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    robbie robbie ist offline
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    Eure Online-ID

    So, unsere ID-Seite erfährt einen "Relaunch".

    Im alten Thread wurde es langsam zu unübersichtlich, jeden Tag posteten halt einige Leute ihre IDs aber die Übersicht ging flöten.
    Daher haben wir uns dazu entschieden, das Ganze nun als eine Art Datenbank unserer registrierten Foren-User fortzuführen.

    Ihr könnt weiterhin eure PSN-IDs unten posten, einer der Moderatoren übernimmt sie dann in die Liste und löscht den Beitrag.

    Kleine Änderung :

    Das Team hat beschlossen die Beiträge nicht mehr zu löschen, viele aus der Liste sind wohl möglich kaum noch online und adden tut man auch nicht so viele Spieler. Zudem weiß man hier nun wer immer aktuell dabei ist wenn wir die Posts stehen lassen.

    Doch sie werden trotzdem in die Liste eingetragen. Zur Not gibt es dafür auch die "Wer hat gepostet" Suche.

    Die andere und einfachste Methode wäre es wenn jeder in seinem Profil seine ID eingeben würde, damit man die Adresse jederzeit unter seinem Avatar betrachten könnte.

    Und wenn ihr die User persönlich fragen würdet wüssten sie auch vom wem sie geaddet werden - falls jemand hier nicht stehen sollte.


