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Thema: Killzone 2
12.12.2008, 12:41 #1501Custer85
AW: Killzone 2
Artdirection > Texturen, Auflösung und AntiAliasing
Aber wie gesagt, ganz grottige Grafik muss natürlich auch nicht sein....
Aber so bei Stalker gefiel mir halt auch die Atmo und unter objektiven Gesichtspunkten muss man auch sagen, dass Crysis und FarCry2 bessere Grafik haben. Ich persönlich finde die Artdirection bei den beiden Titeln auch nicht sooo bombastisch, da gefällt mir Valkyria Chronicles sogar besser und Killzone 2 bisher natürlich auch.
12.12.2008, 12:47 #1502monsterhunter3
AW: Killzone 2
Vielleicht wollen sie es diesmal besser machen...Es wurde ja gesagt das KZ2 die gesamte Rechenleistung rausholen soll. Mit den 60% ist vermutlich nur Angeberei. vllt. wird tatsächlich nur 60% des Cells genutzt aber man darf nicht vergessen das immer noch das Menü im Hintergrund laufen muss und das nicht die gesamte Grafik etc. von der CPU berechnet wird sondern spielt der Grafikchip da die primäre Rolle und da dieser nicht Hyper High End ist(Nur DX9) wird denk ich mal es nicht viel besser. Da bin ich ir relativ sicher. Denn die CPU berechnet längst nicht alles und bei Hammergrafik muss der Grafikchip und Ram wahrscheinlich auch mitspielen sonst kann ein noch so großer Prozessor im Gehäuse sitzen. Möglicherweise bzw. höchstwahrscheinlich wird GoW3 eine ähnlich gradiose Grafik haben aber viel weiter hinau kann es nicht mehr gehen denn dann wäre wir ja beim spielbarem Film und bis dahin dauerts wohl noch, wenn das überhaupt möglich ist.
12.12.2008, 14:11 #1503Andy187
AW: Killzone 2
naja... hab irgendwo gelesen das der cell dx10 imitieren kann (oda so ähnlich)...
und genau daas macht er auch bei killzone 2...
man kann bei der ps3 noch einiges an grafik rausholen nur müssen die entwickler auch mal den cell benutzen und nich nur die gpu... die meisten entwickler programieren nur so das die gpu arbeitet und der cell total unausgelastet ist... deshalb auch so "schlecht" aussehende multiplatform titel... aba naja... das gehört alles nicht mehr hier rein...^^
12.12.2008, 14:30 #1504mIndf*ck
AW: Killzone 2
Zudem kann der Cell auch Grafik berechnen bzw die GPU unterstützen, am anfang wollte man ja gar keine GPU verbauen sondern soweit ich noch weis zwei Cell einheiten.
K2 wird Hammer das steht fest, schon alleien dadurch das MP sich vom SP in punkto Grafik nicht unterscheidet, was nicht gang und gebe ist wie man an R2 sieht.
Hier mal ein kleines Tech Video: - Killzone 2 - Tech Interview
Weis nicht obs schon mal gepostet wurde lohnt sich aber reinzuschauen
12.12.2008, 14:40 #1505XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
Neue Videos
Richtig Hamma
Freu mich schon RIEESSIG auf das Spiel
12.12.2008, 14:48 #1506TrueValue
AW: Killzone 2
Unglaublich gute Videos! Kann nicht mehr abwarten bis das Game kommt... die sollten aber mal en Online multiplayer Video zeigen!
achja: Ich finde diese Anfangswaffe immer am Level sieht sooooooo geil aus!
12.12.2008, 14:56 #1507Ps3 gamer
AW: Killzone 2
Kuck mal bei youtube.Da sind genug online vids von der Beta
12.12.2008, 15:02 #1508mIndf*ck
AW: Killzone 2
wollt ich auch grad sagen hier gibts eins in HD: - Killzone 2 - Multiplayer Gameplay HD
12.12.2008, 15:08 #1509TrueValue
AW: Killzone 2
Cool danke für das Video!
