Ergebnis 421 bis 440 von 1066
Thema: Prototype
15.05.2009, 17:51
15.05.2009, 18:13 #422Ps3 gamer
AW: Prototype
Nein,MUSS man nicht.Da steht doch,wenn man es nicht macht,bekommt man die Fähigkeit erst später im Spiel.Man hat sie halt nur von anfang an,wenn man sich registriert
15.05.2009, 18:18 #423mec
15.05.2009, 22:34 #424Heartless Dragon
AW: Prototype
Also warum sich hier immer wieder Leute die Köpfe in die Mauer schlagen ist wohl eher weil sie nicht wissen wieso Prototype so brutal ist?
Der Entwickler sagte mal bei einem Interview bei dem man ihm gefragt hatte warum das Spiel so Brutal ist?, Mit dem das es eigentlich eher für die Erwachsenen bestimmt war und auch auf ein Publikum der auch von solchen Spielen Angesprochen werden. Lustigerweise muss man es immer wieder sagen das man sich das Spiel nicht Kaufen muss!!! Wen man es nicht gern hat das sollte man seine Meinung behalten, wen man Kritik hat sollte man sich jedoch genau beschreiben und sagen warum mir es nicht gefällt...
Achnaja, das meiste weis man ja selbst.
as mit der Zensur hat sich der Entwickler auch geäussert, er hat selbst gesagt, das er Prototype lieber nicht Zensiert sehen will also in deutscher Verfassung und natürlich heisst das wiederum, das man es wahrscheinlich in Deutschland eher nicht zu fassen bekommt, ausser man reisst nach den Nachbarländern oder Importiert es...
Ansonsten wird es heiss...Langsam kommt man zum Ende vom spiel an, doch keine Sorge, am ende der Entwicklungen läuft es immer am besten den gerade dort versuchen die Entwickler noch das beste rein zu tun, zu verbessern und und und.... also am 10 Juni können wir uns auf etwas gefasst machen
@mec: Zuviel Realismus muss nicht sein....Fantasie ist es was zählt, man sollte sich nicht Verarscht fühlen, ist doch viel Spassiger und Lustiger so.
15.05.2009, 23:58 #425mec
AW: Prototype
Zuviel Realismus muss nicht sein....Fantasie ist es was zählt, man sollte sich nicht Verarscht fühlen, ist doch viel Spassiger und Lustiger so.
Gruß Mec
17.05.2009, 08:41 #426shadow boy
AW: Prototype
hier sind gameplayszenen mit dem fertigen spiel es gibt eine mini map eine lebens anzeige usw YouTube - PROTOTYPE Mission Gameplay
obwohl hat es nicht geheisen es wird keine life leiste geben?
17.05.2009, 19:46 #427Morpheus Hope
AW: Prototype
hab was neues, hoffe ich jedenfalls
YouTube - X-Play Exclusive: Prototype Demo -
17.05.2009, 19:49 #428Graf Koks
17.05.2009, 19:52 #429Morpheus Hope
AW: Prototype
ja meinte eher, dass es hier net gepostet wurde^^
aber am ende haben die noch gesagt, dass es nicht das gameplay ist o_O
17.05.2009, 22:56 #430mec
AW: Prototype
Gruß Mec
18.05.2009, 14:55 #431shadow boy
AW: Prototype
hey ist euch schon mal aufgefallen das alex am anfang in den trailers und überal andere kleidung hatte
18.05.2009, 19:25 #432MiksteR_RdY
18.05.2009, 20:02 #433mec
AW: Prototype
18.05.2009, 20:04 #434ImperatorAdeptus
AW: Prototype
YouTube - Prototype Music Video " City "
Hier in dem Video sieht man es deutlich.
Die eine Kleidung war noch aus der Alpha Phase des Spieles^^
Aber jetz was wichtiges !
Hier Fragen die zu den Entwickler geschikt wurden:
1. Can we play a new game with our upgraded character from our last
(finished) game?
Absolutely!! We're totally against punishing players for 'finishing' a game and not letting them enjoy the product to it's fullest potential.
Once you complete the game you are let loose in New York City with all of your upgrades, skills and new abilities so you can re-start the game as an even more powerful Prototype. It's really fun to unleash the big Devastator moves in the middle of a very calm New York City.
2. How many hours will a non-speedtrough take?
We estimate that a player who engages in all of the core missions, web of intrigue 'hunts' and attains a strong medal ranking on all of the Event challenges will likely be in for approximately 20 - 30 hours of content. It's obviously heavily dependent on how skilled the player is at the various disciplines of action, though we feel Prototype will offer tremendous value to the player.