    --A-- abdulliano - PSN-ID: abdulliano AB-Rules - PSN-ID: FUX2007 absenz - PSN-ID: absenz Acemachine - PSN-ID: Acemachine Achilles009 - PSN-ID: Achilles009 aDi2010 - PSN-ID: oOaDiOo Aegis83 - PSN-ID: Aegis83 aerzte00 - PSN-ID: aerzte00 Afriman79 - PSN-ID: Afriman79 Agrofiesta85 - PSN-ID: Agrofiesta85 ahafreak - PSN-ID: ahafreak aight01 - PSN-ID: aight01 Airwalker - PSN-ID: Airwalker62 ajs - PSN-ID: ajshamburg aK demiker - PSN-ID: penizzzlecker133 AKholiker - PSN-ID: iDanielTV aki2110 - PSN-ID: aki2110 Akira2019 - PSN-ID: Akira2019 akira211 - PSN-ID: Tzem --Alexa-- - PSN-ID: Alllexa alivic - PSN-ID: alivic Alkinger - PSN-ID: Alkinger alom1234 - PSN-ID: alom1234 altohr - PSN-ID: altohr ALU_ATZE - PSN-ID: alu_atze amazing_blazing - PSN-ID: amazing_blazing A-M-M - PSN-ID: A-M-M AnakinVader - PSN-ID: AnakinVader Andi_Ohmsen - PSN-ID: Andi_Ohmsen andi103 - PSN-ID: andi103 Andre_The_Styler - PSN-ID: wrestling4ever21 andre1002 - PSN-ID: andre1002 Andy187 - PSN-ID: Andy_187 Angelus. - PSN-ID: Dominik82GER Anilox - PSN-ID: Anilox Animal - PSN-ID: Robinator123 AnimalMother - PSN-ID: xXNervenGiftXx Anubis79 - PSN-ID: Tealc79 Anuksun - PSN-ID: Anuksun Anwathas - PSN-ID: Anwathas Appiluca - PSN-ID: Appiluca AppleJoe - PSN-ID: AppleJoe araber5000 - PSN-ID: zzarabsoldierzz arneonair - PSN-ID: arneonair Aroul - PSN-ID: Aroul Arthur 15 - PSN-ID: A_brasil Artikus - PSN-ID: james_ryan7 Asahi - PSN-ID: asahiseiya ASSclown - PSN-ID: FunkZander astro74 - PSN-ID: astro1974 ASXER - PSN-ID: ASXER Atdox - PSN-ID: JonnyKanone Ateman - PSN-ID: Jockel Ati - PSN-ID: Sephirothnova Ati_61 - PSN-ID: Ati_61 Atom951 - PSN-ID: ATOM951 aTone - PSN-ID: Ohlertan Atzepeng08 - PSN-ID: Atzepeng08 Auricom80 - PSN-ID: Auricom80 Austrianqueen - PSN-ID: Austrianqueen Autoholiker - PSN-ID: MSV-1902 aXCell - PSN-ID: aXSan axel1968 - PSN-ID: axel1968 axl - PSN-ID: simmeringerxindl Ayseli54 - PSN-ID: AYSELI Azzuros - PSN-ID: HaRaKiRi1903 --B-- BabyBoomer - PSN-ID: marcelo25 backstage - PSN-ID: backstage123 bad10boy - PSN ID: Impact30 BadAttitude01 - PSN-ID: BadAttitude01 BadBoy82 - PSN-ID: BadBoy82 badboyjoka - PSN-ID: OSTLER-JOHN Badjin - PSN-ID: Badjin Baltarzar - PSN-ID: Baltarzar Bananen-King - PSN-ID: Bananen-King Baralai - PSN-ID: Baralai90 barti - PSN-ID: arbarti Baseman187 - PSN-ID: Baseman187 Basic Thuganomics - PSN-ID: DoN-MusO Bastey - PSN-ID: Bastey baxtim - PSN-ID: baxtim BEAST-SUC - PSN-ID: BEAST_SUC benda - PSN-ID: Benda1984 Bene360 - PSN-ID: Bene360 Benero - PSN-ID: eDMC_Nero Benjo - PSN-ID: Hemi84 Benny - PSN-ID: foolishbenny Benny. - PSN-ID: Dean77(NC) Benny20-07 - PSN-ID: B_E_N_N_Y bermudas86 - PSN-ID: bermudas86 Berrics - PSN-ID: Berrics_ BerZi - PSN-ID: BerZi Big ? - PSN ID: EmilDaRose bigaxi - PSN-ID: A_xi bigharibo - PSN-ID: bigharibo bighead2222 - PSN-ID: Bighead2222 Big-N - PSN-ID: Big-N BIH-SOCCER - PSN-ID: BHFanatico_93 billie jenkins - PSN-ID: Sunnyboy89 Billy Talent - PSN-ID: BillyTalentPro BillyWiiGamer - PSN-ID: BillyWiiGamer Bilz - PSN-ID: DonBilz BiologicalHazard - PSN-ID: xafax Bl4ck M4ch!n3 - PSN-ID: Bl4ckM4ch1n3 Black Desire - PSN-ID: Oesterhase Blackangel887462 - PSN-ID: Blackangel887462 BlackPear - PSN-ID: BlackPear blackerking - PSN-ID: o-Blitz Blihk - PSN-ID: Blihk Blizzard - PSN-ID: blizzard5678 Blockwest87 - PSN-ID: Lion87 blood_god - PSN-ID: Bloodgod2001 blsmooth - PSN-ID: blsmooth BlueOneOne - PSN-ID: POP74HL Bobiniho - PSN-ID: *Freke89 bockY 328 - PSN-ID: bockY328 Boedefeld - PSN-ID: Captka Booomber - PSN-ID: Booomber borstel02 - PSN-ID: Borstel02 bottled - PSN-ID: bottled Bourn_out - PSN-ID: bourn_out boxer - PSN-ID: svenson85 bozz83 - PSN-ID: bozz8783 BQUIET - PSN-ID: Bquiet309 Brain0verflow - PSN-ID: Brain0verflow234 brian363 - PSN-ID: brian363 Brilliano - PSN-ID: Brilliano brk - PSN-ID: brook56 Brome - PSN-ID: Brome1337 Brooklyner - PSN-ID: Ren-one Brot20 - PSN-ID: Nobby21 Büfflpanzer - PSN-ID: Büfflpanzer Busch - PSN-ID: busch005 buschmongo - PSN-ID: dorlayG --C-- C.Ronaldo - PSN-ID: iKnOwYoUrSeCrEt8 C2Ha - PSN-ID: C2Ha CA_16 - PSN-ID: ixxnay23 Ca54 - PSN-ID: Ca5475 Cadaver - PSN-ID: CadaverOne CaineOl - PSN-ID: OLjung CampariSoda - PSN-ID: CampariSoda Canari16 - PSN-ID: Canari16 cap - PSN-ID: badcap CapTaiN - PSN-ID: xCapTaiNx Captain Jack - PSN-ID: Bentzen Captain-Ozora - PSN-ID: Captain-Ozora Carpe_Diem2222 - PSN-ID: Carpe_Diem2222 carson - PSN-ID: daniellovecindy Cassidy - PSN-ID: Kakathegod Cazumo - PSN-ID: Cazumo cctru - PSN-ID: cortis87 cell_3000 - PSN-ID: cell_3000 cell300 - PSN-ID: Cell3000 Cesc - PSN-ID: Cesc88 Ceto - PSN-ID: Ceto92 cg-23 - PSN-ID: CG-23 ch!cken - PSN-ID: Gandalfhitler ChammX - PSN-ID: ChammX chaosz86 - PSN-ID: chaosz86 Chatt - PSN-ID: Chatt76 chax - PSN-ID: chax2007 CHD90 - PSN-ID: CHD90 chebiga - PSN-ID: chebiga chelseas_93 - PSN-ID: chelseas888 Chkritzzly - PSN-ID: Chkritzzly Chopper - PSN-ID: White_Dyrkrai Chris&Sonja - PSN-ID: KM-KB711 Chris_2010 - PSN-ID: C2010 chris-00 - PSN-ID: Chris-00 chris78GP - PSN-ID: Chris78GP Chris91 - PSN-ID: eddicts chris95 - PSN-ID: kingfiso Chris-Cole - PSN-ID: chriscole00 chriskathi - PSN-ID: chriskathi chrislex - PSN-ID: chrislex85hh Christheanswer - PSN-ID: christheanswer christophlieber - PSN-ID: christophlieber chrizz42 - PSN-ID: chrizz42 cien - PSN-ID: c1en CKYFreack - PSN-ID: CKYFreack ClanK - PSN-ID: FredroStarr Clank213 - PSN-ID: Clank213 claudioloe - PSN-ID: claudioloe Clayman85 - PSN-ID: Clayman85 Clayton81 - PSN-ID: clayton81 Cloud - PSN-ID: takato987 Cloud85 - PSN-ID: Sephiloud Cloud Strife - PSN-ID: Cloudy91 clu - PSN-ID: Silvermask CluckNorris46_xD - PSN-ID: CluckNorris46_xD Cluster IBM - PSN-ID: Soliid cobra989353 - PSN-ID: parcival18 Coca_Cola - PSN-ID: Lil_zocker83 Coint - PSN-ID: Coint coke75 - PSN-ID: coke75 ColeBrie87 - PSN-ID: ColeBrie87 cookie07 - PSN-ID: akkadian82 cooldonner - PSN-ID: cooldonner Cooljoo - PSN-ID: Cooljoo coolman1008 - PSN-ID: coolman1008 Copkiller375 - PSN-ID: C0pki11er375 Corleone - PSN-ID: RIO41 cortexreaver80 - PSN-ID: DW-Overkill Corvette - PSN-ID: Corvette85 Cpt. Jack Harkness - PSN-ID: Emerald_Twilight CR7 - PSN-ID: dennis_258 Crash22 - PSN-ID: Crashboone22 crashb1404 - PSN-ID: CrashB1404 Crashbeast - PSN-ID: Crashbeast crawling - PSN-ID: crawling87 crazyandi - PSN-ID: crazyandi CrAzY-PiTbUlL - PSN-ID: CrAzY-PiTbUlL CresTheBest - PSN-ID: CresTheBest Crisbee - PSN-ID: cbarkey Crodom95 - PSN-ID: Crodom95 CroniX - PSN-ID: CroniX Crowdie - PSN-ID: Crowdie xxCupraRxx - PSN-ID: xxCupraRxx Custom94 - PSN-ID: Custom94 cybrstorm - PSN-ID: cybrstorm Cycho - PSN-ID: Cycho Cyclon - PSN-ID: Cyclon_ cypherone - PSN-ID: cypherone --D-- D1324 - PSN-ID: Xx_4dler_xX