Ergebnis 5.661 bis 5.680 von 6352
10.01.2009, 16:56 #5661Unregistriert
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Schau dir mal diesen Bereich an. Dort ist für jeden was dabei!
10.01.2009, 17:46 #5662Daniel (Ds Zocker)
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Jap hab ManU selber gemacht^^
Sieht echt gut aus,
das Problem ist aber bei deutschen Teams...
10.01.2009, 20:01 #5663Tefox
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
NEIN wirklich ?
Wie kommen manche Leute nur auf diese SchlauenAntworten ?*Wie Dr.Cooks aus Scrubs reden*
Also ich verstehe das einfach nicht wie du das jetzt meinst
Und noch für die Fc Bayern Fans
Landon Donovan
Name:Landon Donovan
Name auf dem Shirt: D O N O V A N
Fuß:Rechts und Links
Torjubel 1:4
Torjubel 2:11 oder 12
-Zweite Spitze
-Offensives Mittelfeld
Nati. USA
Sehr Kurz2 3,7
Bart: 99/100
Muster:Wie Haarfarbe
Größe:1,73 Meter
Gewicht:70-73 (Weiß ich nicht genau sry)
Hemd:Über der Hose
Fähigkeiten:Von Luca Toni um 4 oder 5 verbessern
Copyright by Aiedail
Das soll heißen
Bevor jemand diesen Spieler Nochmals Postet
Frägt bitte mich UM ERLAUBNIS
MFG Aiedail
10.01.2009, 21:39 #5664Unregistriert
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
brauche unbedingt das gesicht von toni kroos denn bei pes 08 (ps2) sieht er nicht besonders echt aus
danke im vorraus
11.01.2009, 10:00 #5665Tefox
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Benutz die SuchFunktion
Und geb Kroos ein dann wirst du geschete geischter finden
Und dasnheißt nicht ICH BRAUCHE okey?
MFG Aiedail
11.01.2009, 11:43 #5666Marcel5000
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
ich bräuchte sinan kaloglu und daniel fernandes von VFL Bochum
13.01.2009, 07:40 #5667Killua
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
13.01.2009, 07:44 #5668Tefox
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
DANKE Killua jetzt hab ich mch für euch UMSONST dran gesetzt
Naja egal meiner sieht warscheinlich besser aus
MFG Aiedail
13.01.2009, 08:00 #5669Killua
13.01.2009, 08:21 #5670Tefox
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
ABER ich fand der sieht net so gut aus deswegen hab ich ihn nochmal gemacht
Aber besser
Aber trotzdem ist es umsonst gewesen
Aber egal
MFG Aiedail
13.01.2009, 18:38 #5671Schalke06
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Leute habe da mal eine Frage ich möchte z.B. ManU verändern, man kann jedoch manche Vereine nicht ändern!!!
Kann man das i-wie ändern??
Thx im voraus
14.01.2009, 12:07 #5672Daniel (Ds Zocker)
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Jap, hab selber das Tirkot von ManU gewechstelt
ManU und Chelsea kannst du verändern
14.01.2009, 13:37 #5673gsboy54
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
kann mir jemand bitte christian brüls sercan yildirm und özer hurmaci machen
Sercan Yildirim (Bursaspor) - Profil -
Özer Hurmaci (Ankaraspor) - Profil -
Christian Brüls (MVV Maastricht) - Profil -
14.01.2009, 14:09 #5674Tefox
14.01.2009, 16:28 #5675Farfán17
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
hey bin neu hier und wollte gleich mal fragen ob mir jemand jefferson Farfan von schalke erstellen kann?
14.01.2009, 16:36 #5676Pes&Fifa09
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Ja.ich kann sie dir Machen.Hier.
