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Thema: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
11.07.2007, 22:11 #1linusil
Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
der E3 bekannt gegeben?
Mich würde vor allem interessiern ob derPreis gesenkt wurde.
11.07.2007, 22:12 #2Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Haze ist und bleibt exklusive titel.
MGS 4 bleibt auch exklusive.
Und noch mehr geile exklusive titel^^.
Ich weiß nicht ob ich mich verhört habe aber hat der Präsident von Sony USA nicht erwähnt das UT exklusive für ps3 rauskommt ? oder war das ein hörfehler ?^^
11.07.2007, 22:15 #3ph4n7oM
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
wieso sollte UT exklusiv für ps3 rauskommen..eig. wars doch immer n PC Titel...und für so ein schnelles Spiel find ichs auch nicht verkehrt wenns aufm PC rauskommt, weils da garantiert besser zu spielen ist!
11.07.2007, 22:17 #4cut
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Sie ist grade fertig.
Hab leider etwas später eingeschaltet.
Vielleicht hat jemad was zu deinen Fragen gehört. Der letzte Satz der Verabschiedung hat so geklungen, als sei über eine Preissenkung oder so gesprochen worden. Das kann sich aber auch auf die neue, schlankere PSP bezogen haben.
Am Anfang ging es um Playstation Home und die Verbindung mit anderen Medien (Handyfoto direkt in Home importieren und so blah).
Ansonste habe ich nur Trailer für die ganzen großen PS3 Titel gesehen.
U.a. MGS4. Assassin's Creed, Haze, UT3, Heavenly Sword, RE5 (Leider nicht fullscreen, aber war der selbe Trailer den man schon gesehen hat), Killzone 2.... Alles sachen, die man schon lange erwartet (mit teilweise bombastischen ingame Trailern)
11.07.2007, 22:19 #5Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Der Trailer bei der konferenz von Killzone2 war länger als der andere oder ?
11.07.2007, 22:19 #6cut
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
11.07.2007, 22:21 #7Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Haze und MGS sagte er deutlich das sie exklusive sind. Nur bei UT hab ich mich glaub ich verhört.
11.07.2007, 22:22 #8cut
11.07.2007, 22:24 #9Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Jo, aber Haze sieht gut aus (MGS brauch ich garnicht mal anzureden<3 )
Das wird ein geiles nextes Jahr für uns , findet ihr nicht auch ? Haze,MGS,FFXII, Heavenly Sword usw usw ;-)
11.07.2007, 22:25 #10KUV1977
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Außerdem soll MGS4 erst Anfang 2008 kommen...
hier der Blog:
11.07.2007, 22:26 #11Schwens85
11.07.2007, 22:27 #12cut
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Exklusiv heißt heuzutage eh nicht mehr viel. Die meisten Spiele werden nach einem Jahr dann doch protiert. Aber gut, was will man mit einem 1 oder 2 Jahre altem Spiel (außer es ist Resident Evil 4 für die Wii ..... ).
11.07.2007, 22:27 #13Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
is doch egal , ich mein Allgemein ;-P
11.07.2007, 22:28 #14linusil
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Ich habe nur mitbekommen, dass die PS3 80GB + Motorstorm in USA 600 und die 60GB 499€ kostet.
Aber wie verändert sich der Preis in Europa?
11.07.2007, 22:30 #15cut
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Oh, muss wohl doch revidieren was ich oben gepostet habe. Es scheint doch so zu sein, wie es geklungen hat:
E3 2007 - E3 07: Unreal Tournament III due in '07, PS3/PC exclusive 'til '08 - PC News at GameSpot
Sony locks down console exclusivity until next year; PS3 version will ship with map editor months before 360 version.
11.07.2007, 22:32 #16Apokalypse
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
hehe sag ich doch^^ , leider nicht auch für 08 exclusive ^^'
11.07.2007, 22:49 #17cut
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Hier die Mitschrift der Konferenz:
[11:33] Conference begins with an abstract video motange of Sony logos and the requisite techno music.
