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01.03.2010, 15:18 #1nico2409
GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Game Developers Conference San Francisco 2010
Sämtlich News diesbezüglich sollten mM hier dokumentiert werden.
Derzeit ist noch nicht bekannt, welche Hersteller vertreten sind. Dies dürfte sich jedoch im Laufe dieser Woche ändern.
GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
02.03.2010, 21:46 #2demolitioncrew
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
04.03.2010, 07:57 #3nico2409
Naughty Dog at GDC – We Want Your Questions!
Naughty Dog at GDC
God Of War 3 kann auf der GDC gespielt werden...davon haben wir jedoch nix, außer Gameplayspoiler
Want to Play God of War III Early? Come to our GDC San Francisco Meetup! – PlayStation.Blog
Es wird wohl doch eine Sony Pressekonferenz auf der GDC geben - zumindest laut : Sony GDC 2010 Press Conference Live On
Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge für PSN - Wahrscheinliche Vorstellung des Remake auf der GDC`10
PS3 Blog
08.03.2010, 13:45 #4KUV1977
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Hoffentlich gibts dann den ersten auch fürs PSN. Wär auf jeden Fall schon mal ne super Sache.
08.03.2010, 15:09 #5East Jesus Nowhere
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
10.03.2010, 21:55 #6nico2409
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Sony Pressekonferenz um 4pm PST!
Momentan ist es in San Francisco 12:54 Uhr PST – Pacific Standard Time
In 3 Stunden soll also die Sony Pressekonferenz stattfinden (01:00 Uhr). : GDC 10: Sony Press Conference Live Blog
Hier die offizielle Ankündigung von Sony Europa bzgl. der Pressekonferenz live auf...
Sony Pressekonferenz auf der GDC: Wir streamen live! – Der deutschsprachige PlayStation Blog
10.03.2010, 23:13 #7mec
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Ach das ist ja dann gleich, dachte ich hätts verpasst
Anscheinend wird das Teil "Playstation-Move" heißen...
11.03.2010, 05:18 #8Ein Hund im Büro?
11.03.2010, 07:32 #9nico2409
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Playstation Blog Live Stream
Der Livestream zur Sony Pressekonferenz auf der GDC – Der deutschsprachige PlayStation Blog
IGN Live Blog
4:42 PM: Some of these games are playable here. We'll have hands-on coming tonight on all of the available titles. And that's it. He's out. TIme to wave our hands around like idiots. BEYOND
4:41 PM: Virtually every third-party is making games for PlayStation Move. EA, Ubisoft, Konami, Activision, Square Enix, Namco Bandai, Crave, SEGA, Disney, WB and Tecmo are listed. Peter Dille rementioned 3D gaming coming this summer. No new details though.
4:40 PM: Peter Dille is coming back out. If that's it, there is certainly no killer app here. He's saying that PlayStation is a tent. I guess if it does everything, camping is included.
4:38 PM: The main Move part aims the crosshairs, while the Subcontroller's analog stick is for movement. From the looks of it, you need to move the crosshair to the end of the screen to pan. So, Metroid Prime 3 controls I think.
4:37 PM: The nunchuck is called the PlayStation Move Subcontroller. I'm not making that up. SOCOM is playable entirely with the PlayStation Move and Subcontroller
4:36 PM: His movements are not one-to-one in this game. It looks more gesture-based, at least when they're grappled. A gesture screen appeared at the end when it faded, so yeah, that game isn't one-to-one
4:35 PM: Motion Fighters is coming up next, the Flight Club-esque game I mentioned before. The PS Eye tracks body movement while the Move tracks your hands
4:34 PM: EyePet is up now in video form. The Move can be used as a blowdryer, movable trampoline, squirt bottle, etc. Why is this game not out in North America yet... Holiday 2010 apparently, exclusively for the PlayStation Move. I guess that answers my last question.
4:32 PM: The demo level they're playing was made with the regular editor, so people with the game will be able to create these as well. Sounds like it'll be a downloadable add-on, though they didn't actually say as much.
4:30 PM: There are glowing purple pieces that have been added that someone with a Move can pick up and use to help the other player get through. The Sackboy player still uses the Dual Shock 3. So it's basically an extension of co-op in a fashion.
4:29 PM: Now LittleBigPlanet. Sounds like it's a tweak to the existing title, not LBP 2.
4:29 PM: Now the controller is acting like a handheld fan. She uses it to float chicks (birds) into baskets on either side of the screen.
