Ergebnis 3.281 bis 3.300 von 5935
Thema: Burnout Paradise
23.09.2008, 00:19 #3281KUV1977
AW: Burnout Paradise
Hoffe man braucht nicht wirklich die PS-Eye Trophy für Platin. Hab nämlich eigentlich nicht vor, mir eine zu holen...
Bronze Trophies
- Repair your car - Awarded for driving through any Auto Repair
- Set a Time Road Rule on any road - Awarded for beating any of the original Time Road Rule scores
- Set a Showtime Road Rule on any road - Awarded for beating any of the original Showtime Road Rule scores
- Win a race - Awarded for winning any Offline Race
- Smash 3 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 3rd pristine Burnout Billboard
- Smash 30 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 30th pristine Burnout Billboard
- Drive through 10 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 10th set of Yellow Smash Gates
- Drive through 50 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 50th set of Yellow Smash Gates
- Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7 - Awarded when you Shutdown the Nakamura SI-7
- Score a x3 Multiplier in Showtime - Awarded for reaching a x3 Multiplier in Showtime
- Perform 3 Takedowns - Awarded for performing your third Takedown
- Drive through a Repair shop during a Road Rage - Awarded for driving through an Auto Repair during any Offline Road Rage
- Perform a 180 degree Flatspin - Awarded for performing a Flatspin of at least 180 degrees
- Successfully land your first Super Jump - Awarded when you successfully land your 1st Super Jump
- Score a Boost Chain of x2 - Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x2
- Survive a Marked Man - Awarded for winning any Offline Marked Man
- Beat the target score in Stunt Run - Awarded for winning any Offline Stunt Run
- Power Park your car - Awarded for successfully Power Parking your car between two other vehicles
- Set 10 Showtime Road Rules - Awarded when you set your 10th Showtime Road Rule
- Set 10 Time Road Rules - Awarded when you set your 10th Time Road Rule
- Complete 5 Burning Routes - Awarded when you complete your 5th Burning Route
- Drive on the wrong side of the road for 547 yards - Awarded for driving a distance of 547 yards in Oncoming Traffic in one go
- Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van - Awarded when you Shutdown the Carson Inferno Van
- Successfully land 10 Super Jumps - Awarded when you successfully land your 10th Super Jump
- Land a Barrel Roll jump - Awarded for successfully landing a Barrel Roll jump
- Find all the events around Paradise City - Awarded when you have discovered every event in Paradise City
- Visit all the Car Parks in Paradise City - Awarded when you discover every Car Park in Paradise City
- Invite a friend to join you in Paradise City - Awarded for sending an online game invite to another player
- Complete a Freeburn Challenge - Awarded when you complete your 1st Freeburn Challenge
- Visit a Gas Station during a Race - Awarded for driving through a Gas Station during any Offline Race
- Visit a Paint Shop to change your vehicle color - Awarded for driving through any Paint Shop to change your vehicle colour
- Enter a Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van - Awarded for entering any Offline Road Rage in the Carson Inferno Van
- Visit the Airfield - Awarded for visiting the Airfield in Silver Lake
- Visit the Quarry - Awarded for visiting the Quarry in White Mountain
- Jump Dead Man's Edge - Awarded when you first jump over Dead Man's Edge in White Mountain
- Jump over another player's car - Awarded for jumping over another player's car in an online game
- 8 Players meet in the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium - Awarded for meeting up with 7 other players inside the Wildcats' Baseball Stadium in an online game
- Send a Mugshot or Smugshot - Awarded for sending a Mugshot or Smughot to another player during an online game (requires a USB camera to be connected)
- Take part in an Online Stunt Run - Awarded for taking part in an Online Stunt Run
- Take part in an Online Marked Man - Awarded for taking part in an Online Marked Man
- Be on the Blue team for Online Road Rage - Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Runner on the Blue Team
- Be on the Red team for Online Road Rage - Awarded for taking part in an Online Road Rage as a Chaser on the Red Team
- Ride 50 Miles Offline on a bike - Awarded when you reach a total bike distance ridden of 50 miles
- Complete any Bike Day Road Rule - Awarded when you set your 1st Bike Day Road RuleCompl
- Complete any Bike Night Road Rule - Awarded when you set your 1st bike Night Road Rule
- Ride 10 miles on a bike in any 8 player lobby - Awarded for riding 10 miles on a bike in an 8 player online game
- Complete 5 Bike Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 5th Freeburn Challenge on a bike
- Drive through 200 sets of Yellow Smash Gates - Awarded when you drive through your 200th set of Yellow Smash Gates
- Earn your 'D' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'D' Class License
- Earn your 'C' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'C' Class License
- Earn your 'B' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'B' Class License
- Earn your 'A' class license - Awarded when you receive your 'A' Class License
- Score a x5 Multiplier in Showtime - Awarded for reaching a x5 Multiplier in Showtime
- Score a Boost Chain of x4 - Awarded for achieving your first Boost Chain of x4
- Score over 50,000 in a stunt run - Awarded for scoring over 50,000 in any Offline Stunt Run
- Drive 750 miles - Awarded when you reach a total car distance driven of 750 miles
- Complete 10 Freeburn Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 10th Freeburn Challenge
- Complete your first Timed Challenge - Awarded when you complete your 1st Timed Challenge
- 24 hours in Paradise on a bike - Awarded for spending a full 24 hour day and night cycle riding a bike
- Smash 60 Burnout Billboards - Awarded when you smash through your 60th pristine Burnout Billboard
- Earn your 'Burnout' Driving License - Awarded when you receive your 'Burnout' Driving License
- Complete 10 Timed Challenges - Awarded when you complete your 10th Timed Challenge
- Earn 100% on your Bike License - Awarded when you reach 100% complete on your Bike License
- Awarded for successfully collecting all trophies from Burnout Paradise (excluding Additional Content trophies)
23.09.2008, 10:13 #3282Dirk Diggler
AW: Burnout Paradise
Send a Mugshot or Smugshot - Awarded for sending a Mugshot or Smughot to another player during an online game (requires a USB camera to be connected)
Aber reicht nicht auch eine einfache USB-WebCam!? Denn die hätte ich sofort parat. Falls nicht muss ich mir halt von nem Kumpel die PS-Eye-Cam ausleihen.
