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Thema: L.A. Noire

  1. #181
    Mr. Burns Mr. Burns ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Zitat IceViper Beitrag anzeigen
    Da bin ich absolut deiner Meinung, endlich mal wieder kein Spiel wo man nur ballern muss. COD, Killzone, das nervt auf die Dauer....

    Hoffentlich wird das Game so geil wie RDR, auch wenn mann es nicht direkt vergleichen kann.
    Richtig. Ich war der größte CoD-Fan aber mittlerweile ist die Franchise einfach ausgelutscht. L.A. Noire ist mal was neues, die Story klingt sehr interessant und ich hoffe, es hält was es verspricht.

  2. Anzeige

    AW: L.A. Noire

    Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
  3. #182
    jimcarry jimcarry ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Ein paar Screens

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  4. #183
    patrick2408 patrick2408 ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    In den Kommentaren zu den Screens ist eine Frage gestellt die mich auch mal interessieren würde, und zwar wie wird das Game gespielt? Open World oder von Mission zu Mission, oder so wie z.b. Heavy Rain?

    Ist da schon was bekannt?

  5. #184
    Dirk Diggler Dirk Diggler ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Ich denke mal eine Mischung aus allen Aspekten.

    Wenn du dir noch mal das Gameplay-Video anschaust, erfährst du dass Cole mehrere Abteilungen durchläuft, wobei er in jeder Abteilung verschiedene Fälle klären muss. Jeder einzelne Fall besteht aus weiteren unterschiedliche Elementen, wie Tatorte zu untersuchen, Zeugen zu vernehmen/ zu verhören, etc.
    Rein von der Spielmechanik wird man die verschiedenen Ziele dann aber immer in der offenen Welt erkunden - sieht man im Video auch an Symbolen im HUD-Radar.

  6. #185
    patrick2408 patrick2408 ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Ok, danke! Bin echt mal gespannt auf das Game, allerdings bin ich doch noch sehr skeptisch!

  7. #186
    SonKratos - Z SonKratos - Z ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Zitat jimcarry Beitrag anzeigen
    Ein paar Screens

    Klick hier
    Wahnsinn wie genial das ausschaut (Bild7), mag sein das man das Lippensynchron auf den Bildern nicht erkennen kann,
    aber wie dieser Ausdruck in Coles gesicht ausschaut ist ja wirklich genial, man merkt wirklich das "er schreit" und das aus voller wut.
    Dat ding muss direckt am Release Tag gekauft werden, komme was wolle.

  8. #187
    Stevinho Stevinho ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    das geile an der sache ist ja die absolute vielfalt, die einem geboten wird. du kannst dieses und jenes fragen, dich so verhalten wie du willst. und das geschehen um dich rum, reagietr entsprechend realistisch. der hammer wieviele möglichkeiten es da gibt. bei sonem spiel lohnt sichs dann endlich mal sowas doppelt zu spielen. nicht wie bei black ops, wos um so prestigescheisse geht.

  9. #188
    patrick2408 patrick2408 ist offline
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    Zitat Stevinho Beitrag anzeigen
    das geile an der sache ist ja die absolute vielfalt, die einem geboten wird. du kannst dieses und jenes fragen, dich so verhalten wie du willst. und das geschehen um dich rum, reagietr entsprechend realistisch. der hammer wieviele möglichkeiten es da gibt. bei sonem spiel lohnt sichs dann endlich mal sowas doppelt zu spielen. nicht wie bei black ops, wos um so prestigescheisse geht.
    Naja, dass wird zumindest gesagt, mal abwarten wie sich das dann wirklich gestaltet.

    Ich möchte hier als Beispiel nur Heavy Rain bringen, was ja vor Release auch verdammt viele Wege erahnen ließ bzw. angekündigt wurden, schlussendlich wirkten sich die Entscheidungen aber kaum bis garnicht auf den weiteren Verlauf aus, also da bin ich eher vorsichtig wenn jemand verspricht das man achsoviele Möglichkeiten hat

  10. #189
    Ein Hund im Büro? Ein Hund im Büro? ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

