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Thema: Saints Row 2
12.09.2008, 18:36 #61Schlubberblubb
AW: Saints Row 2
Hier gehts zum Trailer
14.09.2008, 16:14 #62MajinX
AW: Saints Row 2
Wird der Koop an einer Konsole möglich sein oder nur online wie bei Mercenaries 2.
Weiß das jemand?
14.09.2008, 16:38 #63Falling Angel
AW: Saints Row 2
Ich meine nur Online weil man kann alles zuweit machen kann aber auch getrennte wege gehen und alleine weiter machen und an bestimmten punkten sich wieder vereinen.
Hands-On Preview Round-up Part 1
Information about Saints Row 2 has been coming in from various members of the gaming press over the past few months, but last week, they were all invited to spend an entire day with a near-final version of the game. Much of this information before was small tidbits here and there, leaving most wanting to know more. Luckily, those tidbits have all been expanded on now, as tons of new details have been revealed, so take some time to read each of the editorials below.
To read each article in its entirety, click on the website name above the quote.
"In any given situation, while there may be viable A, B and C options, Saints Row 2 will always ostentatiously promote option D: Shoot a cop and/or innocent bystander in the face."
Gaming Nexus:
"Options available are vast and I mean vast. You can adjust the character to very minute details like how the eyelids are shaped both upper and lower individually, the eyeball depth, the depth of the back of the neck, and so forth. I could talk for a good few pages on what you can do to adjust your characters appearance but Volition’s character creation feature is really top notch. You can also change your fighting style, taunts, and voices as well to complete your avatar."
"One of the most compelling features added to Saints Row 2 is the ability to go through the entire story (and any mission in the game, really) in two-player co-op. It's a simple drop-in, drop-out affair that allows for you to set your game to be public, friends-only, or invite-only...And thankfully, there's no tether system to be found; you and your friend can exist on completely opposite ends of Stilwater if you so choose."
Team XBox:
"From the various activities – some returning from Saints Row and some brand new – to the story missions, to just driving around and goofing off, there’s a ton of gameplay. Even though I played the game from 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM, I only got to 13% completion. So there’s one thing we know right now; Saints Row 2 is gonna be looooong. "
Hands-On Preview Round-up Part 2
We've already showcased five different previews from hands-on impressions of Saints Row 2, but there's so much more! Pouring in from both of our recent events in Prague and Las Vegas, here's six more previews from around the web about their time with Saints Row 2.
Just like before, to read the full editorial, click on the name above the quote.
"A second player can pretty much jump into the game at any time -- complete with any unlockables and customizations in tow -- joining the host's game at whatever state of progress and difficulty is set. The joining player can't immediately jump into a specific mission in progress, but the beauty is that once in, you can do whatever you want: jack some cars, get a unit of angry army dudes chasing you, or just futz around town."
"Diversions are spontaneous activities that can include things like stealing an ambulance and rescuing accident victims or base jumping just because you feel like it. The game also keeps record of small accomplishments, such as how long you can hold a powerslide through a turn or how far you can toss someone you've grabbed."
Gaming Trend:
“The time I got with the game only made me want to play it more. Given the deluge of titles already on my desk, the fact that I want to push them aside and play this title should tell you something. It's going to be a long wait till the 14th of October.”
"The weather outside the Four Seasons Hotel was hot, but while the hotel room may have been much cooler, the action mirrored the Las Vegas environment."
"The whole game is co-op-enabled, from story missions and activities to the city itself. You don't have to stick together during co-op, either - it's entirely possible to play on opposite ends of the city, and the game will sync up perfectly when you get back together. You don't even have to be friendly - kill your co-op partner and when he's resurrected he'll have the option of turning the tables on you by launching an impromptu deathmatch."
"Of course, it wouldn’t be a whole new Saints Row without new features. There’s nothing quite like the introduction of GPS in the first game, but Saints Row 2 does introduce “Cruise Control.” If you enable this, you don’t have to hold down the accelerate button allowing you to concentrate on steering and shooting while you’re in a car, which makes car combat considerably more intuitive. Of course, the ability to drive boats, helicopters and full-on planes is also now found in the game."
15.09.2008, 21:02 #64CHD90
AW: Saints Row 2
Saints Row 2 erscheint wohl nicht in Deutschland
Nachdem THQ bereits mit einer ersten USK Prüfung von Saints Row 2 trotz vorsorglicher Zensur kritischer Spieleinhalte keine USK 18 Freigabe erhalten hat, zensierte man das Spiel weiter und hofft auf eine Erfolg bei der Prüfung dieser sehr stark zensierten Version.
