Ergebnis 2.481 bis 2.500 von 2553
24.06.2010, 22:47 #2481slim
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
naja ich hoffe net das coded zu sehr verändert wurde dass wir was anders erleben als japan.
und der neu angekündigte ds3 teil gefält mir sowieso nicht.wenn schon ein neuer teil angekündigt wird (vorallem wo sora UND riku als protagonisten auftauchen),hätten sie ihn lieber auf ner konsole rausbringen könnnen(ps3,xbox 360 und/oder wii) als so einen handheld wo man wieder für 1spiel hunderte von euros los wird.das ganze wird zurzeit mehr geld loswerden als spiele spaß genauso wie bei ff ich hoff es bleibt net bei das man sich von nun an für jeden kh und/oder ff teil ne neue konsole kaufen muss...
26.06.2010, 03:49 #2482RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded unterstützt passive connectivity des Nintendo DS
Was haben Kingdom Hearts Re:coded und The World Ends With You gemeinsam? Außer, dass beide von Tetsuya Nomura stammen und für den Nintendo DS erscheinen. Beide nutzen die "passive connectivity" des Nintendo DS. Wähernd das System ausgeschaltet ist, tauscht es automatisch Daten mit anderen System aus, also z. B. wenn man durch die Straßen läuft und das Gegenüber seinen DS ebenfalls in der Tasche trägt. Einen solchen Modus unterstützt auch Dragon Quest IX und Dragon Quest Monsters 2, dort heißt die Funktion bekanntlich Surechigai Modus. Bei The World Ends With You konnte man so z. B. "Pin Points" verdienen, die dem Hauptcharakter zusätzliche Fähigkeiten verliehen. Welche Funktion die "passive connectivity" bei Kingdom Hearts Re:coded erfüllen wird, lässt Square Enix noch offen. Bekannt ist aber auch schon, dass Re:coded auch eine Verbindung zu anderen Spielen aufbauen kann.
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded unterst
27.06.2010, 11:15 #2483RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ab sofort bei Amazon vorbestellen
Seit wenigen Stunden könnt ihr den neusten Kingdom Hearts Ableger, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) bei Amazon vorbestellen. Die Lieferung zum Preis von derzeit 35,99 EUR erfolgt natürlich versandkostenfrei. Der Clou bei Amazon Vorbestellungen: ihr kauft automatisch zum günstigen Preis, der zwischen dem Tag eurer Vorbestellung und der Auslieferung besteht. Wird der Artikel also teurer, zahlt ihr trotzdem 35,99 EUR. Wird er günstiger, zahlt ihr den günstigeren Preis. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep erscheint, wie seit einigen Wochen bekannt ist, am 10. September 2010 in Europa und Deutschland. Den neusten Trailer von der E3 2010 könnt ihr euch hier ansehen. Eine kleine Überraschung: Amazon hat auch eine Collectors Edition zu Birth by Sleep ins Sortiment aufgenommen. Allerdings gibt es dazu weder eine Produktbeschreibung noch einen Preis. Offenbar erwartet uns aber da etwas. Außerdem wird Birth by Sleep wohl eine englischsprachige Synchronisation erhalten. Das wiederum geht aus der vorhandenen Produktbeschreibung des normalen Spiels hervor.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ab sofort bei Amazon vorbestellen - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Inhalte der Collectors Edition bekannt
Dank Koch Media sind inzwischen die Inhalte der Collectors Edition zu Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) bekannt. Seit wenigen Tagen kann man Birth by Sleep bei Amazon versandkostenfrei vorbestellen. Seitdem hat Amazon auch eine Collectors Edition im Sortiment, allerdings noch ohne Produktbeschreibung. Inzwischen sind die Inhalte aber bekannt, die sich wie folgt darstellen:
- exklusives, 48-seitiges Artbook
- Kunstdrucke in einer Sonderverpackung
Der Clou bei Amazon Vorbestellungen: ihr kauft automatisch zum günstigen Preis, der zwischen dem Tag eurer Vorbestellung und der Auslieferung besteht. Wird der Artikel also teurer, zahlt ihr trotzdem 35,99 EUR. Wird er günstiger, zahlt ihr den günstigeren Preis. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep erscheint, wie seit einigen Wochen bekannt ist, am 10. September 2010 in Europa und Deutschland. Den neusten Trailer von der E3 2010 könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Inhalte der Collectors Edition bekannt - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Nintendo Power on Re:coded
Hello, folks! The video game magazineNintendo Power has published an article about the upcoming DS title Kingdom Hearts Re:coded in their August edition. Read it below--
Heart Transplant Sora, Mickey, and company return to DS in Kingdom Hearts RE:coded.