  11. #190
    Mr_Zdarlight Mr_Zdarlight ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Einige Spielezeitschriften, unter anderem Größen wie GameInformer & GamesRadar, gaben ihr Urteil:
    This Game will be HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Zitat Game Informer
    "Recently, I got my first opportunity to play L.A. Noire... It works well, and if you get off track, your partner is there to spot things you miss. It’s important to scour the location for every clue, as missing things limits your options in subsequent interrogations.... L.A. Noire is going to give gamers an experience unlike anything we’ve ever played before."
    Zitat MSN
    "L.A. Noire is spectacular, both in looks and scope. Your first 10 minutes in the game will be spent in slack-jawed appreciation of its stunning visuals. Then you'll forget about that as you're swept into a game world full of clever storytelling, believable characters and stimulating gameplay."
    Zitat GameSpot
    "In interrogation scenarios you have a first-person view, letting you get a good look at every little bit of reaction as you ask your questions. Based on those reactions and the evidence you've gathered, you've got three options for a response: you can accept what they've said at face value; you can express doubt they're telling the truth if you've got a hunch that they're trying to pull the wool over your eyes; or you can call them out for lying, if you have the evidence to back that assertion up. The capture technology means this isn't so much a gameplay trick, as a purely human skill--it's not a matter of learning tells, or gameplay being shoehorned in; it's a matter of looking at someone's face and telling if they're lying."
    Zitat G4
    "As someone who's been looking forward to L.A. Noire since it was first teased, I couldn't be happier with how the game is shaping up. The presentation, the mechanics, the story, the performances, they're all spot on. May 17 never seemed so far away."
    Zitat GamesRadar
    "It’s worth gushing over the MotionScan technology again here. The groundbreaking tech not only makes the characters appear and speak more realistically than any game ever, but it sets the scene perfectly and without it L.A. Noire would lose a lot of its appeal and well realised environments. As a result, it’s far from ‘just’ a cosmetic feature...On the whole, L.A. Noire is a breath of fresh air in this FPS filled world, and finally getting to grips with the game has heightened our anticipation for the game even more... Team Bondi and Rockstar seem to be onto a winner with this crime-thriller."
    Zitat Yahoo Games UK
    "‘L.A. Noire’ is great entertainment, to tell it straight. The combination of witty dialogue, top-notch acting and of course amazing new MotionScan technology delivers something unique. How about that – a genuine first in how long? Yet it doesn’t feel like a gimmick, rather a mature new direction that ushers new opportunities for interactive drama of all kinds."
    Zitat NowGamer
    "It succeeds on all fronts, and this is not purely a result of the believable facial animation, but also the authentic setting, gruesome plot and stellar penmanship at work... Emotionally engaging and presented in a raw, bloodied context, L.A. Noire has the makings of a grim masterpiece, putting both its underlying tech and the talents of its ensemble cast to superb use."
    Zitat TVG
    "At the first look stage, we were enthralled (deutsch: bezaubert ); now, having gone hands-on, we're totally enamoured (deutsch: verliebt ). It's one thing to present a genuinely innovative gaming concept that redefines styles of gameplay as we know them, and it's quite another to pull that concept off. Rockstar and Team Bondi are doing precisely that with LA Noire and, quite honestly, we can't write enough superlatives to describe how fresh and invigorating it is to play."
    Vor allem das rotgeschriebene freut mich sehr zu hören

  12. #191
    Aroul Aroul ist offline
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    Zitat Mr_Zdarlight Beitrag anzeigen
    Einige Spielezeitschriften, unter anderem Größen wie GameInformer & GamesRadar, gaben ihr Urteil:

    Vor allem das rotgeschriebene freut mich sehr zu hören

    Yeah nice Ich freue mich auf das Game und die Reviews geben schon eine gewisse Sicherheit

  13. #192
    Mr. Burns Mr. Burns ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Lediglich 4players scheint noch etwas skeptisch zu sein: L.A. Noire: Vorschau (Action, PlayStation3,360) von

  14. #193
    Mr_Zdarlight Mr_Zdarlight ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Hoffentlich bekomme ich jetzt keine Schläge für meine Aussage


    Coming Next Week:
    The 2nd L.A. Noire Gameplay Series Video “Investigation and Interrogation”

    Zitat R* l Newswire
    Look for it to debut next week at the official L.A. Noire website and the Rockstar site Videos section.
    Day and date to be announced...

  15. #194
    smilchen smilchen ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    cool...wird bestimmt geil.