D3ADend - PSN-ID: d3adendgerman DA_SESAR - PSN-ID: *DA_SESAR dado - PSN-ID: Alpha_dog24 daffyduck1974 - PSN-ID: daffyduck1974 DaFox - PSN-ID: DaFox Dan2Crown - PSN-ID: Dan2Crown Daniel_1989 - PSN-ID: Daniel_1989 DaniG - PSN-ID: DACG Danista - PSN-ID: Danista Dark E - PSN-ID: Dark-Evolution Dark_X - PSN-ID: xten Darkdoom - PSN-ID: Darkdoom2401 Dark-Play - PSN-ID: kosovarg DarkPhinix - PSN-ID: Phinix84 Darkrain - PSN-ID: Daedalius darkroxi - PSN-ID: darkroxi darkstar - PSN-ID: swiffer00 Darth Venom - PSN-ID: Darth_Venom Darthdavi - PSN-ID: HughJackmanfan DasTee - PSN-ID: MarekTee-Punkt Datirez - PSN-ID: datirez74 dave_pybus - PSN-ID: dave_pybus david2580 - PSN-ID: david2580 dawwg - PSN-ID: henry127 daywalker2609 - PSN-ID: daywalker2609 de_timo - PSN-ID: de_timo DeadlY - PSN-ID: Aklamn Deathdoc77 - PSN-ID : Deathdoc77 Decodaz - PSN-ID: Decodaz dede15 - PSN-ID: dede15 Déjà-vu - PSN-ID: JonzunNation delicocukzafer - PSN-ID: DELICOCUKZAFER Delsol2746 - PSN-ID: Delsol2746 Delta_Force_500 - PSN-ID: Delta_Force_500 Denery - PSN-ID: Denery86 DenisPolska - PSN-ID: DenisPolska denjo1337 - PSN-ID: denjo1337 Dennix - PSN-ID: pddx Der Peti - PSN-ID: DerPeti der_grimaldi - PSN-ID: der_grimaldi Der_Knilch89 - PSN-ID: Der_Knilch89 DerDudeSLS - PSN-ID: DerDudeSLS DerMexmann - PSN-ID: DerMexmann DevilDog - PSN-ID: Micheey Devil-of-Tora - PSN-ID: Devil-of-Tora Devin - PSN-ID: d3vin1337 Devyl - PSN-ID: Devyl89 Die Hand Gottes - PSN-ID: the-white-shark Diego21 - PSN-ID: risk27 dieSpacy - PSN-ID: dieSpacy DIIIIID - PSN-ID: DIIIIID dimento - PSN-ID: D1M3NT0 Dipset - PSN-ID: Lilmac89 Dirk Diggler - PSN-ID: stromheinz DiSanzes - PSN-ID: DiSanzes Disruptor - PSN-ID: bambuk1 DJStriker - PSN-ID: DJSTRIKER2oo8 djukiza - PSN-ID: djukiza DK16 - PSN-ID: DK16 DMAX - PSN-ID: PROsieben1990 DMC Dante - PSN-ID: DMCDante-X Dobby92 - PSN-ID: Dobby92 docok - PSN-ID: connar21 dodo82 - PSN-ID: goodcat-waf82 Doktor Eichhorn - PSN-ID: PAT-Boy-SLIM Doktorschuh - PSN-ID: Doktorschuh dominik13228 - PSN-ID: dodo667418 domino967 - PSN-ID: JustNorris dommik - PSN-ID: dommik DonFaber - PSN - ID: Don-Faber Don_Ak - PSN-ID: Ako13507 DonCrime - PSN-ID: Doncrime donnerbalken - PSN-ID: ZnypA dontom485 - PSN-ID: dontom85 DoOrDie - PSN-ID: Moneymaker1991 Dooni93 - PSN-ID: dooni93 Dope-is-Hope - PSN-ID: dope-is-hope DortmundSupp - PSN-ID: dortmundsupp downcrx - PSN-ID: Downcrx Dr. Evil - PSN-ID: Alkazone Dr. Sheldon Cooper - PSN-ID: m0ntakz Dr.Maze - PSN-ID: MaZeXYX drabadoni - PSN-ID: drabadoni Draco - PSN-ID: fcb1893 DracoDamokles - PSN-ID: DracoDamokles DragonGears - PSN-ID: Dragonfear93 DragonMagican - PSN-ID: DragonMagican Drako123 - PSN-ID: Drako123 Dreamover - PSN-ID: M_-Dreamover-_H DSC_2007 - PSN-ID: DSC2007 DSCfan1905 - PSN-ID: DSCfan1905 D-Style - PSN-ID: xDLDx dudeloo - PSN-ID: stimpy83 DukeNukem93 - PSN-ID: DukeNukem93 Dunkelklinge - PSN-ID: Dunkelklinge dunkelstern - PSN-ID: dunkelstern Dutsh - PSN-ID: Dutsh dzpromaster - PSN-ID: Italostyler --E-- e.t. - PSN-ID: Turkoop EagleEye - PSN-ID: MSTF26 EarthNut - PSN-ID: EarthNut Ebi-Ric - PSN-ID: Testsieger91 ebz24 - PSN-ID: ebz24 eddinho - PSN-ID: Eddinho89 Edelassi - PSN-ID: Edelassi28 edforthewin - PSN-ID: edforthewin egmo - PSN-ID: chekpoint Ein Hund im Büro? - PSN-ID: classrecords Eishockeygott10 - PSN-ID: Eishockeygott10 El_Bosnaqi - PSN-ID: ToYdEsTrRoYeR ElectroTecco - PSN-ID: ElectroTecco EliteFan - PSN-ID: Slimline-_- Ellis Phoenix - PSN-ID: Ellis_Phoenix EmGee - PSN-ID: mathorze enemykillerz - PSN-ID: enemykillerz ennemann - PSN-ID: enneman EnZo09 - PSN-ID: EnZo09 Epikur - PSN-ID: wasgehtab epos - PSN-ID: oneepos Erendis - PSN-ID: Erendis ericfeltus - PSN-ID: ericfeltus Esdra - PSN-ID: SH-WL etp100 - PSN-ID: etp100 Euer Gott - PSN-ID: denzensin EumelEumel - PSN-ID: EumelEumel evilSpike - PSN-ID: evilSpike Exodus - PSN-ID: Der-Exodus exxes - PSN-ID: Exxes --F-- F*ckMeImFAMOUS - PSN-ID: fAmOusSeduCtioN Fabian - PSN-ID: Varki Fabo 14 - PSN-ID: Deadman_99 Fanatics - PSN-ID: fan-atics FantaTrinker - PSN-ID: Hishoku_no_Sora Fantasy Lemon - PSN-ID: blurlemon Fatih911 - PSN-ID: Fatih911 FatTony - PSN-ID: FatTony3 fc1985 - PSN-ID: fc1985 FelixB B]- PSN-ID:[/B] daddy_felix FenerStyler - PSN-ID: FenerStyler Fettbemme - PSN-ID: Lipglosskid feuerrot1 - PSN-ID: PiRsChYbOy fifa1993 - PSN-ID: KingofKingZz1993 Fighter_Pl - PSN-ID: Fighter_Pl Figo - PSN-ID: NoMercy555 Finalcrash - PSN-ID: Finalcrash fl!p - PSN-ID: giso Flame_of_Anor - PSN-ID: Flame_of_Anor Flash1000 - PSN-ID: ACID-MAN Fleischfresse - PSN-ID: Fleischfresse flo207 - PSN-ID: enlein flocko - PSN-ID: flocko Flojan - PSN-ID: Flojan Fonso - PSN-ID: gohstman007 fragged - PSN-ID: mkm75 Fraggle - PSN-ID: Fraggle81 Franky - PSN-ID: Franky1975 Freak1978 - PSN-ID: freak1978 Freak77 - PSN-ID: Xx_Kampfnuss_xX frechdax - PSN-ID: Frechdax88 Freddcho - PSN-ID: Freddcho Frey077 - PSN-ID: Sarcor Fridge - PSN-ID: Ringeling Fritz Lackritz - PSN-ID: Lackritz frog_skin - PSN-ID: frog_skin fuchur77 - PSN-ID: fuchur77 Funbird - PSN-ID: Funbird Fuß - PSN-ID: Thomasw1980 FuzzyHead - PSN-ID: Fuzzy_Head86 --G-- G3nGeN - PSN-ID: RedXsteR gabriel-c - PSN-ID: CAPTIANP_R_I_C_E Gahre - PSN-ID: Gahre Game_Unit - PSN-ID: GameUnit69 Gamemaster - PSN-ID: frezer1 Gamer621 - PSN-ID: wwwgooglde Gamerson - PSN-ID: Gamerson Gamesprofi - PSN-ID: GamesProfi1907 Game4ever - PSN-ID: FCB4ever4 Gangster Lady - PSN-ID: Gangsterlady geist11g - PSN-ID: geist11g GE-NICK - PSN-ID: GE-STAR gerti-ch - PSN-ID: gerti-ch GeuKing - PSN-ID: GeuKing Ghost 07 - PSN-ID: Kev_ GhostRide - PSN-ID: Curti-Maus giaco - PSN-ID: Giarever GiGaLeon - PSN-ID: GiGaLeon Gigolo - PSN-ID: picolada GinTonic - PSN-ID: GinTonic007 girl_schischu - PSN-ID: schischu GladiatorM - PSN-ID: GladiatorM Gledson28 - PSN-ID: HansaRostock Goldenboy_001 - PSN-ID: Midnight_1984 GoldenStyler - PSN-ID: German-BIG Goldstickplaya - PSN-ID: Goldstickplaya84 gonsales - PSN-ID: gonsales Gorilla1986 - PSN-ID: SiR-LaNZELOT Gottes Werk - PSN-ID: Stoertebecker GrayFox - PSN-ID: Pfarramir Grolhot - PSN-ID: Christiooa Groschi - PSN-ID: Groschi Gt-Goku - PSN-ID: Akiluli GTA IV 6776 - PSN-ID: Kevin6776 GTA-MEN - PSN-ID: GTA-MEN Guev - PSN-ID: Guev Guschi - PSN-ID: Guschi --H-- hagbard celine - PSN-ID: Hagbard87 hagen56 - PSN-ID: hagen56 Hakke - PSN-ID: Hakke halofreakmike - PSN-ID: Mikepena hamburger Jung - PSN-ID: shaolin80 hamckr - PSN-ID: hamckr Hank123 - PSN-ID: Coochise Hannez - PSN-ID: Hannez hansii19 - PSN-ID: stephan19 HaP Onkel - PSN-ID: Latrodectus86 Happy - PSN-ID: happy319931 Harlock - PSN-ID: Harlock12 harterhund - PSN-ID: to1988 HArti70 - PSN-ID: HGHarti HartzFEAR - PSN-ID: HartzFEAR haudegen - PSN-ID: haudegen92 HaZe - PSN-ID: hisfather Heffner - PSN-ID: pRo_Heffner Heizer - PSN-ID: name27580 Hektor2211 - PSN-ID: YA-Hilbert Hellseeker1332 - PSN-ID: Hellseeker1 Hempoli - PSN-ID: Hempoli Henning - PSN-ID: Henning1984 henry fan - PSN-ID: HenryFan henrythie - PSN-ID: henryrhie herg` - PSN-ID: hOErgman HeSch_1990 - PSN-ID: wwwchjs90 Hezze - PSN-ID: HezzDich hh45 - PSN-ID: dbchh45 hidden87 - PSN-ID: hidden87 highfive - PSN-ID: Rokko81 hitman539 - PSN-ID: rasterkasper Hitty87 - PSN-ID: Hitty87 hlgschmt - PSN-ID: helgschen Holzwurm - PSN-ID: SunnyHong Hombi - PSN-ID: lolfisch Homes444 - PSN-ID: Homes444 Honk - PSN-ID: Honk_1976 HOODI - PSN-ID: clone_boy Horrorkore - PSN-ID: Horrorkore HotBananaOli - PSN-ID: WaxFresh House - PSN-ID: DJ__House, XxG-STYLExX (COD) HouZy - PSN-ID: HouZy hund24 - PSN-ID: hund24 Huzzen_65 - PSN-ID: InFeRnO65 Hymann - PSN-ID: Hymann Hyoto - PSN-ID: Hyoto1507 --I-- iBarak - PSN-ID: Orochi1992 Ice Cube - PSN-ID: afgsoldier ice* - PSN-ID: jauche21 icecrack84 - PSN-ID: icecrack84 iceman85 - PSN-ID: iceman2185 Icewire - PSN-ID: Icewire ICH_war_DAS_nich - PSN-ID: ICH_war_DAS_nich Ico - PSN-ID: Shufro iDJ - PSN-ID: kirschbaum123 II NeMeX II - PSN-ID: II-NeMeX-II IISaschaII - PSN-ID: IIschorschII ikary - PSN-ID: ikary1974 ilcalmo - PSN-ID: MeeX illu2k - PSN-ID: cell22de Illuminator - PSN-ID: Illu-minator illusion0206 - PSN-ID: Spidersau Ilthigore - PSN-ID: Ilthigore imba - PSN-ID: ImBaaA Impi2005 - PSN-ID: Impi2005 ImPuls - PSN ID: O---ImPuls---O InvaderSM-Die - PSN-ID: InvaderSM-Die Invi33 - PSN-ID: Invi33 Ionas Elate - PSN-ID: Ionas_Elate isi-rider - PSN-ID: isi-rider iTegz - PSN-ID: Syne_Teqz Izze - PSN-ID: Issard --J-- J_power19 - PSN-ID: J_power19 JackDani3ls - PSN-ID: Dude9187 JackDaniel - PSN-ID: JackDaniel007 JaJa - PSN-ID: JaJa_90 JamesK - PSN-ID: JamesKoch1992 Jamiro - PSN-ID: Jamiro86 jannaef - PSN-ID: jannaef Janni - PSN-ID: J-frEaK jarettonio - PSN-ID: Jarettonio Jason - PSN-ID: Lord_Jason jayb - PSN-ID: zolotoi Jayluv - PSN-ID: JAY44225 Jayns - PSN-ID: Jayns Jayorich - PSN-ID: Jayorich jay-style - PSN-ID: JayStyle jaysus - PSN-ID: hateme1 Jbrizzel - PSN-ID: Jbrizzel Jeff Hardy - PSN-ID: Hardy_Boy1 Jeffrey84 - PSN-ID: Acoletto jenz83 - PSN-ID: Jenz83 Jigsaw74 - PSN-ID: Jigsaw 74 jimcarry - PSN-ID: jimcarry jim-panse - PSN-ID: jim-panse Jin - PSN-ID: Jin-77 Jinbreaker - PSN-ID: Jinbreaker666 JinTonikk - PSN-ID: jintonikk JJ Smoke - PSN-ID: K-TOWN-FANATIC JodoKast - PSN-ID: legolaskain JoHa - PSN-ID: Schlumper John McClane - PSN-ID: LosFreezyE john161104 - PSN-ID: john161104 Johnny2305 - PSN-ID: Johnny2305 JohnnyXclusiv - PSN-ID: JohnnyXclusiv Joker37 - PSN-ID: CologneShark37 Jonesman - PSN-ID: Xatar joscha82 - PSN-ID: Joscha jstomp - PSN-ID: jstomp Judas14 - PSN-ID: Glubberer90 julte - PSN-ID: JULi2607 jungchen1982 - PSN-ID: Jungchen1982 Just_C - PSN-ID: Just_C JustDenis - PSN-ID: JustDenis --K-- Kabus - PSN-ID: The_Solid_Snake_ kacke3000xp - PSN-ID: Kacke3000xp Kackimalacki - PSN-ID: Elli-Pirellie kahn_07 - PSN-ID: kahn_07 kahn_08 - PSN-ID: kahn_08 KainScuzzer - PSN-ID: KainScuzzer Kaiza - PSN-ID: En-Trap Kaizaschnitt - PSN-ID: Bosmer KaJoK3n - PSN-ID: KAJOKEN007 Kajuga - PSN-ID: Kajuga Kakashi - PSN-ID: Kashi-San Kampfzwerg007 - PSN-ID: Kampfzwerg007 Kamui_ - PSN-ID: Kamui_ Kanip - PSN-ID: Essometer Kanji - PSN-ID: Kanji12 Kannibale - PSN-ID: Kannibale13 karrenschrotter - PSN-ID: lausbua96 KartMax19 - PSN-ID: MrCarbon katchoo - PSN-ID: Xiaxa -kay- - PSN-ID: Kay-2-Play Kay72 - PSN-ID: Kay72 Kayxd 3 - PSN-ID: KayXD Kazama_91 - PSN-ID: TK_Burak Kazuko - PSN-ID: Griggs_Junior K-C - PSN-ID: FlashDriver86 keej - PSN-ID: Keej Kei - PSN-ID: pecyna KeksaufderBrust - PSN-ID: KeksaufderBrust Keksy - PSN-ID: Keksy89 kelek2 - PSN-ID: Dr_B_Scheuert kenji94 - PSN-ID: leflame16 Kenny2601 - PSN-ID: Kenny26-01 Keno - PSN-ID: Keen_Largo KenOne - PSN-ID: KenOne15 Kerim68 - PSN-ID: Pronto68 Kestyyxs - PSN-ID: Kestyyxs Keule07 - PSN-ID: Keule07 Kevin1996 - PSN-ID: luckyfantasie KeViNfUlLhOuSe - PSN-ID: KeViNfUlLhOuSe Kev-No1 - PSN-ID: NordBerliner28 Kevshit - PSN-ID: Kevshit kiadriver - PSN-ID: kiadriver Kickboxritter - PSN-ID: Kickboxritter Kiezbengel - PSN-ID: Kiezbengel Killa012 - PSN-ID: killa012 Killerwurm - PSN-ID: Killerwurm71 Killzone² - PSN-ID: Epic_Fail-c0 Kimi - PSN-ID: erving3 KimOhNo - PSN-ID: KimOhNo King - PSN-ID: Edelstoff KingPing176 - PSN-ID: Francis7733 KiRaScHiRo - PSN-ID: KiRaScHiRo kleinfloh - PSN-ID: kleinfloh Klion79 - PSN-ID: Klion79 Knobelbecher - PSN-ID: Freddy knödelheinz - PSN-ID: knoedelheinz kobetyper - PSN-ID: kobe1980 Kompany - PSN-ID: luster89 KorxX - PSN-ID: Essah36 koslivin - PSN-ID: koslivin Kosovaplayer1 - PSN-ID: GenTii1 Kowymoy - PSN-ID: Kowymoy Kratos91 - PSN-ID: GTA-Fan KSA2012 - PSN-ID: SymbianHD Kugelfaenger - PSN-ID: Kugelfaenger Kurac65_is_back - PSN-ID: donomcfit Kylé - PSN-ID: |Kyle17| --L-- L L TJ - PSN-ID: ElCruzo L3xOr_89 - PSN-ID: L3xOr_89 Lacky-man - PSN-ID: Lacky-man Lady Yuna - PSN-ID: Lady-Yuna18 Lain - PSN-ID: StuntmenMike81 Lain1205 - PSN-ID: Lain1205 Lambada94 - PSN-ID: Lambada94 Lamont - PSN-ID: Snakebellic landrush-fifa - PSN-ID: Wurscht07 LarsM - PSN-ID: LarsMEU Latino-Turco - PSN-ID: Latino-Turco LaUltima - PSN-ID: LaUltima Layo - PSN-ID: Layo Lazy - PSN-ID: LazZzYyOuTh LDM - PSN-ID: LDM Legend Killer[PS3] - PSN-ID: SnipeR-KinG-X-X LeoN_DomDoomDom - PSN-ID: DomDoomDom letscho - PSN-ID: letscho leusi73 - PSN-ID: leusi 73 lfatb - PSN-ID: lfatb Lichtstein - PSN-ID: Lichtstein Light-kun - PSN-ID: Son-Richy-kun Limp - PSN-ID: BioBurger Link_013 - PSN-ID: Kazadum linusil - PSN-ID: Linusil Lirathiel - PSN-ID: Lirathiel Lizzard - PSN-ID: Lizzard05 LizZerCise - PSN-ID: LizZerCise llcoolstar - PSN-ID: llcoolstar` LMFAO - PSN-ID: mmaxi LoggDogg - PSN-ID: LoggDogg88 long_john - PSN-ID: hanns26 Lord Militariados - PSN-ID: Militariados LORD-DANTE - PSN-ID: Turkish_Mafia86 lord_chris15 - PSN-ID: lord_chris15 LordGenius - PSN-ID: LordG LordShorty - PSN-ID: LordShorty84 Losertroete - PSN-ID: L0s3rtr03te Lou C. Fair - PSN ID: Sephiroth_08 Loveforthegame - PSN-ID: IIITUPACIII Löwenherz - PSN-ID: Löwenherz81 lownoise01 - PSN-ID: frunsel LP-U Soldier - PSN-ID: xXLietoXx lp~eterfox - PSN-ID: forcejump LuDaCriSoNe - PSN-ID: LuDaCriSoNe Lu God - PSN-ID: Lutsurugi Lucker007 - PSN-ID: Lucker007 lucky1levin - PSN-ID: lucky1levin lucky81 - PSN-ID: morelucky LuckyLuke86 - PSN-ID: LUCKYlucke86 lueppi - PSN-ID: lueppi luggi18 - PSN-ID: Luqqi18 Lukjons - PSN-ID: Lukjons Lunexice - PSN-ID: Sasha-Lunexice Lupo - PSN-ID: Badass16 Lurchi - PSN-ID: LURCHI3000 luwiro - PSN-ID: lucky-tuner Luxquenox95 - PSN-ID: Luxquenox95

