Ergebnis 681 bis 700 von 1137
Thema: Horizon: Zero Dawn
26.03.2017, 16:01 #681TiehJay
26.03.2017, 17:09 #682Nakai
27.03.2017, 16:11 #683Sturmgeweihter
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Meine Spielzeit beläuft sich auf ca. 40 Stunden. Bin aber auch kein Trophäenjäger. Ich spiele ein Spiel durch, ohne auf die Trophäen zu achten.
27.03.2017, 16:18 #684maetz91
Horizon: Zero Dawn
ohne neben missionen sol es nur 20 stunden dauern habe ich gelesen ?
dieses mal will ich wirklich neben missionen machen XD , nach ner zeit gehen die mir aber auf die nerven ^^
abr das Spiel will ich genießen eigentlich wollte ich es erst nächsten monat kaufen .
aber das spielt sich echt fast wie tomb raider , hätte ich nie gedacht
ich dachte man muss nur schleichen monster fangen usw ^^
28.03.2017, 08:40 #685
28.03.2017, 08:43 #686Sturmgeweihter
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Zumal man sagen muss: Wer schafft es denn schon wirklich, das Spiel ohne Nebenmissionen zu spielen? Man wird so leicht und schnell abgelenkt, dass das, wenn man sich richtig aufs Spiel einlässt, doch gar nicht möglich ist?
28.03.2017, 08:52 #687Mickie
28.03.2017, 09:27 #688jimcarry
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Ich habe es beendet mit ü 60h auf dem Zähler. War mir gar nicht bewusst, so viel Zeit mit Horizon verbracht zu haben.
Somit ein klasse Spiel. Bin sogar am überlegen es nochmal neu zu starten.
28.03.2017, 13:17 #689vieraeugigerZyklop
28.03.2017, 14:18 #690aicome99
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Top Arbeit von Guerrilla Games.
28.03.2017, 14:36 #691Nakai
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Woher wisst ihr alle so genau wieviel Zeit ihr im Spiel verbracht habt ?
Habt ihr eine Stoppuhr am laufen ?
28.03.2017, 14:42 #692
28.03.2017, 14:51 #693Sturmgeweihter
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Ich habs immer beim Speichern gesehen, jau.
28.03.2017, 15:31 #694
28.03.2017, 19:42 #695Nakai
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Jetzt hab ich es gefunden :-) Spielzeit 78 Stunden 32 Minuten und 22 Sekunden bisher :-)
Und obwohl ich die Hauptstory durch habe bin ich erst bei 61% :-)
28.03.2017, 23:06 #696vieraeugigerZyklop
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
29.03.2017, 08:57 #697Mickie
29.03.2017, 09:31 #698vieraeugigerZyklop
29.03.2017, 12:02 #699Mickie
30.03.2017, 18:11 #700r0b
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn 1.12 Patch Notes
Hi everyone – We’re very happy to announce that we’re releasing another patch for Horizon Zero Dawn today. Patch 1.12 fixes a number of progression issues and crashes. Please see the full patch details below, but beware of spoilers.
If you encounter an issue while playing Horizon Zero Dawn, please try reloading a recent manual save, quicksave or autosave from the “Load” menu option. If the issue persists, please take screenshots of the area where it occurred and your location on the map, and forward them to us for further investigation.
- Added 3D Audio support for 3D headsets.
- Improved Pathfinding to Quest markers and custom waypoints when players are on a mount.
- Improved performance in several areas in the game.
- Several improvements to the lightmap.
Progression Fixes
- Fixed an issue that some players might encounter in "The Point of the Spear" where players would be given an extra Carja Bow and Spear if Aloy died before talking to Rost.
- Fixed an issue in "The Point of the Spear" which some players might encounter where the Sawtooth would no longer be present when players updated their game to Patch 1.10 during the 'Kill the Sawtooth' objective.