Because you can never have too much Kingdom Hearts goodness, Square Enix is bringing its popular Disney-themed action-RPG series back to DS with Kingdom Hearts RE:coded. An enhanced remake of a game previously available on Japanese cell phones, the adventure focuses on a mysterious message that appears in Jiminy Cricket's journal, and a digitized Sora who explores "datascapes" that re-create many of the famous Kingdom Hearts locales. In typical Kingdom Hearts fashion, the complex story doesn't make a lot of sense, but it provides a fine excuse to bash enemies with your Keyblade and revisit places such as Destiny Islands, Traverse Town, Agrabah (from Aladdin), Olympus Coliseum (from Hercules), and Wonderland (from Alice in Wonderland). Although the environments are familiar, don't expect a straight-up rehash; new puzzle blocks that populate the worlds add a twist to the formula. Square Enix promises that the DS version features controls that are vastly superior to those of the original cell-phone game, along with an enhanced battle system and all-new gameplay content. As of press time, the game does not have a release date.
30.06.2010, 09:39 #2484RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
New Birth by Sleep European Trailer
Square Enix Europe has posted a trailer highlighting the brand new characters in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. This trailer features a ton of game play in English not previously seen. All three characters, Terra, Aqua, and Ven are featured. Enjoy!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
01.07.2010, 12:23 #2485RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Birth by Sleep 'Game of the Summer'
Howdy, folks. It seems that Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep keeps getting more and more popular, this time with Yahoo jumping on the bandwagon. In a collective that includes Halo, Metroid M and PlayStation Move, Birth by Sleep is one of 'games of the summer 2010'. According to the article, the Kingdom Hearts series has outsold franchises such as Mario Kart, Dance Dance Revolution and Gears of War! That's some going!
Discuss this here on our bustling forums!
Thanks to forum member psychosora for alerting us to this!
Until next time!
Birth by Sleep E3 Demo
Hey, everyone! As you know this year's E3 has passed and with it there was the showcase of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep; thanks to forum member SoRoXion, we now have our hands on the playable demo! Unfortunately the guys that own this video don't seem to be Kingdom Hearts fans but casting their grumpiness aside, we see the Mirage Arena in full effect! It seems that the Arena has an 'online' and 'offline' mode. What could this mean? Tell us here!
Birth by Sleep Site Updates Again
Square Enix have yet again updated their Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep site and this time the new updates feature new command styles and deck command videos, which are integral parts into the experience of this new addition to the series. Thanks a lot to forum member Lanxx for bringing this to our attention! Please discuss this news here!
Props go to forum member Dawninmyheart for the Aqua avatar!
We'll be back soon!
Birth by Sleep In-Game Stickers
Howdy, folks! We're getting quite a bit of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep news today and as usual we have more for you; thanks to forum member breaktheice16, we now know thanks to Spencer over at Siliconera that Birth by Sleep has a new, sticker feature. If you're familiar with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + you'll assume that stickers are exactly like the collectable crowns in the sense that you gain some form of award by collecting them. According to the report, Square Enix is keeping its lips sealed tight just as to what this 'award' is, but with just under three months to go until we receive the game, we'll know soon enough. According to Spencer, these stickers are "often placed in stages so players can see them, but have to take another path or route to get them", which is surely going to add another fun dimension to your playing! Discuss this little snippet here!