12.12.2008, 16:15 #1510XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
noch ein Hamma Video
Und noch ein Gameplay Für Sniper Fans
Canal Gameplay
Green Day Letter Video
Und einmal Das Making Of Killzone1 Ist richtig Hamma
Hier Nochmal Paar Infos Zur Waffe
Leider Ist alles in ENGLISCH
tut mir Leid
The VC32: Rugged Elegance
Though officially designed and built by Visari Corp, the VC32 Sniper Rifle bears close resemblance to the legendary Sta14 that is has even been rumored by anonymous Stahl Arms employees to be nothing more than a ‘cheap knockoff’. Nonetheless, regardless of its heritage, the VC32’s upgraded specifications make it an impressive sniper rifle, which has been among the favorites of both Helghast and – after having confiscated a large amount of HGH Sniper Rifles during the Vektan conflict - ISA Scouts.
The popularity of the VC32 is attributed to the immense power and high accuracy of the gun. Moreover, it is extremely well built to withstand the harsh conditions on Helghan. This doesn’t exactly make it the most advanced weapon in the Killzone arsenal, but it does make it one of the most reliable rifles. We talked to Lead Visual Artist Roy Postma and Senior Game Designer Douglas Walker to discuss the development of the Sniper Rifle.
“As we’ve experienced in many first person shooters, it’s a pretty delicate process to design a high powered sniper rifle that doesn’t ruin the gameplay one way or another. On the one hand, you want to let players experience this awesome power of a sniper rifle, while on the other hand, you don’t want all players to automatically pick this powerful weapon and start camping away,” Roy Postma explains. “Using a sniper rifle in Killzone 2 should therefore require a certain degree of skill.”
When asked how the development team has made sure the sniper rifle didn’t turn out to be a newbie/camp-gun, Roy continues: “When we went to the target range to get a feel of the real thing, we noticed sniper rifles have huge amounts of recoil. This was one of the skill-factors we were quite impressed with. Unfortunately, you have to tone this down in the game, because the same amount of recoil would make it almost impossible to visually confirm a kill after having fired a shot. Because of the kickback, players would simply be left staring up in the sky through their scopes. Funny as that might seem, it would not be good for gameplay.”
Not being able to implement the same amount of recoil meant the design team had to turn to other parts of the gun to make it more balanced. They focused on the reloading mechanism and decided to design a bolt action rifle. “It was a perfect fit. Even though the VC32 is a future weapon that could’ve easily been fully automatic, a lot of players instantly associate bolt action with a sniper rifle. Also, having been developed on Helghan, the gun was supposed to have a more rough-cut look and feel anyway, so form and function really came together. The added reloading time was an important feat to make the rifle more balanced.”
Another tweak to make the VC32 harder to handle came from the PS3 platform itself. Douglas Walker explains: “Initially the Sniper Scope had a procedural sway which increased with weapon movement and settled to a lesser sway when held still. We considered implementing a ‘hold breath’ feature to provide the final steadying of the weapon but felt this was too much a game industry standard, we wanted something new.”
Sixaxis controller
Doug continues: “We noticed on the shooting range that a real sniper has to hold his weapon really steady before taking his shot. The Playstation Sixaxis controller allowed us to mimic the feeling of a real Sniper by taking the player’s movements and translating them directly into the game world. We wanted in game snipers to develop a steady hand, just like in the real world.”
The use of the controller is broken down in two parts. First, the yaw and pitch of the scope can be controlled by tilting the controller without rotational movement from the right thumb-stick. This gives the players fine control over his aiming, which is especially useful in 5X zoom. Second, when the controller is tilted passed a certain angle the player and his view rotates, this provides the ability to track targets without using the right thumb-stick.
Of course, the right thumb-stick functionality isn’t disabled during Sniper zoom, so players can still choose to use the conventional aiming method. However, as Doug points out: “energetic hand movements will cause scope jitter. So having a steady hand is definitely one of the first requirements if you want to become an effective sniper. You know, like the snipers that generally live to fight another mission...”
In the field
The VC32 Sniper Rifle is a bolt action rifle that requires to be cocked after each shot to reload a single bullet out of its six round magazine. The weapon has been modified and given an extended barrel to maximize effectiveness over a long range. This makes it especially suitable for forward operating scouts, either in an offensive or defensive role.