[11:34] Jack Tretton arrives via his PlayStation Home avatar.
[11:34] He chats up some ladies on a virtual boardwalk, then emerges in the flesh.
The stage just before the show's start.
[11:35] Jack jokes about how his avatar needs broader shoulders, then elicits laughs by joking about hi own wooden persona
[11:35] Tretton: "We're extremely proud of PlayStation Home, and that's why we started with it."
[11:36] "Today's presentation is about games, games, and more games."
[11:36] He mentioned MotorStorm sold 1 million units--DRINK!
Tretton takes the stage.
[11:37] Tretton brings out SCEA's biggest success story, the PS2.
[11:38] $26 billion of PS2 games, hardware, and accessories in the US alone. That's a lot of cheddar.
[11:38] Talks up God of War II, and how the kids Europe like the Buzz! series over in Europe.
[11:38] PSP time!
[11:39] Tretton talks about the price cut, and the "Dude, get your own marketing campaign," er, campaign. Note to Sony: get a new ad agency.
[11:39] Over 140 games coming to PSPs in North America this year.
[11:40] Here comes the PSP game montage
Giant PSPs on giant screens.
[11:42] SOCOM US Navy Seals, Tactical Strike, Wipeout Pulse, Spyhon Filter Logan's Shadow, NBA 08, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Silent Hill: Origins, Patapon...
[11:43] ...Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08, Sonic Rivals 2, Sims 2: Castaway--apparently being marooned is like a Jamaican BBQ....
[11:44] ..SWAT: Target Liberty (What, you hate freedom?), Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions....
[11:45] ..Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (Calling all goths!) and that's it. Smattering of applause.
[11:46] Tretton showing off his fat pad where he hopes "those hot chicks" can come over. "Are you playing 'Riiidge Racer: Kaz?" Massive laughter.
[11:46] Tretton is going to "chill here on the deck" of his virtual pad. Righteous, dude.
Meet the virtual Jack and Kaz.
[11:47] SCE president Kaz Hirai takes the stage to show all new PSP that looks just like the old one.
[11:48] The new PSP is 30% lighter than the old PSP and 19% slimmer with...VIDEO OUTPUT
[11:48] Shows off new PSP, and is going to plug it into a Sony HDTV (naturally).
[11:49] Shows trailer for Spider-Man 2, then hits the display button. The image is then displayed onto a huge screen overhead, and looks remarkably crisp and clear.
[11:50] He hits the display button again, the image goes back to the screen.
Kaz and the new PSP. Can you spot the difference?
[11:50] Video output will allow for showing video and _playing games_ on a TV.
[11:51] Real, sustained applause--people really wanted this. A very good first step.
[11:51] "We encourage people to think beyond the norm--that's what the PlayStation brand is all about," says Kaz. This guy is as smooth as glass.
[11:52] Tretton comes out and makes some more funny, self-deprecating remarks. They hire Bruce Vilanch for this show?
[11:53] And, out of nowhere, they introduce an all-new "ice silver" PSP which will come with the Family Guy "Freaking Sweet Collection" UMD.
[11:54] Suddenly, Chewbacca takes the stage to introduce the new Star Wars Battlefront PSP pack, which will include Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron and a White PSP with Darh Vader's face on it.
[11:55] It will be available in October for just $199.
[11:55] Tretton: "Thanks, Chewbacca!"
Chewie and the PSP. Who woulda thunk it?
[11:56] Next up: A PlayStation Network update.
[11:57] 950,000 users in NA, 20 million downloads worldwide on the service.
[11:57] Enter Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison.
[11:58] He touts the fact every PS3 has a hard drive, a big benefit for developers.
Phil Harrison on screen.
[11:59] He intros an all-new puzzle game for both PSP and PS3 called "Echo Chrome"
[12:00] Super-low graphics game shows an art-class figurine negotiating a series of M.C. Escher-like stairs and mazes.
[12:00] Player rotates the mazes in real time, letting the figure jump from level to level, Lode Runner-style.