Thanks to Dawninmyheart for the avatar above.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Kingdom hearts Re:coded Seite wurde eröffnet
Informationen auf der Seite:
* Re: Coded allgemein.
* Die Charaktere.
* Die Story.
* Infos zum Releasedate.
* Wallpapers.
New Set of Birth by Sleep Screens
Hi, everyone. Woah, we sure have a barrage of news coming up for you guys today! The first of which are more screens from the up-and-coming instalment to the series, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, hosted on French site Playlipse. We've put two below for you to look at. They feature Neverland.
Thanks to forum member maggosh for showing us these. Discuss them here!
Until next time!
Re:Coded Site Now Open
Hey! This is some news we've been waiting for: Square Enix has officially now opened its Japanese Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site. There are many, many new images on the site as well as character biographies of the guys from the game as well as a description of the game and even a free wallpaper! You can get this wallpaper here.
New Message From The Kingdom!
Hey, y'all! With the opening of the Japanese Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site, we also have a new message from the kingdom, located here! Though it's in Japanese, forum member Key to Truth has translated the message into English for us below:
Hello everyone.
We have opened the site for the latest installment of the Kingdom Hearts series, "Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded"! This time the website is a bit different than we usually make them. I hope you like it, so check it out.
And it seems a new message has arrived to the memo...
Look forward to the next updates!
More Re:Coded Screens
As you probably know, Square Enix has open its Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded site; as I mentioned earlier there are new screens on the site, but I thought I'd post some below for your benefit. To view all eight of them, come here, thanks to myself, site staff member Soluus.
These images come from the Japanese Re:Coded site.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
03.07.2010, 11:39 #2486RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - neue Trailer und Demo Videos von der E3
Nachdem der offiziellen japanischen Seite von 'Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded' einem Update unterzogen wurde, hat Square Enix nun auch der offiziellen amerikanischen Webseite von 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep' einige neue Inhalte hinzugefügt. So wurden neue Videos zu dem Deck-Kommando sowie den verschiedenen Arten der ausführbaren Kommandos. Leider bleibt das "Special" immernoch verborgen. Auch sind uns die ersten Videos von der E3-Demo von Birth by Sleep in die Hände gelangt. Wir bekommen einen genaueren Einblick in die 'Mirage Arena'. Anscheinend besitzt diese einen Online- und Offline-Modus. Was könnte dies wohl bedeuten? So erhaschen wir auch kurze Blicke von Vens, Tertas und Aquas Demo. Ihr könnt euch die Videos [video=youtube;3gYIv0UOPVM]"]hier[/URL], hier und hier anschauen. Last but not least hat auch Square Enix Europe einen neuen Gameplay-Trailer zu dem Spiel veröffentlicht, den Ihr euch im bei Amazon nur 33,59 EUR! Damit ist das Spiel nochmal zwei Euro günstiger als vor einigen Tagen. Wenn ihr jetzt vorbestellt, profitiert ihr übrigens von der Vorbestellerpreisgarantie und erhaltet das Spiel dann für 33,59 EUR, egal, ob es in den nächsten Wochen nochmal teurer wird! Auch die Collectors Edition hat Amazon bereits im Angebot. Zu deren Inhalten erfahrt ihr hier mehr.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - neue Trailer und Demo Videos von der E3 - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
08.07.2010, 10:42 #2487RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
BbS Degenki Interview!
Howdy, folks! Thanks to forum member ChaoticVanitas we have a new interview from Degenki magazine with Tetsuya Nomura, director of the series, on the additions and changes that will come in the North American version of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep! Thanks go to forum member Key to Truth who has summarised the key points of the interview below.
This interview does say a few interesting things. Basically, these things:
-You get a certain secret someone's Keyblade after defeating him..
-No new secret movie on BBS but on RE:Coded.
-Some movements like Mega Flare will be modified to lower their power.
-As Nomura says in the interview "The new secret boss will be like how Lingering Sentiment was to KH2FM. You will think it's impossible that that can happen at that time of the story, but it actually happens." So yeah, confirming LS and the new secret boss are canon.