NAme: Farfán
Name.Trikot: FARFAN
Verein:FC Schalke 04
Nummer : 17
Basic Settings
Age: 24
Foot: PD
Injury: A
Dribble Style: 1
Free Kick Style: 1
Penalty kick Style: 1
Drop Kick Style: 1
Growth Type: Standard
ST*, SMF, OMF, WG, CF - Both Sides
Build Face
Brows = 22/+1/-3/+3
Eyes = 18/+1/-3/-1/-1/1/Black 2
Nose = 2/+1/+1
Cheeks = 2/-1
Mouth = 15/-1/+1
Jaw = 1/+1/-2
Type: Buzz Cut 3/2/-/1
Colour: Pattern 8
Facial Hair
Type: 39
Colour: 8
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Body Type: 3
Nike Mercurial Vapor IV Azul/Amarelo
Neck Warmer: NO
Necklace: NO
Wristband: NO
Friendship Bracelet: NO
Gloves: NO
Finger Band: NO
Sleeves: AUTO
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO
(By PES09)
81 44 83 81 82 84 82 83 84 83 76 70 78 78
76 83 83 79 83 67 76 83 85 60 50 62 4 6 5
Special Ability
* Dribbling Keeping (Tactical Dribble)
* Reaction
* Scoring
* Middle Shooting
* Side
wenn du noch welche brauchst einfach mir sagen!
14.01.2009, 16:37 #5677Farfán17
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
cool danke werde gleich mal schauen...
14.01.2009, 16:39 #5678Pes&Fifa09
14.01.2009, 16:39 #5679augi88
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
Gruß in die Runde aus dem kalten Osten Deutschlands
14.01.2009, 16:48 #5680Pes&Fifa09
AW: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - Gesichter & Trikots
wenn du die spieler willst dann sind sie hier..
Emm.sry das ich ddas so machen musste ich wusste nciht wie ich das alles in einem ordner oder so rein bekomme.und dann hier einfüge.-aba du kanst ja alle kopieren und dann in word.rein machen.nochmal sry an alle
Jens Lehmann = deutsche Nationalmannschaft
Stolz, Alexander - VfB Stuttgart -
player name: Stolz
commentary name: ---
name on strip: S T O L Z
basic settings:
age: 24
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 2
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: GK
nationality: GER
face: Build / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0
brows: 12 / -1 / -2 / 0
eyes: 9 / 0 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / Brown 2
nose: 7 / 0 / 2
cheeks: 3 / 3
mouth: 10 / 0 / 0
jaw: 4 / 0 / 0
hairstyle: Very short 2 / 1 / 3 / - / - / Pattern / 10
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair No / -
sun glasses No / -
height: 189
weight: 85
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: ? / -
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a /
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: no / -
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 28
defence: 74
balance: 79
stamina: 58
top speed: 65
acceleration: 64
response: 78
agility: 69
dribble accuracy: 43
dribble speed: 44
short pass accuracy: 56
short pass speed: 53
long pass accuracy: 58
long pass speed: 62
shoot accuracy: 40
shoot power: 80
shoot technique: 41
free kick accuracy: 38
curling: 37
header: 42
jump: 82
technique: 52
aggression: 49
mentality: 69
goal keeping skills: 75
team work ability: 58
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 4
weak foot frequency 4
special ability: none
#24. Sven ULREICH (VfB Stuttgart)
Basic Settings
Age: 20
Foot: R
Injury: A
Dribble Style: 1
Free Kick Style: 1
Penalty kick Style: 1
Drop Kick Style: 2
Growth Type: Early Peak
GK* - Both Sides
Build Face
Brows = 20/0/-3/+1
Eyes = 9/0/-1/0/+1/1/Dark Grey 2
Nose = 7/-2/0
Cheeks = 1/+2
Mouth = 9/-2/-1
Jaw = 2/-3/+2
Type: Straight 1/2/7/1
Colour: Pattern 12
Facial Hair
Type: 112
Colour: 3
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 84 kg
Body Type: 5
Puma V Konstrukt II Black
Wristband: -
Friendship Bracelet: -
Gloves: -
Finger Band: -
Shirts: NO
Sleeves: LONG
Under Shorts: NO
Socks: 2
Tape: NO
Ability (by OF PES.COM.PT V2.0)
30 76 85 68 63 65 81 68 45 52 51 56 59 60
42 76 43 55 49 58 74 53 58 70 76 68 6 3 3
Special Ability
Osorio, Ricardo - VfB Stuttgart - register from Mexico Squad
player name: Osorio
commentary name: Osorio
name on strip: R. OSORIO
basic settings:
age: 27
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 2
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: RS/RF
position: SB, CB, SW, WB
nationality: MEX
face: Build / 2 / 1 / 4 / 2
brows: 27 / -3 / -3 / -3
eyes: 32 / -1 / -2 / 1 / -2 / 1 / Black 2
nose: 3 / 1 / 0
cheeks: 4 / 2
mouth: 16 / 1 / 0
jaw: 1 / -3 / 3
hairstyle: Very short 2 / 3 / 2 / - / - / Pattern / 8
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair No / -
sun glasses No / -
height: 173
weight: 68
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Adidas whi/red / -
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a /
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 66
defence: 76
balance: 74
stamina: 86
top speed: 80
acceleration: 85
response: 81
agility: 84
