Ergebnis 521 bis 540 von 3591
Thema: Red Dead Redemption
11.05.2010, 15:39 #521robbie
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Das ist eine so genannte Viral Trophy.
D.h. bei GTA hast du die auch nur bekommen, wenn du einen abgeschossen hast, der die Trophy schon besaß.
Am Anfang sind das eben nur die Rockstar-Jungs, die bringen die Trophy/das Achievement in Umlauf.
11.05.2010, 16:11 #522
11.05.2010, 16:44 #523nico2409
AW: Red Dead Redemption
ich bin gespannt ob die online MP trophies wieder genauso schwer zu erreichen sind wie bei GTAIV und außerdem bin ich gespannt, ob es diese nerd-mäßigen sammelaktionen gibt, wo man z.b. 100 ratten, verteilt in der pampa, suchen und erschießen muss (...oder keine ahnung wieviel...bei GTAIV waren es tauben).
11.05.2010, 16:44 #524PhilS1984
AW: Red Dead Redemption
jo mit den tauben nervt...!
11.05.2010, 17:01 #525daywalker2609
AW: Red Dead Redemption
ich würd gern auch mitmachen bei der forumla online (bande ).Sind noch plätze frei bzw gibt es dafür nen extra thread?
edit:wie kann ich denn eintreten?
11.05.2010, 17:07 #526manuche
AW: Red Dead Redemption
11.05.2010, 17:49 #527IceViper
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar hat neue Bilder und einige neue Informationen zum Open-World-Western “Red Dead Redemption” veröffentlicht.
Im Wilden Westen gehörten Pferde offenbar zu den Hauptfortbewegungsmitteln, weshalb Rockstar diese sehr detailgetreu in das Spiel integriert hat. In der letzten Ausgabe von GT-TV verrieten die Entwickler auch, dass sich die Pferde nicht wie Autos steuern lassen werden.
Der Spieler soll das Gefühl haben auf einem lebendigen Wesen zu sitzen. Pferde werden also nicht geradewegs auf einen Abgrund zulaufen und herunterspringen.
Außerdem wird ein Rufsystem im Spiel integriert sein, das beeinflusst, wie andere Charaktere auf euch reagieren. Um also euren Ruf nicht aufs Spiel zu setzen, wenn ihr ein Verbrechen begeht, solltet ihr euer Gesicht mit einem Tuch maskieren. Dadurch wird euer “Gesucht-Status” schneller aufgehoben.
» Red Dead Redemption: Pferde, Ruhm und Ehre by
11.05.2010, 18:45 #528ChrisBee
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Ich habe es mir in UK vorbestellt. Weiß jemand ob es da auch deutsche Untertitel gibt und ob diese Version auch Free Roam mit anderen Versionen (AT zum Beispiel) unterstützt?
Das Spiel wird der Überkracher!
11.05.2010, 22:19 #529Aroul
AW: Red Dead Redemption
5 Neue Screens (siehe Anhang unten) zu Red Dead Redemption und ein Bericht über die Pferde Technologie und neue Infos generell zum Spiel!!!
Rockstar San Diego's art department director Josh Bass talks about the creation of your main mode of transportation in the upcoming Western-themed game.
The world of former outlaw John Marston in Rockstar's upcoming Red Dead Redemption is a large one, covering diverse landscapes, such as open deserts, dusty savannahs, sweeping hills, bustling towns, remote settlements, and much more. With the game set at the turn of the 20th century, automobiles are but unique curiosities. This means your trusty horse will be your main method of traversing the gameworld. And according to Rockstar San Diego, the same amount of thought went into creating the game's various steeds as its human protagonists. We chatted to art department director Josh Bass about the importance of horses to Red Dead Redemption, the adventures of motion capturing, and what technology had to be created to make these animals look and act as realistically as possible.
Horses for courses, so to speak.
GameSpot AU: Obviously, the horse is your main mode of transport in the game. But how important are they to the overall gameplay experience?
Josh Bass: No portrayal of the American West is complete without horses and the people that rode them--it’s integral to the whole experience but something we were nervous about when we began work on the game as it has never been done that well before. In addition to being the primary mode of transport, horses remain one of the most iconic wild animals of the western plains. It became crucial to depict their appearance and movement as close to perfect as we could possibly manage.
Getting the horses to the level of realism we needed required a combination of research, heavily detailed motion capture, Rockstar’s own RAGE engine, Natural Motion’s Euphoria technology, and some highly advanced facial animation technology that we had previously only used on human characters. We think the horses of Red Dead Redemption are the most realistic, believable, and beautiful horses ever seen in a video game, as well as being a lot of fun to ride.