Source: FF-Reunion
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Neues Dengeki-Interview über den Bonusinhalt
Mit Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep steht der nächste große Square Enix-Release in Europa und Nordamerika an. Das PSP-RPG-Epos befasst sich hierbei mit der Vorgeschichte zu Kingdom Hearts I, und weil der Release immer näher kommt, ist auch die japanische Fachpresse wieder am Spiel interessiert - schließlich enthält unsere Version so einige Neuerungen, die im japanischen Original noch nicht vorhanden waren. Tetsuya Nomura hat sich deshalb den Fragen der Dengeki gestellt.
Nomura spricht direkt den neuen Boss an, der im Spiel vorhanden ist. Man wird ihn zweimal während der Geschichte treffen und der Gegner soll so extrem stark sein, dass das Debug-Team satte 20 Versuche brauchte, um ihn nur einmal zu besiegen. Ähnlich wie das Bleibende Gefühl aus Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ sind die Angriffe unvorhersehbar. Ein Sieg über den neuen geheimen Endgegner ist also eine wahrlich großartige Leistung.
Wir erinnern uns: Auch die japanische Version hatte einen Secret Boss. Dieser war ebenfalls fürchterlich stark, und wird sich auch in der europäischen Ausgabe zeigen. Einen Unterschied gibt es dennoch: Im Originalspiel bekam man durch einen Sieg einen Edelstein, der Kommandos aufwerten konnte. In der westlichen Version wird man stattdessen das Schlüsselschwert eines bestimmten Charakters bekommen.
Allerdings haben nicht alle Änderungen etwas mit Bossen zu tun, so werden auch bestimmte Fertigkeiten angepasst. Megaflare beispielsweise wird abgeschwächt, da man es für zu stark befunden hat. NICHT geben wird es allerdings ein neues Secret Ending, dafür habe dem Entwicklerteam die Zeit gefehlt. Nomura versprach jedoch, dass Kingdom Hearts Re:coded ein geheimes Ende bekommen wird. Hierbei habe man auch Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days in Betracht gezogen, sodass sich vermutlich einige Verbindungen zeigen werden.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep: Neues Dengeki-Interview
09.07.2010, 18:27 #2488RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Neue Screenshots
Square Enix hat eine große Auswahl neuer Screenshots zur englischen Version von “Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep” vröffentlicht.
Wie auch in den anderen “Kingdom Hearts”-Spielen dreht sich die Story um Charaktere aus den Welten von Disney und Square Enix. In “Birth by Sleep” sehen wir unter anderem Schneewittchen, Cinderella oder die Schöne und das Biest. Die Geschichte des Spiels handelt vor dem ursprünglichen “Kingdom Hearts”, erzählt die Ursprünge der Saga und rückt vor allem die Story der Helden Terra, Ventus und Aqua in den Vordergrund.
“Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep” kommt am 10. September in den europäischen Handel.
» Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Neue Screenshots by
13.07.2010, 12:31 #2489RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Birth by Sleep European Site Update
Many thanks go to forum member Yuuki for noticing the changes to the European Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep site! If you go here and select any one of the German, British, Spanish, French or Italian flags you will see the beautiful new layout of the site. Furthermore, Yuuki has also noticed that there are new wallpapers up for grabs, and this is indeed true: there are wallpapers available of Ventus, Aqua, Terra and the trio as a whole, as well as many new avatars of the characters of the game. Please take a look, and discuss this news item here on our lively forums!
Stay tuned!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
New Birth by Sleep Trailer: Worlds!
Hello everybody!
Another Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep trailer has surfaced, this time showing off the various worlds and environments of the game. Check it out--
Kingdom Hearts Insider
14.07.2010, 16:58 #2490RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Was 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep' angeht, gibt es einiges nachzuholen. Zum einen gibt es auf der europäischen Seite von 'Birth by Sleep' jetzt einiges Neues. Neben Updates in vielen Sektion (u. a. Spielinfos, Charaktere, Welten mit finalen deutschen Namen) gibt es auch neue Bilder zum Kampfsystem, drei Trailer mit deutschen Untertiteln und vier Desktophintergründe.
