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Thema: Suikoden's Last Chance!
07.05.2015, 00:38 #1Diablo26283
Suikoden's Last Chance!
Thies is the last Chance to become an full englisch Video Walktrough of Suikoden the Woven Web of a Centuary for PSP and to show Konami we want the Suikoden Series finished wit Suikoden 6.
Please visit Cedrick Kinnison on Youtube to make him finish the Video Walktrouh and left a comment there:
And please go to the Konami Website and left a comment there too:
A possible English translation for Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki | Konami Games News Blog;272;c6142cca3d8099454d0dc9c1ee6d48b1f90673c5.jpg
Thank you for helping
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