Though the VC32 requires more time to acquire and service a target than standard assault rifles, it is extremely lethal when it’s handled by marksmen with the patience to match their skills. In the right hands, even the relatively small magazine capacity can’t stop the VC32 from having a devastating impact when fired from a strategic position.
But beware, as the Sniper Rifle is extremely powerful, yet also incredibly vulnerable. While having a potential target right in your telescopic sight might make you feel almost godlike, the inherent disadvantage of losing situational awareness leaves snipers usually very exposed to enemies sneaking up on their position. It is therefore wise to have snipers team up with short range specialists to keep their position safeguarded.
12.12.2008, 17:16 #1511XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
Sry Für DoppelPost
Neues Video Meinte zumindestens Killzone2 Offiziele Seite
Killzone2 Gameplay
Sieht Richtig Hamma Gut Aus
PS:entschuldigt mich wegen Mein Doppelpost
12.12.2008, 17:24 #1512selzam
AW: Killzone 2
Einfach nur Geil!!!
Das Game wird der oberhammer
Gibts eigentlich ne Coop Kampanie?
12.12.2008, 17:27 #1513
14.12.2008, 02:04 #1514SonKratos - Z
AW: Killzone 2
Hatte das spiel schon länger im blick aber jetzt will ichs unbedingt ich bin
nicht so der shooter fan aber mir far cry 2 und Resistance 2 at sich das ja
zum glück geändert. Vom spiel selber weiss ich mitlerwielse ser viel sit anbeginn
(seit dem legendären trailer) es sieht aber mitlerweile genauso gut aus wird auf alle fälle gekauft.
14.12.2008, 14:54 #1515XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
Neue Videos
Killzone 2: The Charge vs. The Machine Gun Gameplay - HD
Killzone 2: Demolishing A Building With A Machine Gun Gameplay - HD
Killzone 2: Taking Out "The Machine Gun" Nest Gameplay - HD
Killzone 2: Mounted Weapons And Grenades Gameplay - HD
Killzone 2: Surviving An Ambush Gameplay- HD
Killzone 2: Close-Quarters Combat - HD
Killzone 2: Developer Blog 1 - "Beach Landing" Foreplay
Killzone 2: Developer Blog 2 - "Different Enemies" Foreplay
Killzone 2: Developer Blog 3 - "The Square" Foreplay
14.12.2008, 17:22 #1516SonKratos - Z
14.12.2008, 17:45 #1517XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
Preview Zu Killzone 2
Englisch Sry
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Publisher: SCEA
Developer: Guerrilla
Release Date: February 27, 2009
Killzone 2 has a mountain to climb and a weight on its shoulders, coming off of the pre-rendered footage quandary that surrounded the first title and being groomed to be the next big exclusive shooter for Sony's powerhouse platform. We recently participated in the beta for the game and came away with mixed impressions. While the graphics effects are stellar, they come at a high cost to the playability, which we hope will be properly tested and balanced before the game goes gold.
The beta was strictly multiplayer and set in three maps, ranging from a city block strewn with debris and blown-out buildings to a complex with far more regal architecture, even with its shattered windows and fallen walls. The Warzone gameplay mode was the only one available in the beta; it's actually a smattering of many different modes, each with a five-minute time limit. For example, for the first five minutes you are tasked with defending a pair of points that are set for demolition by the other team, while in another five-minute block, you must kill the enemy's VIP (who is randomly selected and then shows up as a constant objective on both team's HUDs). The changes keep things interesting and make combat move around all over the place; as a result, you usually aren't stuck fighting in the same section of the larger level for the duration of a match.
Progression is something that is taken quite slowly in Killzone 2, with players starting off with only the basic equipment of two basic assault rifles, a pistol and a single grenade. As players participate in multiplayer matches, they gain experience and rank up in a fashion similar to the recent offerings in the Call of Duty series. Ranking up unlocks the ability to use new classes of weapons as well as alternate character classes, but beyond the first few ranks, it takes a quite long time to do so. Players looking to get their sniping on must first complete at least 100 decently played matches to unlock the ability. Of course, you can always gun down an enemy sniper and use his weapon until your eventual death, to give you a taste of the forthcoming weaponry in your Killzone 2 career.