  16. #195
    Dirk Diggler Dirk Diggler ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Asked & Answered: L.A. Noire Edition

    “What is the official release date for LA Noire?” - received via Twitter
    “Nice to know the dates of release but what about a date for Australia?”
    - Tommy_Spaghetti

    As confirmed officially recently, L.A. Noire will be coming to stores for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on May 17th 2011 in North America and May 20th 2011 in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. If you’re in another territory not covered in the above and would like to know when to expect the release of the game, drop us a line at and we should be able to confirm the release availability for you.

    “Hey Rockstar love the new LA Noire trailer! So you’re tracking down a serial killer the whole game?? Can’t wait to find out more!” - received via Mouthoff

    Thanks! And actually the serial killer crimes are really just one portion of the game story. You are hot on the trail of that killer while working the Homicide crime desk, which is just one of five total crime desks Cole Phelps will work.

    “@R* is there multiplayer in L.A. Noire? or just single player?” - ghostcheez

    There will be no multiplayer component of L.A. Noire – the combination of innovative technology and unique gameplay that allow you to solve crimes through interrogations and investigation is really one that’s geared entirely for a single-player experience. Trust us that this is a game unlike any you’ve played before – very different not only for us here at Rockstar but for videogames as a medium. Bolting on generic multiplayer on top of that would not make much sense, or be a good use of our time or development budget! Hope this clears up any confusion. We thought this would be spelt out in some of last week's previews, but as it wasn't, we felt we should clarify ourselves.

    “Hi R*. We heard about interrogations and analyzing a crime scene in L.A. Noire but what about follow a suspect on foot and in car, gathering information from informants, tap a phone call, milk a conversation? ....could be nice to hear more about gameplay.” - realrasta

    Glad to see you’re getting into the spirit of it all – and yes, many of those things (but not all) and more will be part of the gameplay of L.A. Noire. From investigating crime scenes with a keen detective’s eye, to tense interrogations where you’ll have to pick up on nuances of what the suspect may (or may not) be telling you, to action-packed pursuit on foot, in car – plus fights and shootouts. We really wanted the game to make you feel like you are actually a detective, working criminal cases and making decisions about how you solve crimes and to build out a variety of gameplay moments and experiences to that effect. Look for a special new gameplay video about this subject called "Investigation and Interrogation" dropping this week.

    “So, will I be able to choose from a wide range of questions when interrogating a suspect?” - The4ourTy67
    “I'm guessing you get to choose from different questions/responses to ask your witness or suspect? Can these interrogations change the course of the game/story if not handled properly? Personally this aspect of the game is the most exciting for me. Nothing beats a good Noire mystery, I really hope that the cases take some serious effort to solve.”
    - IWIHooligan

    You will always be given a range of questions when you interrogate a suspect, but the number and content of those questions is determined by how efficient you’ve been at searching related crime scenes for clues. The clues you discover can open up different leads to new locations or suspects, which in turn open up new options for a player to decide how to go about solving a case. Then during interrogations, it’s up to the player to correctly analyze a suspect in order to get the most information from them. Knowing when to believe a suspect, when to doubt them, and when to be certain they are lying (by presenting them with your evidence) will open up new ways for you to solve each case correctly. In every case, there is only one real truth about what happened - it’s up to your skill as a detective to discover it.

    "All of those pre-order bonuses sound awesome but is there any way to get all of them? Hate to have to choose just one." - received via Mouthoff

    All of the L.A. Noire pre-order content will be made available for purchase as DLC at some point after the game comes out. We have long planned to do this for all digital pre-order items. In case you’re interested, the Red Dead Redemption pre-order items (Deadly Assassin Outfit, Golden Guns Weapon Pack and War Horse) will finally be available for download via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network this April. Apologies that has taken so long, but we ran into some technical issues. Stay tuned for more details.

    “R*, will we be able to see the Hollywood sign in L.A. Noire???” - rk8000

    Yes, however since the game takes place prior to the year 1949, we have the historically accurate original version “HOLLYWOODLAND” sign in there. You can read the full history of that iconic landmark at the Hollywood Sign wiki page here, but in short – the sign was originally erected in 1923 to promote the Hollywoodland housing development in the hills. It wasn’t until 1949 that the city of Los Angeles decreed that the sign be changed to be broadly about the district of Hollywood.

    “So are we playing as a police detective or a private investigator in L.A. Noire?” - ghostx1984

    You will play as LAPD detective Cole Phelps – and as the game progresses and you solve more cases, you will rise up through the ranks of the LAPD from a beat cop to other positions. Much more will be revealed about that in due time.