GS AU: How did you decide which specific type of horse breed to include?
JB: We tried to include a range of horses that captured the spirit of the West and that would also be recognizably different if you stumbled across them in the wild. In terms of modelling the horses in-game, our research team decided that the ideal horse to base our horses on was the Mustang--a feral horse that was historically connected to the Old West. The anatomy of the Mustang also gave us a good template to work from. We needed the horse’s dimensions and scale to appear realistic and visually appropriate to the rest of the game.
Next, we had to create a variety of horse breeds, with different coats and structure. We selected the Buckskin, Palomino, and Pinto but also more iconic breeds like Friesian and Appaloosa. To diversify each horse, very specific markings were also chosen--along with coat color, mane and tail--to create variety. We even concentrated on structure: crafting everything from diseased, malnourished horses with low stamina to beautiful and muscular black stallions with greater endurance.
Even the most minor details like each separate element of the horse’s tack, including the bridle, saddle, harness, and stirrups were researched and implemented. Look closely at the horses in the game, and you will notice that wild horses don’t have horseshoes, while the domesticated horses do. If you decide to lasso a wild horse and tame it, you will break and mount it bareback using only a bridle made from the player’s lasso.
There are also donkeys, of course, for moments when you feel appropriately humble.
Both horse and rider had to be mo-capped.
GS AU: How about animation? Did you actually mo-cap a real horse?
JB: Yes we did, and it turned out to be an adventure of its own. The horse we used was a long-time Hollywood ‘stunt horse’ named Blanco. His owner was a proper old-time cowboy, and we were assured that Blanco had seen far more studio time than any of the staff on the shoot. It showed in the end results--Blanco turned out to be the consummate professional and skillfully performed every move necessary in order to get the shots and moves we needed. Blanco didn’t have to ride a treadmill, but we did have to glue positioning markers all over him in order to capture the movements correctly, which was definitely an unusual sight.
At first, we had to spend some time trying to determine where we needed to place the markers in order to capture the best data. Once we resolved that issue, we went straight into shooting, pausing after each take to replace the markers that had fallen off the horse during the take. After every take, we literally had to pick up a dozen markers off the floor and glue them back on, trying to figure out where they’d fallen from before we could continue.
Once we’d mo-capped the horse, work began on modelling the barrel and hindquarters of the horses, as this was the anatomical area we knew would be viewed most by players, given the third-person camera. We then shifted our focus to the specific types of movement: the various types of motion, or gaits, that horses use. Research came from live, image, and film studies, as well as a state-of-the-art motion capture recording, breaking movement down to five common states that translate best into in-game motion: idle, walk, trot, canter/lope, and gallop.
As the primary mode of transport in the game and one of the most significant animals in every aspect of Western iconography, the horses needed to move realistically in all contexts: domestic settings (such as bearing riders or pulling stagecoaches), as well as out in the wild, traversing more rugged terrain like rocks and mountains or climbing steep slopes.
Are you man enough to tame this stallion?
The horses needed to feel graceful but also fluidly transition from small, slower steps to larger and more aggressive movements. In Red Dead Redemption, you can chase down a feral horse and attempt to break it by mounting the horse bareback and holding on to the mane. Such large, aggressive movements had to display strength, anger, and fear. These are wild animals and had to come across that way in game.
GS AU: Now, of course, horses in the game are meant to be ridden. What work did you do on animating how horses interact with humans?
JB: A huge part of creating a believable Western experience meant creating a natural interplay between horse and rider: Player movement needed to relate and react to standard horse gaits, as well as aggressive movements like rearing and bucking.
Capturing the horse and rider together was critical to the success of the shoot. We hired an actor who was also a professional stuntman and an expert horse rider for the session. He had never ridden our stunt horse Blanco before, but they formed a bond quickly. The owner gave the actor a few pointers and commands that
Blanco would respond to and we went to work.
The shoot wasn’t without its issues. We were shooting in a sound stage and had to come up with our own set of gestures that we used to communicate with each other on set. Unbeknownst to us, one of the gestures we were using was also the same command that made Blanco rear, turning our accommodating stunt horse into a horse at its most intimidating and also a nightmare if the rider happened to be mounted at the time. Several times, we accidentally commanded Blanco to rear while recording scenes that required something completely different. It made for some great and spontaneous shots, but our stuntman wasn’t too happy, as he had no idea when it was coming. He would be in the middle of a performance and suddenly Blanco would rear into the air, while the stunt man was doing everything he could just to hold on. Luckily for us, the footage was amazing. If our actor wasn’t so experienced on a horse, we probably would have captured footage of him flying off and earning a serious injury. Instead, we ended up simulating any of his ejection and impact scenes using the close integration of Natural Motion’s Euphoria physics system and our own
proprietary RAGE physics engine.
