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Thema: Fehler Codes "auf Englisch"
01.04.2007, 00:34 #1GBJ2005
Fehler Codes "auf Englisch"
hier mal was interesantes für die Leute die noch fragen zu Fehler-Codes haben, anbei die bekanntesten:
0710102 - DNS Error; No DSN server available.
8001050B - Will not play demo hard drive games, when blue-ray disc is inserted - Cause unknown
80010510 - Will not play hard drive games - Cause unknown
8002b241 - DVI has no audio.
80028EA5 - Unknown
80029023 - Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out
80029024 - The attempt to obtain an IP address has timed out
80029564 - Downloaded Game will not install - Cause unknown
8002F997 - Can not update XMB firmware
8003051E - Game will not Save
80031150 - System Settings Fail to Save - Possible Blue Screen "Setting information is corrupted.Press the x button to repair and restore default"
80130203 - PS3 connects to internet but not to network - Typically means that the required ports are not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet.
80710092 - "An error has occured. you've been signed out from the ps network" - (connection dropped?)
80710102 - PS3 Cannot connect to the router with current IP information - Try rebooting your router
80710541 - The connection to the server timed out.
80710B23 - PS3 Network is Down or PS3 Network is too busy to respond
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