3. Can the claws be upgraded to look different?
As the player unlocks the special abilities of each offensive power, such as the 'Groundspike' ability of the claws, the player will obviously get treated to the claws changing shape and becoming more visually impressive as the groundspike move is executed. The claws themselves, whilst in their default form, will retain the original visuals whilst not being used, though the key was to make the player feel extremely kick-* when employing the awesome special abilities of the claws and other offensive powers.
4. How will the save system work? Anytime from the start menu or from specific spots?
The game will auto-save both at mid-mission 'checkpoints' and at mission completion stage.
5. Will there be things to unlock? (special costumes/skins, abilities,
There are a large number of cool 'toys' to unlock in Prototype. Each of the core shapeshifting powers, such as blade arms, whipfist, musclemass, heavy weapons skills etc have their own upgrades and enhancements. In addition, Alex can chase down over 120 web of intrigue 'targets' so the true 'collector' can unlock the entire conspiracy backstory and make all of the connections. There are no plans for alternate costumes for Alex since he can become entirely different people - you see them on the street, you can consume and become them! You can even be a policeman if you want! [although this particular policeman could rip people in two and whipfist-jack a transport military chopper!]
6. Are there gonna be some RPG elements in game? It would make the game a lot longer if you are able to lvl up, for example.
Well for anyone who played the team's previous game 'Hulk: Ultimate Destruction', you'll recall that we employed a pretty comprehensive 'upgrade' system. We have tried to improve on that greatly in Prototype, allowing players the chance to customize 'their' Alex Mercer in the way that suits their play style. We have a large number of Event challenges that essentially allow you to earn bonus 'Evolution Points' between missions. Players seeking to really juice up Alex's powers would be well served to spend time acing these Events as the progressively open up, in order to level up additional powers before continuing the core story missions.
To be clear though, this is not a role-playing game - this is an over-the-top open world action game that lets you kick * in a thousand different new ways. We can't wait to get this game out to our fans.
7. I heard that there are multiple power wheels, is this true? would this then confirm that there are "over 750 combinations of abilities"
available to Alex as stated last spring?
We have one power wheel in the game. From this wheel, the player can execute shapeshifts and turn his body into a living weapon. As the player presses the assigned button to launch the power wheel HUD screen, the game does not stop, though we do slow time down for a few seconds to allow the player to focus on power shifting in a smooth, quick manner.
Players are then also taught how to map their favourite or most often used powers to the D-pad. This allows the player to seamlessly jump into the air as Alex, shapeshift into his musclemass + claw form and even become an entirely different person by the time he lands on the ground.
It's all about fast paced action in Prototype.
We've honed the number of combinations from our original pre-focus test phase. Now that we have identified the truly 'fun' combinations I can say that we do have hundreds of combinations of powers, though it's a more tighter focus than our initial estimate - resulting in an even stronger experience as witnessed via our latest focus test results.
We're excited.
8. Is it possible to wield both the shield and such two handed abilities abilities such as the claws, or are one-handed defense abilities always going to be paired with one-handed attack abilities?
Yes - the shield is compatible with every single one of our attack powers. We aren't big fans of 'rules and restrictions' in our open world games. Prototype is perhaps the ultimate example of this ideal since it's a power fantasy, designed to let players create their own 'Alex Mercer' with the powers and upgrade choices up to the player.
9. It seems you really listen to your community and try to check out what people want, has there been anything in the game that you would have not have without help from the fans or is there anything you removed because the fans would not like it?
First of all, Radical LOVE our fans. We send all of the emails we get about our games to the relevant game teams and they definitely are appreciated greatly. It's really not enough to simply create a game in a vacuum and treat your customers like customers - getting ourselves onto these forums and treating fans like our extended family is a must.. We are huge forum readers as well, so yes it's true that we listen to and discuss * on our games and videos very intently. If we're not making you guys happy, then ultimately we won't be happy - so please keep up the * and ideas since we're all in this creative rollercoaster together.
10. How much percentage-wise does the current build of the game represent the original vision of the game and what has influenced the changes that took place?
I would say that we've achieved pretty much all of our intended over-arching goals for when we originally envisioned and pitched Prototype to senior management. There are obviously going to be small tweaks, changes, removals and additions to the final product since so many people and ideas flow through the project, though we're really excited about what we have working on-screen. It's a level of action and intensity that we honestly feel has not yet been seen in open world games on this generation.
11. Will we be able to get alternate costumes???
I think our previous answer can address this question. 'It's all about shapeshifting baby!'