GS AU: We’ve spotted some pretty good detail in horses in Redemption, even down to realistic-looking muscles. What was the process behind making these horses look real?
Rearing horses aren't always great in mo-cap sessions.
JB: We went to great lengths to craft animations for all human characters so that interactions like mounting and dismounting horses looked as fluid and natural as possible. We also animated the various permutations of using weapons on horseback. It all helps to integrate Marston and the horses into the world seamlessly. We made sure to create believable idle animation too. You will notice that Marston even tends to his horse, gently calming it with a pat on the neck or hindquarters.
The final piece of the puzzle involved taking the overall physique and detail of the animal to a level never seen in a game, and that required some lateral thinking. We came up with the idea of using the same facial technology we used to show animated “normal maps” (a way of realistically lighting bumps and dents on the faces of our human characters) to properly showcase the muscles of the horses in motion--specifically the hindquarters, muzzle, shoulders, and ribcage.
The results can be seen in the way the animal’s hindquarters contract and release as they gallop or flex to take the weight of both the horse and its rider when they rear up on their hind legs. Re-creating a horse’s skeletal and muscular systems was challenging and has taken us years to complete, but the end results are stunning, and made the efforts well worth it.
GS AU: Josh Bass, thanks for your time.
Neue Infos zum Spiel
Today, we are very happy to unveil some of the Red Dead Redemption features that will await you at the Rockstar Games Social Club come May 18th.
For two years now, the Social Club ( has been our private club for players to track their game progress and stats, compete on leaderboards, unlock exclusive game content, and take part in official multiplayer events with live stream and chat.
Red Dead Redemption continues in that tradition and takes things to an entirely new level with a revamped website and seamless integration into the game itself. From within the in-game menus, you will be able to easily register for Social Club and automatically link it to your Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network account. Then when accessing the Social Club website, you can complete your account and unlock 7 exclusive cheats right to your game.
At the forthcoming Red Dead Redemption area of the actual Social Club website – members will be able to access:
Social Club Challenges – We’ve stockpiled a collection of exclusive cheats that will only be accessible by Social Club members who complete a series of special challenges. The first of which, available at game launch on May 18th, will be the Pike’s Basin Challenge. To unlock this challenge, Social Club members must beat the "Justice in Pike's Basin" mission early in the game and complete the "Pike's Basin" gang hideout by helping rancher Errol Hewitt defeat a gang of ruthless cattle rustlers. Social Club members can then take on the Pike’s Basin Challenge – face off against the rustlers and:
• Kill 3 enemies in one Dead Eye burst
• Drag a gang member through the basin (by lassoing him on horseback)
• Kill all enemies while on horseback
Completion will post your best time and medals attained to a special Social Club Challenges leaderboard – and garner you the exclusive "Guns Blazing" cheat (ability to shoot bullets that could set your enemies on fire). Stay tuned for many more Social Club Challenges to be revealed at the Social Club after game release.
Rockstar Challenges – Pitch in with everyone else playing online to cumulatively accomplish a grand challenge and unlock a special reward. Look for the very first one, The Strike It Rich! Rockstar Challenge, to kick off in late May after enough people have made their mark in the world of Red Dead Redemption. Whether you earn it, win it or steal it – grab as much money as you can to reach the grand total bank cume and unlock the exclusive Posse T-Shirt for your Xbox LIVE or PSN avatar. At the Social Club, you’ll also be able to keep track of the current community progress towards this goal as well as get information on special inside tips and tricks to help get there. Stay tuned for more Rockstar Challenges to be announced.
The Blackwater Ledger – A special and dynamic Red Dead Redemption community edition of the in-game newspaper keeping community members apprised of all the latest goings on across the game world – from New Austin to Nuevo Paraiso to West Elizabeth. The newspaper will report daily news from the frontier including who’s earned the highest bounties, a business column on what products are most purchased from local merchants, and a blotter of which weapons are being used the most. Registered members will see a snapshot report of their own latest status of Honor and Fame, as well as Experience, Rank, Game Progress and more.
My Stats – There, you will be able to track your in-game progress down to the very last detail – from how you performed in each single-player mission to which weapons are working the best for you by yielding the most kills and accuracy, to extensive multiplayer stats tracking your performance in each session played online. You will also be able to compare each and every statistic against your Social Club Friends. If you’re a Social Club member and have not yet linked in your Friends from Xbox LIVE or PlayStation Network – click here for info on how to do so.