Echo Chrome features simple black line graphics.
[12:01] Very minimalist, very interesting. Crowd is genuinely intrigued.
[12:02] Harrison touts Wipeout HD, which will be presented in "eye-blistering" 1080 HD.
[12:03] Send in the montage! Wipeout HD, SOCOM: Confrontation, and Warhawk. Harrison also brings the (PS3) Pain.
[12:04] Warhawk won't just be online MP ala Motorstorm--it will also have four-way splitscreen offline.
[12:05] All four games shown off can be bought either via boxed Blu-ray discs or via digital download to the PS3's HD. SOCOM developer touts the fact that if it's on your HD it loads faster.
[12:05] Harrison: "I think those games alone demonstrate the power of the PlayStation 3 platform."
[12:06] PlayStation Home update: Everything is going to plan apparently...
[12:06] and what? Harrison shows that the Home service will extend to mobile phones.
[12:07] The 3D avatars will be only for the PS3, but there will be home functionalities on mobile phones.
[12:08] Cut back into Home. Harrison's avatar struts down the boardwalk, and he intros some new spaces "under construction" which Home users will be able to purchase.
[12:09] Montage of an amazing pad reminiscent of the mansion in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The avatars there apparently are living it up!
[12:09] Harrison then visits his own Home, er, home--a Norwegian ski lodge where he apparently likes to kick it in full ski gear.
Virtual Harrison the boardwalk.
The online social networking page of Home.
[12:13] Harrison continues to show off Home features, such as the ability to upload images from mobile phone directly into your private space on the virtual service.
[12:14] Bringing up Home's common PSP interface, Harrison announces the ability to meet up with your friends and launch games directly from within Home.
[12:15] Publishers will have the chance to create game-specific lounges where Home users can meet up with discuss or play their favorite titles.
[12:17] Tretton returns to the stage to reiterate the new 80gb PS3 model and the price drop for the original 60gb version, sales of which have doubled at a number of retailers since Monday's announcement.
[12:18] Blu-Ray movies are currently enjoying a two-to-one sales advantage over HD-DVD titles, thanks in large part to the PS3.
[12:19] 15 exclusives coming to PS3.
[12:19] NCsoft is "joining the PlayStation camp"
[12:20] Under the agreement, NCsoft will make a series of PS3-exclusive MMORPGs
[12:21] Tretton now touts the fact that Ubisoft's Haze will be exclusive this holiday season to the PS3.
NCsoft now in the PS camp.
[12:22] Trailer showing the corporate soldier hero of Haze and how he broke away from the private military
[12:22] Big montage of huge battles between Mantelcorp soldiers and rebel forces, which apparently the hero joins.
[12:23] Actor playing the hero breaks the glass in live-action scene.
[12:24] Tretton back on stage, and he introduces Unreal Tournament III
[12:25] Tretton says that Unreal Tournament III will be exclusive this year to the PC, and it will allow the importations of mods made for the PC version to the PS3. That's pretty big stuff, especially for the mod community.
[12:28] Following a UTIII trailer, a montage hits the screen: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed (to the tunes of UNKLE), Kane & Lynch, Resident Evil 5 (same clip that was at last night's Microsoft conference), Burnout: Paradise...
[12:31] ...Madden NFL 08, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the Simpsons game, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, the delayed Medal of Honor: Airborne...
[12:32] ...and Rock Band, which is looking better and better.
[12:33] Tretton comes back to introduce "one last third-party platform" which he is "happy to say is only on PlayStation 3."
[12:34] Enter Hideo Kojima to introduce Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. He's nearly blinded by flashbulbs.
[12:34] Onto the stage comes Konami's Hideo Kojima to present Metal Gear Solid 4, which he says will complete the story of Snake. He also says it will be his last time making a game in the hallowed franchise. Like we haven't heard that before...
Kojima(center), Tretton and a translator on stage.
[12:35] Kojima says all the mysteries of the MGS series will be revealed and solved in the fourth game. It will also bring stealth directly into the battlefield.