So richtig glauben mag man das bei THQ wohl nicht. Denn wie berichtet, hat man bereits die Werbekampagne zum Spiel in Deutschland gestoppt und geht davon aus, das Spiel nicht veröffentlichen zu können.
In Österreich und der Schweiz wird das Spiel in einer unzensierten Version erscheinen.
15.09.2008, 21:24 #65Mr. Burns
AW: Saints Row 2
Dazu sag ich nur: LÄCHERLICH!
Naja, bei der Spielegrotte gibts bestimmt die Uncut-Ösi-Version.
15.09.2008, 22:13 #66Teamplayer07
15.09.2008, 22:33 #67CHD90
AW: Saints Row 2
15.09.2008, 22:47 #68Kalinko
AW: Saints Row 2
Ist das ne verlässliche Quelle? Ich hol mir im Zweifel ne ausländische Version, aber um deutsche Online-Mitspieler zu finden, wärs schon geiler, wenns hier auch rauskäme...
15.09.2008, 22:48 #69Oelli
AW: Saints Row 2
gibt es bei dem game eigentlich einen offline splitscreen? oder nur online?
16.09.2008, 07:34 #70MichaelTrenz
AW: Saints Row 2
16.09.2008, 10:59 #71pelle1
16.09.2008, 13:48 #72denjo1337
AW: Saints Row 2
ja ist doch egal, importieren wir eben das game
16.09.2008, 14:41 #73MichaelTrenz
17.09.2008, 03:53 #74Teamplayer07
AW: Saints Row 2
ich hab gehört, dass man in österreich und teilen der schweiz angeblich auch deutsch spricht. obs stimmt....woaß i net. wäre aber mal ein projekt, das sich auszuprobieren lohnen würde. aber back to topic: hab schon freunde in österreich gefragt, die wären eventuell bereit, mir das game mitzubringen, juhuu.
17.09.2008, 14:15 #75Carmen
AW: Saints Row 2
Wow, das sind echt mal viele Neuigkeiten hier!
@ Falling Angel
Danke erstmal für die ausführlichen Hands-On Zitate!!
@ CHD90
Auch danke für diese Information, hoffe nur du hast unrecht.
Falls nicht wär es zwar ärgerlich, aber ich würde auch den Umweg über CH und AT gehen!
Das ist mir das Spiel nämlich mittlerweile allemal Wert!
Habe jetzt auch noch eine (hoffentlich) Neuigkeit zu posten:
Es gibt einen weiteren Spielmodus: "Zombie Uprising"
Es geht darum mit einem fetten Arsenal von Waffen möglichst viele Zombies lang zu machen!! Also quasi der RE2 Skirmish Modus
Fette Sache!!
17.09.2008, 18:22 #76Falling Angel
AW: Saints Row 2
Hands-On Preview Round-up Part 3
Not to be outdone by the previews in part 1 and 2, even more gaming websites have written up their take on what they experienced during their hands-on previews of Saints Row 2 during our recent events in Las Vegas and Prague. To read the full articles, please click on the website name above the quote.
Total Video Games
"We knew Saints Row 2 was going to be an over-the-top affair from our past experiences, but taking over Stilwater co-operatively makes it even more compelling and fun than we thought it could be."
"Saints Row 2 is shaping up to be one content heavy game. With dozens of activities and diversions and three rival gangs to take out, co-op and multiplayer, chances are it will take you some time to see and do everything that Stillwater [sic] has to offer."
"I wouldn't consider myself Stillwater's finest cartographer, but I could get around pretty easily after awhile. Saints Row 2's big city is filled with new buildings and locales that played tricks on my memories. It's slightly familiar, but changed enough to feel new."
Game Over Online
"One hilarious addition to the “human shield” aspect of the gameplay gives players the ability to use people as a weapon by picking them up and throwing them into opponents. This feature can also be used in imaginative ways for darkly comedic results."
XBox Addict
"If you were a fan of the previous game, then you’ll love all the new additions to the game, and if you’re a newcomer, you’ll love the open world gameplay, and coop game modes."
17.09.2008, 21:44 #77
17.09.2008, 22:15 #78Kalinko
17.09.2008, 22:30 #79CHD90
17.09.2008, 23:48 #80Falling Angel
AW: Saints Row 2
um nochmal auf meine frage zurückzukommen...
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