12. Do we get different types/stages of infected at the same time or do enemies such as the Hunters evolve and replace their previous forms?
We have a truly gruesome cast of infected enemies who reveal themselves in greater numbers and in different forms over the course of the central story arc. If an Infected Hive 'base' begins to spew out larger Infected forms, they won't necessarily replace a lower Infected life form, they will simply bolster the existing force that is out ravaging the city.
As Alex undergoes further biological changes and develops new abilities to combat his enemies, so too will the Infected forces develop new and twisted enemy types to counter Alex. The same goes for the weaponry and vehicles used by the Blackwatch and the Military forces.
13. The time slow-downs during combos seem cool but also look to interrupt the flow of combat making it feel jumpy, in spite of this how do you maintain the combat fluidity? Can it be turned off?
The power-wheel activation will let players have a momentary 'breather'
by slowing time down for a few seconds in order to allow for a seamless transition of your active power. We've been conducting extensive player testing for the last few months to ensure it's complimentary to the action.
14. Given that there is a hard/insane mode included, what other features have you included to help make this game replayable and enjoyable for months (or years) after its release?
Great question. We really want to give our fans a lot of 'meat on the bones' during the open-world experience with Prototype. We've designed plenty of things to do for the hardcore collector or for the person who loves to ace their own high scores. First up, we have over 120 'Web of intrigue' targets scattered across the game world. When Alex consumes these human targets, he absorbs their memories and each memory unlocks a further piece of the over-arching conspiracy storyline. It's very possible that as you play the main story of Prototype, you and your best friend could have entirely different understandings of the intricate conspiracy since you've both consumed and witnessed different parts of the web of intrigue network. Once you finish the game, we allow players to go back and have fun with the game world and finish their hunt for the remaining story pieces. We also have four different levels of 'Award Medals' for every single one of our 'Events'. [These include some intense and over the top challenges such as obliterating hoards of Infected mobs with the help of an unlimited-ammo grenade launcher, or 3-way war combat challenges where anything goes]. We'll have achievements based on a lot of these additional long-term accomplishments to keep the game fresh for a long time. Plus we also let the player keep their unlocked powers after they finish the main storyline, so they can restart and just wreak havoc on the city from Mission 1 in a whole different way.
15. Do Hives and Military bases rebuild or pop-up elsewhere after you have destroyed them. If not, then how does one maintain balance between the factions if for example you destroy only military bases? Conversely, how does the player feel a sense of accomplishment after destroying a base, if it can just simply rejuvenate later?
Hives and Bases offer substantial rewards when you destroy them and these rewards can be used to upgrade Alex. You can also infiltrate any of the bases and get access to military-based upgrades related to firearms, vehicles, aircraft, commander disguise "special" abilities.
Bases are also a great source of web of intrigue targets which you can use to unravel the conspiracy at the heart of the game. Destroying bases and hives also suppresses certain aspects of what we call the "metagame"
for certain periods of time; for example, strike teams are suppressed when a base is destroyed and various aspects of the ongoing Infection are slowed down when you destroy a hive. So at any given point in the game, going toe-to-toe with a base or hive, while challenging, will give you not only rewards but also change the state of the three-way-war raging across New York City.
16. How do you keep the game fresh and challenging, especially when there are many dissenters out there that claim this is nothing but a 2nd-rate gore-fest. Like plenty of other sand-boxes (As was often the case with the superb Assassins Creed), how do you keep players from bulldozing their way to the end in 6 hours and then slagging off your accomplishment for being easy, repetitive or short? How do you promote freedom and yet give the player an immersive narrative?
The key to the whole question of 'how to keep things fresh' has to come from a team's focus on mission design. If you're giving the player lots of missions, though the content of each mission is identical to the previous one, then you're really setting yourself and the player up to have a short and unsatisfying experience. We're working hard to really give each mission its own flavor and identity - from disguise and destroy initiatives, to chasing down massive hulking Infected beasts across Central Park, to outright three-way war missions in Times Square.
Hopefully we've created 'something for everyone' through our missions and through the open-ended upgrade system for players to customize 'their' version of Alex Mercer.
If a player of god-like skill happens to barrel through our single player mission in record time, then is that really a negative? It simply would show that they were 150% engaged with the product they purchased and hopefully will come back for more.
