by certain particles effects.
- Fixed a crash for players who have over 2000 treasure boxes in their inventory when starting a New Game+.
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