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Thema: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
27.08.2007, 19:33 #21killradiorocks
AW: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
29.08.2007, 23:22 #22TonyP8
AW: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
Nuja schade aber war fast zu befürchten.
Dear Customer
We are writing to inform you that the price for the following item was displayed incorrectly at the time you placed the above referenced
Lair (PS3)
Despite our best efforts, with the millions of items available on our website, pricing errors can occasionally occur.
In our Pricing and Availability Policy (see Help*>*Dispatch & Delivery*>*Pricing & Availability),
we state that where an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will cancel the order and notify you of that cancellation.
Your order has now been cancelled. If you still wish to purchase this item, please place a new order online which will be charged at the correct price, when we dispatch it to you.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by this error, and rest assured that we will continue to make every effort to maintain the accuracy of all prices on our site.
We look forward to serving you again in the future.
Warmest regards,
Customer Service Department
29.08.2007, 23:40 #23Patzenhofer
AW: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
Hab mir aus Frust gleich mal Assassin's Creed vorbestellt
29.08.2007, 23:42 #24devilmore
AW: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
Naja...war ja eh ne spontane Entscheidung, vll wird das game eh scheisse^^
29.08.2007, 23:43 #25Sebulon
AW: Folklore und LAIR für £14,95
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