To get the freedom aspect of a game whilst giving the player an immersive narrative, one aspect to achieving this should be ensuring the environment and everything the player connects with in gameplay, reflects the narrative situation. For example, our version of New York City descends into a state of martial law and then becomes a total infected war zone that spirals out of control. The world therefore needs to reflect those changes viscerally, so one example is that if you get close to a 'Hive' base you can watch newly 'born' brawler creatures picking up civilians and chomping on their head. Buildings will start to burn and office papers will rain down from the tops of skyscrapers. I think we're getting close to our vision of a city that mirrors the narrative town throughout the arc of the story, whilst giving players an open-world game that encourages freedom and exploration.
17. What do you think is the most refreshing thing in this game that sets this apart from other games?
I think if you asked all of our development team, you may very well get a lot of different answers to this question. We're really proud of so many aspects to this product. One game feature that we really had great comments on at Comic Con, from real customers and Prototype fans alike, was just how easily you can control and execute amazing moves with Alex with just seconds of training. The impact of those moves then really is skyrocketed when you combine then with hugely populated environments full of people, cars, enemies and buildings. It's kind of like being in a Jerry Bruckheimer action film, even from Mission 1.We're really proud that the intuitive control system within high action environments is something players are embracing and appreciating. Our goal is to make a game that let's players kick * in a thousand different new ways and give players something they have never seen before.
18. Are there any military/blackwatch who can keep up with the hunters or that can match Alex's speed? How else would characters like the specialist keep up with Alex if the player could simply jump and constantly elbow-drop through anything that's challenging?
That's a great question and yes, the Blackwatch certainly DO have some kickass creations in their * that can stomp Alex if given half a chance. Alex can move extremely quickly around the environment so we needed to match that ability with equally gifted enemy types. We've actually released a couple of shots of one type of Blackwatch enemy who can rough Alex up and can match his speed, though we're going to be explaining more about these guys closer to launch. Stay tuned because we have a lot more to reveal around this aspect of Prototype.
19. Have any ideas made in the forums ever been implemented in the game?
We love reading forums and ideas from the fans, although our design team were hired for their specific ideas and game vision so it's a full time job just working on those alone. Keep up the forum ideas and * though guys, we really appreciate the support and passion we're seeing for Prototype and it keeps us focused on getting to the finish line this June.
20. How has the merger between Activision and Vivendi change the development process?
It's been fantastic for Radical in every aspect. Activision are extremely supportive and have really well organized processes that compliment Radical's development. We've had some wonderful game design and 'flow' * from Activision's product management group and the results of that * are now translating to an even stronger single player experience.
18.05.2009, 20:40 #435MiksteR_RdY
AW: Prototype
Ich danke für die Antworten. Awesome *____*
Und stimmt, wirklich andere Kleidung. Oder ich bilde mir das nur ein
Oh gott nein es wird noch diese Woche bestellt, ein KOOP MODE (!!!) das ist SOWAS VON AWESOME, AMAZING, GREAT it's like OH MY GOD !
18.05.2009, 21:03 #436shadow boy
AW: Prototype
@(prototype) gibts dein langen englischen text auch in deutsch
englisch hab ich sowieso ne fünf also kann ichs fast nicht lesen
hab leider große probleme mit englisch sry
18.05.2009, 21:08 #437
18.05.2009, 22:16 #438Tool
18.05.2009, 22:33 #439Heartless Dragon
AW: Prototype
Die Entwickler sagten selbst das es schade sei, Besser keinen Ko-op als einen Ko-op drin zu haben der dermassen schlecht ist, und von der Zeit her war es ihnen auch nicht möglich...
Aber das mit den Kleidungen solte eigentlich nach diesem Interview stimmen
und Ich bedanke mich an den User [Prototype] der den coolen Interview reinstellte, es ist immer wieder toll auf das Spiel heiss gemacht zu werden
Aufjedenfall erwähnen die Entwickler soviele extras und Bonis bei diesem Interview das ich selbst nachkam, doch nach dem was ich gelesen habe Brenn ich nur Föhrmlich auf den 10. Juni...
19.05.2009, 16:14 #440MiksteR_RdY
AW: Prototype
Wurde bei dem Trailer der ein paar posts über uns ist gesagt. Bei 3:06 an fragt die Frau nach Online Features, er meinte Coop mode.
Klasse -_- kein Coop........ eine RICHTIG dicke enttäuschung.
Aber warum schlecht, ich stelle mir den Koop richtig gut vor. Wenn man zu zweit eine Mission anfängt und sowas alles. Gab es da vielleicht irgendwelche Pro/Contra Meinungen warum sie den rausnehmen? Ich meine gut ok, von der Zeit her, aber den KÖNNTE man noch nachreichen. Aber wenn da erst gar nichts geplant ist =( na ja...
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