    “Is this going to be a sandbox game? If yes, is it going to be GTA style or more like Mafia where it's really more of a set story game in sandbox world...” - MarenkaS

    L.A. Noire is a detective game – and it is unlike any game we have made or anyone else has made that we are aware of. You solve a series of crimes, some of which are linked and some of which are not, in 1947 Los Angeles. As a company, we try to design games around the content and setting, rather than form the setting to the game design. So the answer to your question is not a simple yes or no, but it’s definitely not ‘GTA with fedoras’ and is something very original we’re excited for everyone to experience this May.

    “Is the music in the L.A. Noire trailer original to the game?” - received via Twitter

    The music in both trailers are pieces of original composition from the soundtrack – we will have full details on all of the music soon.

    “I really like that L.A. Noire artwork [of Cole Phelps]. Are you going to release more artwork soon?” - The4ourTy67

    Thanks! And most definitely. Look for lots more original L.A. Noire artwork of characters from the game as well as of some of the grisly crime scenes in the game to be revealed and released in the weeks and months ahead.

    “[L.A. Noire] looks really great!!!! So the real murders and crimes of the 40's like the Black Dahlia murder are gonna be in this game or something??? I read something on Game Informer that says "suffice it to say that this game might feature some of Rockstar’s grittiest content ever." Well this sound's more and more awesome!!!!!!!!” - Mortal91ify

    Thank you. Yes, all of the cases in the game that you’ll solve as Detective Cole Phelps are inspired by real life crimes that happened during the 1940’s. Names and places may have been changed though, along with a good degree of creative embellishment to add extra drama and twists and turns.

  17. #196
    Ein Hund im Büro? Ein Hund im Büro? ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Zitat Rockstargames
    “@R* is there multiplayer in L.A. Noire? or just single player?” - ghostcheez

    There will be no multiplayer component of L.A. Noire.
    Bolting on generic multiplayer on top of that would not make much sense, or be a good use of our time or development budget!

    Konsequent und zielbewusst ! Find ich prima, anstatt einfach was hinzuklatschen und es "Multiplayer" zu nennen.

  18. #197
    Mr. Burns Mr. Burns ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Zitat Ein Hund im Büro? Beitrag anzeigen

    Konsequent und zielbewusst ! Find ich prima, anstatt einfach was hinzuklatschen und es "Multiplayer" zu nennen.
    Sehe ich auch so. Es gibt einfach Spiele, die sind nicht Multiplayer-tauglich. Was daraus wird, wenn man zwanghaft versucht, nen Online-Modus zu integrieren, hat man bei Assassins Creed Brotherhood gesehen.
    Dann lieber ganz rauslassen.

  19. #198
    lukas90 lukas90 ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    ich finde multiplayer spiele eh nicht gut außer vielleicht bei cod oder so aber lieber ordentliche haupt story und paar stunden länger wie bei den neuen spielen alle zwischen 5 - 7 std. story modus sind die 50-70€ eigentlich garnicht wert.

    aber das spiel wird der pflichtkauf des jahres meiner meinung nach

  20. #199
    Callifornia Callifornia ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Für mich sind die Multiplayer auch nicht so wichtig!
    Ich zocke persönlich eher selten, da ich nicht soviel Zeit dafür habe und wenn ich dann mal in die Multiplayer einsteige, werde ich eh meistens getötet oder so...ich verbinge dann die meiste Zeit mit warten und respawnen....hehehehe

    Hier bei dem Titel bin ich wirklich auf die Umsetzung gespannt! Beweise sammeln, Zeugen befragen, Lügner entlarfen etc. hört sich richtig gut an.
    Dazu dann noch ein paar nette Verfolgungsjagden und Schießereien...

    ich tippe mal das nur "Batman Arkham City" , Drake's Deception und vielleicht noch "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" das übertreffen werden!

  21. #200
    Ein Hund im Büro? Ein Hund im Büro? ist offline
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    AW: L.A. Noire

    Ein neuer Teil der Gameplay-Reihe ist Online.
    Youtube Version gibt es noch nicht deswegen müsst ihr ihn erstmal auf der offiziellen Website anschauen.

    L.A. Noire | Rockstar Games

    EDIT: Hier die Youtube Version, hatte im falschen R* Account geschaut

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