- Fixed an issue in "Revenge of the Nora" where some players were able to bypass natural progression by entering the Metal Ring by jumping over the roots.
- Fixed an issue in "The Sun Shall Fall" where finishing a weapon tutorial during the Glinthawk encounter and reloading would result in some players not being able to enter the gates and continue the quest.
- Fixed an issue in "The Grave-Hoard" where completing a weapon tutorial during the Deathbringer encounter would prevent the Deathbringer from respawning when some players would reload the game.
- Fixed an issue in "To Curse the Darkness" where certain players could climb the roots around the entrance of the cave and bypass natural progression of the quest.
- Fixed an issue in "Deep Secrets of the Earth" where a few players were unable to enter the bunker after fast traveling during the animation of Aloy opening the vent.
- Fixed an issue in "The Mountain That Fell" where some players were able to leave the boundaries of the world.
- Fixed an issue in "Robbing the Rich" where certain players were not able to complete the quest when talking to Ravan.
- Fixed an issue in "Fatal Inheritance" where Daradi would be missing after fast traveling away from the quest area, which resulted in some players not being able to complete the 'Return to Daradi' objective.
- Fixed an issue in "A Moment's Peace" where for some players the quest objective would be updated to "Return to Vilgund" after completing the quest, even though players did not meet Vilgund yet.
- Fixed an issue in "Collateral" where a few players wouldn't be able to complete the 'Talk to Olin and Enasha' objective because Enasha would not wait in the Farm.
- Fixed an issue in "Cause for Concern" where completing Bandit Camps in a specific order would result in a few players not being able to interact with Nil to complete the quest.
- Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi where certain players were able to bypass natural progression of the quest by escaping the core chamber during the 'Defend the Core' objective.
- Fixed an issue in the weapon tutorial for the War Bow, where using the Lodge War Bow would not tally towards any of the War Bow tutorials.
General Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Patch 1.10 did not offer a retroactive solution for some players who encountered an issue with a Tallneck’s datapoint that did not unlock when they had fast-traveled away while on top of the Tallneck instead of rappelling down. Players who encountered this, should revisit the Tallneck again and leave the area to unlock the datapoint.
- Fixed an issue where some players would have the issue of wielded Heavy Weapons getting stuck on Aloy’s arm when interacting with the elevator in Meridian.
- Fixed an issue where for a few players the awareness icons and tags would become invisible when the game saves while a Watcher uses the FlashStun attack on Aloy.
- Fixed an issue where some players would spawn in the mountains when fast-traveling to the center of Sunfall.
- Fixed an issue where after completing “Revenge of the Nora”, Varl would have a wrong dialogue.
- Fixed an issue where a few players were able to call a mount during the fight with Helis in “The Face of Extinction”.
- Fixed an issue in “The Forgotten” where the prompt to interact with Olara was visible when Olara was not at that location.
- Fixed an issue where the quest marker for “Underequipped” would disappear from the map when leaving the starting area of the quest.
- Fixed an issue in “Death from the Skies” where the ‘Kill the Stormbird’ objective would not have a quest marker.
- Fixed an issue where overridden bridges in Cauldron Rho would not be visible when some players were standing at a certain distance.
- Fixed an issue where a few players were able to exploit Hunting Ground trials for resources.
- Fixed an issue where for some the sound of destructible trees was not playing.
- Fixed an issue with Pathfinder enabled for a custom waypoint when standing on the bridge of the Two Teeth Bandit Camp.
- Fixed an issue where the soundtrack would start over during the Credits.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions Aloy would not place a trap when players wanted to.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions Aloy would grab her spear instead of placing a trap.
- Fixed various LOD issues.
- Fixed various issues of players getting stuck in geometry.
- Fixed various issues of players accessing areas outside of the play area.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed an issue in "The City of the Sun" where in some occasions the game would crash when Aloy and Erend arrive at Olin's house.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when some players fast-travelled during one of Aloy's animations in the bunker she fell into when she was a child.
- Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
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