[12:36] Enough talk! Show us the new trailer already! It's composed entirely of in-game footage.
[12:37] Colonel Campbell's gravelly narration talks about Snake's final mission. It's not an order from Washington, nor is it sanctioned by the UN. "This isn't justice, it's a covert assignment. A hired hit. Will you do this for me? Will you terminate Liquid?"
[12:37] There are scenes of Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, and others stalking Revolver Ocelot, whom Liquid Snake seems to have taken control of.
Old Snake still packs the heat.
[12:39] Suddenly the entire attacking force is overcome by vomiting and convulsions--the victims of nanomachine attack? Liquid/Ocelot has taken control of an entire army via these nanomachines. "He's planning an insurreciton."
[12:39] Snake: "You're planning to take him by force? That's crazy. It isn't that simple."
[12:41] This game will be the ultimate Metal Gear fan service. A bombastic scene of Raiden fighting MGS2's Vamp amidst several of the biomechanical bipedal Metal Gears. This is one acrobatic and extremely bloody fight.
[12:42] Raiden impales himself in order to impale Vamp--yet the two keep fighting. The end of the trailer indicates a simultaneous worldwide release for the game, coming in "early 2008."
[12:43] Kojima-san to play MGS4 demo at Metal Gear event next week in Tokyo. Wish you could be there!
[12:44] Tretton moves things over to Phil Harrison, as his Home avatar appears on screen in a Ratchet and Clank costume.
[12:45] Via a PlayStation Home theater, he introduces a trailer for Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction.
[12:46] Montage of Rachet giving the business to some opponents with some signature cartoon violence.
[12:47] Next up is some footage of Folklore, which features some witchcraft-inspired, soul-sucking action.
[12:47] Now it's time for Heavenly Sword, from Ninja Theory.
[12:49] Harrison says the game will take advantage of the PS3's high-capacity Blu-ray disc drive.
[12:49] Big montage of the God of War-like game--crowd delivers solid applause.
[12:50] Montage of NBA O80--the only NBA game in true 1080p HD!
[12:51] Now comes a new clip from LittleBigPlanet, the Media Molecule game that was the talk of GDC 2007.
[12:52] Montage shows off game's level-creation abilities. This thing is halfway between mad genius and totally adorable.
[12:53] Last but not least is Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
[12:53] Trailer looks like a cross between Far Cry and Tomb Raider--very slick, smooth graphics.
[12:54] Short clip highlights facial animations, before cutting off suddenly.
[12:55] Next up, Harrison announces a new game from Sucker Punch, developer of the Sly Cooper series.
[12:55] Trailer begins with a dead-serious tone, showing darkened streets.
[12:56] Shows lone hero with a shaven head fighting off foes with lightning--game is called "Infamous."
[12:56] Now comes the latest on Gran Turismo.
[12:57] Gran Turismo 5 Prologue coming for digital download...sometime. No date given.
[12:58] Clip shows immaculately rendered racing cars whipping down tracks and streets. Graphics border on photo-realistic.
[12:58] Ends with shot of an Audi parked in London. Harrison, an Englishman himself, signs off and hands over the baton to Tretton.
[12:59] Apparently Harrison "forgot one thing..."
[12:59] BAM! Hellghast appear on every screen, the new Killzone 2 trailer begins.
GT 5: Prologue's London-based Audi.
[1:00] Harrison assures everything on screen is in real time, and it looks almost as good as the 2005 trailer.
[1:01] A group of ISA commandos arrive in another drop ship into the midst of a war zone. Graphics get a bit choppy then, but it still looks pretty impressive.
[1:01] One one screen, a camera shows someone playing the game in real time on the corner of the stage.
Killzone being played in real time.
[1:03] Human troops run into the interior of a building. Big lag after checkpoint. Apparently this is nearly the exact same stage demo as last night's preview event.
[1:04] And like that, it's over! Harrison bids farewell to everyone, then gives it over to Tretton-- but for real this time.