dribble accuracy: 78
dribble speed: 75
short pass accuracy: 72
short pass speed: 69
long pass accuracy: 71
long pass speed: 68
shoot accuracy: 62
shoot power: 71
shoot technique: 68
free kick accuracy: 60
curling: 60
header: 72
jump: 85
technique: 78
aggression: 68
mentality: 70
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 83
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 7
weak foot accuracy: 5
weak foot frequency 5
special ability: none
BOULAHROUZ= Niederländische Nationalmannschaft
Tasci, Serdar - VfB Stuttgart -
player name: Tasci
commentary name: ---
name on strip: T A S C I
basic settings:
age: 20
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Early/Lasting
side attitude: L&R
position: CB
nationality: GER
face: Build face / 1 / -3 / 0 / -2
brows: 18 / 1 / -1 / 0
eyes: 1 / 0 / -1 / -2 / 2 / 2 / Brown 2
nose: 1 / 1 / 0
cheeks: 1 / 2
mouth: 4 / 1 / 0
jaw: 3 / 0 / 0
hairstyle: Very short 2 / 3 / 2 / - / - / Pattern / 9
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair 37 / 8
sun glasses No / -
height: 186
weight: 80
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Adidas red/whi or blk/whi / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: Yes
attack: 38
defence: 79
balance: 84
stamina: 78
top speed: 74
acceleration: 68
response: 71
agility: 66
dribble accuracy: 71
dribble speed: 78
short pass accuracy: 68
short pass speed: 67
long pass accuracy: 66
long pass speed: 72
shoot accuracy: 54
shoot power: 82
shoot technique: 58
free kick accuracy: 48
curling: 52
header: 75
jump: 74
technique: 73
aggression: 68
mentality: 69
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 68
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 6
weak foot frequency 5
special ability: none
Delpierre, Matthieu - VfB Stuttgart - unlock from PES 2008 Shop
player name: Delpierre
commentary name: ---
name on strip: DELPIERRE
basic settings:
age: 26
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: CB, SB
nationality: FRANCE
face: Build face / 1 / -3 / 1 / -3
brows: 21 / -1 / -3 / 1
eyes: 26 / 0 / -3 / -2 / 2 / 2 / Dark grey 1
nose: 4 / 2 / 2
cheeks: 6 / 2
mouth: 19 / -1 / 1
jaw: 2 / 1 / 1
hairstyle: Straight 1 / 1 / 7 / 1 / - / Pattern / 10
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair 96 / 9
sun glasses No / -
height: 193
weight: 86
body: 4
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Puma white/red / -
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a /
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: 2
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 56
defence: 81
balance: 87
stamina: 79
top speed: 76
acceleration: 72
response: 74
agility: 71
dribble accuracy: 69
dribble speed: 68
short pass accuracy: 67
short pass speed: 65
long pass accuracy: 71
long pass speed: 70
shoot accuracy: 58
shoot power: 76
shoot technique: 55
free kick accuracy: 60
curling: 55
header: 82
jump: 76
technique: 70
aggression: 52
mentality: 71
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 72
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 4
weak foot accuracy: 6
weak foot frequency 6
special ability:
marking: *
Magnin= Schweizer nationalmannschaft
Marica = Rumänoische nationalmannschaft (Hat die Nr.9)
Hitzelsberger = Deutsche NM
Pischorn - VfB Stuttgart -
player name: Pischorn
commentary name: ---
name on strip: PISCHORN
basic settings:
age: 21
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: CB
nationality: Ger
face: Build / 1 / 3 / -3 / 0
brows: 5 / -3 / -3 / -2
eyes: 24 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 / Brown 2
nose: 3 / 1 / 0
cheeks: 3 / 3
mouth: 6 / 0 / 0
jaw: 4 / 0 / 2
hairstyle: Straight 2 / 2 / 7 / 3 / - / Pattern / 22
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair No / -
sun glasses No / -
height: 188
weight: 86
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: ? / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: no / -
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 40
defence: 70
balance: 80
stamina: 75
top speed: 74
acceleration: 71
response: 62
agility: 65
dribble accuracy: 58
dribble speed: 66
short pass accuracy: 62
short pass speed: 66
long pass accuracy: 60
long pass speed: 68
shoot accuracy: 55
shoot power: 77
shoot technique: 56
free kick accuracy: 42
curling: 48
header: 74
jump: 68
technique: 72
aggression: 54
mentality: 63
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 62
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 4
weak foot accuracy: 4
weak foot frequency 4
special ability: none
Martin Lanig (VfB Stuttgart) #7
1 0 1 -3
13 -2 -3 -1
10 0 0 0 0 2 black 1
1 -2 -1
3 -2
15 -1 0
1 -3 -1
straight 1 4 2 1
pattern 13
bandana 2 1
facial hair 64 7
height 190 weight 78
not my stats!