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    --M-- M@rc3L - PSN-ID: M@rc3L m_razor - PSN-ID: Astiaks M03 - PSN-ID: themoe7 M1c - PSN-ID: M1ccc m1ndgam3 - PSN-ID: Tobi_Muehlbauer MA3 - PSN-ID: MAdrei Maas - PSN-ID: MzudemA Machete - PSN-ID: MBwin maddinhimself - PSN-ID: maddinhimself maddoc - PSN-ID: serrial01 Maddrax - PSN-ID: Maddrax86 madino - PSN-ID: madino madrid312 - PSN-ID: barcelona312 Maen1980 - PSN-ID: Maen1980 Maggot-Ninja - PSN-ID: Maggot-Ninja mahatmaglueck - PSN-ID: mahatmaglueck Maiky - PSN-ID: Erazor1979 MajinX - PSN-ID: BK-MajinX Majora - PSN-ID: Keksmann234 Mal Mann mal Frau - PSN-ID: knalli93 malustoringo - PSN-ID: timbo3000 Mamuh - PSN-ID: mamuh manhunt. - PSN-ID: German4ffm Manhunter92 - PSN-ID: Manhunter92 Maniac - PSN-ID: Thiecky Mankind - PSN-ID: Mistbuster manuche - PSN-ID: xXmanucheXx marcel962 - PSN-ID: ThE_OnE942 Marciii___x3 - PSN-ID: Marciii___x3 Margol - PSN-ID: Lourmel Marktrix - PSN-ID: blmark1 MaRo1993 - PSN-ID: MaRo1993 MarSar - PSN-ID: Axis22J Marsdawn - PSN-ID: Marsdawn Marti1621 - PSN-ID: Mcmarti martin ps3 - PSN-ID: slidemir Martin-Baumi - PSN-ID: Martl-Baumi Marverino - PSN-ID: Marverino0 Marw - PSN-ID: Marwioso MasaSan - PSN-ID: JaquesBubu MasterL - PSN-ID: A1rWalk3z matbaum1 - PSN-ID: matbaum1 matze82 - PSN-ID: matzel1982 Mav - PSN-ID: Edgerton Maverick - PSN-ID: Darkmaverick Max @ home - PSN-ID: Banzai-Max MAX 22 - PSN-ID: t566yhgttg max55 - PSN-ID: a1FCKoeln Maxi1983 - PSN-ID: Maxi1983 maxpepsi - PSN-ID: maxpepsi mcmcmcX - PSN-ID: rene1992 McMoneysack - PSN-ID: McMoneysack28 mechu - PSN-ID: mechu megaquest - PSN-ID: megaquest MegaChaosMan - PSN-ID : MegaChaosMan MegaTron - PSN-ID: aggrostarzz meiko94 - PSN-ID: meiko94 Mec - PSN-ID: MisterMec Melo - PSN-ID: MikeCom5 Mempel - PSN-ID: Mempel MenocidiX - PSN-ID: MenocidiX menthorust - PSN-ID: menthorust Menzel - PSN-ID: Menzel84 Mercuzio - PSN-ID: Mercuzio 79 Merlin008 - PSN-ID: Merlin008 MetaTron - PSN-ID: MuchachoPower Method-Man - PSN-ID: AliahColin mfbomber - PSN-ID: DonFuersi Mic Dayk - PSN-ID: EM_BOSSanac Mic50 - PSN-ID: mkommer michi021 - PSN-ID: michi021 Michi12389 - PSN-ID: michi12389 Mickie - PSN-ID: Mickie MigL85 - PSN-ID: MigL85 ?ike - PSN-ID: SparrowMJack MiLau - PSN-ID: BadMiLau MiLaX - PSN-ID: MiLax miltiades - PSN-ID: miltiades Mimmi - PSN-ID: xXPEACEXx_2 MissCroft [?] - PSN-ID: MissCroft_x Mister-Chaos - PSN-ID: Mister-Chaos91 Mitch781 - PSN-ID: Mitch781 Mithras - PSN-ID: luger1916 mkdiggaz - PSN-ID: mkdiggaz05 mlink73 - PSN-ID: mlink73 mmc2006 - PSN-ID: marcimc mo4444 - PSN-ID: mo4444 modern warfare 2 - PSN-ID: xXghostXsnlpzXx moell - PSN-ID: MeeM92 Mondpena - PSN-ID: Mondpena Monsi99 - PSN-ID: monsieurlange MonstaKody - PSN-ID: Elgreco1989 moradi1991 - PSN-ID: moradi1991 Morpheus Hope - PSN-ID: gamler08 mossi - PSN-ID: mossi15 MoSti - PSN-ID: MoSti17 mothe123 - PSN-ID: ff-martin motorpsycho - PSN-ID: Motorpsycho mowa111 - PSN-ID: Mowa111 Mr. Burns - PSN-ID: Spiderpig92 Mr. Vance - PSN-ID: MrVance Mr_Zdarligt - PSN-ID: Mr_Zdarligt mrchillout - PSN-ID: chillout18m MrKonsolenhero - PSN-ID: MrHero84 MrWhite - PSN-ID: MrWhite-TNT Muchacho - PSN-ID: Mucuchachosas Mukosil - PSN-ID: Mukosil Mutenroshi - PSN-ID: Mutenroshi MyDay - PSN-ID: Uber --N-- -Near- - PSN-ID: Kenshn N!ke` - PSN-ID: DUCati_87 N-freak - PSN-ID: DeLuCaDe Nalpak - PSN-ID: Kaplanovic1985 narre - PSN-ID: narrre narutofan1 - PSN-ID: Kampfratte97 Narutoforever - PSN-ID: SejadSalihovic naruto-kun - PSN-ID: naruto-vs-ichigo nazgul99 - PSN-ID: nazgul99 Nebumuk - PSN-ID: Nebumuk needspeed - PSN-ID: needspeed10 Nemesis-87 - PSN-ID: Xanatox Nemises - PSN-ID: Gemein-wie-10 Neron - PSN-ID: neron13 Nerox - PSN-ID: Nerox93 netchaot - PSN-ID: netchaot Newbie - PSN-ID: Chimaera Newman - PSN-ID: ReneW1977 NFuzzy - PSN-ID: funon8 Nickxtreme - PSN-ID: Nickx-treme Nico_Bellic - PSN-ID: Backleakyroot nico2409 - PSN-ID: nico2409 Niggi93 - PSN-ID: Niggi93 nightruki - PSN-ID: nightruki Nils_92 - PSN-ID: Nils_92 NinJA_GaidEn - PSN-ID: William_15 Ninja-Kasumi - PSN-ID: NinjaKasumi86 NinjaofFuture - PSN-ID: NinjaofFuture nintendo_wii - PSN-ID: geilchen nixchekaaa - PSN-ID: nixchekaaa nksoftDE - PSN-ID: nksoftDE No_boy - PSN-ID: Jemand Nobby - PSN-ID: Brot1986 nobsan68 - PSN-ID: syncope Noctis - PSN-ID: BIackNoctis noeller - PSN-ID: noeller NoFear - PSN-ID: CycleWolf2007 Noshire - PSN-ID: Treas Noz - PSN-ID: Ks_Noz Nsu-Raceman - PSN-ID: Nsu-Raceman nysosym - PSN-ID: nysosym --O-- Oaki - PSN-ID: Gorn 22 Oelli - PSN-ID: SawFear oender - PSN-ID: oender Ogrus 3 - PSN-ID: Ogrus oh_boy - PSN-ID: oh_boy oky - PSN-ID: okylo old-boy - PSN-ID: PSID-OLDY70 oldbyte - PSN-ID: oldbyte OldSnake_007 - PSN-ID: OldSnake_007 olikuck - PSN-ID: olikuck Olli0979 - PSN-ID: Olli0979 OnePunchMickey - PSN-ID: Onepunchmickey Onlinehorst78 - PSN-ID: Onlinehorst78 oOMadMaxOo - PSN-ID: M3d_Evil o.o_lalilu_o.o - PSN-ID: zjighgh Orangensaftschorle - PSN-ID: orangensaft Orgi69 - PSN-ID: Driver_77 oriwan - PSN-ID: oriwan Örn77 - PSN-ID: Seat34 Os86 - PSN-ID: Osray86 OttomanSoldier61 - PSN-ID: OttomanSoldier61 OutbackCruiser - PSN-ID: HardStyleFlavour Oxymoxl - PSN-ID: Oxymoxl --P-- P.S.3 - PSN-ID: ErfurtFan PaddyPadhie - PSN-ID: PADYPADHIE Paintrain - PSN-ID: Paintrain-Ger- Pandä - PSN-ID: Pandemonia87 PansKing - PSN-ID: PansKing Papa Roach - PSN-ID: JTJagger paradoxX - PSN-ID: paradoxx87 parrefy - PSN-ID: DeSiRaY2009 pasquale5682 - PSN-ID: pasquale5682 patfan360 - PSN-ID: FLooWRiiDA Patno1 - PSN-ID: Patno1 Patric - PSN-ID: Patric-kun patrick8952 - PSN-ID: patrick8952 Patrinho - PSN-ID: DE_PuTa_MaDrE69 patzan23 - PSN-ID: Pa23_Rasion Patze_HSV - PSN-ID: Patze_HSV paywando - PSN-ID: paywando pazZ1 - PSN-ID: BamLee1 peilo - PSN-ID: PEILO Penelo84 - PSN-ID: Penelo84 PERSCHKE™ - PSN-ID: Perschke pesbo - PSN-ID: pesbo Pete Sampras - PSN-ID: Ac1dv3nom ph4n7oM - PSN-ID: heroofnation Phab - PSN-ID: st00ck12 Phantasico - PSN-ID: PHANTASICO phantasma - PSN-ID: phantasma84 PhilHell#37 - PSN-ID: ussionice phopfmann - PSN-ID: pati89 Plague - PSN-ID: Noisekick18 PlaYa237 - PSN-ID: PlaYa237 playachecker - PSN-ID: vusi1993 playstation3 - PSN-ID: disli03 Playstation3Stalker - PSN-ID: Dude9187 pmark - PSN-ID: pmark Poedel - PSN-ID: PoedelPCS Poison5205 - PSN-ID: poison5205 Polizei - PSN-ID: Divine87 Pommi94 - PSN-ID: BumsrudelXtrem pontifex1 - PSN-ID: pontifex1 Powel2097 - PSN-ID: Powel2097 Power24 - PSN-ID: helmut_west Priost - PSN-ID: Black_Arts_Owl Professor - PSN-ID: ProfBrain prophecy2812 - PSN-ID: Prophecy2812 Prox - PSN-ID: ProxQ Pro-Zocker-HST - PSN-ID: Hst1994 PS-_-Breaker - PSN-ID: CrackLine PS3 FREAK!!!! - PSN-ID: Tempelflitzer Ps3 gamer - PSN-ID: cave1n PS3 Zocker - PSN-ID: patrick125 PS3Boy^^ - PSN-ID: Pytxxn ps3freak4444 - PSN-ID: dirk619 PS3FTW - PSN-ID: C-rack101 