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16.02.2009, 18:48 #1fam nintendo
metal gear solid online Scene Expansion kommt
The scene expansion will be released on the 13th of march 2009, and will include the following.
New maps: New maps are -Shadow moses heliport (MGS4)
- Eastern Europe
- The deck of Arsenal Gear (MGS4)
New characters: - Drebin
- Big Mama
- Secret character (TBA)
New game modes: - Capture the flag (CTF)
- Hunt (HNT)
New features: - Tournaments from the MEME expansion will only rum for one day a week, with 3 tournaments on that day, and the other day will be replaced by a singles tournament (DM tournys)
- New reward shop items - Will include masks, i.e New character faces and also imitation ones.
- Wigs
CQC customisation - Customise your cqc with new combos.
New skills - CQC EX (CQC customisation)
- Blades EX (TBA)
- Rolling skil
metal gear solid online Scene Expansion kommt
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
16.02.2009, 20:13 #2jimcarry
AW: metal gear solid online Scene Expansion kommt
bitte keine doppelposts.
wird nicht gerne gesehen.
bitte closen
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