Mal abwarten- will nicht voreilig diese Trophy als Bulls**i abstempeln.
Aber jetzt mal im Vertrauen- hab ich dass missverstanden?
Trophies sind auch in der PSN-Version noch nicht vorhanden und werden erst mit einem nächsten Patch integriert:
"A pack delivering PS3 Trophy Support will be released imminently and included for free." >>> "Ein Update dass Trophies für die PS3 liefert wird bald veröffentlicht und das kostenlos."
23.09.2008, 10:30 #3283KUV1977
AW: Burnout Paradise
Bei Platinum steht ja auch: (excluding Additional Content trophies)
vielleicht braucht man also einige, wie die Musg/Smugshot Trophy nicht unbedingt...
Viele Seiten schreiben, PSN-Version mit Trophies... Denke mal schon, dass dem so sein wird, und dass der Patch für alle anderen eben auch 'sofort' danach released wird...
23.09.2008, 10:44 #3284Dirk Diggler
AW: Burnout Paradise
Unter „additional content“ zähle ich alle Bike-, Time-Challenge-, online-Road-Rage-, Stunt-Rennen-, usw... -Trophies.
Denn diese sind ja nur erreichbar wenn man die beiden Updates (Cagney und Burnout Bikes) installiert hat.
Aber ich sag mal so, da ich bis auf 3 Bike-Challenges restlos alles in dem Spiel gemacht habe, hab ich ja eigentlich nichts zu befürchteten. Was es jetzt genau mit dieser Mugshot-Trophy auf sich hat, wird sich ja früh genug zeigen.
Naja dann hab ich das wohl wirklich nicht ganz richtig verstanden (sorry @killradiorocks ). Dann freu ich mich auf den Patch und vergebe wieder 2 Daumen nach oben für die Jungs von Criteriongames!
23.09.2008, 14:44 #3285ice_silver93
23.09.2008, 22:48 #3286jimcarry
24.09.2008, 09:09 #3287
24.09.2008, 09:40 #3288herg`
24.09.2008, 09:59 #3289flojoe
AW: Burnout Paradise
Trotzdem glaube ich, ass es Trophies gibt, die man noch schaffen muss, oder ist das wie bei Uncharted, wo es im Spiel schon Medaillen gibt?, die so 1:1 übernommen werden können?
24.09.2008, 11:23 #3290Sheendra
AW: Burnout Paradise
sofort die Platinum-Trophie gibt.
Allerdings ist natürlich alles möglich, da man nur raten kann, was so alles im Speicherstand abgelegt ist.
25.09.2008, 10:18 #3291Zabuza18
AW: Burnout Paradise
son kack ey -.- man muss doch neu anfangen -.-
25.09.2008, 10:20 #3292jimcarry
AW: Burnout Paradise
echt war?
woran hast du das gemerkt?
bin gerade noch am laden........
25.09.2008, 10:21 #3293Dirk Diggler
25.09.2008, 10:22 #3294KUV1977
AW: Burnout Paradise
kann ich mir echt nicht vorstellen... Unter Umständen musst du nochmal eine Werbetafel durchfahren, damit er 'merkt' dass du schon die benötigte ANzahl hast?!
Wäre ja echt lame, wenn die jetzt doch nicht halten können, was sie versprochen hatten...
Im Crit-Forum schreibt einer auch, dass es nicht retro ist... Eventuell ein Bug? Oder SONY hat sich 'durchgesetzt', denn die wollten ja, dass es keine retroaktiven gibt, nur bei Warhawk ging es ja auch...
25.09.2008, 10:26 #3295saghor
AW: Burnout Paradise
Andererseits hätte ich schon Bock noch mal ganz neu anzufangen und die Trophäen nach und nach zu erfahren.
25.09.2008, 10:28 #3296Gast002
AW: Burnout Paradise
Lol gut daß ich das Spiel erst heute gekauft habe
Lasst euch nicht unterkriegen Jungs
25.09.2008, 10:31 #3297derHerrWagner
AW: Burnout Paradise
So ein Beschiss! Spinnen die eigentlich?? Erst versprechen und dann doch nicht.
Wer ist den so bescheuert und fängt nur wegen den Trophys nochmal von vorn an? Habe mir alles in langer Zeit zusammengespielt...zum kotzen.
25.09.2008, 10:34 #3298Dirk Diggler
AW: Burnout Paradise
Abwarten... ich glaub nicht dass das so gewollt war- entweder ein Fehler oder man muss den ersten Anstoß geben, bevor man alle Trophies erhält.
Nicht voreilig schon wieder rumschreien
25.09.2008, 10:37 #3299saghor
25.09.2008, 10:37 #3300KUV1977
AW: Burnout Paradise
Hier die offizielle Nachricht von Criterion:
Burnout Paradise saves are locked to your profile. We had hoped to use this to retroactively award trophies, but we discovered during testing that this is not possible. You will therefore require a fresh game-save to receive trophies in Burnout Paradise. If you're familiar with PS3 trophies already, you'll recognise that this works in the same way as all other games that have added trophy support post-release.
Schade, aber was tut man nicht alles... einige Rennen waren echt nicht spaßig...
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