Multiplayer Leaderboards – The most robust and easy-to-use leaderboards yet. Every mode – both for Competitive and forthcoming downloadable Co-Op – tracking leaders across a variety of statistical categories. Browse global leaderboards to see what it takes to be truly elite – or see friends-only leaderboards for proper bragging rights amongst your Social Club Friends.
Achievements & Trophies – Whether you’re playing on Xbox LIVE or PSN, you’ll be able to keep track of each and every Achievement or Trophy you’ve unlocked (and when) as well as see which ones you have yet to score – and exclusive tips to help you get ‘er done. You will also be able to compare in detail against your Social Club Friends.
The 100% Checklist – Exclusively at Rockstar Social Club, completionists on a quest for 100% in Red Dead Redemption can use a detailed guide to see exactly what they’ve unlocked – and what’s remaining, along with info, tips and a map legend to help you on your way.
Official Red Dead Redemption Social Club Multiplayer Events – The highly-anticipated first official Red Dead Redemption Social Club Multiplayer Events will kick off starting the weekend after game release on Friday May 21st (for PS3 on PSN; at 4-7 PM Eastern) and Saturday May 22nd (for Xbox 360 on Xbox LIVE; at 1-4 PM Eastern). Celebrate the release of Red Dead and play with and against a slew of us Rockstars worldwide – including members of Rockstar San Diego. As with all official events, Social Club members will be able to additionally participate in the live chat at the events page and watch a live stream of all the action as it goes down. Click here for the full multiplayer calendar announced through the end of June and expect continuing official Red Dead multiplayer events through the summer and beyond…
All of this will be available starting with game release on May 18th – just under two weeks now.
If you don’t yet have a membership – make sure you register post-haste at
11.05.2010, 22:56 #530Peter Pizza
AW: Red Dead Redemption
High Roller
Win over 2000 chips in a hand of Poker.
No Dice
Complete a game of Liar's Dice without losing a single die.
What About Hand Grenades?
Get a ringer in a game of Horseshoes.
Austin Overpowered
Complete Twin Rocks, Pike's Basin, and Gaptooth Breach Hideouts in Single Player.
Evil Spirits
Complete Tumbleweed and Tesoro Azul Hideouts in Single Player.
Instinto Asesino
Complete Fort Mercer and Nosalida Hideouts in Single Player.
Fightin' Around the World
Knock someone out in melee in every saloon in the game in Single Player.
Strange Things are Afoot
Complete a task for a Stranger.
People are Still Strange
Complete 15 tasks for Strangers.
Buckin' Awesome
Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standardbred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
Clemency Pays
Capture a bounty alive.
Exquisite Taste
Purchase a rare weapon from a gunsmith.
Bearly Legal
Kill and skin 18 grizzly bears.
He Cleans Up Well!
Obtain the Elegant Suit.
More than a Fistful
Earn $10,000 in Single Player.
Obtain Legendary rank in any Single Player Ambient Challenge.
The Gunslinger
Score a headshot on any enemy using Expert targeting mode.
Man of Honor / Chivalry's Dead
Attain highest Fame rank and either highest Honor rank or lowest Honor rank.
Gold Medal
Earn a Gold Medal Rank for a combat mission in Single Player.
On the Trail of de Vaca
Uncover every location on the map in Single Player.
Friends in High Places
Use a pardon letter with more than $5000 bounty in Single Player.
Attain 100% in the Single Player Game Completion stat.
Mowing Them Down
Kill 500 enemies with a mounted weapon in any game mode.
In a Hail of Bullets
Kill 500 enemies with any pistol or revolver in any game mode.
Long Arm of Marston
Kill 500 enemies with any rifle, repeater, or shotgun in any game mode.
Get 250 headshots in any game mode.
Unnatural Selection
Kill one of every animal species in the game in any game mode.
Have Gun Will Travel
Complete all Hideouts in a single public Free Roam session.
Slow on the Draw
Get 10 assists in a single Hideout in a public Free Roam session.
Hit the Trail
Get from Blackwater to Escalera before sundown in a public Free Roam session.
Posse Up!
Create a posse and get the maximum number of members.
The Quick and Everyone Else...
Be the top scoring player in any three consecutive FFA games in public matches.
How the West Was Won
Reach the top rank for multiplayer experience.
Go Team!
Be on the winning team for four consecutive victories in any team based game in public matches.
Most Wanted
Become a Public Enemy for 10 minutes and escape alive in a public Free Roam session.