age 22 AMF CMF both sides injury A
stronger foot RIGHT dribble 1 free kick 1 penalty kick 1 drop kick 1
72 63 72 85 76 77 73 78 75 72 78 77 76 75 63 73 60 66 62 60 70 78 58 68 50 72 5 4 5
special ability NO
Simak, Jan - VfB Stuttgart - 2008/2009
player name: Simak
commentary name: ---
name on strip: S I M A K
basic settings:
age: 29
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 2
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: AM, CM
nationality: CZE
face: Build / 1 / 1 / 2 / -2
brows: 14 / 0 / -2 / 3
eyes: 5 / 0 / -1 / 2 / 1 / 1 / Dark grey 1
nose: 3 / 0 / 0
cheeks: 4 / -2
mouth: 8 / 2 / 0
jaw: 2 / 0 / 1
hairstyle: Ponytail 1 / 3 / 4 / 1 / - / Pattern / 14
bandana - / 1
cap - / -
facial hair 116 / 12
sun glasses No / -
height: 182
weight: 82
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: ? / white
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a / -
wristband: No / -
friendship bracelet: No / -
gloves: No
finger band: No
shirts: Untucked
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: No
attack: 78
defence: 54
balance: 78
stamina: 83
top speed: 79
acceleration: 81
response: 73
agility: 76
dribble accuracy: 84
dribble speed: 78
short pass accuracy: 81
short pass speed: 78
long pass accuracy: 83
long pass speed: 78
shoot accuracy: 74
shoot power: 85
shoot technique: 78
free kick accuracy: 79
curling: 77
header: 68
jump: 73
technique: 83
aggression: 82
mentality: 75
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 70
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 7
weak foot accuracy: 6
weak foot frequency 6
special ability:
tactical dribble: *
passing: *
1-touch pass: *
outside: *
Updated Stats, Appearance and Physics
Bastürk, Yildiray - VfB Stuttgart - unlock from PES 2008 Shop
player name: Bastürk
commentary name: ---
name on strip: B A S T U R K
basic settings:
age: 28
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 2
free kick type: 2
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: AM, CM, SS
nationality: TUR
face: Preset / 2 / 1 / 0 / -
brows: 219 / - / - / -
eyes: - / - / - / - / - / 1 / Black 2
nose: - / - / -
cheeks: - / -
mouth: - / - / -
jaw: - / - / -
hairstyle: Very short 2 / 5 / 2 / - / - / Pattern / 9
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair 76 / 8
sun glasses No / -
height: 169
weight: 69
body: Edit
neck length: 0
neck width: 1
shoulder hight: -7
shoulder width: -2
chest measurement: -1
waist circumference: -3
arm circumference: -1
leg circumference: -1
calf circumference: -2
leg length: -1
boots: Adidas blk/whi / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Always short
under shorts: no / -
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 79
defence: 57
balance: 83
stamina: 88
top speed: 82
acceleration: 80
response: 75
agility: 90
dribble accuracy: 90
dribble speed: 87
short pass accuracy: 84
short pass speed: 85
long pass accuracy: 80
long pass speed: 78
shoot accuracy: 79
shoot power: 83
shoot technique: 80
free kick accuracy: 79
curling: 76
header: 75
jump: 75
technique: 85
aggression: 75
mentality: 75
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 75
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 5
weak foot frequency 5
special ability:
dribbling: *
penalties: *
Pardo = Mexikanische Nationalmannschaft
Rudy- Stuttgart
26/0/0/0/+3/2/ black1
Straight 2/1/4/1
Pattern 11
Hilbert, Roberto - VfB Stuttgart - unlock from PES 2008 Shop
player name: Hilbert
commentary name: ---
name on strip: HILBERT
basic settings:
age: 23
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: L&R
position: SM, SB
nationality: GER
face: Build face / 1 / -5 / 1 / -1
brows: 24 / -2 / 0 / -1
eyes: 17 / 0 / -2 / -2 / -2 / 2 / Brown 1
nose: 6 / -3 / 1
cheeks: 5 / 1
mouth: 4 / 0 / 0
jaw: 1 / -2 / 0
hairstyle: Curly 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / - / Pattern / 10
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair 88 / 9