[1:05] Mop-up time. Tretton hopes audience has seen Sony's commitment to gaming. Uplifting montage of PlayStation logos and hardware.
[1:06] Tretton wishes everyone good luck and thanks them for their attention. That's it!
E3 07: UT3, MGS 4, new PSP bring Sony conference Home - PlayStation 3 News at GameSpot
11.07.2007, 23:21 #18Wu-Fighter
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Hier eine kleine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ankündigungen:
Playstation 3:
- Mehrere Spiele sollen als downloadbare und als BluRay-Version erscheinen.
- Echochrome wurde vorgestellt. In dem Geschicklichkeitsspiel muss man ein Männchen durch verschiedene geometrische Figuren lotsen. Das Spiel soll nur im Store erhältlich sein.
- Socom Navy Seals: Confrontation wird als BluRay- und als Download-Version erhältlich sein.
- Singstar kann mit dem Playstation Eye kombiniert werden und die erstellten Videos können über Home getauscht werden.
- Bilder die mit einem SonyEricsson Handy aufgenommen wurden, können durch einen Home-Menüpunkt als Bild in Home transferiert werden.
- In Home können Bilder gemacht werden und auf eine Website hochgeladen werden um sie zu tauschen oder anzuschauen.
- Man kann direkt aus Home heraus Spiele starten und Freunde dazu einladen. Egal ob von BluRay-Spiele oder von der Festplatte.
- Nächsten Monat wird eine neue Motorstorm Strecke verfügbar sein. Der Name der Strecke ist Eagle's Nest.
- In diesem Geschäftsjahr sollen noch 200 BluRay-Spiele und 180 Download-Titel erscheinen.
- NCSoft entwickelt ein exklusives PS3-Spiel.
- Im Trailer zu Haze wurde gezeigt, das man auch Fahrzeuge steuern kann. In einer Szene musste man mit einer Rail-Gun einen anderen Hubschrauber vom Himmel holen.
- Unreal Tournament soll Mods unterstützen und wird für dieses Jahr PS3-Exklusiv sein.
- Als Trailer wurden gezeigt: Call od Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Assassins Creed, Kane & Lynch, Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise, Madden NFL 08, Harry Potter und der Orden des Phoenix, Simpsons Game, Giutar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, Medal of Honor: Airborne, Rock Band.
- MGS 4 bleibt PS3-Exklusiv. Ausserdem wird es das letzte Spiel im MGS-Universum, von Hideo Kojima sein. Ein Neuer Trailer zum Spiel wurde gezeigt. Die Grafik im Trailer war Ingame-Grafik, so soll das fertige Spiel aussehen. Nächste Woche wird Hideo Kojima das Spiel in Tokio persönlich "vorspielen". Ausserdem soll das Spiel weltweit zeitgleich erscheinen und das Anfang 2008.
- NBA 08 wird in 1080p laufen.
- LittleBigPLanet ist ein "play-create-share"-Spiel. Das Hauptaugenmerk soll in der Kreation der Figuren liegen. Das Spiel wird nicht als fertiges Spiel im Store erscheinen, sondern die Spielwelt wird ständig erweitert.
- Neues Spiel "Infamos" von Sucker Punch soll exklusiv für die PS3 erscheinen.
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue soll noch in diesem Sommer erscheinen. Es wird Online-Funktionen unterstützen.
- Der Killzone 2 Trailer von gestern, wurde als längere Version gezeigt und es wurde nochmals bestätigt, das es sich dabei um Ingame-Grafik handelt. Die Lichteffekte sahen hervorragend aus.
11.07.2007, 23:31 #19TonyP8
13.07.2007, 11:46 #20linusil
AW: Sony Pressekonferenz zur PS3
Für alle die die Pressekonferentz noch nicht gesehen bzw. nochmals sehen wollen können das hier tun.
Würd ich nich machen!!!!!!!!!!
1. Funktioniert nur mit Anmeldung
2. Anmeldung kostet Geld
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