PS3isthebest - PSN-ID: xXps_isthebestXx PS3ler1997 - PSN-ID: Ben12345jamin PseudoBrutus - PSN-ID: ICHMAGWURST PSL - PSN-ID: sgudd pspimp_1o1 - PSN-ID: Yildo_1o1 psvolcom - PSN-ID: psvolcom Puggi - PSN-ID: PuggyO Pumbaxxx - PSN-ID: Harambasa23 Punisher1704 - PSN-ID: Punisher1704 Pyps - PSN-ID: andrerygiert --Q-- Quoc - PSN-ID: OneWayRunner qwertz20 - PSN-ID: qwertz20 qwertz7 - PSN-ID: qwertz7 --R-- r0b - PSN-ID: r0b2905 r3venge - PSN-ID: PatrickTesi Rabbitcomb - PSN-ID: Rabbitcomb Rabi - PSN-ID: rabbit200 Ragnarok28 - PSN-ID: Ragnarok28 Raiden23 - PSN-ID: raiden23 ralle01 - PSN-ID: VFB-Fan2912 rami09 - PSN-ID: rami1994 ramire7z - PSN-ID: aZur_01 Ramiris - PSN-ID: Ramiris ramydj - PSN-ID: ramydj rapboy21 - PSN-ID: rapboy21 rasputin - PSN-ID: Cabal104 ratskrone25 - PSN-ID: ratskrone25 Rausch - PSN-ID: Rauschianer raze-00 - PSN-ID: raze-91 Rebasa - PSN-ID: Rebasa recan51 - PSN-ID: recan51 rEEplay - PSN-ID: rEEplay_PSX Refugee - PSN-ID: Refugee87 Reifi - PSN-ID: reifi76 remus25 - PSN-ID: remus99 René - PSN-ID: Lordnixtreff replayer67 - PSN-ID: replayer67 Reserveheld - PSN-ID: Reserveheld -Resistance- - PSN-ID: Nachtmensch ReTtEr - PSN-ID: Retter -reVenge- - PSN-ID: Doomkopf666 Revoltec90 - PSN-ID: Revoltec90 Ribéry - PSN-ID: kiggsda Ricardo Quaresma - PSN-ID: Neo212 Ricky1990 - PSN-ID: Ricky1990 rico_73 - PSN-ID: dirkbach Rietob - PSN-ID: Rietob1987 Rikimaru - PSN-ID: dante409 Rikscha Man - PSN-ID: rikschmann rino27 - PSN-ID: rino27 Rip94 - PSN-ID: doniplaya94 Rivias - PSN-ID: Setzu Rizzah - PSN-ID: Sephan- RKO - PSN-ID: Disturbed540 Rob Dodger - PSN-ID: RobDodger robbie3008 - PSN-ID: johnny_bravo3008 rolliseh - PSN-ID: rolliseh rolller - PSN-ID: rolller rom-austria123 - PSN-ID: rom-austria123 romanus - PSN-ID: widera Ronaldinho18 - PSN-ID: Ronaldinho19 RonixD - PSN-ID: RonixD RoNNoS - PSN-ID: RoNNoS-HY Roobin - PSN-ID: D0M0KUN___ Roopa132 - PSN-ID: Roopa132 RoQs - PSN-ID: RoQs Roter Oktober - PSN-ID: Mario1979 Roxass - PSN-ID: Xx_RoXasS_xX077 RyuKyuubi - PSN-ID: vegeta_1_ --S-- S.T.A.L.K.E.R - PSN-ID: Syndikat S_a_s_u_k_e_Uchiha - PSN-ID: D_24100142 S04Luk - PSN-ID: S04Luk S1lv3rb0y - PSN-ID: ShinigamiRyuk s3r1aL - PSN-ID: s3r1aL saarmassive - PSN-ID: SAARmassive sace - PSN-ID: uracil saghor - PSN-ID: saghor sahilboy03 - PSN-ID: dinardarmstadt Sakuro666 - PSN-ID: Sakuro666 Salva - PSN-ID: salv89 samel - PSN-ID: Samel Samuel - PSN-ID: SamuelFuture Sanjok - PSN-ID: GhostSanjok Sanjose - PSN-ID: Cristian1011 Santiago - PSN-ID: M54321 Saph4ire - PSN-ID: Saph4ire Sasa - PSN-ID: SaSalein sascha08 - PSN-ID: chaser8080 SaschaB - PSN-ID: SaschaB SaschaMZ - PSN-ID: SdaKing savys - PSN-ID: savys Scarface29 - PSN-ID: xboxmann2002 Scarious D - PSN-ID: Scarious_D Scarlet - PSN-ID: Tarabalien scars - PSN-ID: scars85 Schalker1810 - PSN-ID: Schalker1810 Schaller1337 - PSN-ID: Schaller1337 schatzebe - PSN-ID: de-jigsaw-ad schlemmer - PSN-ID: Tropheus1981 Schmerzens_Maxl - PSN-ID: schmerzens_maxl SchniKaaZ - PSN-ID: SchniKaaZ schnodder - PSN-ID: schnodder schwade87 - PSN-ID: schwade87 SchwanzusLongus - PSN-ID: RonDaDon111 SchwipSchwap - PSN-ID: jTrustMe sck3004 - PSN-ID: sck3004 scoobydolittle - PSN-ID: scoobydolittle screamer007 - PSN-ID: Pl44y4r Scripy - PSN-ID: Scripy scyline2007 - PSN-ID: scyline2007 Sean - PSN-ID: xSean seattornado - PSN-ID: Basti_K sebastian87ger - PSN-ID: sebastian87ger Sebastorm - PSN-ID: SebaStorm Sebii2 - PSN-ID: Sebii2 Sebulon - PSN-ID: Sebulon secret_21 - PSN-ID: secret_20 Secroit - PSN-ID: Secroit Seko88 - PSN-ID: monTana_one Senj1n - PSN-ID: Senj1n Sensei Kakashi - PSN-ID: DK16 Senten - PSN-ID: Senten seosty - PSN-ID: TraXim SergejR - PSN-ID: SergejRohrbach seriec1 - PSN-ID: seriec1 SF_3ver - PSN-ID: SF_3ver Sh4dowd3f3nd3r - PSN-ID: Sh4dowd3f3nd3r Shabba - PSN-ID: Shabba-D-377 Shabba377 - PSN-ID: Shabba-D-377 Shaddowforge - PSN-ID: Shaddowforge shadow1991 - PSN-ID: oomph1 Shadow with the Keyblade - PSN-ID: Shadow2010 Shadowgamer - PSN-ID: Shadowgamer214 Shakki - PSN-ID: ShaKki Shaman08 - PSN-ID: Shaman08 Sharam - PSN-ID: Sharam1337 Sharker15 - PSN-ID: Sharker17 SharpED - PSN-ID: Vors Sheendra - PSN-ID: sheendra shiddah - PSN-ID: Paddabezzy Shigeko - PSN-ID: Shigeko_xD shinichi1981 - PSN-ID: shinichi1981 Shintenshin - PSN-ID: Shintenshin ShinySuicune - PSN-ID: xkev1337 ShoG - PSN-ID: ShoG-Zz shoKuu'# - PSN-ID: shoKuu Sholva - PSN-ID: SugarFreee Shooter_HitMan - PSN-ID: Bl4cK_KinG_X Shufro - PSN-ID: Frizone Shushu - PSN-ID: Silence_Rai Sid2505 - PSN-ID: Sid2505 siegeseven - PSN-ID: siegeseven Silver_Star* - PSN-ID: Zilver_Star_ Silversurfer1978 - PSN-ID: RED78RED simihhhhh - PSN-ID: FirstClass88 Simon - PSN-ID: Spidey-Prince simon95 - PSN-ID: trasher536694 Simply_tha_best - PSN-ID: Simply_tha_best Sinaki - PSN-ID: Sinaki77 sinstran - PSN-ID: sinistran sir_background - PSN-ID: bilal99 sir_flix - PSN-ID: urspringplaya Sitnear_Johnson - PSN-ID: Sitnear_Johnson siTTingBull187 - PSN-ID: siTTingBull187 SixFeet84 - PSN-ID: SixFeet84 sk0wi - PSN-ID: MichisoN sk38 - PSN-ID: sk38 Skid - PSN-ID: Mark_McCormick skieli - PSN-ID: skieli Skiper - PSN-ID: BananaJOOe skizZ - PSN-ID: Johnnybalu Skriker - PSN-ID: Skriker85 SkYgoesWeeD - PSN-ID: SkYgoesWeeD S-lebt - PSN-ID: s-lebt Slide80 - PSN-ID: Slide80 Smasher - PSN-ID: uli79 Smoka - PSN-ID: Potsmoka Snapster - PSN-ID: Lost_Soul_1985 Sockswear - PSN-ID: sockswear Sofa82 - PSN-ID: Sofa82 soldier75 - PSN-ID: schele75 solero250 - PSN-ID: Solero Solid Snake - PSN-ID: Solid-Snake-0 SolidSnake - PSN-ID: Stone_Breaker Son-Goku101 - PSN-ID: anime-king101 Sonnnnnny - PSN-ID: Quaresma2201 Sonny35 - PSN-ID: Sonny35 SonyGTA - PSN-ID: MetallicaGTA Sora 22 - PSN-ID: Nolan22_ souper51 - PSN-ID: souper51 sparc - PSN-ID: moikoi Sparda101 - PSN-ID: ItachiSaix SpartaDante - PSN-ID: PortgasDLuffy Specinr1 - PSN-ID: Specinr1 SpeedDemon - PSN-ID: SpeedcoreDemon speedy303 - PSN-ID: chizogenie speschalist - PSN-ID: speschalist Spiderzero - PSN-ID: Sazedo Spiffitool405 - PSN-ID: spiffitool405 Spoon - PSN-ID: Spoon83 Spyk3 - PSN-ID: keks2eat Squal - PSN-ID: hgth srotti - PSN-ID: srotti Staatsfeind_Nr.1 - PSN-ID: Apophis_2029 Stadionfeger - PSN-ID: Stadionfeger starflex187 - PSN-ID: STARFLEX482 Stas - PSN-ID: Stason Stefan ssj4 - PSN-ID: lordrocky97 Steffen545 - PSN-ID: Steffen545 steini0509 - PSN-ID: steini0509 Steve3000 - PSN-ID: Schwatttapfel Stevie79 - PSN-ID: hangman0815 stevie99 - PSN-ID: Stevie99 stiffler´s mom - PSN-ID: StifflersMoM69 StoneCold0x0 - PSN-ID: StoneCold0x0 stoneyweb - PSN-ID: stoneyweb21 stonybytx - PSN-ID: [email]StonyM@hony StoOrmX - PSN-ID: StoOrmX stoph - PSN-ID: stophphel storexxm - PSN-ID: storexxm StormKevin - PSN-ID: StormKevin Straider - PSN-ID: CoolStraider17 strawhat - PSN-ID: strawhat10 streeture - PSN-ID: streeture StriderHiryu - PSN-ID: StriderHiryu83 stuber7 - PSN-ID: Stubinho7 Sturm19x - PSN-ID: Sturm19x Styla03 - PSN-ID: Styla03 Sum - PSN-ID: Sumiboy super-raschi - PSN-ID: JCB-Icekille Supershadow - PSN-ID: UltimaShadow supervia - PSN-ID: superviza SurfBoy977 - PSN-ID: SurfBoy977 surfer253 - PSN-ID: Ludger2208 SurviveX - PSN-ID: IGotMoreSkills Sveninho22 - PSN-ID: Sveninho22 SwiSSpeedY - PSN-ID: SwiSSpeedY Syd Blade - PSN-ID: SydBlade Sylarx - PSN-ID: Syxy sYs - PSN-ID: sYs91 --T-- Tadda-11 - PSN-ID: tadda11 Taf-King - PSN-ID: Taf-King Tambob - PSN-ID: tambob Taven - PSN-ID: Taven89 T-BON3 - PSN-ID: chakuzza teargas - PSN-ID: Mea83 teddy1975 - PSN-ID: PS-Fan1975 Teebee76 - PSN-ID: havoc76 Tefox - PSN-ID: Tefox_3000 Telespieler - PSN-ID: Telespieler Templer - PSN-ID: Templer23 Tenkai - PSN-ID: TenkaiBrisatos Teves - PSN-ID: Effektz2 tewpak - PSN-ID: tewpak the_badman - PSN-ID: WaSt1982 The End - PSN-ID: Emre16 The Neomaniac - PSN-ID: Neomaniac The-Arni - PSN-ID: the-arni TheBurner87 - PSN-ID: TheBurner87 thedarkness74 - PSN-ID: thedarkness74 TheDinoMan - PSN-ID: TheDinoMan thedon1987 - PSN-ID: deathrow1987 TheGamePlan - PSN-ID: TheGamePlan TheGreatOne - PSN-ID: Mr_Zocker thejudge - PSN-ID: Dirty_dg THE-Mega-RISK - PSN-ID: xX-Fabi112-Xx thestonedyankee - PSN-ID: Stoni1986 thoweb - PSN-ID: thoweb thream - PSN-ID: Thream Thurdus - PSN-ID: Thurdus Thurgau - PSN-ID: Thurgau Tim_Tayler2 - PSN-ID: Tim_Tayler2 timbo3000 - PSN-ID: timbo3000 time2play00 - PSN-ID: time2play00 Timmy90 - PSN-ID: TIF2912 Tin - PSN-ID: talibanii Tobi612 - PSN-ID: Tobi612 Tobias_UK - PSN-ID: Tobias_UK todesking81 - PSN-ID: Todesking81 Tombo - PSN-ID: Backtot TommeyMcCloud - PSN-ID: TommeyMcCloud tommy__vercetti - PSN-ID: tommy__vercetti Tony Montana - PSN-ID: Primo996 toodoo - PSN-ID: toodoo torlof - PSN-ID: zerogravityspide Torn - PSN-ID: TornJK ToRoDaN - PSN-ID: ToRoDaN ToRoNTo90 - PSN-ID: BuffySummers Torsten - PSN-ID: King-Lui torykay - PSN-ID: torykay totti91 - PSN-ID: totti91 traden - PSN-ID: keNtek TragiQ - PSN-ID: iNSMONiAQ Travis - PSN-ID: KingOfKingZz Tresk - PSN-ID: Treskk Tribune - PSN-ID: CJ_Sparrow triple - PSN-ID: triple1989 TriplexXx - PSN-ID: MarioGomezFAN trixie141185 - PSN-ID: sleeper0407 Trouble - PSN-ID: PennyBrutalo tschabumm - PSN-ID: tschabumm Tschuby - PSN-ID: Tschuby Tsingtao^^ - PSN-ID: abc1985 TTBeNnI - PSN-ID: TTBeNnI tw180680 - PSN-ID: TW26 Twilight - PSN-ID: puppetClon TwoDoG - PSN-ID: Windowshopperx1 --U-- Ulf - PSN-ID: ubiobi UlfKirsten - PSN-ID: UlfKirsten ultra05 - PSN-ID: ultra05 Undead Skydancer - PSN-ID: Slipo Unholy Father - PSN-ID: to666y - PSN-ID: unique_ru Untergrundkönigin - PSN-ID: Sido-Sarah urfy_ - PSN-ID: urfy_ Ushr2K - PSN-ID: ushr2k Usumakie - PSN-ID: Usumpator uth_bg44k - PSN-ID: uth_bg44k UWB-Andre - PSN-ID: Dimenzio Uwe_D-G - PSN-ID: PFALZBUY uwe68 - PSN-ID: uwe68 --V-- V.I.P. - PSN-ID: GTXzero Vango1981 - PSN-ID: HELLASBULLE Varg Vikernes - PSN-ID: Eviga Varron - PSN-ID: Varron veheta_1_ - PSN-ID: vegeta_1_ Veilside - PSN-ID: tiger_ale venom0109 - PSN-ID: venom0109 Verdugo - PSN-ID: Norskaal Versus_King - PSN-ID: K_H_King VfBCL08 - PSN-ID: vandervaart Vincent Valentine - PSN-ID: RikuValentine virox - PSN-ID: virox Virus81 - PSN-ID: Virus81 ViruZZZ97 - PSN-ID: Atomic_IceTea vieraeugigerZyklop - PSN-ID: hoehlentroll24 Vodka - PSN-ID: Don92 VoGeLgRiPpe - PSN-ID: Vogelgrippe Votokan - PSN-ID: Bauser77 vs-the-world - PSN-ID: vs-the-world Vyper - PSN-ID: OneSe7enteen --W-- wadwor - PSN-ID: wadwor wak - PSN-ID: wak22 Wallcloud - PSN-ID: Wallcloud Wat3rblade - PSN-ID: Lord_Chillalot Wechna - PSN-ID: Chiksaw Wednesday_13 - PSN-ID: Dead_Man_Dancing werder94 - PSN-ID: deritter Werder Fan - PSN-ID: WerderInferno wheelswithattitude - PSN-ID: wheels211 whitewoolf - PSN-ID: Whitewoolf wiedmannd - PSN-ID: Diegoso211 wii-bitte - PSN-ID: mockelock WiiMaster - PSN-ID: Great_Hudini79 WiiPlayer26 - PSN-ID: CMMeista27 wild_skater - PSN-ID: wild_skater Wissard - PSN-ID: Wissard w-lam - PSN-ID: w-lam wmc_herle - PSN-ID: wmc_herle Wolfsblut2007 - PSN-ID: wolfsblut123 wriki080 - PSN-ID: wriki080 WuestenFuchss - PSN-ID: WuestenFuchss Wu-Fighter - PSN-ID: wu-fighter Wuhky - PSN-ID: Wuhky WWE-FAN - PSN-ID: xChAnGeRx --X-- X-_Nemesis_-X - PSN-ID: X-_Genesis_-X x_BareFace_x - PSN-ID: x_BareFace_x x_X-Gangsta-X_x - PSN-ID: x_X-Gangsta-X_x Xander2000 - PSN-ID: Xander2000 Xburn - PSN-ID: Mischa17 xeax - PSN-ID: morten333 Xevi - PSN-ID: Xevi25 xfatih1990x - PSN-ID: Massacre471 XkaniX - PSN-ID: XkaniX xTaZi - PSN-ID: xTaZi_R xX ThAni Xx - PSN-ID: Virus_ER xxeazy-exx - PSN-ID: xxLBCxx xXFlo - PSN-ID: xXFlo XxG-StyLeZzxX - PSN-ID: BlacK_SnipeR_07 xXKing TarikXx - PSN-ID: xX-TiMUR-Xx XXmarcelinhoXX - PSN-ID: XXmarcelinhoXX XxSoNiCxX - PSN-ID: XxSonicxX_93 xX-Soccer-Xx - PSN-ID: GangstaPlayaxX_Kite_Xx - PSN-ID: Kekz_Kanoneh --Y-- Yankee - PSN-ID: DeBabba yAsiN - PSN-ID: boxringman57 Yassini - PSN-ID: Stgkilla YassirX - PSN-ID: YassirX yasuniracing - PSN-ID: yasuniracing Yeah10 - PSN-ID: Yeah10 yerlisinan - PSN-ID: yerlisinan Yeti_91(Jochi) - PSN-ID: jochi1991 Yogi285 - PSN-ID: Yogi285 Yoh - PSN-ID: fresh-yoh-shaman Yoshi91 - PSN-ID: Kagome91 yoshicss - PSN ID: ilschaefro Yusuf - PSN-ID: Enkkad --Z-- ZaCaX - PSN-ID: ZaCaX Zahlenhai - PSN-ID: lazytwista ZaiiQvist - PSN-ID: TwiS316 Zajala - PSN-ID: ZaJaLa ZaRaK - PSN-ID: ZaRaK_85 zedd93 - PSN-ID: Zedd93 Zephonas - PSN-ID: Zephonas Zero Fury - PSN-ID: HeroicJackal ZeRo_CaSh - PSN-ID: FrEsH_CaSh-BS_2- Zero86 - PSN-ID: Zerolife1986 ZeRoDoG - PSN-ID: Micki08 zibi - PSN-ID: zibi Zid1987 - PSN-ID: Zid1987 Zidane - PSN-ID: gary2006 zigainer - PSN-ID: jab0_O_o ZiRo - PSN-ID: ZiRo69 zitrobel - PSN-ID: Dr_R3mPl3m Zitrone_ - PSN-ID: Elektro_Shockk zocker055 - PSN-ID: zocker055 ZOCKER360 - PSN-ID: WhiteTigerX -Zockerchen- - PSN-ID: Zocker_67 Zockerweibchen - PSN-ID: Furzbaerchen zoraja - PSN-ID: zoraja --SONDERZEICHEN-- 'Brilliant' - PSN-ID: Behaviorr $ BerLIn CiTY $ - PSN-ID: BadBoyBerlin $$Franky-Boy$$ - PSN-ID: rtyhgffgftrddrre $KingFish$ - PSN-ID: KingFish83 $naruto$ - PSN-ID: Ryuuzakii3 *METALLICA* - PSN-ID: SCARFACE_07 *RoM4iK_15* - PSN-ID: RoM4iK_ToM4iK .#snafy - PSN-ID: -->wixx0r<-- [BiBo]Maze - PSN-ID: BiBoMaze [MK] Scorpian - PSN-ID: Hiro_Nakamura90 [Prototype] - PSN-ID: XMonsterHunterX _SK_STURM_GRAZ - PSN-ID: Sportklub_STURM ~GoOd lUCk / hAve fUN~ - PSN-ID: Siemis ~SwissXx~ - PSN-ID: Swiss_Elite +*Dr_Willy*+ - PSN-ID: Mr_Willy -Curtis- - PSN-ID: flow0001 -=DoB=- - PSN-ID: wiidob ->andi<- - PSN-ID: fcbayern-2009 12ps3 - PSN-ID: Archenholz 17Ronaldo - PSN-ID Fresh_Killer 1977j.meyer - PSN-ID: jicksaw 1er - PSN-ID: ScoutMan78 1maler - PSN-ID: globalplayer81 2_4_7 - PSN-ID: hellraizor_666 4_baxx - PSN-ID: alpa_gun_9 7erbushido - PSN-ID: nyzea1r 7SIEBEN7 - PSN-ID: liehos