One thing that cannot be picked up from the fallen and must be earned is badges, which are awarded for doing certain feats. For instance, killing a certain amount of enemies with a grenade will unlock the ability to carry a second grenade as part of your equipment, while getting headshots on a set number of foes will permanently increase the damage dealt by your sniper shells. Nearly every weapon or piece of equipment has similar unlockables, which is an effective way to get players to try out much of the equipment that the game has to offer, or at the very least strengthen the equipment that they tend to use the most often.
As you take hits, your health depletes quickly, sometimes instantly, depending on whether you're talking pistol rounds or sniper rifle shells. Once it has been depleted, it's wise to take cover, as avoiding taking more hits will let your health regenerate somewhat, but never fully. Controlling your soldier is a relatively simple process, with most functions such as shooting, crouching, jumping, and melee attacks needing little explanation for FPS fans. Movement is filled with the feel of weight and momentum, which makes sense when the considerable armor that covers each soldier is taken into account. Sprinting is one way to scoot around, but combat basically boils down to a tactical affair of cover and trading fire. The bar for console graphics may need to ready itself for some upward movement once more, as Killzone 2 has, at a glance, some of the highest graphical fidelity seen in the console market thus far. Motion blur is incorporated in nearly everything to give the visuals a movie-like flair, as do the special effects, such as how the player's viewpoint shifts around and the lighting cast by gunfire in a room. Of course, the "at a glance" caveat deserves some explanation; while the graphics are of a high quality in the beta, they also come at a taxing cost to the hardware. The frame rate is consistently below what is considered smooth, and it often hitches and stutters to make things even worse. To top things off, when this happens, the controls are often affected by input lag as well, making the gameplay feel like you're trying to shoehorn and play a maxed-out Crysis on a computer that clearly has no business doing so.
That's not to say the PS3 shouldn't have the power to remedy the issue, but at least from the standpoint of the beta, Killzone 2 definitely needs some optimization. All of the charms of the tactical gameplay, career progression perks, and graphics quality tend to fade away when the frame rate is chugging to the point that it affects the accuracy of the controls. Technical issues aside, Killzone 2 shows promise as an incredibly strong exclusive offering for the PS3. However, for it to reach that goal, a higher and more consistent frame rate needs to be part of the offering, and whether that can be achieved through sheer optimization or the necessity of turning down the quality of the graphics remains to be seen.
ScreeenShoots Bilder
Muss weg Poste sie ein anderes mal
Oder Hier der Link
14.12.2008, 18:09 #1518Puffel
AW: Killzone 2
Der letzte Teil von dem Preview hört sich ja nicht besonders gut Sachen wie die Framerate ist etwas niedrig und nicht richtig flüssig und stottert auch...oder es ist als wenn man Crysis auf Maximum spielt auf einem PC der nicht dazu in der Lage ist...und bis zum Release braucht es noch einiges an Optimierungen...
Also irgendwie steht das Preview voll im Unklang mit allen anderen Previews und Videos die es bis jetzt gab...
Bei allen anderen Previews und Videos wurde ja immer gesagt,dass es sehr flüssig läuft und so...
Vielleicht hatte der Typ ja nur den Online Multiplayer Mode gespielt und da waren die Server vielleicht etwas laggy,dass würde ja Probleme bei der Framerate erklären und auch die Eingabeverzögerungen...
Irgendwie is das ein scheiß Preview,wurde wahrscheinlich von nem Xbot Fanboy geschrieben der nun neidisch ist auf dieses geile Spiel weils nur für die PS3 kommt...naja wie auch immer KZ2 wird hammer!!!
14.12.2008, 18:24 #1519XxG-StyLeZzxX
AW: Killzone 2
Ich habe es mir nicht ausgedacht
14.12.2008, 18:28 #1520DragonGears
AW: Killzone 2
Ist wirklich komisch! Denn alle Previews, die ich bisher zu Killzone 2 gelesen habe sagen, dass es sehr flüssig läuft. Hier wird auf einmal geschrieben, dass es andauernt Framerateeinbrüche gibt. Naja, denke aber es wird schon alles gut in der Vollversion laufen .
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