4:28 PM: She just painted in a circle. This is what my two-year-old is currently learning to do. Now she's shaving some crazy dude's hair. He has the stink eye.
4:27 PM: The controller can be used like a mouse, like you can with the Wii Remote. Nate says it's basically You're In The Movies. It looks more like a series of very short minigames to me.
4:26 PM: The next game is called Move Party! (Their exclamation mark) Supermassive Games is developing this.
4:25 PM: Sports Champions is up next. It sounds like it's part of the same game package as the Gladiator Duel game. Sports Champions may be the package name, and this subset is currently called Table Tennis. He's performaing a bunch of different shot types. It looks pretty responsive.
4:24 PM: Two controllers with the colored ball. One has a shield, the other has a sword. He can move both in direct one-to-one movement, though it's sort of interpretating the movement. So if his hand goes really low, the shield still sort of stays up at the ready.
4:23 PM: They're showing Gladiator Duel. A one-on-one arena combat game.
4:22 PM: A guy on the side of the stage is calibrating the PlayStation Eye. He's raising him arms and such as a wireframe model on the screen does.
4:21 PM: LBP! Peter Dille is off, and Scott Rohde, VP of Worldwide Studios, is up on stage.
4:20 PM: A golf title was shown. Nate says it's Tiger Woods. Some sort of sword combat game was quickly shown. Now an art game where a kid drew a box, made s space shuttle and it took off.
4:20 PM: There's some sort of Fight Club-esque fighting game show, then an archery game, then table tennis. These may or may not be real games.
4:17 PM: Pricing information in the future, but the starter kit, which has the PS Eye, the PlayStation Move and some sort of game will be less than $100.
4:17 PM: Offering PlayStation Move in different ways. Standalone if you have the PS Eye, or a bundle with the PS Eye plus the controller, or an all-in-one bundle that has a PS3, PS Eye and PlayStation Move.
4:16 PM: Some titles they'll show are catered towards the more casual audience, but they'll also have titles for core gamers.
4:14 PM: Back to PlayStation Move. The product shot on the screen had a wrist band attached to the hand model. George Costanza? Hmm, maybe that was Joey from Friends. I'll wikipedia that later.
4:13 PM: Peter Dille just confirmed that Gran Turismo 5 will ship this year. I exploded. Surprises are in store for everyone at E3. That's usually the point of the show, I believe.
4:12 PM: God of War III clocks in at 35GB on the Blu-ray disc.
4:10 PM: Peter going over titles this year so far. MAG, Heavy Rain, etc.
4:09 PM: He's talking faster than I've ever heard him. Sounds like he has a lot to get to.
4:08 PM: Peter Dille has taken the stage. I think he's also excited. He needed a badge to get into the conference. I think he's a little resentful of that. He's going over how well the PS3 has been doing recently.
4:07 PM: One controller has the colored ball on the end, and a second doesn't have a ball but has a D-Pad and an analog stick. It's like the Wii nunchuck
4:06 PM: PlayStation Move is the official name.
4:05 PM: Shuhei Yoshida is on the stage. He's excited to be here. It's a special day as he's going to formally show off the Motion Controller and its games.
4:04 PM: Clements says that he is probably going to stand up, spin around and begin throwing up when the conference starts. I think I missed some handouts at the door.
4:03 PM: There are developers and producers in the room. We may see some games today.
4:01 PM: Nate Ahearn said that he can't wait to play with multi-colored balls.
3:59 PM: It should be starting soon. Beyond.
3:49 PM: Greg's wearing his 8001050F shirt (that's the error that crippled the PSN) and getting some dirty looks from Sony people he doesn't know.
3:45 PM: The lit toppers on the controllers are blue, red, and green.
3:37 PM: We're in, and while music is pumped into the hall, the motion controllers are clearly visable. They're up there sitting in front of two flat screens.
Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach, war die komplette Pressekonferenz ein Flop und nur für Casual Gamer interessant. Da wird was auf uns Hardcore Zocker zurollen: Ein Partyspiel nach dem anderen weil Sony unbedingt auf den Wii-Zug aufspringen will. Bissl spät übrigens. "Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten" könnte man da sagen.
11.03.2010, 12:38 #10demolitioncrew
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
11.03.2010, 17:47 #11MaNaSc
AW: GDC 2010 (Game Developer Conference) vom 09.03.-13.03.2010 in SanFrancisco
Die Playstation Move presentation braucht man eigentlich nicht zu kommentieren.
Wobei ich sagen muss, daß mir die Gladiatorenübung gefallen hat.
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