  4. #3
    Leonidas Leonidas ist offline
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  5. #4
    Happy Happy ist offline
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    PS3 ID: chizogenie

  6. #5
    Wilko Bents

    MegaChaosMan - PSN-ID: MegaChaosMan

    MegaChaosMan - PSN-ID: MegaChaosMan

  7. #6

    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Kleine Änderung :

    Das Team hat beschlossen die Beiträge nicht mehr zu löschen, viele aus der Liste sind wohl möglich kaum noch online und adden tut man auch nicht so viele Spieler. Zudem weiß man hier nun wer immer aktuell dabei ist wenn wir die Posts stehen lassen.

    Doch sie werden trotzdem in die Liste eingetragen. Zur Not gibt es dafür auch die "Wer hat gepostet" Suche.

    Die andere und einfachste Methode wäre es wenn jeder in seinem Profil seine ID eingeben würde, damit man die Adresse jederzeit unter seinem Avatar betrachten könnte.

    Und wenn ihr die User persönlich fragen würdet wüssten sie auch vom wem sie geaddet werden - falls jemand hier nicht stehen sollte.


  8. #7
    Leonidas Leonidas ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    geaddet hat mich z.b. bisher auch noch niemand, glaube das manche gar nicht wissen das dieser thread existiert, vll mehr "werbung" dafür??

  9. #8
    robbie robbie ist offline
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    Ich glaube geaddet wurde wegen dieser Liste noch nie irgendjemand.
    Vorher wars halt so, dass wir einen 70-seitigen Thread hatten und viele ihre ID 8x reingeschrieben haben.
    Die Liste wurde also wegen der Übersichtlichkeit gemacht, wenn wer wen adden will, dann schreibt er ihn wahrscheinlich ohnehin selber an.

  10. #9

    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Ja eben, weil man gar nicht mehr sieht wer neu dazugekommen ist. Wenn die Beiträge stehenbleiben ist mehr Transparenz drin, und wenn jemand halt acht mal drin steht, was solls. Klappt in den anderen Foren schließlich auch so.

  11. #10
    robbie robbie ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Deswegen mein ich ja es ist vermutlich wurscht wie, adden wird sowieso niemand niemanden, egal wie man die Datenbank führt.
    Ich kenn kein Forum wo das irgendwie klappt, deswegen haben wir es über so eine Auflistung versucht.

    Vorteil bei der Variante, die ihr nun wieder wählt, ist halt dass derjenige auch dazu schreiben kann was er so zockt.
    Sollte also keine negative Kritik sein.

  12. #11
    jimcarry jimcarry ist offline
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    Ich finde gut, daß die Liste trotz dem weitergeführt wird.
    Kommt doch ab und an mal vor, daß mich jemand ohne Kommentar addet und ich nicht weiß wer das ist.
    Dann kann ich immer hier mal reinschauen.

  13. #12
    KSA2012 KSA2012 ist offline
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  14. #13
    landrush-fifa landrush-fifa ist offline
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    korrektur: seit 1,5 jahren heisse ich Wurscht07

  15. #14
    xX ThAnDi Xx xX ThAnDi Xx ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Habe nun auch wieder ne PS3

    Virus_ER mein Name Erl

  16. #15
    iTeqz iTeqz ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Also ich Schmipfe mich Syne_Teqz, das Syne ist wegen meinem
    SniperClan wenn sich jemand wundern sollte. Doch eins interessiert mich Thread denn im Profil eines jeden Users,
    steht doch (soweit eingetragen) seine ID ...

  17. #16
    LittleGreen LittleGreen ist gerade online
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  18. #17
    Auricom80 Auricom80 ist offline

    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Hi ich bin auch wider da meine ps3 war futsch und hab ne super slim ps3 500gp allso wehr mich adden will immer zu BF1943 und GT5 Uncharted 3 sind meine spiele zur zeit aber weden wider mehr
    allso fleisich adden Auricom80 freu mich

  19. #18
    Deathdoc77 Deathdoc77 ist offline
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    Ich bin auch wieder auferstanden von den "Forumsleichen" :P meine Id: Deathdoc77

    Aber bitte kurz vorher sagen wer ihr seit, da ich nur leute Adde deren Herkunft ich zuordnen kann DANKE

    Also dann

    GAME ON welche Spiele ich zocke entnehmt bitte meiner Signatur danke

  20. #19
    Loki Loki ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Servus Leude!

    Nach langem hin-und her habe ich mich nun auch endlich dazu entschlossen mir eine PS 3 als Zweitkonsole zuzulegen.
    Auf der 360 hab' ich mittlerweile so ziemlich alles durch was mich interessiert, jetzt kann ich hier ein paar Sachen nachholen.

    Anzumerken ist, das ich mir die Playsi vorallem wegen exclusiven Spielen geholt habe, vorallem RPGs.
    Wer also Battlefield oder CoD mit mir spielen möchte, muss mich auf XBL adden (falls vorhanden).

    PSN ID: Darkrain333

  21. #20
    Invisible Touch Invisible Touch ist offline
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    AW: Eure Online-ID

    Würde Interesse bestehen an einer "inoffiziellen", auf Basis dieses Threads, in Verbindung mit der Verwendung und Verlinkung zu "" , sortiert nach Level ?

    Oder bestünden irgendwelche Einwände ?
    Kann ja sein das jemand nicht drin stehen will, dann wird es für mich schon schwierig. ^^

    Frage ist auch ob ich das in einen Post kriege, noch dazu wäre es sehr schnell unaktuell und ein ziemlicher Aufwand es neu zu sortieren ...
    Irgendwer irgendwelche praktischen Ideen ?
    Sowas tolles wie auf wird's wohl unmöglich werden, aber auch abgeschwächt fände ich mal interessant.

    (fiel mir gerade so ein, mit meiner tierischen Langeweile ^^)

    Wenn's ne doofe Idee ist, einfach ignorieren.

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