Ergebnis 41 bis 60 von 1221
Thema: Formel 1 2011
29.06.2011, 21:07 #41Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
29.06.2011, 21:34 #42moe_re
AW: Formel 1 2011
29.06.2011, 23:38 #43Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
hoffentlich kommen mehr interessante details in den nächsten dev diary´s, dann brauch ich mir keine sorge mehr um übertriebene oder zu häufig vorkommende defekte machen
30.06.2011, 07:53 #44Linti
AW: Formel 1 2011
ich hoffe das man die defekte in stufen einstellen kann...
weil ich bin einer der fast nur pusht wenn ich rennen fahre... das würde aber im zweifel bedeuten das ich häufiger nen motorschaden hätte (wenn ich das so richtig interpretiert habe)...
naja mal abwarten
30.06.2011, 11:38 #45Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
@Linti genau das sind meine sorgen
ich hab hier noch n interview mit paul jeal gefunden
wenn ich es richtig verstehe erwähnt er, dass er kers einsetzte und dann in die mauer krachte .. nun hab ich ein grund mehr mir sorgen zu machen.. wenn ich mir das bildlich vorstelle, meine ich das kers bei f1 2011 wie nitro bei need for speed sein könnte
01.07.2011, 16:56 #46Kallisto
AW: Formel 1 2011
01.07.2011, 17:14 #47Hellseeker1332
AW: Formel 1 2011
Also wenn es einigermaßen gut gemacht ist, dann ist es so ähnlich wie bei Shift2 der boost. Der ist recht dezent. Vielleicht etwas stärker... immerhin bekommt man ca. 10% mehr Leistung...
ich hoffe doch, es wird nicht zu extrem umgesetzt.
01.07.2011, 18:06 #48Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
was mich total aufregen würde, ist wenn man kers einsetzt , dass dann irgendwie zerrungen im bild sind oder irgendwelche überflüssigen effekte
01.07.2011, 18:08 #49Hellseeker1332
01.07.2011, 18:15 #50Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
01.07.2011, 18:18 #51Kallisto
AW: Formel 1 2011
es kommt aber auch drauf an wie viel du einsetzt.ich glaube das niemand es vollständig im einer geraden einstzt.ich würde alles benutzen wenn es fasst am ende des rennen ist.sonst würde ich immer stück für stück es benutzten.
01.07.2011, 19:00 #52Hellseeker1332
AW: Formel 1 2011
In nem Rennen benutzt man mehr als im Qualifying, wo man sich das dann oft auch für mehrere einzelne, teils auch nur kurze Geraden ein bisschen ausspart. (wenn de nicht in nem Zweikampf bis, kannst de das natürlich auch machen im Rennen)
Abgesehen davon, ist die Geschichte ja nicht abhängig, von der Wirkung, wie CM das ganze Inszenieren wird.
01.07.2011, 19:13 #53Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
naja aufjedenfall kann kers für viel gesprächsstoff sorgen allerdings freu ich mich total auf drs ich denk es wird sehr spaß machen (vorallem im multiplayer) zu sehen wann welcher spieler drs benutzt
01.07.2011, 19:16 #54Kallisto
AW: Formel 1 2011
hoffe einfach das sie nicht wie letztes mal fahren :/.einfach einen hinten drauf fahren.das hat immer genervt wenn man vom ersten startete-.-
hoffe einfach das sie trotz drs noch fair fahren...
01.07.2011, 19:40 #55Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
darauf kannst du noch lang warten .. online gibts immer welche die meinen andere abschießen zu müssen nur weil die das lustig finden
01.07.2011, 19:46 #56Kallisto
AW: Formel 1 2011
jep und mit den ganzen schub ahne ich schon was böses
01.07.2011, 21:19 #57Counterweight
AW: Formel 1 2011
Dafür baut man sich eine Freundesliste zusammen, mit Fahrern, die vernünftig fahren. Habe alleine fast 100 Leute für F1 2010 auf der F-Liste gehabt. Da konnte man dann immer ein ordentliches Rennen fahren, denn irgendwelche sind immer online.
07.07.2011, 13:57 #58Ein Hund im Büro?
AW: Formel 1 2011
Gestern hat ein F1 2011 Preview Event bei Codemasters stattgefunden.
Dort wurde das Spiel präsentiert und Journalisten durften Hand am Spiel anlegen.
Ein nGAF User wurde ebenfalls eingeladen und gehört zu den ersten, die darüber berichtet haben.
Hier könnt ihr lesen, was er vom Spiel hält: NeoGAF - View Single Post - F1 2011 - September 23rd release
Auch hat er mit Entwicklern gesprochen und ein Q&A erstellt.
Er hat Fragen beantwortet bekommen und schildert hier auch nochmal seinen persönlichen Eindruck vom Spiel.
Ask them about race conditions under SAFETY CAR:
- will the drive behind the SC car be automated or in player controls? Not known
- are they gonna replicate conditions when SC is leaving [race leader slowing the rest of the pack]? Not known
- heavy rain on start > start of the race behind SC? Not known
- heavy rain during race > red flag > pausing the race until better race conditions > change of tires. Not known
- crash on track > safety car > red flag > change of tires? Not known
-If they're going to fix the the "brake to stop slipping" trick - Yes, this has gone. The moment you start losing the car, you really must have fantastic reactions to recover.