Es gibt außerdem noch einen komplett neuen Trailer, der einmal kurz die meisten Welten des Spiels vorstellt. Der ist auf dem UK-Account von Square Enix aufgetaucht, findet sich mitlerweile aber auch auf der EU-Seite von Birth by Sleep. Ihr könnt euch den neuen Trailer bei YouTube im Stream ansehen! Die letzte Neuigkeit darf natürlich auch nicht unterschlagen werden. Es gibt ein neues Interview aus der Dengeki, welches einige interessante Informationen zur westlichen Version von 'Birth by Sleep' enthält. Die Informationen im Interview sind allerdings ein klein wenig Spoiler-lastig. Wer da etwas allergisch reagiert, sollte also nicht weiterlesen. Das Interview findet ihr im Kommentarthread zu dieser News.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep erscheint am 10. September 2010 endlich in Europa. Bei Amazon könnt ihr den Titel versandkostenfrei vorbestellen. Zur Zeit kostet das Spiel dort 33,59 EUR. Vorbesteller erhalten dank Preisgarantie das Spiel auf jeden Fall zum günstigsten Preis zwischen Vorbestellung und Auslieferung.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - neue Trailer, Informationen und ein Interview - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Birth by Sleep 5th Best Selling Game of 2010!
Well, it sure seems like Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is mighty popular with the Japanese! According to cvfreak at NeoGAF and the sales figures produced from December 28 2009 to June 27 2010, Birth by Sleep is the fifth highest selling game, with sales figures of 728,823. That's a lot of fans! Birth by Sleep has outsold the likes of Pokémon, Mario and Zelda, not to mention Square Enix's super popular series, Dragon Quest!
~♥~ Many thanks go to forum administrator Jeels for notifying us, and to forum member Dawninmyheart for the avatar above! In the meantime, you can discuss this on our lively forums!
Source: NeoGAF
Birth by Sleep PlayStation Network Update!
For those of you who have access to US PlayStation Network, you can now view the newly updated Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep page where the guys who run the Network have added the E3 2010 trailer in Blu-Ray HD definition.
~♥~ Many thanks go to forum member LuxordKing who has notified us of this here on our forums! Don't forget to check it out!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
15.07.2010, 19:24 #2491RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Birth by Sleep in PlayStation Magazine!
Hello, guys. Many, many thanks go to forum member Dawninmyheart today who has kindly scanned in PlayStation's article on the gameplay of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep from the August 2010 edition!
Dawninmyheart has also kindly summarised the basic content of the article, which I will post below:
♥ A summary of Birth by Sleep’s plot, but I’m sure you already have it memorized word-for-word by now.
♥ A sneak-peak at the whole Terra experience in terms of gameplay and (just a bit of) story. Apparently, there’s going to be a moment in time when you are expected to protect Cinderella from Unversed. This seems rather reminiscent of Sora protecting Queen Minnie from Heartless in KH II.
♥ Is it just me or is the screenshot on the top right-hand corner a never-before-seen one? And maybe even the one below it...?
♥ On the bottom right-hand corner, you’ll find an inside look into the meaning behind most of the game’s main characters’ names and appearance. I must say, I didn’t know about the last two until I read this.
Catch ya later!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
16.07.2010, 01:48 #2492slim
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
ich hab mir das grad vorbestellet.ich wollt noch fragen kommt dass dann genau an releasetag bei mir an oder nen tag später früher?
16.07.2010, 02:04 #2493RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Sowas gibts dort garnicht Oo
Beim Vorbestellen wird dir der günstigste Preis gesichert.
Ausser du hast nicht bei Amazon direkt bestellt
Mir werden 35 berechnet.
16.07.2010, 02:12 #2494slim
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
ja mich hat nen kollege verarscht.der hat was zu hören bekommen xD
16.07.2010, 11:01 #2495RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Birth by Sleep on 'Most Interesting List'!