sun glasses No / -
height: 182
weight: 80
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Puma V1 red / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: no / -
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 73
defence: 49
balance: 75
stamina: 79
top speed: 82
acceleration: 80
response: 69
agility: 78
dribble accuracy: 83
dribble speed: 78
short pass accuracy: 71
short pass speed: 74
long pass accuracy: 70
long pass speed: 76
shoot accuracy: 68
shoot power: 76
shoot technique: 71
free kick accuracy: 62
curling: 63
header: 64
jump: 72
technique: 79
aggression: 75
mentality: 64
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 70
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 7
weak foot frequency 6
special ability:
dribbling: *
side: *
Clemens Walch (VfB Stuttgart) #27
1 -3 -3 -1
20 1 -3 1
4 0 2 1 0 2 black 1
5 -1 -2
3 1
4 0 1
1 -3 -1
very short 2 2 1
pattern 10
height 180 weight 73
Khedira, Sami - VfB Stuttgart -
player name: Khedira
commentary name: ---
name on strip: K H E D I R A
basic settings:
age: 20
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Standard
side attitude: RS/RF
position: SM, AM, CM
nationality: GER
face: Build face / 1 / 6 / 2 / -1
brows: 22 / -2 / -3 / -3
eyes: 13 / 0 / -2 / -3 / -2 / 1 / Black 2
nose: 7 / -1 / 1
cheeks: 4 / 3
mouth: 8 / -1 / 0
jaw: 1 / -1 / 0
hairstyle: Straight 1 / 4 / 9 / 2 / - / Pattern / 10
bandana 2 / 2
cap No / -
facial hair 40 / 6
sun glasses No / -
height: 189
weight: 83
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Nike white / -
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a / -
wristband: Left / 1
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: Auto
finger band: no
shirts: Untucked
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 72
defence: 55
balance: 82
stamina: 78
top speed: 82
acceleration: 70
response: 69
agility: 72
dribble accuracy: 78
dribble speed: 79
short pass accuracy: 67
short pass speed: 71
long pass accuracy: 71
long pass speed: 73
shoot accuracy: 67
shoot power: 78
shoot technique: 72
free kick accuracy: 64
curling: 72
header: 73
jump: 70
technique: 75
aggression: 75
mentality: 72
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 73
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 4
weak foot frequency 4
special ability: none
Cacau - VfB Stuttgart - unlock from PES 2008 Shop
player name: Cacau
commentary name: ---
name on strip: C A C A U
basic settings:
age: 26
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: 31
goal celebration 2: 55
growth type: Standard
side attitude: LS/RF
position: CF, WF, SS
nationality: BRA
face: Build face / 4 / -5 / -3 / -1
brows: 31 / 0 / -3 / -1
eyes: 17 / 0 / -3 / -2 / -1 / 3 / Black 2
nose: 3 / 3 / 2
cheeks: 7 / 2
mouth: 13 / 1 / 0
jaw: 2 / -2 / 2
hairstyle: Buzz cut / 1 / 4 / - / 2 / Pattern / 8
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair 61 / 8
sun glasses No / -
height: 179
weight: 74
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Diadora black / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: Auto
finger band: 2
shirts: no
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: Yes
attack: 82
defence: 45
balance: 76
stamina: 80
top speed: 84
acceleration: 85
response: 78
agility: 82
dribble accuracy: 79
dribble speed: 80
short pass accuracy: 74
short pass speed: 73
long pass accuracy: 70
long pass speed: 68
shoot accuracy: 79
shoot power: 79
shoot technique: 83
free kick accuracy: 68
curling: 66
header: 72
jump: 82
technique: 77
aggression: 78
mentality: 65
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 77
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 5
weak foot frequency 5
special ability:
reaction: *
middle shooting: *
Sven Schipplock (VfB Stuttgart) #22
1 1 2 -3
13 -3 -3 -1
10 0 -2 0 0 2 blue 1
1 0 1
5 0
10 -1 0
1 -1 1
straight 1 1 6 1
pattern 54
height 185 weight 79
not my stats!