Red Dead Rockstar
Kill a Rockstar or someone with this achievement in a public multiplayer match.
11.05.2010, 23:03
12.05.2010, 00:27 #532rEEplay
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Es wird sehr wahrscheinlich deutsche Untertitel haben, da es bei der UK Version von GTA IV auch schon dt. Untertitel gab. Aber 100 % kann dir das noch keiner sagen. Vielen Herstellern geht es auf die Nerven, dass wir uns inzwsichen alles importieren. Kann also gut sein, dass mit absicht die dt. Untertitel aus der UK Version genommen werden.
12.05.2010, 06:41 #533t-playa
AW: Red Dead Redemption
den herstellern ist das bums wo wirs uns bestellen, aber die sehns nicht ein für ne extreme minderheit auf alle uk-games die deutschen untertitel draufzupacken. wär bei der blu ray ja kein problem, groß genug isse ja, aber gut...wenns uncut ist, warum nicht in de kaufen außer natürlich der preis, aber gut, die 10 euro mehr sind bei so nem mega game gut anglegt
12.05.2010, 08:02 #534nico2409
AW: Red Dead Redemption
*off topic*
eben nicht! als beispiel: Publisher THQ will deutsche Versionen von Spielen attraktiver gestalten News ///
12.05.2010, 12:27 #535Aroul
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Die Infos zu den Pferden nochmal - in Deutsch
Josh Bass von Rockstar San Diego hat im Gespräch mit erwähnt, wie wichtig Pferde in Red Dead: Redemption sein werden, zumal kein gutes Westernspiel ohne die schnellen Vierbeiner auskommen kann. “Damit wir die Pferde möglichst detailgetreu umsetzen konnten, mussten wir auf eine Kombination aus Nachforschungen und detaillierten Motion-Capture Verfahren anwenden. Diese Daten haben wird dann mit unserer eigenen RAGE Engine und Natural Motions Euphoria Engine verknüpft und glauben, dass die Darstellung der Pferde zu einer der realistischsten gehört,“ so John Bass.
In Grand Theft Auto gibt es verschiedene Fahrzeugfabrikate, doch wie ist es um die Abwechslung in Red Dead: Redemption, bzw. die einzelnen Pferdeklassen bestellt? Auch hierzu äußerte sich Bass und sagt, dass man verschiedene Rassen wie den Mustang, Buckskin, Palomino, Pinto, aber auch Appaloosa oder Friesen umgesetzt hat, welche sich in Form, Stärke, Ausdauer und Farbe natürlich voneinander unterscheiden. Lustiger Weise gibt es auch Esel als Reittiere für all diejenigen, welche es langsamer angehen lassen wollen.
Auch die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Tier wurde mit einem aufwändigen Motion-Capture Verfahren aufgezeichnet, so dass man flüssige Animationen aufgrund der gelieferten Daten kreieren konnte. “Wir haben einen professionellen Reiter und Stuntman engagiert, welcher dann verschiedene Manöver mit dem Tier ausgeführt hat, während wir dies entsprechend festgehalten haben. Es war natürlich eine Herausforderung das Tier dazu zu bewegen, die Manöver auszuführen die wir benötigen. Dummer Weise war eine unserer internen Gesten nicht gerade gut gewählt, da sie dem Pferd signalisierte sich zurückzubewegen, was in einigen Aufnahmen natürlich denkbar ungünstig war.“ Alles in allem verliefen die Dreharbeiten aber ohne weiteren Zwischenfälle, so dass man das benötigte Material zusammentragen konnte und dieses laut Aussage von Bass einfach unglaublich aussah.
12.05.2010, 12:31 #536Dirk Diggler
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Wie aus einem Post eines NeoGAF-Users hervorgeht, scheint nun die gesamte Spielwelt mit allen drei Teilen (New Austin, Nuevo Paraiso, West Elizabeth) aufgedeckt zu sein:
Des Weiteren gibt es noch zwei neue Screenshots:
12.05.2010, 12:36 #537Aroul
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Nice Die Grafik sieht einfach mal Hammer aus!
12.05.2010, 12:41 #538PhilS1984
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Ich sag nur geil....Pfingsten ist schonmal verplant !
12.05.2010, 12:42 #539Ps3 gamer
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Einfach fantastisch
12.05.2010, 13:05 #540kaY0oTiK
AW: Red Dead Redemption
Ähm wir sind die dritt größte Gaming Nation
Von "Minderheit" kann da keine Rede sein.
Gigantischer Gaming-Umsatz in Deutschland - - Games. Fun. Entertainment.
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