It seems Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep is making quite a few lists recently; yesterday it scored spot number 5 in the best-selling games of 2010, and today it has been coined as the 7th most interesting game of 2010 by Kotaku! If you take a look, you will see that it beats the likes of the best-selling PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain, Square Enix's best-selling franchise Dragon Quest and Super Mario Galaxy 2! That takes some doing!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
17.07.2010, 11:46 #2496RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
New Re:coded Scans!
Hey folks!
New Re:coded scans have surfaced, this time featuring the worlds of Traverse Town and Wonderland. The quality isn't very good, but they can be viewed below:
Forum member goldpanner did a translation of the high points of the article:
Finally, KH info was in Jump, so UP.
This time 'Traverse Town' and 'Wonderland' were featured.
There was a shot of fighting Guard Armour in Traverse Town, and it was side-scroller.
So, there is an explanation for people who haven't played coded.
By the way, they only show one command.
There are usually three, but when the screen is in side-scroll mode, perhaps only one command is shown.
It shows a maze you must go through without being caught by playing cards in Wonderland.
~New commands~
Fire Blade
Fire Lunge
Thanks: ChaoticVanitas, goldpanner, Minami415
Kingdom Hearts Insider
19.07.2010, 08:00 #2497RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Re: Coded Japanese Release
Great news Kingdom Hearts fans. The latest issue of VJump is reporting that the Japanese release date for Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded is set for October 7th, 2010. That is a very short three months away!
For those that are unaware, Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded is a brand new remake of Kingdom Hearts Coded for the Nintendo DS, specifically created for an international release for those whom were unable to play the original game on mobile phones. The game takes place after the end of Kingdom Hearts 2, and is said to bridge the gap between Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 2. However, RE: Coded incorporates a host of new elements into the game, including redone graphics, story changes, added game play elements, and a new secret ending, which you can read about here.
The question now remains is: will North American and European fans get their hands on this game before the end of 2010? We'll have more information as it arises!
Discuss the release date on our dedicated community by clicking here.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
New Birth by Sleep Trailer and Nomura Interview!
Hello everybody!
We have some very exciting news for you all today! A brand new Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep trailer exclusive to has been released, showing off never before seen English cutscenes and battle sequences. This game is really shaping up to be something special!
[CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE TRAILER] Along with the trailer comes an exclusive interview with Square Enix director Tetsuya Nomura. It covers various topics concerning the upcoming PSP title Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep--
New Birth by Sleep Trailer and Nomura Interview!*-*Kingdom Hearts Insider
20.07.2010, 09:42 #2498RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Japanese Re: Coded Trailer Live!
Hello again fans, we're really excited to be presenting this treat! Square Enix has released a brand new trailer for Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded for the Nintendo DS. The trailer shows off some of the changes to the title as well as the multiple and diverse game play modes in Re: Coded. We won't spend too much time giving the details, it's best for you to watch it yourself!
We'll have a translated version up soon! Stay tuned!
You can geek out with fellow fans and post your speculation about the trailer on our dedicated community by clicking here!
More Birth by Sleep Screen Shots!
Hey there, everyone! Thanks to forum member αsiя, we have even more English screens of the up-and-coming Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, thanks to KH13 and Tengoku-Gamer.
However, the three above are only a small part of the new collection; you can view the rest here on our gallery! Furthermore, to discuss these images, visit our bustling forums!
Source: KH13, Tengoku-Gamer
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Edit :
New Re:Coded Screens!
Hey, guys. More Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded screen shots for you courtesy of forum administrator Shamdeo today! Take a quick peek below at what we have to offer:
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Birth by Sleep European Site Updated!
If you mosey on down to the European Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep sites you'll notice that the promised update has been delivered; they include additions of Disney Town and its characters, and more excitingly, Radiant Garden and its characters, including Axel's Other Lea, Saïx's Other Isa and the mysterious Other of Xigbar, Braig.
This news comes courtesy of forum member ChaoticHeart, whose find you can discuss right here on our great forums!