age 18 CF SS both sides injury A
stronger foot LEFT dribble 4 free kick 1 penalty kick 1 drop kick 1
74 38 73 74 77 76 75 76 68 73 72 71 64 65 73 73 73 70 66 76 72 78 71 71 50 72 6 6 5
special ability NO
Fischer, Manuel - VfB Stuttgart -
player name: Fischer
commentary name: ---
name on strip: F I S C H E R
basic settings:
age: 18
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Early/Lasting
side attitude: L&R
position: CF
nationality: GER
face: Build / 1 / -2 / -2 / 0
brows: 8 / 0 / -3 / -2
eyes: 2 / -1 / -2 / -1 / -1 / 1 / Dark grey 2
nose: 4 / 3 / -1
cheeks: 1 / 2
mouth: 14 / -1 / 1
jaw: 5 / -1 / -1
hairstyle: Straight 1 / 2 / 14 / 1 / - / Pattern / 15
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair No / -
sun glasses No / -
height: 182
weight: 75
body: 3
neck length: -
neck width: -
shoulder hight: -
shoulder width: -
chest measurement: -
waist circumference: -
arm circumference: -
leg circumference: -
calf circumference: -
leg length: -
boots: Puma V1 red / -
neck warmer: n/a
necklace: n/a / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: Untucked
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: no / -
socks: 2
tape: Yes
attack: 71
defence: 33
balance: 71
stamina: 75
top speed: 83
acceleration: 84
response: 68
agility: 71
dribble accuracy: 78
dribble speed: 80
short pass accuracy: 66
short pass speed: 68
long pass accuracy: 64
long pass speed: 71
shoot accuracy: 72
shoot power: 75
shoot technique: 77
free kick accuracy: 56
curling: 58
header: 64
jump: 74
technique: 73
aggression: 69
mentality: 67
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 63
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 5
weak foot accuracy: 4
weak foot frequency 4
special ability: none
Gomez, Mario - VfB Stuttgart - unlock from PES 2008 Shop
player name: Gomez
commentary name: Gomes
name on strip: G O M E Z
basic settings:
age: 22
dominant foot: R
injury: A
style of dribble: 1
free kick type: 1
penalty kick: 1
drop kick style: 1
goal celebration 1: No
goal celebration 2: No
growth type: Std/Lasting
side attitude: L&R
position: CF
nationality: GER
face: Build face / 1 / -2 / 2 / -1
brows: 14 / 0 / -3 / 0
eyes: 16 / 0 / -2 / 0 / 1 / 1 / Dark grey 2
nose: 1 / 3 / 1
cheeks: 4 / 3
mouth: 10 / 1 / 0
jaw: 7 / 0 / 1
hairstyle: Very short 1 / 2 / 5 / - / - / RGB / 20/18/17
bandana No / -
cap No / -
facial hair No / -
sun glasses No / -
height: 189
weight: 86
body: Edit
neck length: 0
neck width: -1
shoulder hight: -5
shoulder width: 2
chest measurement: 0
waist circumference: -1
arm circumference: 2
leg circumference: -1
calf circumference: 0
leg length: 2
boots: Puma V1 red / -
neck warmer: no
necklace: no / -
wristband: no / -
friendship bracelet: no / -
gloves: no
finger band: no
shirts: Always untucked
sleeves: Auto
under shorts: Yes / Same as shorts
socks: 2
tape: no
attack: 83
defence: 37
balance: 85
stamina: 79
top speed: 82
acceleration: 82
response: 76
agility: 75
dribble accuracy: 76
dribble speed: 77
short pass accuracy: 71
short pass speed: 69
long pass accuracy: 68
long pass speed: 67
shoot accuracy: 80
shoot power: 81
shoot technique: 79
free kick accuracy: 62
curling: 53
header: 76
jump: 71
technique: 77
aggression: 82
mentality: 65
goal keeping skills: 50
team work ability: 68
consistency: -
condition/fitness: 4
weak foot accuracy: 6
weak foot frequency 7
special ability:
reaction: *
scoring: *
post player: *
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