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Thema: Firmware 1.8 ab 24.05.
24.05.2007, 01:26 #1Hannez
Firmware 1.8 ab 24.05.
Sony just announced the availability of the firmware 1.80 for the Sony PS3.
The 1.80 finally introduces upscaling of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games, and DVD movies up to full 1080p HD resolution when viewed on a compatible HD TV set.
The PS3 firmware 1.80 also allows you to enjoy Remote Play on your Sony PSP across the internet, allowing you to access your PS3 anywhere in the world where a broadband internet connection is available.
Version 1.80 also allows you on a home network to seamlessly view and play rich media content such as images, music and video on your Sony PS3, that is stored on your DLNA enabled devices such as PCs and laptops.
The Sony PS3 firmware will be available from 24th May 2007.
24.05.2007, 09:40 #2Basti
AW: Firmware 1.8 ab 24.05.
Thx, aber dafür haben wir schon einen Thread
... Firmware 1.80
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