Kingdom Hearts Insider
21.07.2010, 17:45 #2499RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
Spotted by forum member kostas, new screenshots from the upcoming Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded have emerged, posted on the Minami415 blog. Delving deeper into the roles of Wonderland, Traverse Town and Disney Castle in the game, an Unknown clad in an Organization XIII-style cloak is seen in the latter two. Who could this stranger be? He appears to be involved in the tutorials of the game's battle system.
In Traverse Town, the hooded Unknown is seen again, while in Wonderland Sora is glimpsed fighting a battle tipped on its side, bringing back some of the topsy-turvy environments the world was loved for originally.
Discuss these screenshots and anything else you want on our forums
Source: Minami415 (冬音ぶろぐ)
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Cover der Collectors Edition
Am 10. September 2010 ist es endlich auch hierzulande soweit: Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP) erscheint! Der neuste Kingdom Hearts Teil steht in den Most Wanted Charts auf einem stabilen zweiten Platz. Neben einer normalen Edition wird zum Release auch eine Collectors Edition erhältlich sein, über die wir bereits berichtet hatten. Neben einem 48-seitigen Artbook enthält diese spezielle Edition auch Kunstdrucke in Spezialverpackung und natürlich eine übliche, schicke Collectors Edition Verpackung. Das Cover dieser Verpackung ist nun dank Eidos Frankreich bekannt. Ihr seht es rechts. Bei Amazon könnt ihr die Collectors Edition zum derzeitigen Preis von 44,99 EUR vorbestellen. Die normale Edition kostet nur 33,59 EUR und ist damit fast 2 EUR günstiger als zuletzt. Der Clou bei Amazon Vorbestellungen: ihr kauft automatisch zum günstigen Preis, der zwischen dem Tag eurer Vorbestellung und der Auslieferung besteht. Wird der Artikel also teurer, zahlt ihr trotzdem 33,59 EUR bzw. 44,99 EUR. Wird er günstiger, zahlt ihr den günstigeren Preis.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - Cover der Collectors Edition - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
Famitsu Re:Coded screenshots - Traverse Town and Wonderland
The screenshots featured in Famitsu magazine scans posted on the Minami415 have now come up in full detail in a Famitsu website update - less than twenty-four hours between the emergence of the scans and screenshots. While Disney Castle is absent from these screenshots and some images from the scans are too, old and new ones emerge in full image quality. Sora speaks with Cid, the hooded Unknown and Huey in Traverse Town's First District, while in the second he encounters Heartless. Later on, Sora navigates part of Traverse Town and fights Heartless from a two-dimensional, side-scrolling perspective, and further on he fights a Guard Armour in similar fashion.
The conversation witnessed between Sora, Alice and the Cheshire Cat comes into clarity, when later the digital Keyblader fights Heartless while aerial blocks provide obstacles to hinder him, while in another battle, Sora fights along a wall, moving perpendicular to the perspective of the camera.
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Source: Famitsu (『キングダム ハーツ Re:コーデッド』のバトルシステムに迫る)
Kingdom Hearts Insider
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded: Neue Infos aus der Famitsu! - Final-Fantasy-Future - Final Fantasy XIII + Final Fantasy XII + aktuelle News zu allen Square Enix Spielen
22.07.2010, 18:21 #2500RikuValentine
AW: KH Birth by Sleep, 358/2, Coded
NA Birth by Sleep Site Updated!
If you scoot on down to the North American Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep site you'll be welcomed by a fresh batch of updates! Here is a summary of what new things you will find:
- Dimension Links Video
- Command Board Video
- "Special" Updated/Unlocked
- Shootlock Video
- Disney Town World Map
- Radiant Garden World Map
On the subject of the every mysterious "special" section, if you click there you'll discover that if you pre-order the game you will get a special free Birth by Sleep-themed decal for your PSP if you buy from Amazon, GameStop or Best Buy.
Discuss this on our fantastic forums!
Thanks go to forum members Sempied and Dawninmyheart for the news and avatar respectively.
Kingdom Hearts Insider
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