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Thema: Beasts of Maravilla Island
16.04.2021, 19:05 #1Mahiro
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Beasts of Maravilla Island is a 3D Adventure game coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS4, and PC.
Embark on your adventure as an aspiring wildlife photographer in the hidden, magical jungles of Maravilla Island! Explore and solve puzzles to discover extraordinary creatures, learn their behaviors, and most importantly, photograph their majesty.
- Explore a 3D mysterious island teeming with life at your own pace
- Befriend and interact meaningfully with remarkable creatures
- Learn about what makes each magical creature unique and capture the perfect photo of their enchanting behaviors
- Use light, sound, and the surrounding nature to solve puzzles and unveil Maravilla’s secrets
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