-improved driving model? - Without a doubt. New suspension system for each wheel makes a monumental difference to how the car feels. You now feel more connected to the track, brakes lock up realistically, mistakes you make causing you to spin actually feel realistic.
-anything to satisfy sim racers? - The same driving aids are there from before, so if you turn them off you will get the most ‘sim’ feel. But unlike F1 2010, you really are fighting the car if you have fuel and tyre sim on. Primes on their first 2 laps without being bed in are ever so twitchy, you really do have to be careful with the throttle with TC off, and driving in the wet without driving aids require utmost skill.
-engineer being more dynamic? - Yes. Although I didn’t hear this, apparently the engineer will actually inform you of details like “what lap times you need to do to catch the guy in front”. He has also lost his annoying accent and as a whole is a lot more professional.It appears a lot of work has gone into it. Pit engineer is also present in online races.
-ai car crashes... No teleporting? - Not that I saw. You still ghost if you are stationary, but on our LAN gaming that is the only time we saw ghosting. Otherwise everything was full contact. During races, practices and quali, drivers are truly on the track setting times – there is a race director menu option that highlights key important times of when crashes happen, between who etc. It wasn’t complete in the build we played, but it definitely looks interesting. Q3 times are now present at last too!
- Same concept as before, but again major improvements. Tonnes of debris on the tracks during collisions, cars look like they have been in the real wars during crashes, I flipped a guy over whilst trialling out a FV vs. Lucius move – it was great. In regards to reliability, they are not like in GP4 where your engine will just randomly blow – this time, faults will occur if you drive in a particular way to damage the mechanical elements of the car. We couldn’t get much more out of the devs other than that, so my guess is that if you over-rev your engine, you will blow it up, and if you punish your brakes all race long they will fuck up.
League support?- Nope, but possibly in F1 2012
Online replays? - Yes, but still limited unfortunately to the SP stuff. Fraps will continue to be our friend.
An option to prevent cars ghosting so we can have more competitive races? - Well, this is likely down to the netcode. No definitive answer, but on the LAN I didn’t notice any ghosting bar when someone was stationary on the track. No setting for this from what I saw.
Spectating after DNF/DSQ or crossing the line first rather than staring at that goddamn leaderboard? - YES. AT FUCKING LAST. When you join a session with a race in progress, you can’t join in racing til the next start, but you can spectate from all camera views the action of the current races. Same if you DNF of you just won. Camera views are a lot more varied and interesting this time round too.
Speaking of replays, you should ask if we can switch between drivers during replay! Would be awesome for league race edits. - Yes you can now! Spectators can view from any driver. However, full on replays (like in Halo Reach) are not in, so someone will still have to Frap it real-time.
Oh an Lucius, ask them two things. First, if they'll finally put my name in there as a voiceover (It's Bob, one of America's most common names (not that I'm American), so why the fuck is it not in there? - I have put the request in to the developers for both Luke and Bob!
Second, it has probably something to do with licensing issues, but the name of the normal driver is still on your own car in the career. For example, I was racing alongside Buemi in the Toro Rosso car, but Alguesari's name was still on it. It would actually add something to the experience if your own name would be plastered on it. - Missed this one – many apologies! :-(
1)Can you comment on how the spectator feature will function online? For example, can you hop into a lobby and start spectating from the get-go? Or do you have to participate in the race first and then if you wreck or quit, you can spectate? – as stated above, yes you can. No need to wait around now.
2)Will there a lobby list for sprint races this time? That is the one thing I hate the most in F1 2010....want to race a quick race, but you're forced into some randomized room with unknown players. Has this been addressed? - Too late to answer this, sorry. Online is a lot more complete now though, so I would be surprised if this has been overlooked.
Other things I noticed which I didn’t write about yesterday…
• Garages are a lot more detailed. Sitting in the garage feels more alive than before, but not bustling. Also, the menu options switch sides depending on what side of the garage you are on
• Online co-op requires both people to be online at the same time, even during practice sessions.
• Split screen had a stable frame rate, for an early 360 build anyway.
• For the first few corners the rules are a lot less stringent, so you can get away with more bumps and passes than before whilst not getting penalised. They have also re-worked the rules system to be more fair, but 45 mins of gameplay doesn’t really tell you all too much about how I personally feel about it. We will have to wait and see.
• Car setup options are exactly the same as in F1 2010
• Each car handles massively different to each other. The Force India was an
absolute bitch to drive as it had such massive understeer. Hopping into the Sauber felt like a totally different car. HRT was a lot of fun to drive too, if dog slow.
• When set to equal performance, all cars are set to the RBR. You cannot change this unfortunately so everyone is at, for example, at a Williams level car.
That’s it for now – anything else I realise later I forgot to include I will add to a future post.
Der Community Manager von Codemasters, hat auch ein paar Bilder vom Event gepostet. Die Gameplay-Videos und Screenshots werden etwas später veröffentlicht.
Twitpic / HeliosCM
07.07.2011, 18:41 #59Hellseeker1332
07.07.2011, 18:45 #60Klatten456
AW: Formel 1 2011
es sind wieder einige punkte dabei, die mich hoffen lassen so langsam glaub ich, dass f1 2011 mit der klasse von dirt 3 mithalten kann
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